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Topic : "What�s up with people that doesn�t respond in their threads?" |
Matthew member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 3784 Location: I am out of here for good
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 7:29 am |
Posted: 20 Jul 2003 11:47
What�s up with people that doesn�t respond in their threads?
As I said in the topic and I think this is a kind of common thing, there are some people that doesn�t answer their threads when they have been given feedback and sometimes they been given good advices and such too and they doesn�t give any comment or appreciation back, what is up with that?
For eg and I won�t say any names but I gave some advice in the wip section and no answer was given so why are they posting in the first place? is it just to show off some work and then to hide in a corner somewhere?, actually I am kind of fed up with it cause it i useless to give them any comments since they don�t seem to care about them anyway.
I used an old thread which was emtpy for this conversation and do please give your thoughts about this in here, and please no flaming.
thank you
Last edited by Matthew on Sun Jul 20, 2003 1:48 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Matthew member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 3784 Location: I am out of here for good
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 1:47 am |
I am re-using my old empty threads so continue under this post. |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 4:34 am |
so err. why the fuck SHOULD they respond to comments in every and each case? why? why don't you answer that.
maybe it's cause they're looking comments, critique, whatever, instead of a fucking bingo chatter room. _________________ "hey, wanna dance?"
"do i look like kevin costner to you?
" you don't"
"i don't dance with wolves either." |
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Matthew member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 3784 Location: I am out of here for good
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 6:19 am |
Unfortunate that you had to answer here you asshole!
Just ask you this, why shouldn�t they answer when they do get comments and feedback?
I was asking for other peoples views, not yours.
Some people try to put their anger and confusion on other people, I am not claiming to have the answer nor any solutions to anything and I was mainly thinking out loud here.
Well ...huuuu ...errr ....ssss ....zzzz
bye |
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Smurf member
Member # Joined: 21 Mar 2003 Posts: 78 Location: Wisconsin
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 6:58 am |
Its because they arnt forum whores  _________________ Meep -It pwnz you. |
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[666]Flat member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2001 Posts: 1545 Location: FRANKFURT, Germany
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 7:14 am |
Waste. Of time. _________________
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Matthew member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 3784 Location: I am out of here for good
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 7:18 am |
well you are so brave 1336, the teh in the tea, you always have to take faustgfx side and wow very cool indeed. ( you are so cool that you had to edit what you said earlier)
[666]Flat wrote: |
Not sure what you mean Smurf?
Last edited by Matthew on Sun Jul 20, 2003 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 8:50 am |
yoozi wrote: |
maybe it's cause they're looking comments, critique, whatever, instead of a fucking bingo chatter room. |
SAYS THE GUY WITH THE MOST POSTS ON SIJUN!%>@! _________________ QED, sort of. |
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hwslut member
Member # Joined: 18 Jun 2001 Posts: 100
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 8:56 am |
Yea, but look how long faust has been here. Matthew has been here for like 9 months and has half as many posts. If Matthew had been here as long as faust, he'd have nearly 10,000 posts. |
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Matthew member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 3784 Location: I am out of here for good
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 9:56 am |
Not sure if I can change the world with this thread and that was never my attention but I think it is so un-grateful when people do not answer when there are many people showing their appreciation to their art or whatever.
Sometimes you have been giving tips and show one person some pictures, stuff, and some other stuff and then you don�t have any reply to that, what is up with that?
Yes maybe I have made many posts during a short amount of time but that is because I like this forum and the whole idea of this forum, this forum is where I spend the most of my time thou I am a member of many other forums. Don�t think I have to defend my post account or anything likewise thou. Why be a member of a forum if you don�t post anything.
Ok enough of me whining.
see you
Matthew |
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Smurf member
Member # Joined: 21 Mar 2003 Posts: 78 Location: Wisconsin
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 10:03 am |
But [666]Flat is so l33t! Yeah some times I think it would be nice if the artist would respond back to the comments. _________________ Meep -It pwnz you. |
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Rat member
Member # Joined: 10 Feb 2002 Posts: 851 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 10:25 am |
*sits down cross-legged on the floor and looks calmly at everyone*
I actually agree with Matthew's initial post. It kind of pisses me off when someone asks for a critique, gets it, and doesn't reply back. It's just like, did this person really want the crits, and did they even look at their thread again? Do they care? What's the point in replying to someone who's not gonna reply back? It's fairly disheartening to people like, say, me, who aren't very good artists to actually be able to give a crit for once, and not have it replied to. Or to post your own art (or wannabe-art, as the case may be) and get no replies, though fully intending to respond to comments, while someone else gets a ton of replies and doesn't respond.
And I'm not sure whether or not I got my point across, so if you're still confused as to what I was saying, I'll put it simply:
It bloody well pisses me off that people don't show the simple courtesy of saying "thank you" when someone comments/critiques their art (or writing or whatever)!! _________________ ~Gio
afterglow |
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Drew member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2002 Posts: 495 Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 11:45 am |
Sometimes, people get really bad crits that are obviously wrong, or so general as to be useless. No one is required to respond after posting their artwork. They can just post it without a word and never come back. Or, they may read your comments and not have the time to respond. Or, what is most likely the case, they are not serious enough about their art take your suggestions to heart.
I myself get frustrated when I and several other people constantly tell an artist to work on something, like, say anatomy, and said artist refuses to do it, even though he draws people in nearly every drawing that he does. Yes, this is a real example. Reference doesn't hold you back, it just helps your drawings to not look like shit. |
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ken member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2001 Posts: 256 Location: adelaide, au
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 11:56 am |
fuck you cocksucking swedish faggot matthew, please do us all a favor and die. you're a fucking waste. you're nothing. your "artwork" is bullshit. you have no skills. your beard is ugly. nobody gives a fuck about you. and you call me an asshole? i'm not the one calling anyone an asshole, cockpuncher.
fuck you.
Matthew wrote: |
Ok enough of me whining.
see you
Matthew |
didn't you say the same about 1500 posts ago and still haven't stopped. please do. cut your fucking arms off so we'll be spared. preferably burn the severed hands and melt shut the stumps of your arms so nothing nasty won't grow out from them. _________________ "hey, wanna dance?"
"do i look like kevin costner to you?
" you don't"
"i don't dance with wolves either." |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 11:59 am |
Matthew wrote: |
well you are so brave 1336, the teh in the tea, you always have to take faustgfx side and wow very cool indeed. |
may i ask when the fuck has flat "taken my side" before? _________________ "hey, wanna dance?"
"do i look like kevin costner to you?
" you don't"
"i don't dance with wolves either." |
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Rat member
Member # Joined: 10 Feb 2002 Posts: 851 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 12:19 pm |
Matthew, faust, could you please take your bickering elsewhere? PM each other or something. _________________ ~Gio
afterglow |
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Matthew member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 3784 Location: I am out of here for good
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 12:40 pm |
Well faust if you haven�t noticed that earlier you are the stupid one, Flat is always nitpicking on me after you have posted.
And the fact remains and it is true fact, you are a big asshole and your ass is wideopen, you ass-jumper.
I guess you sit at your place and awaits everytime when someone dares to give you an comment and remind you of what kind of stupid ass you are.
I bet you can�t paint, hey let�s do a random sky thread so my bad painting skills won�t show ...huuu. ....HUUUU .....
I am so tired of you faust, I mean I said to you to leave me the fuck alone and still you continue to throw your shit around in this forum, you are the pathetic case here and you can�t even give us a good language, you have to swear all the time, wow and you said that I needed English lessons earlier.
Now faust crawl back to your hole before someone rips up a hole in your head, assjumper.
I might aswell add this too, Flat you are an asshole too. So, now can you and faust add your assholes to eachother and squeese, ohhh yeah, one more time. HUUU .... stay out of my threads flat and faust.
Rat - this can�t be taken anywhere else cause faust is an asshole and has to stalk me with his bull-crap talk.
Hey rat faust has even been very rude to you too, just say no to this kind of thing.
Sumaleth - If you read this, I am sorry for this kind of language but can you tell faust to stay out of my threads and I will stay out of his threads and maybe this forum can be a peaceful galaxy.
Also - I knew this kind of thing would be happen and that�s why I said please no flaming in the original post at the top but still faust had to come here.
I won�t enter this thread anymore cause I can see where the direction is heading but that doesn�t mean that you will win with your bullshit talk faust, I am just grown-up enough to leave these kind of things and I don�t see you as a grown-up really.
hehe one more thing that strikes me when I am typing this.
do you really think that your childish talk scares anyone faust?
Well now you can go back to your camera faust. :)
Matthew |
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hwslut member
Member # Joined: 18 Jun 2001 Posts: 100
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 1:02 pm |
Alright, fuck this.
Who do you think you are Matthew? Just because you have no life outside of Sijun and have a post count of 103945895Ihavenolife doesn't mean you run the place.
Faust is right. All you do is cry and whine (and post useless shit).
And honestly, who are you to talk about ANYONE'S level of skill? You're the one that takes people's ART, paints (or shits) all over it, and pretends like you're offering something useful, when in reality you just completely ruined their piece.
And finally, you do need English lessons. I get a fucking headache reading your mindless dribble.
Faust and Flat have both been here MUCH longer than you, and while they may act like assholes sometimes, they aren't half as annoying as you. |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:01 pm |
"Well faust if you haven�t noticed that earlier you are the stupid one, Flat is always nitpicking on me after you have posted."
i'm stupid cause you're an annoying asshole who cries a whole fucking ocean for us the moment someone calls you an asshole for calling someone else an asshole? ok.
"And the fact remains and it is true fact, you are a big asshole and your ass is wideopen, you ass-jumper."
what's an assjumper? sorry, i have a fairly sleek ass nowadays, and i don't recall ever jumping on top of anyone's ass. must be a swedish thing, that.
"I guess you sit at your place and awaits everytime when someone dares to give you an comment and remind you of what kind of stupid ass you are."
yeah i bother posting here every few days at least! sometimes even twice in one day! i don't see anyone else calling me a stupid ass, just you.
"I bet you can�t paint, hey let�s do a random sky thread so my bad painting skills won�t show ...huuu. ....HUUUU ....."
i'd like to know what the fuck that has to do with painting skills or the lack of them?
"I am so tired of you faust"
yep the whole forum has been tired of me since 1999, what makes some random fucking swede's opinion who has no significance in anything that happens on this forum (not that much happens) count in any way?
"I mean I said to you to leave me the fuck alone and still you continue to throw your shit around in this forum"
yep. and?
"you are the pathetic case here and you can�t even give us a good language, you have to swear all the time"
""And the fact remains and it is true fact, you are a big asshole and your ass is wideopen, you ass-jumper" -Matthew, a bit up from these lines.
"Now faust crawl back to your hole before someone rips up a hole in your head, assjumper."
"I might aswell add this too, Flat you are an asshole too. So, now can you and faust add your assholes to eachother and squeese, ohhh yeah, one more time. HUUU ..."
you like that shit, don't you?
"stay out of my threads flat and faust."
try and make me. how about you stay out of my planet, you fucking waste of rotten swedish sperm?
"Rat - this can�t be taken anywhere else cause faust is an asshole and has to stalk me with his bull-crap talk."
so you think you have any kind of place in my daily agenda? i stalk you? ok. try this: i couldn't care any less about you. your insults don't move me a bit. i care so little about you. but you're FUN and that's the key.
"Hey rat faust has even been very rude to you too, just say no to this kind of thing."
i can't remember. Rat is a cocksucking piece of shit and deserves to have IT's limbs severed by metal chains tied to several cars each pulling into opposite directions. i have no idea who Rat is and i couldn't care any less.
"Sumaleth - If you read this, I am sorry for this kind of language but can you tell faust to stay out of my threads and I will stay out of his threads and maybe this forum can be a peaceful galaxy."
Sumaleth - If you read this, I am sorry for Matthew being a whiny cocksucking swedish fag but can you tell Matthew to stay out of my planet (that being Earth, Tellus) and i will stay out of his threads and maybe this forum can be saved from the waste of hd space that Matthew's posts are. (check up on the word 'sarcasm' if you need)
"Also - I knew this kind of thing would be happen and that�s why I said please no flaming in the original post at the top but still faust had to come here."
yep. so?
"I won�t enter this thread anymore cause I can see where the direction is heading but that doesn�t mean that you will win with your bullshit talk faust"
so this is some sort of fucked up victory thing you have going here? ok.
"I am just grown-up enough to leave these kind of things and I don�t see you as a grown-up really."
yeah, well left.. see every ""'d line in this post. so grown up.
"hehe one more thing that strikes me when I am typing this.
do you really think that your childish talk scares anyone faust?"
what the fuck is that bullshit? it's supposed to scare people? ok. whatever. you believe that.
"Well now you can go back to your camera faust. "
at least i have the fucking money to buy things on a whim. you gonna get a job before you turn 30? how about this.. surprise me, go back in time and get a job covering most of digital artwork forms by the age of 17.. wait, just get a job selling candy to kids at a stand at the mall. that's a good start for someone with your art "skills"..
Jussi! _________________ "hey, wanna dance?"
"do i look like kevin costner to you?
" you don't"
"i don't dance with wolves either." |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:20 pm |
and remember! don't reply, you're the grown-up one and have the sense to drop things! just like last time!
Jussi _________________ "hey, wanna dance?"
"do i look like kevin costner to you?
" you don't"
"i don't dance with wolves either." |
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