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Topic : "- New painting....with colors this time ;) -" |
BooMSticK member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 927 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 2:53 am |
Hi all
This is a painting I plan on taking with me to this years comicon in Sandiego. What do you think? Its done, but I might do changes to it if you point out some mistakes or ways to improve it, so give me your best shots
Freelancer: Peter Villumsen
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Incarnatation member
Member # Joined: 29 May 2000 Posts: 55 Location: Scotland
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 3:26 am |
very nice work, looks very good, however i feel that the right arm is to short, in particular the part above the elbow. Also is legs appear flat around the crotch for some reason
[This message has been edited by Incarnatation (edited June 21, 2000).] |
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Tinusch member
Member # Joined: 25 Dec 1999 Posts: 2757 Location: Rhode Island, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 3:27 am |
That's awesome. The only flaws I see are:
1) There's a chunk taken out of his left hand, it looks like you accidentally went too far with the paintbrush or something.
2) Wolverine's arms are supposed to be uncovered. He has those big blue things around his shoulders, and then bare arms, and then his gloves. But hey, you can take a little creative license now and then.
Awesome pic, though. I love the hair. That blue lighting looks really good, too. His pose is a bit stiff, though. If you want it to look like he's trapped in the jumble of cords and struggling to get out, I'd suggest making his left leg bent at the knee and pointed toward the right, just to make it look like he's moving a little. |
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Frost member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 2662 Location: Montr�al, Canada
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 4:49 am |
Ah, Boomstick... great work as usual. =) It might be easier to spot errors by flipping the image 180 degrees... it looks fine upside down... very nice! |
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Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 4:53 am |
Great job on the shading and all. One thing: if he's supposed to be hanging from those wires or whatever,his pose is awfully stiff... Then again, superheroes must have extremely powerful torso muscles.
Democracy is a lie |
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ozenzo member
Member # Joined: 05 May 2000 Posts: 191 Location: baltimore,md,us
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 9:03 am |
very cool pic...the one thing I could say is ....with all that weight, I would think that the rope,cords,wires or whatever would be digging into him right now they look like he's got them wrapped lightly around him..,but like Affected said "superheroes must have extremely powerful torso muscles" |
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Fred Flick Stone member
Member # Joined: 12 Apr 2000 Posts: 745 Location: San Diego, Ca, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 9:49 am |
Boomstick-I haven't critiqued your images before, so please forgive me if I sound a bit extreme. When I see flaws, I merely point them out, I am not condemning you or your work.
As for the painting goes, the technique is nice and strong. Reminds me of Glen Fabre, or god can't remember his name, but he paints the Preacher covers...and a little Mark Texeiria but all in photoshop...
Before I get to the figure, one thing that seems a bit odd is that there is very little real tension in the ropes. They are all straight, but take on no motion, of wolverine falling, or depict weight being caught in motion...
The figure is very stiff. The pose feels like it was set up using an action figure. THe head and neck are the strongest points on his figure. The shoulders are practically non existant, and Wolverine uses his arms constantly, he would have much larger shoulders. The anatomy on the arms is very obscure, too many small muscle indications, but no real big muscle masses. THe bicep on his right arm for example has been turned into three smaller tube shapes...the bicep would actually occupy all that region, with a bit of the tricep poking out around the bicep, but just barely...
The legs are really stiff, and the muscles aren't well planned. Not to mention that his knees look swollen. The knee cap, patella, would be the dominant shape in the knees, and it actually looks like it is surrounded by other, new muscles, that don't really exist.
And the muscles on the chest area look painted on, rather than actually being defined muscles. THere is no really visible transition on the definition of the muscles, just another color of yellow that defines each individual muscle...
ANd the hands need some work. There is no orginization of the fingers yet, and their anatomy is really distorted. I would use your own hands, pose them in front of a mirror,and draw from there. Hands are one of the worse anatomical features to guess at. Whenever possible, find the resource to copy the hand gestures from. Your own is a great place to start.
I hope this is more encouraging than not. I am trying not to bash the work. Like I said before, this image isn't that bad. There are just some errors based upon the lack of true anatomical and figurative understanding. This is why critiquing is so good. You learn what you might not be aware of what you are doing wrong, and all of us as artists suffer from this every now and again. DOn't stop posting, this is great work, and a perfect exercise in learning your flaws.
Hope to run into you at the con...
I hope I am not stopping anyone else from responding to this because of this crit. It is just constructive crits. The image is still good. Come on people continue your crits
[This message has been edited by Fred Flick Stone (edited June 21, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Fred Flick Stone (edited June 21, 2000).] |
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Fred Flick Stone member
Member # Joined: 12 Apr 2000 Posts: 745 Location: San Diego, Ca, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 1:01 pm |
I hope I am not stopping anyone else from responding to this because of this crit. It is just constructive crits. The image is still good. Come on people continue your crits ...  |
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 1:36 pm |
I really like your other stuff Boomstick, but somehow this picture does not appeal to me.. I think the picture does not show your real abilities. You can do better than that.
I don't have specific critique except the ropes look too "straight" and the composition seems strange to me.
I guess fred already said it all.
Sorry, I really did not mean to be an ass, its just that I really dig your other stuff and this one is just not my type i guess.
- Nex |
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Anthony member
Member # Joined: 13 Apr 2000 Posts: 1577 Location: Winter Park, FLA
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 1:55 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Fred Flick Stone:
I am not condoning you or your work.
Jeez, you make it sound like his painting is a crime unto itself. ^_^
Boomy: Maybe his hair should be more bristley.
Carpe Carpem |
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 2:04 pm |
Ahm.. Anthony..
Did you READ Fred's post?
Don't get me wrong here buddy but it gets me pissed off if someone takes the time to look and comment in depth just to get snappy remarks from you.
What you wrote reads like that.. if its not, then forget what I wrote.
[This message has been edited by Nex (edited June 21, 2000).] |
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Fred Flick Stone member
Member # Joined: 12 Apr 2000 Posts: 745 Location: San Diego, Ca, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 2:07 pm |
Not a crime at misunderstand...Many people ask for crit's but don't take them well, and oftenthink the crit's are personal vendetta's, or insults to their own intelligence etc. I teach, I know how people can react when getting told the harsh truth of what is missing from the image, etc. I am merely protecting myself, and comforting him by telling him I have nothing against him, merely this is the wrongs of the image, take it or leave it.
Sensitivity is how we feel, feeling is part of art, otherwise we'd all create lifeless images with no meaning. But sensitivity is also the plague of the artist because it eats away inside him, and anything taken in from others can be equated as a direct attack, etc. When people ask for the crits, I am going to crit, whether they take it as good or bad. It is only a bad crit if the person goes the route of taking the comment personally vs. constructively.
I will continue to not candy coat the truth, and continue to reassure the artist that there is really nothing personal, just the constructive truth. They can then internalize, and hopefully take the info and use it in a positive way, rather than feel crushed because what they did is not right...
Boomstick. I really am not bumming your day, just helping see the light. The concept is fine, and the style and technique are solid, there are just some areas that need help. What I said above are those areas, and I hope you can see them, rather than get insulted by them...they really can help the image get stronger visually...  |
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SaltyDog member
Member # Joined: 06 Apr 2000 Posts: 206
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 2:54 pm |
Um..I think Fred meant "I'm not condemning you or your work" instead of "condoning"
Two ENTIRELY different words and their connotations are polar opposites
*Salty tosses his encyclopedia to the wind* |
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Fred Flick Stone member
Member # Joined: 12 Apr 2000 Posts: 745 Location: San Diego, Ca, USA
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 2:57 pm |
Salty-Thank you, is what I meant, will be changing it now... |
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psi burn member
Member # Joined: 14 May 2000 Posts: 420 Location: nj
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 3:01 pm |
since everything else has been said ill just chime in his hair doesnt look right at all...too fuzzy and sticks out..try sleeking it or putting more sharp points in it...
also, since his figure is extremely rigid, and it would take a while to change his positions, try putting electricity or some type of energy coiling around those wires --- because then it would give a reason for wolverine to look so tense, it would make more sense..
yea and like fred said, his shoulders could really use some revamping and resizing |
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Loki member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 1321 Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2000 3:02 pm |
Boom: Nice painting. While I think all the detail-critique that people gave here is valid - I like it in general. It's good a good painterly style (as far as I can judge that), the colors have been chosen with a lot of thought, it even has a more graphical than illustrational character in the ropes, which I like ...
Wish I could paint characters like that
Anthony - ease down, Ripley, youre already grinding metal! Dude, as far as I get it Boomer was asking for a critique of his image, and not Fred was asking for a critique on his critique ... so lean back, take a deep breath and enjoy the show ...
[This message has been edited by Loki (edited June 21, 2000).] |
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BooMSticK member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 927 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 3:05 am |
Hi all! and thanks for the comments.
just to take alot of the comments in one answer: Yes I agree that Wolverine might seem a little to stiff. My intention was to show him in pain/agony with alot of tension in his muscles, but I see your points! The ropes were not drawn realistically with intention. I always tend to do more graphic stuff than realistic stuff which Loki points out in his comments also. I'm sure some might be mislead by me having 'realistic' light and shading and stuff and still trying to do very strong graphic images...
well, on to my personal vendetta...
Tinusch: Thanks... Your're right! my mistake. His arms should have been painted without clothing :/ Artistic freedom???
Fred: wow man. Great comments. I must admit that I'm might be abit sloppy when it comes to anatomy. I've drawing a very graphic b/w comic-style for so may years that it's quite difficult to get all the musclegroups right everytime. I tend to stop working on the anatomy when it looks 'good enough' for my own liking. But critism like this helps me, and I really thank you for taking your time to comment on my picture in such a constructive way
And the Glen Fabry comparison is not totally wrong.
Nex: well, sorry that you don't like this at all. But thanks for having faith in me...
Psi: yeah, your're right! It would make more sense with something that could explain his rigid body...Not sure about electricity though...
Loki: thanks for pointing out my graphical intentions.
And yes I post my stuff here to get good constructive critism and not for the WOW's and AHH's... and to prove this I would like to share with you what one of my favourite painters Todd Lockwood had to say about this piece...
Minor comment; overall it is pretty good. The anatomy is better than I've seen from you before- good job. Your treatment of light and shadow is still pretty flat. You've established a strong light source and stuck with it; that's good. His face is turned away from the light. It shoudl fall into more shadow. Your tendency is still to treat all the non-shadow areas with the same value. It flattens things out, makes them less than round.
...hopefully Todd won't mind me posting his words here...
One last note...Since I posted this picture here I have done one update on it and will probably do one again today...
thanks for replying
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Joachim member
Member # Joined: 18 Jan 2000 Posts: 1332 Location: Norway
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 3:30 am |
I like your image. As I've always liked your style, which is very unique in a way.
I also agree with a lot of the crits., I don't think I will have anything to add of that
Nice work
btw, what is comicon ? Is it some kind of convention, similar to the star trek conventions, hehe.
[This message has been edited by Joachim (edited June 22, 2000).] |
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BooMSticK member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 927 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 5:31 am |
Joachim: thanks!. Yes, I know this image has several problems... I'm working on it
The Sandiego Comic Con is the world largest convention didicated to comics and its held every year. If you're anything in comics you wanna be there... I'm not, but I'll be there anyway!
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BooMSticK member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 927 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
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freddy flicks stones member
Member # Joined: 12 May 2000 Posts: 92 Location: san diego, california, usa
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2000 2:51 am |
I just realized something we all missed, this is the bad ass wolverine, where are his "CLAWS"+?...
[This message has been edited by freddy flicks stones (edited June 23, 2000).] |
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psi burn member
Member # Joined: 14 May 2000 Posts: 420 Location: nj
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2000 9:04 am |
yea that would make sense, you should have his *adamantium* claws unsheathed, because if i were him, id be trying to tear myself out of those wires |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 12:04 pm |
You might want to make his arms and legs look like they have movement... like he's stuggling... not just straight out. His head has the movement but then his body is stiff. Try like bending his arms or something like that... otherwise it's great.
What the Hell is bothering me? |
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Jtbrack junior member
Member # Joined: 31 Jan 2000 Posts: 17 Location: Radcliff, KY USA
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 9:02 pm |
Hey! Your painting is upside down!
...sarcasm for the meek by the way...
Jtbrack |
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BooMSticK member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 927 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2000 12:39 am |
Fred - well, If the claws were out, I guess he would also be able to cut himself loose...and we can't have that now can we??
Jabber - read my other replys...
Jtbrack - No No! You just have to stand on your head to get it right!
have a nice day..
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zleog junior member
Member # Joined: 14 Jun 2000 Posts: 36 Location: Philadelphia
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2000 8:04 am |
Nice work Army of Darkness fan |
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jHof member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2000 Posts: 252 Location: Chicago, IL
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2000 5:48 pm |
I would just like to add, if I may.
If his legs are ment to be at the same position, there would be a more of a darker shadowing on his left leg cuse of his right. Not so much of the purple on that left one. Now if the right leg was ment to be comming towards us or falling away from us makes a whole different aspect on shadowing. And then the shadowing would work out the way you have it. Just would need that perspective of the leg comming at us or away from us. This would go along with the comments stating his legs are a bit to stiff.
The boots I would say could have some of that light source on them, it seems very bright. That would help them look more alive and rounded out, instead of the "Shaply" look they have now.
At first I wasn't digg'n on the RED, it's work'n with me now though. Maybe this is to be changed though? Cool stuff dawg...
My 3 pieces of eights worth...
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BooMSticK member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 927 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 10:38 pm |
zlog - what?
jhof - yeah.. Your're probably right about the leg. Should have empatized the direction of the right leg some more. The boots are rendered very much with no detail on purpose. I always make sure that I don't get the same detail all over the picture. This is a commen techinique that are used by most acrylic artists like Fabry, Biz, Kev Walker to name a few. I helps ( along genereal composition) keeping the viewers eyes on where you want them.
I doesn't seem that anyone has commented on the newer version so I'll link to it directly now (you lazy bums, hehe..)
I'm working right now on a Cyclops painting. One marvel hero isn't enough when you're going to SanDiego...
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