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Topic : "The Pope caricature competition/contest" |
nelsonsantos. junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2005 Posts: 43 Location: Portugal
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:11 am |
First of all my sincere homage to the man itself. Second to announce that the caricature contest in my website is still running, if anyone interest the prize is the original sketch from this draw.
nELSON! [/img] _________________ Caricaturas! |
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nelsonsantos. junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2005 Posts: 43 Location: Portugal
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:03 am |
unfortunatly he passed away still might consider this as my homage to the humble person wich he was. _________________ Caricaturas! |
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blck_productions member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 77 Location: Belgium
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:04 am |
Best thing that could happen to the Catholic church. All the media ever talks about is how good he was. My opinion, he was not! He got involved in American politics in the 80s...Told the africans that you where no christian if you use condoms...C'mon man, this is 1st rate murder to billion of people...Because he -the church- is so conservative, million people pay for it with their lives. I admire the strength and persistence religious people have in their fate . But the church is hurting them, killing them. So therefore the church needs to adjust its moral so it can counter the current world-problems.
I 'm no catholic anymore...I still believe in doing good, don't steal, do not use people like theuy are toys. The church is what will kill Catholicism.
And BTW I hope they pick a colored progressive pope...Would be a good sign to the outside world.
And I won't draw a cartoon, it won't be much of a hommage...
Care to reply?...Send an exerorcist to my place?
Greetzz |
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poppysan1 junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2002 Posts: 28 Location: st. louis , MO, usa
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:20 pm |
a bit deep, my man. I wouldnt say catholicism is perfect, but religion is based on fanaticism at its core, so to maintain such a dominant hold on the large portionof the "civilized" world (i know, not accurate, but for lack of a better word), they must be extreme on certain positions. this is why the radical muslim groups are gaining such a following with the america-hating world. I can judge the greed of organized religion, but at its base, every religion is centered around good values. And while the late pope's moral code was somewhat damaging to certain people, this is what his organization taught, and a good leader teaches by example, regardless of its ramifications. So i do think its insensitive if not rude to blast him after he died. Im not catholic, i am a christian, though, and i disagree with a LOT of catholic procedure, but to condemn it is why were in iraq now! ok enough babling on the gallery/finished work section! More dont like him make the caricature funny...might not get a laugh, but itll show your position! |
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blck_productions member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 77 Location: Belgium
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:53 pm |
They do not need to be extreme, they need a good message, good moral, ...this goes for all religion. Every extreme thing is a bad thing for me.
So therefore they should change their morale, I don't believe they'll lose followers, instead gain some younger ones. It was never actually my intention to blast the pope...It just made me angry that everybody is symphatizing now he's dead and tend to forget all the bad things. And maybe rude?...Yes some people say I can be. But this is not blaspehzmy and ment in a really good way...Make your own image of the mans live and what he has done. Do not believe the media because they go OOh and Aah.
I do have some sort of respect for the man...I think it's the worlds suckiest job. Just hoped he would be better in it and more realistic.
And yes Americans are in IraQ now for two things. for some it's a second crusade -wich gives Al-quada the best excuse to keep doing what there doing and gain more followers-...For others the more obvious: Oil...Soit won't start rambbling on this one.
To end this story. I do hope the pope is happy, dancing like a newborn kid in the green fields of heaven...I really do.
ThanX for the reply. I'l try the caricature if I find time -wich won't be soon since where moving with work and no Pc at home for the moment, allready ordered it and a Wacom, will take some time before delivery-...But I''l do it .... Greetzzz |
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nelsonsantos. junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2005 Posts: 43 Location: Portugal
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:46 am |
i think people here dont quite understand what is a caricature, here�s an example of another pope by famous worl caricaturist Antonio, he was pursuited by the Vatican for this one
 _________________ Caricaturas! |
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Cpt.Obvious member
Member # Joined: 23 Sep 2003 Posts: 239
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:42 am |
I wouldnt continue offtopic, but unfortunately I have to add my 2 cents here. Just because I'm from Poland, and JP 2 was born there.
Have nothing against doin a caricature, not til it breaks some moral rules that should be functionable to everyone. I'm a religious man, thats why U'll probably understand what I have to say.
Pope's dead was indeed a breaking pint, but I wouldnt tell that it was the best thing for church. Most of people unfortunately know JP2 only from TV, watchin news about his jurneys to other countries. I bet that maybe 15% of people have ever tried to understand what John Paul II wants to say, and even less ever read the books he has written.
You say that Ur not catholics (say christians) anymore just because of church. I could agree that the wrong persons may become a priests and thats why we hear all the stories around the church, you dont agree with church rulez tho, because those are saying only about freedome, not liberalizm. Like do whatever you want without any duties.
JP 2 was the special person, no mather you like it or not. Not just because of beeing a one of first Pope's that finally went to all people givin them hope for better future and love (otherwise explain why so many countires and so many people prayed for his soul while he was dying). This was the only person in history that EVERY president or nation leader had respect to him. No mather if those were atheistic guys, jews, buddist or greek-catholic churches. Why that important for me? Maybe because he helped to finish the cold-war, break the grand wall in berlin and change completly the history of eastern europe.
Finishin off-topic, again I have nothin against caricature, if only it has it taste. Just because we should respect people, specialy people of history.
Maciej _________________ You must click here |
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nelsonsantos. junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2005 Posts: 43 Location: Portugal
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:53 am |
ohh... well... its worthless. _________________ Caricaturas! |
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blck_productions member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 77 Location: Belgium
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:53 pm |
Tiger, you made my point...he wasn't a religious leader he was a political one > ...And to me church and politics should be divided like Descartes claimed.
And every of these world-changing events you spoke of where for the good?
In our western-point-of-view? Of course...We are the good guys aren't we?
ANd Nelson thanX for the example...The church is not from this time if they oppress free opinion like the caricature of the pope with the condom shows... |
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nelsonsantos. junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2005 Posts: 43 Location: Portugal
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:58 pm |
now that is a real point of view blck_productions. By the way the man is quilty for killing thousands of people due to the prohibition of condom, i mean do you remember that in your offtopic, tiger? I believe not. _________________ Caricaturas! |
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Cpt.Obvious member
Member # Joined: 23 Sep 2003 Posts: 239
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:26 am |
like free option blck_productions with condom on his nose is really the meaning of freedome ? or the meaning of liberalizm ? its easy to give no respect and laugh at people , even in a discusting way. or maybe its a new fashion ?
In my previous word I didnt said he was a politic leader. you know about Pope nothing but from CNN news or Ur blind (please don't take it as an offence). Please read at least one of Pope's book or just listen what he was sayin on one of his pilgrim journey. You will probably understand why all politics have respect to person who give hope and heart to such a big amount of people.
neslon- could you tell me whats your point with Pope's quilty ? like accuse me for killing thousands of heathen in 11 century just because I'm religious.
Guys please, end OT, _________________ You must click here |
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blck_productions member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 77 Location: Belgium
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:56 am |
I'll end with this:
To much respect is never good. Because this stops (r)evolution.
I never watch Cnn, nore did I read a book of the Pope. Got my info from newspapers and Belgian, French, English televesion in the past decade or so.
So I think I'm well informed enough to have a good picture of John Paul II.
Freedom of speech is the highest right. Previous generations have fought many battles, in every possible way, to obtain this.
The church hasn't excepted this otherwise they would just laugh at the previous caricature. Painting the pope with a condom on his nose is funny but also meant for people to ask questions about this whole condom-issue. Hereby raising a social debate. A debate the church won't have > and this is the biggest sin of them all.
I don't think we will ever agree tiger, our backgrounds and principels are to divers for this. I appreciate your enthousiasm and the fact that you have an opinion. No hard feelings.
Greetzz _________________ Dreams R free |
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Anthony member
Member # Joined: 13 Apr 2000 Posts: 1577 Location: Winter Park, FLA
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:08 am |
Good lord people, this isn't a discussion forum. Save the rants and tirades for elsewhere!
The caricature isn't bad - something about showing no teeth or eyes makes it look a little much like a ball of flesh though, as though it were a mask of some sort. A little more color variation in the skin would be nice also to aleviate this impression. Welcome to the forum BTW, let's keep it on topic. _________________ -Anthony
Carpe Carpem |
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nelsonsantos. junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Apr 2005 Posts: 43 Location: Portugal
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:48 am |
Thkx Anthony but have you seen the Pope showing his teeth in any ocasion? _________________ Caricaturas! |
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TheRabbit junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 42 Location: SchwaebischHall,Germany
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:52 pm |
St. Peter Strikes Back.
 _________________ Isolationshaft |
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