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Author   Topic : "I am bored and spend all my time reading and posting on this"

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Joined: 04 Feb 2000
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Location: Dallas, TX USA

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2000 10:00 pm     Reply with quote
I am bored and spend all my time reading and posting on this forum.....
Its funny and there is a lot of people from around the world. I like that its funny by the way m I the only Hispanic... or is there any more brown folk in here I mean Hispanic damn IA m really bored. I am downloading something that is 119mb damn m i stupid or what i should of just ordered the CD damn...
School sucks its boring cant wait to get the hell out and go do whatever
Friday 17, 2000 is Senior Skip day O yea there is so many skip parties to go to damn i cant wait shit i have nothing better to do i should write a book full of grammatical errorz damn i can write shit i am full of errorz damn
i have noticed that most people who artistic care a lot about their appearance its funny my art teacher is skinny than a mother fuka and that nigga worried about getting a belly ahahaha that is so funny hehehe that foo was high to day i asked him what was wrong and he said he has some cough syrup i was like it don't seem like to me i think you have been getting high of that thinner again he just laughed... he got mad cause i told him i wanted to see a self portrait of him and he said coolz i have a lot of those i had to do those back in college i have nudes of my self i was like i don't want to see those he was like why no i was like it would prolly dramatize me for the rest of my life he got swolle hehehe it was funny then he kicked me out of his class cause i was not supposed to be in there ahh damn O well I have no life what so ever damn i wonder if anybody will post anything may be you can write a big ass letter like i did and let all your shit out its fun try it just start typing and see how long you can go hehehe damn am really bored i need a damn peoples anybody interested in cars/girls visit its a great site i like it especially the girls if any of you like to draw girls with big boobs and nice legs check it out you can find some reference material they got three fine hoez n there damn what i would not do to have girl like that shit my download is at 32% right now
well i think i willl go to sleep now
eNd mEs@gE . . .
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 5:20 am     Reply with quote
I must be an exception to the rule, I never even comb my hair. It just sort of stands up. Or goes sideways. But then I've never claimed ot be artistic.
But that must we the longest bit of writing without any punctutation marks I've seen in a while...
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Joined: 20 Feb 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 7:14 am     Reply with quote
*phew* can't believe i read that, uhh yeah in school even though my class ended 1 hour ago and all we did that was like nothing it ended 1,5 hour to early since the teacher couldn't come up with anything to do so now im sitting in this room full of ewww yuckeeyyy imacs yeah its like 15 of them and theres no security or whatever so anyone could just grab an imac of them and walk home with it and got damnit surfing here in sweden sucks we have to pay for every damn minute i just hate it so i have to sit in school most of the time to surf on these sucks imacs with no delete button or pageup pagedown button and if they crash you have to pull the fu**cking cord out and it take like forever to start and the web browser here internet explorer uses up 45 megs of ram with just 1 window open so i opened 1 more window with a 1024*768 pic and the harddrive just went crazy and i couldn't do anything for 1,5 minute as it was loading oh yeah imacs suck more then windows damnit and yeah i just figured out what the i in imac stands for Inferiour shite yeah it is and theres no damn minimize or close button where it should be and you cant just rezise the window however you cant you have to drag that thingy in the corner and all the webpages looks all fu*cked up no matter what browser i use and stupid me was gonna to do the movies yesterday and when i came there the film i wanted to see had just started so i thought hey ill go home and get something to eat so i did that and i had exactly the right amount of money needed to pay for the filmticket and guess what it fuc***cking costed more later when i was gonna see it and there was this huuge queue of people that i waited to get first in line and i didnt have they money so now im gonna watch a film today and hope i wont be typing this stupid message for to long which nobody is gonna read so ill quit soon so i dont miss the film today too cause im already kinda sad and depressed and that shite so ill just start crying and damnit i hate that i never get enugh money to buy that cd i want to cause i spend all my money surfing almost cause my isp telia felia runkarsle wants to make so much money they want and doesnt give a f**ck if all teenagers who have nothing to do has to use all their money on surfing i mean its crazy haveing to pay for chatting with someone like if i went to a friend in real life or wanted to go out in great super duper nature i'd have to pay for every minute thats just sick and im getting annoyed with all those fansounds from all these ifukks even though its kinda quiet sounds its damn annoying and i wonder havent i written more then that damn weirdo that started this thread im probably the only student left here in school now damnit and just as i typed this shite this super hot real long goth girl with really cool shiny hair and clothes walked by damnit i want her oh yeah also hearing sounds of cloth against cloth sound as someone is walking out of the building and this place isn't even a building its a barracks and its like dripping water inside damn annoying drip drip sound but its not dripping as much but still quite annoying and its damn cold in here i really need to get home and get something to eat but first i have to watch that film yeah which ill probably miss because i cant stop typing this meaningless message no maybe its not meaningless ive never let out my feelings or whatever youd like to call it stupid thoughts cause im always real quiet and when i open my mouth i talk to low so people dont hear me and say huh what did you say talk louder i get so fucking pissed of on that and no i dont express myself in my art cause i dunno if i try to it just looks like shite and i never have any words in them either cause words are so ugly and just destroys the artwork but i have 1 word in 1 pic and its fragments its really cool and its integral part of the image the other parts of the image are just lines which have shadows that are set on burn which burn the different fragmented pieces in different colors the background is made up of a really expensive cheese which i found in the car it had all melted cause it was really hot and its a very soft cheese and the final pic looks just mmmmh yummy and yeah real cool looks nothing like cheese more like the thingie inside beehives dunno what its called but thats where i got the idea to call it fragments and make the background in different colors cause the thingie inside is made up of hexagonal fragments so i thought that'd be a good idea and the cheese when i found it was all greasy so to not hurt my cute lil scanner i put in plastic wrap which made it look even cooler when it got scanned cause the cheese looked all plastic and stuff so that is my third best artwork 2d photoshop composition ive ever made i think its somewhere on my webpage but i cant figure out where and i cant upload it as its in school as i already said and damnit ive been typing for 45 minutes yeah im crazy yeaahh baby yeahhh!!!! I WIN I WIN!! (i think,) I BABBLED MORE AND MY LIFE SUCKS EVEN MORE and my hands are really cold which is kinda cool cause i like my hands cold and so are my legs which i dont like and now it came out a teacher that whistled i hate when teachers do that or like hum on a song its so annoying cant they just listen to a song i mean do they have to try to inferiously try to immitate this 45 yr old shite i mean that just totally sucks and damnit NOBODY CARES ABOUT ME *cry* ok not for real but look at my pic radial sunsett cause i love it the colors and everything only 1 person has replied to it so do that cause it really means a lot to me even if you hate it or whatever i just love the colors never made an artwork which such a pretty color or such a fantastic artwork i think and i really ought to stop its 1603 and ive been on this comp for 1 hour now and im really starting to freeze and im really thirsty but i cant buy nothing to drink since i gotta see the film yeah i do and it probably starts soon and im gonna miss it no i dont wanna do that and the teachers have like gone home i can just hear some guy and a couple of girls babbling about whatever and they are going out the door there yeah just me and tons of icky transparent light green or whatever uh yeah tangerine its called really crap name i think dont you im sitting in this really weird way on this chair and i havent got pain in my arms or neck or whatever so i guess its a pretty good chair a teacher just went by actually my swedish teacher and did a cutey smiley and said hi oh yeah almost fake smile a little to perfect for more like a tv commercial for cornflakes, kellogs cornflakes smile. ahh!! whats that! a punctuation!! oh my god! no or should i say oh my trent reznor!!! cause thats my god but not right now cause im tired been listening to downward spiral for to long now and my cd freestyle batteries are depleted so and this is getting kinda boring and im getting a headache i think teacher har alla gott hem and yeah most have so to another teacher with that reply and that annoying teacher is whissling damnit i wonder how many damnit ive written a secret price for anyone that finds out and no cheating uhh nevermind i hope this comps like crashes cause the message is to big that would be kinda funny wouldnt it hehehahaHHHHAHHUHUHUHUHUUHUHHUUHEEAHUHUEAU IM GOING WEIRDO OR INSANE id say not many spelling misstakes dontcha think and this girl gets on the comp and another girl says nej gor inte det dar nu, and she says jag ska inte kolla min mail and its like lots people here now like 4-5 wow i wonder why been typing for 1 hour on this PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!! o0o0o0o exclamanation mark thats bad ill have to stop now yes now ill stop nooooooooo? ha! wrong symbol! but i dont care! no i dont!! first price to the one that bothered to read all this and a personal uhh your life sucks as much as mine message!! and dont cheat by reading this end hehe try typing longer then this!! its probably longer then like uhh what was i gonna say?
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Joined: 20 Feb 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 7:20 am     Reply with quote
Originally posted by Affected:
I must be an exception to the rule, I never even comb my hair. It just sort of stands up. Or goes sideways. But then I've never claimed ot be artistic.
But that must we the longest bit of writing without any punctutation marks I've seen in a while...

oh my. prepare to be was that long. damn. didnt notice, untill i checked after i posted it. and no. i never comb my hair either. but, is there any artistic about combing your hair? uhh. no. unless you like really mess it up, with lots spray and combing and haircoloring. then id call it art if it looks good. .. . .. .... ... . .. .. .. . .. ... ... ... .. . . .. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . ... .. .. .. . .. ... ... .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .
(--: making up for all lost punctuation in my last pose:--)
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Joined: 04 Feb 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 8:21 am     Reply with quote
o my god that was long and I bet you felf good after typing all that shit just let all that bs that is inside you come out hehehehe...
I hate it when i dont have enough money to get what i want i went to the barber a couple of weeks ago i usually pay $8.00 for my hair cut and that is all i had $8.oo and man guess what the stupid barber raised the price to 12 and i waited for 2 hours to get my hair cut and it was bring sitting there looking at other people get their haircuts and watching te hair fall and fall and fine chick come in an you got this humongon pile of shitty hair on you and you dont dare to talk to them cause you hair so messed up at the time... and you look like crap cause you were just going to get a hair cut and did not think you would see anygirls man my life suxz i read tha post by Adamantine i read all of it up to the last word i am suppoused to be doing my class work in english IV and my homework for spanish II and what m i doing i am on this forum trying to write a long book like Adamantine man imacs do suck we got a couple at school in my business imaging and multimedia class we only got one pc in there and it suxz too these people dont spend no money in the school they have million hidden in swedish bank a couple of them got cuaght the Dalas Indepedent School District is ful of corrupted administrators they steal the money and give us crappy teachers, books, computers, and everything else they are suppoused to give us man that really pissses me off i have teacher right now she is lik 90 years old when she talks her eye close becuase all her face moves it looks like that nice pic of a pile of shit somebody posted in the digital art forum well she is always drunk and its funny when she talks she looks like a female version of dhabih image her hair is falling off its funny when she talkd you cant see her eyes cuase all the wrinkles move at the same time it so funny i trip out everytime she talks dman i am going to flunk my classses not all i do in this crappy classes is get on the forum and post and read why do i do that i need a life darn well here is funny story there was this girl and i like her so i asked her for her number so that i could call her and get to know her better she gave me this lame excuse that her parents dont let her talk to guy i was sure what ever and i did not speack to ehr again about a month ago she comes up to me and say "do you want my number" i was like what ever so she wrote it on my hand when i got home i washem my hands and her number off accidently and i have not called her today in the morning she comes up to me pissed off like hell and says to me " i gave you my number why dont you ever call me" i was like i because i dont have time.... she got mad and walked away pissed off a well i just remember i cant spell or write becuase i dont pay attention in class and the all my teacher are stupid reall stupid i am surprised that they are teachers i dont know how they got to be teachers they are so stupid a well i have only had 4 teacher that are pretty smart my ELectronic Publishing teacher(who is also my business imaging and multimedia teacher, and my webmastering teacher (even though i teach the webmastering class)), art teacher, and two of my math teachers all the others are stupid all i do is walk the halls wondering around and got to my art teachers class where me makes me paint and restore art work he gets paid for and do alot of physical labor because for some weird reason i like it i guess cause all my family has always worked construction its in my genes ahahah man that was stupid i am going to give up school and go into construction break my back in the sun everyday and beat my wife and childrem because my boss at work pissed me off damn never mind that i just want to die no i need girl to keep me busy damn i need a girl i m going to make my mission today to find one and post her pic here when i do to see what you think if yall dont like her she can go to hell a welll i worry about what people think too much i just saw the girl with the biggest booty i had ever seen it was fat so fat it looked deformed she had a thin waist but teh butt was so wide and fat it was horrible my friends were like damn i was its deformed they loooked at me like i was retarded i told them it was too big and they said there was not such thing as too big ooooo a weell i the bell is about to ring so i guess i will stop now damn it rang now i am going tobe late for class if i dont stop typing this crap i wonder if anybody got to this point reading ahaha like Adamantine said "i hope this comps like crashes cause the message is to big that would be kinda funny wouldnt it
many spelling misstakes dontcha think and this girl gets on the comp and another girl says nej gor inte det dar
nu, and she says jag ska inte kolla min mail and its like lots people here now like 4-5 wow i wonder why been
typing for 1 hour on this PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!! o0o0o0o exclamanation mark thats bad ill have to stop now yes now
ill stop nooooooooo? ha! wrong symbol! but i dont care! no i dont!! first price to the one that bothered to read all
this and a personal uhh your life sucks as much as mine message!! and dont cheat by reading this end hehe try
typing longer then this!! its probably longer then like uhh what was i gonna say?" ahah i just did that to make my post longer hope that it works if not o well damn i amgoing to be late if i dont log out now man my shit is all over the tablei got to pick it up and yet i still dont stop typing i got autocad2000 lastnight and i did not know i wanted the other one not the one for drafting and design i wanted the one for architechture damn can i like return it after i download shit that just shows how stupid i am it suxz the bell just finished ringing i am late now no i got to go get a tardy pass and since its like my 30 one they are going to make me do some more community service ah damn no i think they are going to give me ticked this time can you belive that we get fined $500 if we do not go to school for 5 day well if it is unexcused and we flunk the whole sememster and get alot of community service DISD sucks look at the site it sucks go to magnet school damn i should of gone to booker T the arts magnet instead i went or i am at the busines magnet i regret that or i should of prolly just enrolled in the science and engineering magnet ahhhhhhhhhhh
School suck my parents are gonna make me go to college and guess who gonna pay for it they gonnna make me get a job damn i guess i wil just enroll in the marines say i was gonna end this when the bell rang a man this lady is not going to let me go to lunch and i am gonna get this head aches in the back of my head cause i dont sleep or eat well darn i am gonna die young i need to exercise more often, sleep and eat or i am going to die of whatever they call it well i guess this is it since this teacher is kickingme out now she says i need to go to my next class now and she threatened me to shut the computer off and call security on me damn laters
eNd mEs@gE
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Joined: 04 Feb 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 8:30 am     Reply with quote
I am bored in Spanish Class now...
I need to find a Poem by a hispanic author in spanish duh well i had one but it had the word breast in it and the teacher is said it was unacceptable so does if any of you know any coolz poems in spanish hook me up its like .33 of the sixz weeks grade damn i have to recite it in front of the class too
Damn i got to take notes
eNd mEs@gE
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Joined: 12 Jan 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 1:14 pm     Reply with quote
damn, and i thought i was bored,. now that i've spent all morning reading the messages i think i'll go get some more work done,. thanks for the enjoyment ~

actually here's the story of my life in slow motion

oonnee ttiimmee lloonngg aaggoo,. ahh who cares ~.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 1:26 pm     Reply with quote
hey if you dont have anything to do download napster on damnit and get all the songs in existance thats what im doing but we got superduperfast connection on the school but napster dont cause i dunno and its like arghh!!!
i mean you could write like a whole book on this and no punctuation and nobody could cheat when reading the book cause they dont know were to start again
FUCK SELFSENSCENSORING!! or uhh however its spelled and yeah my school sucks too all these girls skip school like 3-4 days per week and in the beginning the teachers said they would like call their parents and talk to pupil about it and they dont do shite but its cool cause they even dont got no dininghall so we get to eat at restaurants oh yeah every fucking day yeah yeah!! and like my graphical art teachers are kinda 0percent artististic which like sucks major doggie bullocks and before we had photography and i worked like tons on that and most didnt do shite and they get good grades on that and when i had even worked more hours on photography and talked to the teacher and lotsa shite and asked him like if my grades were good he said like "uhh yeah you came to all the lessons, and uhh worked good" yeah he would have said that to everyone that dumb fuck and this mediaclass teacher we have he can like talk forever and its really fun on his class but the stuff he talks about its just fun you dont learn a single important shite about it kinda like watching cartoons on the tv and this computer teacher i have he cant understand why im so upset and shite when im talking about how shitty imacs are and like last we he yelled at me cause he thought i was behaving bad and then went back to helping some girl on a comp yeah he is superior so it wasnt that he reacted bad my behavior was just bad so the next day they had a meeting about it i mean got damnit i learned that guy so much and learn the other peeps in my class more then the teachers do and just because i said 1 thing wrong like 3 times they have to have a fucking meeting about it i mean no matter how many fucking good things i do theyll never have a meeting saying oh yeah your to good dude chill down take some vacation so the teachers are allowed to work to hahaha like that would ever happen in our fantastic world yeah he got upset cause i said the monitor was fucked up which it was cause it was screwing up pictures in photoshop so i said i thought it was the RAM and he was like uhhh but have you checked on other comps and i said yeah i have and i KNOW thats its not like that there so he said well check the other comps so i said once again that i knew that it was wrong with this comp and not the program so he said well just check the other comps cause he cant dare to think that im right cause he the smartest ass in the world yes he is said i said like dumbass or something like that to him and talked on and blah then he just exploded with screaming at me i mean god just crazy and like the next day in the meeting he said that "you cant go around telling other people they are dumb in the head" like if he ever understood what i said and that i would never get upset when he keeps dennying that im right damn this way of typing is just great cause usually i dont even finish 1 sentence cause ive learned that you cant type or say what you want cause first you have to leave out all the bad words then you have to leave out all the thoughts or else theres some kid that will read this and kill all his friends and teachers in school yeah right like if its not the parents fault which dont care about their kids or the fact that most strive to be as normal and fake as possible no you just have to make a new law and put "this cd contains bad language" cause then all the christian parents know that they shouldnt buy that cd to their perfectly bibel bred children uhh yeah back to the subject i always learned from first to last grade that you have to spell it right and i like i remember in second grade or something on english that i spelled i with a little i so i lost like 20 points or something on this test and i got to know that you have to spell i with a big i i mean is that so fucking important and now i like talked lotsa to the teachers in lotsa subjects and shite and didnt do so terrible good on the test because im not so terrible smart and they fucking like forget that i totally gave all to this subject in class and when i talked it was about the subject in class i mean so fucking stupid ignorant teachers and uhh no i dunno if i feel better when ive typed this but i feel better if somebody cares about what i've written and/or even liked what i said/typed/whatever and no your life dont suck everybody fake and ignorant peoples lives suck you seem really smart and what normal "sane" person would dare to say all this in a forum haha right i mean most of the people i know are kind and all but most are so fucking stupid fake and racial/afraid or anyhing or anyone that acts or looks or says something different and man keep on living or else the fucked up world has won and more stupid people will destroy the world you have changed mine a little today for saying whatever you feeling like thats great keep up the good work!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! fuck punctuation!!!!! uhh yaeh in my school you could choose to have spanish or not so i choose not to and i start every thursday 1 hour later :-) uhh yeah crazy school ya go to uh yeah i got to this school so i could be like with people like me guess what everyone in graphical design are zero artistic and the only guy thats artistic he uses lens fucking flare filter all the time hehe yeah Adamantine end and out!! oh almost forgot gotta finished my webpage which hasnt been update in circa 4-5 months =--( need to get dreamweaver cause i get like tired after using notepad in 2-3 hours per day to make my homepage and damnit i hate programming dreamweaver is more like graphical art notepad is for programmers and like i tried finding it on the net and all i found was a german version =-( uhh over and out Adamantine hehe yeah 2 big letters in the entire post beat that!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 1:37 pm     Reply with quote
hehe uhh yaeh uhh spent about 1h on that message =) i just leave reading all these posts much better then chatting with some retarded fake peeps, grr i cant listen to nin when im typing cause my brain gets all confused cause i cant both type and listen to vocal words grr screw my brain and i cant remember left or right no matter how much i try im 16 and cant remember left and right i mean damnit!!!! but i can remember any sound face or graphical artwork the millisecond i see it.....uhh yeah and you thought you were screwed 8-)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2000 3:13 pm     Reply with quote
AHH! Use puncuation in your sentences!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2000 4:00 pm     Reply with quote
this thread gives new meaning to the term "random mushings"

oh yeah get some fresh air!
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