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Topic : "Picture in progress" |
immi member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 629 Location: vancouver
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 1:22 am |
Finally decided to quit the porno surfing (for good this time...I swear ) and do some art for once.
I'm going for a darker setting (fight club'ish) and so far I'm about halfway through the upper body. The pectorals are probably the most complete part. There's another character to the right who's about to be shot in the head (apparently he didn't pay his rent) but I cropped him out.
Any suggestions for a background? Cos, Kyri...wanna do a collab? I do the characters, you do one of your styling macabre backgrounds?
(BTW, anyone know why the colours seem to be very different to what they look like in photoshop? The colours just look horrible.
[This message has been edited by immi (edited April 01, 2000).] |
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The CYPHER junior member
Member # Joined: 17 Mar 2000 Posts: 44 Location: Palo Alto, CA USA
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 2:03 am |
The problem your having in photoshop sounds like your not setting the jpeg quality high is also a good idea to convert the image to indexed color before saving it, it seems to be more net friendly...
So far, the pic looks amazing, if you complete it with the great worksmanship you are doing now, it will be something to be proud to have your name on...
The CyPHa |
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kurisu member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2000 Posts: 482 Location: Santa Monica, California, USA
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 2:30 am |
Great work immi! I love the attitude, pose and color scheme (skin tone is fantastic!). When the reaper comes to collect, "the check's in the mail" don't hack it...
I had a couple comments, but I'll wait to see what you do with the pic
-k |
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RiLe$ member
Member # Joined: 29 Mar 2000 Posts: 83 Location: the ally behind the buildings
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 5:37 am |
Thats hot dood. All that i would say is the pants need detail and to keep up the great work.
-RiLe$- |
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neutral? member
Member # Joined: 07 Mar 2000 Posts: 65 Location: UK
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 5:53 am |
details is only lacking in places cause the image isn't finished, Rile$
that's awesome so far immi; looking forward to seeing the other character + the background in the finished image.
idea for the background: put them on top of the roof of a high rise building, with a cityscape behind.. a bit like the matrix "dodge this" scene
and giving up porn? yeh right
Dan | neutral?
:: the digital thatre :: |
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Shadow member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2000 Posts: 274 Location: Canada, ON
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 7:10 am |
Love Da Pic!
prolly something i wont be able to draw for like another year or so, LOL
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Wildkat junior member
Member # Joined: 29 Nov 2001 Posts: 8 Location: us of a
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 8:15 am |
Great Pec's Immi!!!..... What kind of porno have you been researching?
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Frost member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 2662 Location: Montr�al, Canada
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 8:22 am |
Very nice start Immi! It already looks great.
frost. |
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immi member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 629 Location: vancouver
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 1:57 pm |
Heh heh...thanks guys...and yeah i admit it...i lied about the porn, I just couldn't stay away. :0
I'll post the finished picture when its done.
Kyri, cos, ya british wankers....wanna do a background for me eh?
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neutral? member
Member # Joined: 07 Mar 2000 Posts: 65 Location: UK
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 2:13 pm |
british... wankers...? stop it, you'll make me.... cry...
Dan | neutral?
:: the digital thatre :: |
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Cos member
Member # Joined: 05 Mar 2000 Posts: 1332 Location: UK
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 2:40 pm |
Immi you big'ed basteeeedd! That is lookin cool man! where did you nick it from?? hehe jk ;p but for real you got a good painted style on it, skintone is xcellent, chests lookin solid, I reckon try go for the whole pic on that level. good mood with the lighting, pose is very cool, nice tatt too
(me has tha same one on me arse) . The guy kinda has that streetfighting shaolin monk turns yakuza look, maybe give the background that style of theme. I don't mind trying to work on a bground for a collab, but they are definetely not my strong point man, and I do agree with cypher that if you carry on the way you're going with it, it'll be a piece to be proud of, I reckon you should keep with it you lazy bastid. Let me know how its goes, if ya want me to try something with it, me will give it a go. |
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Kyri member
Member # Joined: 05 Mar 2000 Posts: 193 Location: London England
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 2:45 pm |
Blimey!! Strike a light guvnor.......I'm gobsmacked, the man has talent!! Your not just a waste of space with an enormous head after all, you kept that one hidden tightly under your hat didn't you Immi, and that's some neat trick considering the size of your head, heh, heh......Man, that looks really excellent so far. Love the pose, he's lit very well and awsome shading....nice touch with the tatts too. How come you haven't done more of this stuff, or have you? ....and just kept them hidden from the world in your fruit celler or something Lets see more, get posting man. As to me working on a backround......well I'm pretty crap at doing them ...not really my strong point, but I can maybe give it a go, and see how it turns out. Anyway keep on doing this stuff and well done.
Kyri |
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CyberArtist member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 1999 Posts: 284 Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 2:49 pm |
I've noticed that photoshop always looks a little different than other programs. It's because of photoshop's gamma settings. It seems like it's impossible to get them to be perfect (and I actually usually set it brighter than how the real image will come out anyways so I can see small details easier.
-CyberA(rtist) aka Ben Golus
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immi member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 629 Location: vancouver
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 5:30 pm |
Cos, Kyri...ya bastid children of Prince Charles I'll keep going with the picture...although I think one of your backgrounds would be cool. I'm terrible at backgrounds as well...i really should get them sketched out before i start working on the foreground. if only i could get these colour setting right. |
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Loki member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 1321 Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2000 6:46 pm |
Keep rockin immi! Looks great - don't forget to flip the image every once in a while - this will help a lot. And keep at it - finish the bugger!
For the background I'd make a rough sketch right now, in that state. Just make a little line drawing, very simple, and then illustrate it roughly, so you get the lighting going. After that you'll see what's still missing. Work from rough to detail - because some areas don't need full details. So, when you rough it out at first, you'll also automatically see, what area needs more.
puh! hah - finally I can do some animated smileys too, hehe  |
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Daedalus IIIrd junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2000 Posts: 36 Location: Melbourne, VIC - Australia
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2000 7:07 am |
Looking cool so far...
umm, all the good stuff everyone else said - but I'm assuming your going to move the top of the pants and the groin up to just below the abs...
Looking forward to seeing the final - even without the background it'd look cool. So if you can't get the background done in a hurry, you should just post the finished foreground first.
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