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Topic : "What do I do?" |
webbmannen junior member
Member # Joined: 05 Dec 1999 Posts: 3 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 1999 2:04 pm |
First of all I must tell all that you are a great source of inspiration. I have been watching this forum for some time now, and I have seen some great images posted.
Finally I just had to try myself The problem now is that I am stuck. I dont know how to move on with my little lizzard. There is a lot of details left to be done, but how?
Please check this out and give me some advice. BTW I only have the mouse to work with.
/webbmannen |
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jasonN member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 842 Location: Sydney Australia
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 1999 9:30 pm |
Try to make the skin look more scaly. Just draw in subtle highlights, but don't make them too bright. Just fiddle around and you should get it right.
Take a look at the skin dhab did on one of his pics I know that it's hard to get it that good, but try anyway. it looks cool
-Jason :)
ICQ: 24680551
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SPike.CoM member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 194 Location: Helsingborg, Sweden
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 9:33 am |
Dude, It's cool already. But if you wan't to fiddle it around a bit more you might want to consider:
* Fiddle the shadows abit to a more softer touch. Use the blur and smudge tools.
* Add a texture. Try to find an array of lizard textures, chose one choose all (Ctrl+A) and define it as a pattern. Then use the Pattern Stamp tool (Rubber Stamp set to pattern in older Photoshop versions) then paint on the texture with luminosity (or any other mode that is sufficient enough. Repeat with another texture (diversity you know). Then refine the texture more with the airbrush 'J' ('A' in older versions) and paintbrush 'B'.
* Use more highlights. Preferrably some on the little lizard's eye.
* Add a background. You could use some landscape piccie from National Geographics (or anything else sufficient) to go from and paint something for yourself. Be careful so you don't get the wrong tone in the background relative to the lizard.
* Larger resolution (if you didn't already). So you can paint in all the little details that makes the picture superb(!). Use the Zoom tool 'Z' and work "inside".
* And fiddle around with it until you got it as you wan't it.
Mikael Piotrowski
aka. SPike.CoM
Natural and
digital artist
[email protected]
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Recife junior member
Member # Joined: 30 Oct 1999 Posts: 19 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 1:08 pm |
Hey, since youre looking for some ideas...
You should try to smudge a little bit more the lizards ear (especially that black line thing in the center of it) and smudge the colors too....
Work more on the skin like everyone said.
Change the color of the lizards eye.Its green and it looks weird... Put some other color and make a highlight at it!
I would also change the green color of the skin, cus I looks kindda fake, try "adjust colors" or something like that...
Put a background!
Other than that its a really good picture!!! Keep up the good work! By the way, the mouth looks really good! Later
- recife - |
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webbmannen junior member
Member # Joined: 05 Dec 1999 Posts: 3 Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 1:37 pm |
Thanks for your comments. And before anyone else say it again - I know theres a lot to be done yet. I only posted the picture to show at what stage I was at the moment.
The question was how to make details. I have already been given some advise but if you have more I'm listening with big ears and an open mind
/sten |
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Dylon member
Member # Joined: 19 Nov 1999 Posts: 87 Location: Ontario, Canada
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 1:56 pm |
If you're going to add in scales, I suggest using a very small brush, and use either the airbrush, or burn tools, and paint in the scales, it takes a lot of time though...
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webbmannen junior member
Member # Joined: 05 Dec 1999 Posts: 3 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 1999 12:26 am |
I'm trying to do something out of a picture from a book (don't have the imagination that most of you have). Anyway, I did a sketch, scanned it, colored it and began to use the dodge and burn tool. Thats when I got stuck. I realized that there would be trouble with the details.
You are ever so helpful. My trouble now is to understand what you have said My english isn't the best
First, how do you work with blur?
Secondly, the section on texture - is there somewere i can find a tutorial on this?
The background and the rock will be created later. One thing at the time I have never done anything on the computer before so this is a picture to learn by.
Thanks to you both for answering me.
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SPike.CoM member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 194 Location: Helsingborg, Sweden
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 1999 8:10 am |
------------------* Swedish *----
Okej webbmannen. Detaljer �r faktiskt inte s� himla sv�rt att g�ra... s�rskilt n�r man har texturer tillg�ngligt.
Jag har redan tappat bort mina l�nkar till de flesta textur sajter runtomkring men f�rs�k med 3d Caf�s Lista �ver textursajter s� hittar du n�got s�kert... Kanske.
I alla fall, jag har den engelska verran av Photoshop men anv�nd blur tool 'R' p� st�llen f�r att mjuka upp delar av bilden d�r skuggan "sk�r" i h�rt. Det �r bara att pula med inst�llningarna f�r verktyget (Window/Show Options) i minidialogen.
Smudge tool fungerar lite annorlunda j�mf�rt med blur, den "drar" pixlarna, men l�t dig inte luras av den "f�rr�diska" verktyget f�r den �r v�ldigt anv�ndbar och flexibel.
Jag h�ller med Recife att du f�r byta f�rgen p� �dlan lite grann. Till en kanske mer brungr�n f�rg.
�ter till detaljerna, f�rst best�m var du f�r huvud ljuset ifr�n (jag kommer beskriva som om det kom uppifr�n). L�gg p� din textur (eller rita en egen, som �r n�got jobbigare) och �ndra lite f�r hand s� h�r: V�lj en liten fj�llbit, m�la ljust p� ovansidan av den eller p� kanten och m�rkt under. Forts�tt med n�sta och forts�tt s� tills du �r f�rdig. Det kan ta n�gra timmar men resultatet borde bli bra. Anv�nd sedan airbrush i l�g opacitet och multiply med en m�rk f�rg och m�la d�r skuggan sitter p� den lilla krabaten.
Sen e de mycket mer pulande om du vill men det �r ganska kul (tycker jag) med detalj arbeten.
Jaja, tack f�r mig, Hejd�.
------------------* Swedish Off*-
Cheers ya all!
Mikael Piotrowski
aka. SPike.CoM
Natural and
digital artist
[email protected]
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SPike.CoM member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 194 Location: Helsingborg, Sweden
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 1999 8:12 am |
Javisst ja, s�tt n�gra sm� vita runda fl�ckar p� �gat. Kanske en stor en. G�r inte f�r m�nga dock, 3 borde r�cka. S� den f�r den d�ra: "glimten i �gat" som det heter..
Cheers!  |
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