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Author   Topic : "Wanted: ideas from books to draw..."

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Joined: 28 Sep 2000
Posts: 93

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 1:26 pm     Reply with quote

For a drawing session with a friend of mine we were looking for things to draw. We noticed that some (most?) of the stuff you find at sijun covers nearly identical topics: Heros, good looking fantasy-girls, gasmasks, landscapes and some times pirates.
To get some fresh ideas we played a game: One retells a part from book, that would be good material to draw and the other one gives it a try.

It worked really well for us and we got very excited about turning words into visual ideas.

So if someone has a small, inspiring passage from a book it would be great to post it!
We would love to give it a try and may find some good books to read...

Below is the passage we started with. It's from one of my favorite books: Neal Stevenson's "Cryptonomicon".

Page 501 ff:

They have to walk past the desk in order to reach G�ring, who is spread across an equally massive couch at the end of the [train] car, underneath a Matisse, and flanged between a couple of Roman busts on marble pedestals. He is dressed in red leather jodhpurs, red leather boots, a red leather uniform jacket, a red leather riding crop with a fat diamond set into the butt of the handle. Bracet-sized gold rings, infrected with big rubies, grip his pudgy fingers. A red leather officers’s cap is perched on his head, with a gold death�s head, with ruby eyes, centered above the bill. All of this is illuminated only by a few strations of dusty light that have forced their way in through tiny creavices between curtains and shutters; the sun is up now, but G�ring’s blue eyes, delated to dimesized pits by the morphin, cannot face it. He has his cherry-colored boots up on an ottoman; no doubt he has trouble with circulation in his legs. [...] Heavy cologne fails to mask his odor: bad teeth, intestinal trouble, and necrotizing hemorrhoids. „Good moring, gentlemen,“ he says brightly. „Sorry to have kept you wating. Heil Hitler! Would you like some tea?“ [...]
„You must have known that the Sicherheitsdienst would get wind of this.“ He heaves an exhausted sigh. „How am I going to path this up?“
When G�ring says this, Rudy knows for the first time since the knock on his door that he is not going to die today. G�ring has something else in mind.
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spooge demon

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 6:40 pm     Reply with quote
Maybe don't look at it like things to draw. Try to figure out how to tell a story with an image. It's a lot of fun!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 5:10 am     Reply with quote
This is a pretty neat idea, actually. Often, when you're illustrating a book, the art director will ask you to illustrate a specific scene or passage from the book.

Here's my contribution, from "The Innocent" by Ian McEwan:

"But Leonard could not speak. His throat was constricted by a joyous gratitude. The speed and simplicity of it all. And now the great Russian silence could descend. He would get dressed now and go and tell Maria that everything was fine.

"Glass was shouting his name. Leonard said, 'Sorry, Bob. I was stunned by the news.'

"'The cases, Leonard. The cases!'

"'Right. It was the body of a man I hacked into pieces.'"
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 11:39 pm     Reply with quote
Yeah, me and my room mate tried something along those lines, but isntead of taking a passage out of a book, we just came up with places, and some sort of idea... and let our minds wander... we would give each of us a "assignment" so that we could get practice... It works, if you can come up with good ones though...

Telling a story or message behind your work... I love that..

hehe... thats a narly passage man! my mind is going nutz! I might actually give that one a try...
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