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Topic : "Another personal page" |
sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 1999 10:00 am |
Hello everyone!
I just discovered this forum a while ago and was pleasantly surprised by the level of activity here (though the constant bashing by some people gets annoying). I was also surprised to see someone post a link to the TBL page which has some of my old gfx ("handpixelled photorealism" thread)... So, I thought that someone might be interested in my newer work, and as I threw together a webpage just last week, here it is:
Yep, this is just another "look at my webpage!!" posting well, merry xmas to you all! |
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sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 1999 1:54 pm |
Thanks for the kind comments!
binke: I am/was a quite slow pixeller - a full 320*200 image could take me some 50 hours or more. But I am more a follower of Ra-inspired pixelling techniques which includes irregular dithering and mixing several color gradients (for a more painterly effect). Those who preferred to pixel with a single gradient and a more mathematical technique could reach really high speeds - Danny had this perfected, so he could actually pixel his images in resolutions of 800*600 or even more (a semi-informed rumor says he did a Lara poster at Eidos in a res of 1500*2500 or something, all pixelled..)
About Shun: only airbrush with pressure sensitivity attached to both brush opacity and size. I think it's one of my best ones, shame about it being unfinished (still reads "compo preview" in the corner) and the seriously pukish color palette...
affected: I'm 19, so I graduated just last spring (en siis edes ollut mik��n nelj�n vuoden luuseri ). Now I'm studying math, which isn't exactly my field and I'm not taking it too seriously either... You probably know how frustrating it is to try to get into TaiK (University of Industrial Art of Helsinki), but I guess that's where I'll be applying again next year. Or if I happen to get some decent job, I might get stuck doing that. And I'll have to do my civil service out of the way at some point too - 13 months, doesn't exactly make planning one's life easier  |
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Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 1999 2:04 pm |
Ei perhana, nyt riitt�� t�m� v��nt�. Rehellisesti suomeksi.
M� itse olen 'vasta' lukion toisella luokalla, siis en tied� pyrkimisen turhauttavuudesta oikeastaan mit��n. Onneksi m� sent��n olen kuvataidelukiossa. Ei p��se p�� t�ysin hajoamaan. Muuhan koko laitoksessa ei kiinnostakaan kuin kuvis.
M� itse olen v�h�n katsellut TTVO:ta, Tampereen taiteen ja viestinn�n oppilaitosta, mutta toisaalta se on ehk� v�h�n liian 'uusmedia'-painotteinen. Loppujen lopuks perinteisemm�st� opetuksesta taitaa olla enemm�n hy�ty�, kun ohjelmistot ja koneet muuttuu niin nopeasti. No, mulla on t�ss� viel� v�h�n aikaa mietti� ja kehitty�.
Totaalikielt�ytyminen on muuten alkanut tuntua houkuttelevalta vaihtoehdolta...Selvi�isi kuudessa kuukaudessa.
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sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 1999 3:23 pm |
M�kin olin kuvataidelukiossa, Helsingiss� siis. Ihan hyv� paikka lukion l�pi v��nt�ytymiseen, kuvisopetuksen taso oli jopa parempi kuin ehk� odotin... olis vain saanut olla enemm�n mutta kun ei lukuj�rjestykseen mahdu niin ei mahdu...
Uusmedia on aika hype� joo. Tekniikkaa tulee ja menee joten munkin mielest� tuntuu j�rkev�mm�lt� opiskella graafiseksi suunnittelijaksi, muotoilijaksi tms. niin saa pohjan jota pystyy soveltamaan. Lahden muotoiluinstituutti on kuulemma ihan hyv� laitos vaikkei Taikin maagista korkeakouluauraa omaakaan. Sinne olisin varmaan p��ssytkin, mutta ajatus Lahteen muutosta ei oikein napannut. Ehk� ensi vuonna...
Totaalissa olis kielt�m�tt� lyhyyden(kin) vuoksi jotain ideaa. Bonuksena saattaisi nyt p��st� Amnestyn listoille mielipidevankina
(Sorry English speakers... this would probably belong in email) |
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Trance-R member
Member # Joined: 03 Nov 1999 Posts: 360 Location: Burnaby, BC, Canada
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 12:07 am |
Holy $h1t!! Could this get any better? There was Craig Mullins, Shane Caudle, now there is Saffron!!!!
Sfr, reeeel nice works!!!
Hey I like that Demon Fan Club #1 alot.
[This message has been edited by Trance-R (edited December 21, 1999).] |
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Binke member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 1999 Posts: 1194 Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 12:10 am |
hey very nice! I like it alot.
I cant understand how you guys can manage to do those handpixeled images, i mean what a patience you must have!
it must take ages!
Hm I see you used painter for your "shun-compo" image. It looked very cool. What brushes do you usually use? |
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Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 12:33 am |
Hm. Ehk� m� siirryn kuitenkin k�ytt�m��n englantia, jottei nuo kielirajoitteiset h�iriinny. :P
So, a site, hm? I think the navigation could be a _tad_ more accessible, but the graphics, of course, are excellent.
What, by the way, do you do these days?
I guess you graduated from high school over two years ago, but did you go for more education or did you head straight for work life? (I'm in a curious mood today)
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bEam junior member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 1999 Posts: 49 Location: Kerava, Finland
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 9:57 am |
Iltaa suuri ja mahtava Saffron.
Odotellessani icq authorizaatiosi hyv�ksymist�, ajattelin sanoa muutaman sanan.
K�sitykseni mukaan opiskelit Torkkelissa?
Sin�ns� mielenkiintoista, jos tuo t�sm��, koska min� opiskelen Torkkelissa, toista vuotta.
TaiK olisi tietenkin tavoitteena, ehk� graafinen suunnittelu tms. tai sitten Lapin Yliopiston vastaava linja. (audiovisuaalinen tms. :])
S� olet aina ollut yksi idoleistani, Timo Harjun (visualice) ja muutaman muun lis�ksi.
Gee...t�m� on j�nnitt�v��.
En tied� mist� aloittaisin, olisi niin paljon asioita joita haluaisin tiet��.
No ehk� joskus my�hemmin.
[This message has been edited by bEam (edited December 22, 1999).] |
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Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 10:01 am |
Tell me, do you know if 'Made' is finnish, too? Just wondering about the name...
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sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 1999 1:05 pm |
Oops, addict or affected, you know I meant you anyway As for Made, I'm not sure if he'd have the selfirony for that... |
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sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 1999 12:27 am |
addict: Made is French, like so many legendary scene artists (Ra, Haplo, Niko, Suny, Mon...) I don't think he would have picked that handle if he was finnish
beam: icq me  |
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Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 1999 12:45 am |
'addict', huh? :P
I don't know, there's nothing wrong with burbots... I suppose it all depends on his sense of humour.
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