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Topic : "Phobias - What scares the HELL out of you?" |
Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 11:33 pm |
Mine's vomit. I am terrified of vomit. If someone pukes near me, I run away. Whenever I see vomit, those little hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. I will do ANYTHING to avoid vomiting, because I DO NOT WANT TO SEE VOMIT! (Dammit!)
Some guy once puked right on my head, and I almost killed him. I just...hate vomit.
I don't like aeroplanes either. Every time turbulence happens, I'm afraid that either a) the plane will fall out of the sky, or b) (this is the big one) the person next to me will get airsick and barf all over me. But I'm not afraid of planes in the way I am of vomit. I just don't LIKE being in planes. I get a bit white-knuckled during takeoff and landing. But I won't go out of my way to avoid planes.
Before I went to art school, I was in pre-med, and I was planning on looking into a career in the medical examiner's office because corpses don't vomit. (People always say to me that a corpse that's been floating in the river for two weeks and has lots of little fish in it is more disgusting than vomit, but for me...NOTHING is more putrid than spewage. I don't mind blood, gore, guts, bones poking out through the skin, or Slightly Twisted drawing the INSIDES of my breasts, but I DO mind vomit. Yeah.)
Bad. Or... blaaaaaaa-d. (Sorry. Bad joke.)
So, what's yours?
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: Socar MYLES ] |
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soilborn member
Member # Joined: 22 Nov 2001 Posts: 58 Location: divided states
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 11:39 pm |
my girlfriend dying before me. no seriously, she's my spine, the innocence and grace that i lack. |
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LinaBo member
Member # Joined: 22 Nov 2001 Posts: 57 Location: Canada
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 12:38 am |
I recently discovered just how claustrophobic I am, and how fearful of crowds I am, after a recent concert. I had to cram into a tiny set of bleachers onstage with my whole choir for a performance, and had to ask to be moved to the end to have some visual space (I was on the middle step, with people on either side). Also, the reception after was incredibly hot and crowded, I could only handle a couple minutes out there at a time because I was on the verge of an anxiety attack.
Strangely, I have virtually no stage-fright. aside from some pre-show excitement/jitters. But then again, I've had training with that. After performing several time, I'm used to an audience.
I thought I might be afraid of heights, but I've concluded that it's more of a fear of falling than of the actual height itself.
My brother is a scary looking guy, 6'7", but he faints at the site of blood. he can't takes needles, either. |
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Pat member
Member # Joined: 06 Feb 2001 Posts: 947 Location: San Antonio
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 2:23 am |
While I'm not necessarily afraid of it per se, I get this weird obsessive preoccupation with losing my limbs. Like, what would I do if I lost my arms? Once I start thinking about it, I can't stop.
-Pat, who's little mental limb nubs are a' flailing. |
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strata member
Member # Joined: 23 Jan 2001 Posts: 665 Location: stockholm, sweden
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 3:47 am |
People whose eyes are mis-aligned... that scares the living daylight out of me... when you're talking to someone and you can't quite tell if they're looking at you or something behind your ear... I simply can't function with people like that...
I don't really have a problem with vomit... unless it's someone else's vomit... on me...
I do however have an amazing stage fright when performing... I just black out... apparently I play fine, but I have no recollection of ever being on stage...
And also, fish.
Swimming in a lake and feeling a fish brush up against my leg nearly makes me pass out... |
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Gordillo member
Member # Joined: 18 May 2000 Posts: 308 Location: Guildford,UK
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 4:26 am |
I hate cocroaches. The most repulsive bug
of the world, sorry Socar but they make me puke... |
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Svanur member
Member # Joined: 14 Aug 2000 Posts: 541 Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 5:12 am |
I hate spewage, I agree that there is nothing more disgusting than people that can't hold their food/liquor.
I am also not very fond of everything medical.
And I hate spiders but still I think they are one of the coolest creatures on earth except for cats and reptiles. |
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eyewoo member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2001 Posts: 2662 Location: Carbondale, CO
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 6:02 am |
creatures that ensnare, paralyze, but keep you alive while they suck your juices till death -- spiders! |
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Svanur member
Member # Joined: 14 Aug 2000 Posts: 541 Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 6:46 am |
Fleabrain: You should see my house in the summers. About 5-6 spiders in every window andaround 100+ spiders somewhere around the house. Some get in some don't. Thankfully I changed rooms as there was a huge brush exactly in front of the window in my old room and there always came spiders in. |
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Gothic Gerbil member
Member # Joined: 10 Jul 2000 Posts: 237 Location: Ooltewah, Tennessee, USA
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 6:52 am |
My heart would have eventually stopped working at your house. I'm more scared of spiders than I am of heights which is a lot! I'm always seeing spiders on the ceiling above my bed or crawling over my sheets when I'm in that partially awake phase, and then I jump up and run across the room as fast as I can and flip on a light. Then spend a few minutes getting my contacts in. And I find ... nothing! But I swear, they're real!! And umm other than that? Err ... just normal people. Yeah. They're scawy. |
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Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 6:57 am |
Gothic Gerbil, I LOVE the second line of your signature!
ADOM addicts unite! |
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Jacks True Self junior member
Member # Joined: 04 Aug 2001 Posts: 26
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:10 am |
Working in the office all my life, doing boring repetitive office stuff. That is by far the scariest of all things. |
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Ahcri member
Member # Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 559 Location: Victoria, B.C.
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 8:14 am |
I'm afraid of most soft 'creatures', including catepillars, earthworms, silkworm, etc. Even if they morphed into moths or butterflies I still hate them.. No I don't just hate them, I'm deadly terrified of them. Whenever I see one, or someone described an incident involving these things, I would jump up on the chair because I would imagine seeing them crawling all over the floor.
This phobia is probably caused by some previous experiences. As a kid, I constantly sit on them by accident..  |
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GatoNegro13 member
Member # Joined: 15 Oct 2001 Posts: 69 Location: Winterhaven, Ca
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:31 am |
I am not really afraid of it, but I HATE styrofoam, plastic wrap and rubber balloons. They stick you your skin and make horiible squeaking noises...Meat packaging is the worst! Styrofoam AND plastic wrap! UGH!!! |
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GatoNegro13 member
Member # Joined: 15 Oct 2001 Posts: 69 Location: Winterhaven, Ca
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:32 am |
I am not really afraid of it, but I HATE styrofoam, plastic wrap and rubber balloons. They stick you your skin and make horiible squeaking noises...Meat packaging is the worst! Styrofoam AND plastic wrap! UGH!!! |
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Steelwind member
Member # Joined: 24 Oct 2001 Posts: 70 Location: Northeast USA
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:49 am |
I'm a bit claustrophobic too, although the only catch is it has to be a small space that I can't personally get out of. I have no trouble with elevators or anything like that; it's when I'm jammed into a space so tightly that I can't move that I start to freak out.
For instance, way back when I was a Boy Scout we went camping in the winter and built igloos; I couldn't sleep in one because I kept looking up at the ceiling only a foot or so from my face and imagining it falling in on me (the thing was fifteen inches thick...lotta snow). Then, when I was crawling out the tunnel, I got stuck. That was bad. Just before I decided to stand up and destroy the tunnel I managed to wiggle forward a bit, and calmed down enough to crawl out. That's the closest I've ever been to panic. It sucked.
I used to have issues with spiders, too, but since I started to study them (just for fun) and get to know a few, I am of the opinion that they are one of the coolest creatures on Earth. Jumping spiders rock my world.
Steelwind |
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LinaBo member
Member # Joined: 22 Nov 2001 Posts: 57 Location: Canada
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 2:22 pm |
yeah, I don't mind elevators too much, as long as they aren't crowded. but they still make me very anxious. I like the moving feeling of them, is all. so if I feel like scaring myself for a rush, the elevator is the way to do it  |
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Minefield member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 2001 Posts: 51
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 2:39 pm |
Bugs, any kind of bugs scare the shit out of me... except ants. Don't ask. =/
Spiders, big ones, I can't go near them at all. I had couple of those in my bedroom, couldn't kill them, because I wouldn't get close enough. I've found a spider from my hair too, once...
Bunch of things, dark sinister stuff, like being killed while being restrained or whatever, drowning, falling from really high...
Plus underwater world... I was swimming in mediterranean once, dived for a short while, I was maybe 20 meters away from the shore and it was perhaps 5 meters deep, the water was very clear. I looked down with goggles and saw the seabed filled with all sorts of underwater vegetation from Dimension X. THAT scared the living shit out of me, I instantly swam to the shore and never swam again for the rest of the vacation. =/
[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: Minefield ] |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 2:43 pm |
Clowns those scare me. If one came near me I would be forced to beat it up. And no the fear wasn't caused by "It" I've never seen the whole thing or even 1/4 of it.
Water scares me too. I fell through some ice on a creek when I was younger.
I'm also afraid of dying and coming back a fly in my house. The way my brother is with the fly swater you would be very afraid too. |
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ceenda member
Member # Joined: 27 Jun 2000 Posts: 2030
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 2:58 pm |
Leeches. |
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 4:42 pm |
earthquakes... god damn... earthquakes... shivver
i was in that northridge earthquake when i was like in.. 5th grade or something.. god damn its scared me for LIFE |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 4:47 pm |
Heights of more than, say, five feet. |
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kantide member
Member # Joined: 09 Dec 2001 Posts: 93 Location: Seto, Japan
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 5:14 pm |
quote: Originally posted by LinaBo:
My brother is a scary looking guy, 6'7", but he faints at the site of blood. he can't takes needles, either.
haha! Same here! I went to see my friend in the hospital because he had just been in a car accident. The whites of his eyes were red and he had IVs sticking all out of his arms. I ended up passing out and hitting my head against the wall. The doctor was in there and insisted that he examine me for a concussion. How lame is that? haha I'm such a geek... |
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SWANY member
Member # Joined: 17 Nov 2001 Posts: 212 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:47 pm |
I'll tell you what I'm scared of, it's the germs on the escelator hand rails, one day their gonna mutate and take over the world, I'm so scared  |
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Vesuvius member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2001 Posts: 718 Location: Newton, Ma, USA
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 8:00 pm |
I'm scared to hell by the thought of Bush as president and moreso by the thought of our attorney general being john ashcroft |
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roundeye member
Member # Joined: 21 Mar 2001 Posts: 1059 Location: toronto
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 8:03 pm |
being knifed. id prefer any other form of death. even being burned at the stake, or drowned... and i as well am massively claustrophobic. oh and bees. only practical phobias here. homophobia isnt a real phobia, its just made up by the left, right? haha. |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:59 pm |
Spiders. They make my skin crawl.
Heights. I lose my sense of balance whenever I look down. I can't even watch people who sit by the edge and says, "look! No hands! I'm gonna fall!." I hate that. When they do that, my heart jumps out of my throat and I think they WILL fall in a second.
Filthy bathroom. Godammit, there are some REALLY disgusting people in this world.
Needles. Get them AWAY from me.
Psychos and thugs. You can't reason with them because they don't think like a normal person, and they have nothing lose, while you have EVERYTHING to lose. |
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Jezebel member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 1940 Location: Mesquite, TX, US
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 12:15 am |
I'm afraid of water... I like drinking it but that's about it. Swimming scares me, water parks REALLY scare me and the ocean scares me even more.
And Socar... I know how you feel about vomit, I will do just about anything to keep from vomiting. I can be your best friend one second, but if you start throwing up I will haul ass in the other direction. You didn't happen to see the recent episode of X-Files about Satan and stuff did you? *shudders*
I'm also afraid of having conversations with people... this is obvious to anyone that has ever talked to me in person. And I'm scared of death. But I think that one is kind of obvious to most people  |
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christian cox member
Member # Joined: 06 Nov 2001 Posts: 64 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 6:19 am |
I'm scared of spiders, snakes, creative block, and clowns. |
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Jucas member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2001 Posts: 387 Location: Pasadena, CA
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 9:42 am |
Dentists, I mean what kind of fucked up person wants to poke around in someone's mouth all day? It just isn't right. And the drills! Ahhhhh don't even get me started on the drills! The way I see it, if my teeth are fine stay the hell out of my mouth with your goddamn scratchy thingy.
Shopping. I hate shopping. Now, dont get me wrong, I don't mind going to get myself some clothing. But going with another person petrifies me. When ever I walk into the mall/shop I can feel sweet begin to bead and my collar begins to get hot.
"How do I look in this? What do you think?"
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