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Topic : "Armor design" |
Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 12:15 am |
Still hammering away on that infernal four horsemen pic.... I was informed that my current armor was dorky (by my boyfriend, who is very honest), so I drew this new one at work today:
I know it ain't digital, but it's a study FOR a digital drawing, so there! Blah. |
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shardik member
Member # Joined: 09 Apr 2000 Posts: 494 Location: Buffalo, NY
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 12:32 am |
thats really cool man... when u color it dont use too many colors... keep it simple the detail on this beast is bangin  |
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SlightlyTwisted member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2000 Posts: 436 Location: Oslo, Norway
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 12:53 am |
Ack! I just this second said how much I like this on another forum...
Oh well, I'm not going to repleat myself, but just for the record: Two thumbs up!  |
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Darklighter member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 223 Location: L.A,CA
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 1:29 am |
i liked the knight on the horse, but this is mad kickass.... i like the stuff that just assaults the mind with detail.... reminds me of this pic right here.... kickass job as usual socar
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: Darklighter ] |
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Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 1:29 am |
Yeek! I miswrote--this is just a study for a fully computer-painted thing...there's a thread about it in Work In Progress. I'm not going to colour this, although anyone who wants to take a crack at it is more than welcome. |
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Lateralus junior member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2001 Posts: 28 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 2:31 am |
Very nice. |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 4:10 am |
Heeeeeeeeh, very cool, Socar! I am completely in love with all the details! Looks like he's got a pretty small head, though ;) But then again, what need does he have for brains? ;D |
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ReSistanZ member
Member # Joined: 18 Dec 2000 Posts: 207 Location: Hoorn NH, The Netherlands
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 4:36 am |
quote: Originally posted by Socar MYLES:
(by my boyfriend, who is very honest
quote: Originally posted by shardik:
thats really cool man
Mmmm, something seems odd here...
Well, I like the pic anyway! Only the armor is really bubbly and the feet are a bit weird as well. |
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Ian member
Member # Joined: 19 Mar 2000 Posts: 1339 Location: Singapore
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 5:46 am |
Socar is a WOMAN! A WOMAN I say!  |
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Aiee junior member
Member # Joined: 30 Oct 2000 Posts: 16 Location: Denmark
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 5:56 am |
Ack! I like detail, but thisis almost too much.
Maybe it's just my eyes, but I have a hard time telling what's what on this image. There's simply too many lines assaulting the eyes at once for me to keep up.
The helmet is nice, and the breastplate is nice too, but the rest of the armor seems a little... ragged, sorta.
Especially the clothing on the legs and feet seem to look more like it belongs to a troll, rather than a dark overlord, which the upper torso suggests. The shield seems slightly too small for my liking (again the upper torso and head screams "I'm impressive", while the legs and arms seem hell-bent on belonging to a troll).
It may be the perspectve, but the arms themselves seem slightly too short. Left (our right) arm should be about �-1 hands length longer to fit in.
Also, the legs seem far too fat for the upper torso, like he's got the mother of all big butts
Finally (and this is a rather minor nitpick) The flail doesn't really convey the might that War (I'm assuming this horseman would be war, since he's dressed in armor) woulod normally be associated with. I'd imagine an OTT flail with a spiked handle and 3-5 skulls, or a huge, black, sliked leafblade.
I like the way you handled his wings though. I wouldn't have thought of that.  |
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catnip member
Member # Joined: 26 Mar 2001 Posts: 100 Location: boston, mass. usa
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 7:39 am |
I think your art is fantastic!
I don't know how old you are,but I know you are young....simply because you have a "boyfriend" that tells you your art is "Dorky"
and you think he is "just being honest".Listen to me!!!! He is not being honest, He is a control freak!!! No one (who cares for anyone) tells them their art is "dorky" and you are so young, you think this kind of "statement" is
O.K. (I'm sure he told you he was just being
honest)!!!! You have a hard and sad life in front of you if you stay with this type of "boy"..I know you think I am overeacting. (I'm not!) And, your art is fantastic!!!!! |
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Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 8:02 am |
*Laughs* Catnip, I'm actually 26...The thing is, my boyfriend and I are both computer nerds. We've both logged over 500 hours of quality ADOM time, and twice that on Nethack.... 'Dorky' isn't much of an insult in our books. He gives advice & critiques, but he knows I won't listen unless I agree. (Believe me, I'm MORE than capable of looking after myself.) Anyway, the old helmet was silly. It looked like an upended dustbin!
To put the whole 'dorky' thing in context, the conversation actually went something like this:
Him: It's lovely, Rat. (His name for me).
Me: Thanks, bird. (My name for him). I'm not so sure about that helmet....
Him: Well, it IS a bit dorky...Look, if you want to do War, you should make him REALLY Warry. You know. Spikes. Big weapons. Beefy. Brommish.
Me: Yeah.... Brommish?
Him: Sure. Why not?
Me: Yeah.
Him (ruffling my hair): You're a cute dork.
Aiee--I like trolls.... *G* Seriously, though, thanks for the crits. I always appreciate them. They'll be very helpful when I do the final picture.
Ian--Yes, I am!
Enayla--Yes...I intended the small head as a sort of...perspective thing...It would look small if one was...about half his height & looking up...But it didn't quite work, and I didn't quite remember to change it! Fortunately, this is just the sketch.
Everyone who gave critiques...thank you very much. I always want advice--it's why I come here, after all.
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: Socar MYLES ] |
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PlantMan member
Member # Joined: 22 Feb 2001 Posts: 176 Location: Brighton, England
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 8:18 am |
this is a suprise and i like it |
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PlantMan member
Member # Joined: 22 Feb 2001 Posts: 176 Location: Brighton, England
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 8:19 am |
this is a suprise and i like it The hands and feet look abit off abut the torso looks nice, i cant usually think of stuff there |
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