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Topic : "Coloring a Sketch Help.........." |
Pix3l junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 4 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 6:02 am |
okies people, meh first post in here i'v read lots of the forum, found some realy good tip's thx 4 that
But i'm still hanging around with a problem of my own, i don't have a tablet yet, so my work has to been done with a mouse.
First of all i have a little sketch of a sort a Swamp-fly
So that is scanned now i wanna color it whoeps there's the problem, i'v been trying to get lots of detail and realisme, i'm now alsmost out of idea's i'm sure there are a few people who can help me out.
so i'm looking for a few suggestion on how-to do it, not create it for me.
i have the following program's
i'dd realy be happy if you can help me out on this sketch, realism and detail is a must.
Cheers and Thanks
ps: my english grammer is not so good, so don't mind the grammer  |
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Pix3l junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 4 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 9:14 am |
okey the magic word:
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ..... |
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jezelf junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 40 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 9:35 am |
using photoshop, you could use the layers.
use this image as your background layer. create a new layer and turn it's layer option into multiply.
using a mouse will be tricky, but you could first create a marquee around your image and then fill with your desired colour, then gradually work on top a layer at a time.
depends on if you want your pencil work to show through (muliply will do this), or you're looking for photographic realism. If you've worked from photgraphic reference, hopefully it's in colour, so keep that to hand.
you work with the layers much a similar way to hand painting. It also means it not terminal if you screw up. With a mouse you'll have to be careful. I guess you could build up using the graduation tool. Ive done charaters this way.
you don't get a panterly result, but it is achieveable with some practice. otherwise I would suggest the paintbrush, but then you're back to a problem with the mouse.
With the graduation tool, it's more mouse friendly. You take time in selecting area you want to add colour. make sure your gradiant tool is colour --> transparent. then select an area using your marquee again and add the gradiant colour.
once you understand the process, you soon figure out how to do it and it can be fun. so play around first.
I'll try to post the results of a picture Ive done, if you want to see what to expect, but Im new to this site, so Im just sorting out a site to put work up.
Hope it's of some help. Good Luck.
jez |
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Pix3l junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 4 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:28 am |
thx for you help jez, i think it's gonna help me,
of yeah, should i trace the line's in photoshop first of just start painting on a new layer ?
proberly the painting methode is light to darken color's, so i gues first a light layer with a basic color then add detail or something ..
well i'm gonna go try something cheers. |
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jezelf junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 40 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:34 am |
this is the result Im talking about. I Only had print outs to hand, so I had to scan these in, but you can still see the result.
these were just concepts images and I didnt labour over them, just did what was needed. but if you spend more time on your work you can still get a decent result. these characters were also a little 'unrelistic' but thee method should be sound.
marqueeing and filling in first will help get rid of the white and you can start to work out light/dark areas.
I started with a base colour and worked from dark to light. youcan alwaysa pull stuff back, thats the beauty of photoshops layers. :-) happy to help.
best wishes
Jez. |
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jezelf junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 40 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:35 am |
sorry! this should work...
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jezelf junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 40 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:36 am |
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jezelf junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 40 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:44 am |
sorry - didnt mean to post it twice. Geocities screwed up - but I thought it wasnt posting correctly. hey! - Im learning! :-D
Jez |
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Pix3l junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2002 Posts: 4 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 12:16 am |
ah nice drawing you got there lemme try to do something.
the geocity picture's usualy work, just copy/past the shortcut into a new browser window  |
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