SynrrG junior member
Member # Joined: 01 Oct 2001 Posts: 48
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 8:56 am |
OK, so Im still new to this hole digital art thing. Here are some things I've done over the last few weeks. Im a newbie so any words of advice will be helpfull!
Its a Bald Thing
-- This was done late at night when I was almost a sleep. I started by wanting to do an egg of some sort. Didnt exactly become an egg as you can tell. It dosent feel as real as I wanted.
Kiss Me
-- This is something I sent my wife. Uses mostly filters, the word ME was highlighted with the shade/highlight tool strictly.
Silky Smooth
-- I made this for my wife's Mom, she calls herself this in some of the chatrooms she goes too. I was trying to get a silky effect for the background. Also done in highlight/shade tool. I feel its close but not exactly what I wanted.
SumyungGi (neopets)
-- A friend plays neopets, he wanted a personalized rendition of his pet. So I used some filters and stuff to come up with this. I dont have the original anymore. But if you go to Im sure you can find it.
Thats all I've done for now. |