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Topic : "Distorted Angel" |
Ritaku member
Member # Joined: 06 Apr 2003 Posts: 56 Location: uk
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:44 pm |
Hi, i know the anatomy is pretty gruesome on the image and all but i'm hoping to get some pointers from you people on that and as i practise and stuff please. i can see a coupla things wrong with the anatomy myself but i was aiming for a bit of a distorted anatomy in the first place (scorn me all you want) but still point out all the errors! i've lately been trying to figure out painter without the help of people (cuz no-one else i know uses it yet....).... umm yeah anyway here it is so far opinions welcome and all.
here was a slightly earlier version too
i guess i can see that i screwed the legs up around the upper region for joints etc and that the breasts aren't right in comparison to the shoulders/neck.... |
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Ritaku member
Member # Joined: 06 Apr 2003 Posts: 56 Location: uk
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:29 pm |
awww... c'mon!!! i know the anatomy is a little flawed (ahem..) but i'd really appreciate some tips, paintovers, criticism, things that i actually did right etc, else i'll never improve much.... anyone? _________________
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Citizen Cow member
Member # Joined: 25 Jun 2001 Posts: 260 Location: Chicago,USA
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:16 pm |
coloring when you cant draw is like gassing up a car you cant drive. I think no one is stepping forth because your cart is far ahead of your horse.
In your sketch post I gave an honest response. Forget about distorting anatomy. Try drawing actual correct anatomy. When you get that down you can actually better understand and distort it so it is appealing or at the very least conveying what you want.
I dont even know what that is?
Its a fairy with a flower for hair and 3 arms and one huge hand? I thigh that is growing out of her ribcage? A shin with a tumor just below the knee cap? Not to mention the trainwreck of the collarbone and shoulders.
How can you give pointers on something like that? No one will comment on your coloring because you have no business trying to color anything yet if you are serious about art.
You need to wip out some anaotmy books and loose the wings and distorted features or stop complaining that you arent getting any responses.
Great effort though. |
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Ritaku member
Member # Joined: 06 Apr 2003 Posts: 56 Location: uk
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:31 pm |
ok i thank you for the comments and understand that my anatomy isn't great compared to most people here, (even though last time you replied it was a little smarmy "pencil and paper v1.0" is not exactly constructive criticism). how about somebody doing a paintover to SHOW me how to salvage something like what i have here? and i don't really understand the point in posting my attempts in a forum if people will only reply when its brilliant...... i am posting because i want help from you people, not books etc.
also if its terrible, just one or two things pointed out may be a help, then i can gradually work my way toward the whole thing, rather than being told most of it is wrong etc....
i sound like i'm complaining a lot about these criticisms i know but still i appreciate them (beleive it or not lol). so keep em coming if anyone feels like it. _________________
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Wagner member
Member # Joined: 11 Feb 2004 Posts: 134 Location: United States
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:38 pm |
i am absolutely in no way a pro at this, so my paintover is probably wrong too , but it's an improvement anyways, heh.
I noticed on yours that she has no butt, and there is no crotch. The area below her belly button is too tall. her head looks a bit too small for her body, and it fits on the neck funny
you can try for stuff about figure drawing...
Any criticism on my paintover are appreciated thanks!! heh |
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Citizen Cow member
Member # Joined: 25 Jun 2001 Posts: 260 Location: Chicago,USA
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:47 am |
Ritaku wrote: |
(even though last time you replied it was a little smarmy "pencil and paper v1.0" is not exactly constructive criticism) |
Thats as good as it gets. If you do not know anatomy you really shouldnt even be opening photoshop. You need to practice until your hand falls off. You ned to practice in a sketch book with pencil and paper.
If you do not you will post these disfigured characters and the posts will fall to the the way side until you yourself BUMP THEM begging for a response.
You do not know anatomy and you do not know color. Study and practice anatomy then venture into color.
Its pretty simple. Practice is worth 10,000 goofy critiques on an awful picture.
I really dont mean to come across harsh. If you cared about art or learning art then you need to do study it in a way that makes sense. There is no amount or criticism that will make this picture even remotely better and all the criticism you need to make YOURSELF better is to practice your anatomy. |
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Citizen Cow member
Member # Joined: 25 Jun 2001 Posts: 260 Location: Chicago,USA
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:57 pm |
Im sorry if it sounded disheartening.
Im just saying who cares how the color looks when you cant draw the basic anatomy? That you are getting way ahead of yourself caring about how to color when you cant draw the figure properly in the first place.
I dont mean to upset you. Im just trying to convince you to learn how to do this art thing the way that makes the most sense. You are only going to frustrate yourself if you continue on the way you do.
Of course if this is just a fun waste of time for you then by all means color anything you want and go nuts and build all the bad habits you already have.
When learning to color its alwasy best to start out with values as opposed to full color. This way you dont have to worry about belnding and such.
To me, you are light years away from asking for critiques on your coloring. As I am as well.
Good Luck. |
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Citizen Cow member
Member # Joined: 25 Jun 2001 Posts: 260 Location: Chicago,USA
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:57 pm |
I dont know why my reply is above yours?
This thread is evil. |
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Ritaku member
Member # Joined: 06 Apr 2003 Posts: 56 Location: uk
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 2:02 pm |
thanks Wagner, that helps a bit. how would you have placed the arms compared to my way btw? and Citizen Cow, you're a very dissheartening person... you could probably convince ANYONE to give up art. ok aside from all the actual DRAWING flaws such as anatomy and shapes etc, how was the use of colour and shading? this was just an experimental piece in case i hadn't mentioned it before. i wasn't planning on creating a full-on finished composition. _________________
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Wagner member
Member # Joined: 11 Feb 2004 Posts: 134 Location: United States
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 2:27 pm |
for the two arms that are where regular arms are i would move the elbow to where it normaly is on humans and extend the forearm. out.
I don't know what i would do with the other arms though. I don't know where they fit onto the body or how it would work with a skelital system. maybe try making the other arms branch off of the normal arms like on a tree.
and some people on this forum need to realise that art is not a job, to everyone, and not everyone is planning to dicipline themselves into being great artists by methods mentioned on this board. although it might surprise some people here, but alot of people draw becuase they like it, becuase they have a cool idea of something to draw, or for whatever other reason someone might have. maybe people post for help here so that they can improve themselves to help realise their ideas onto paper. this forum needs to drop the idea that you must: spend the first half of your life learning how to draw, and then you can be creative, enjoy drawing after that. if alot of the people here saw an 8 year old boy drawing a robot battling a giant monster you'd punch them in the face rip their paper up and yell at them for not using proper anatomy on the monster, proper perspective on the mech, for not using colors properly, and then find some other things wrong with the picture and yell them at the kid. not everybody is some art extremest, there's a such thing as having art as a casual hobby!!!
ok, there's my rant on that subject it wasn't directed to any individuals, so nobody take it pesonaly. |
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Drew member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2002 Posts: 495 Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 6:25 pm |
On the contrary, I think almost everyone here encourages *everyone* to draw! It's fun, can release stress, and is a great creative outlet. However, perhaps a forum with 11000 members isn't the best place to show off the drawings that you do once a month? If anyone is interested in improving, they need to do as cow says and practice the basics. We don't say that because we're trying to get you to not have fun. We say that because it's the only way to get better. |
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Wagner member
Member # Joined: 11 Feb 2004 Posts: 134 Location: United States
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:17 pm |
yea, you do have some good points, but some people when the give a crit, they do it using insults
"trainwreck of the collarbone and shoulders"
could be "the collarbone and shoulders need alot of work, try working off of a reference" or something like that.
These sorts of posts don't happen all the time, but sometimes they do, and sometimes thats what it sounds like people are saying, i'd go find more examples but i'm lazy...
anyways, Ritaku, how about an update? |
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Drew member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2002 Posts: 495 Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:57 am |
Wagner wrote: |
could be "the collarbone and shoulders need alot of work, try working off of a reference" or something like that.
Or, it could be deciding to not show 11000 people one of your first efforts. It's even more strange because he doesn't know anatomy, claims to be aiming for distorted anatomy, and then asks for anatomy crits! What the heck are we supposed to say? If it looks right, it's wrong. If it looks wrong, we say so, but then get told that it's supposed to be distorted. It's like some kind of Sphinx riddle. What do we say?
Cow's crit, "You need to wip out some anaotmy books" is right on. Ritaku, don't give up mate, just work on the basics, draw a *lot*, and get back to us in a few months. I don't say that because your work is bad, I say that because that's what all artists have to do to improve. It just takes a lot of work. |
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