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Topic : "Ok don't laugh, I need some comments on this one." |
Fianchetto! member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 60 Location: N.N. Virginia
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2000 11:20 am |
YO Forum!
I wasn't going to post this because I hate it. This was my first attempt at some form of comic coloring and line art something or another. To be quite honest I don't know what it is. I know there are plenty of problems but my biggest question that I need answered is why does HE look like a SHE! I have tried a good bit with IT and of course finally gave up. Tonight I decided to see if you guys can give a couple of critiques and I was going to "attempt" to fix the gender problem among other things.
Thanks, any comments are needed. So sadly, here it is.
-Phil |
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jHof member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2000 Posts: 252 Location: Chicago, IL
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2000 3:01 pm |
If your going for a comic type look, showing to much up of the lip form on a man will apear to be girly-ish. Sure we have upper lips, but not Heroic comic mAnS! A general rule of course.
Eyes are pretty sleak and sexy if you ask me. Rounder shoulders would help. If your not going for the Huge heroic man look, grab some shots of Tom Cruise in MI:2 with his shirt off. He's kind of on the order of what your trying to draw I think. Look at him and try and use as few line as possible to draw him. He has a more Slim looking buff man-look.
Hair style might have something to do with it, but look at the other stuff first. I like your suit design and the gloves are really sweet. Keep it up!
[This message has been edited by jHof (edited November 17, 2000).] |
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g:tech member
Member # Joined: 11 May 2000 Posts: 195 Location: Beaverton, OR
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2000 3:20 pm |
[EDIT] D'oh, beaten to the punch as I was writing my post [/EDIT] heheheh
Yes there are some gender-bending issues going on here! heheh
Here's my take:
1.) The lips: they look like gurly lips! That's what hit me first about the pic. When I draw male figures, I never draw the lip outlines. I only draw the horizontal line made they are pressed together. Occasionally, a small line under the bottom lip for shading:
2.) Cheeks - You've got the right idea with the sunken cheeks, but with the shading the way it is now, it kinda looks like blush. I'd suggest taking a bit of the red out of the shading and defining the sunken cheek/jaw area a bit more.
3.) Eyebrows - Not a big deal here, but if you made them a bit thicker it wouldn't be so ambiguous.
4.) Facial Hair - One thing that would definitely bump up the masculinity would be some stubble. Nothing major that you'd have to redraw the whole image, but some dark grayish-brown "5 o'clock shadow" around his mouth and jaw up to his ears would help a ton. Use maybe the airbrush on a low pressure setting, set to disolve, and mix some dark gray and brown until it looks right.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Hope this helps!
Any other questions, let me know.
[This message has been edited by g:tech (edited November 17, 2000).] |
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pierre member
Member # Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 285 Location: Sweden
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2000 3:36 pm |
Hi Fianchetto,
Please bear with me, I have no access to photoshop nor my wacom at the moment, so I did this in MS paint with the mouse.
hope it helps a bit.
oh yes, lips are also changed a bit. forgot to write that in the pic
[This message has been edited by pierre (edited November 17, 2000).] |
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Fianchetto! member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 60 Location: N.N. Virginia
Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2000 1:53 am |
Thanks everybody for the comments. I have been looking at the mouth lips and eyes for a while. I am going to have to try and go in there and fix all of that stuff.
Sa'ge- Thanks all of that helps.
jHof- Thanks I was going for more of a triathlete body so I'll look up some of that MI2 stuff.
g:tech- Yeah you're right. I agree he/she looks like it's got makeup on. I've tried facial hair but not in the fashion you're talking about. I'm going to attempt it when I get done here. Thanks
Pierre- Thanks for all of the Illustration. Hey, that's pretty good given you're software. I've right clicked and save the pic to put on the desktop as I re-work this thing. Thanks once again...
I wasn't going to work on this anymore but after the comments I have a renewed interest, thanks everyone.
-Phil |
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