Shadow-X- member
Member # Joined: 29 Oct 1999 Posts: 259 Location: Formerly Ontario,Canada, Now Vancouver, B.C, CANADA, where people hate the Toronto Maple Leafs
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 5:51 pm |
Hey, I just saw this one amazing flash animation made of stick figures, including a whole matrix style camera action thinggy. Well ya, it has given me a spur of the moment inspiration that will fade away sooner or later, but it has made me want to learn how to do animations in Flash (I have version 5). So can anyone point me to some tutorials of basic/advanced animation? I don't mean just moving one shape from one side of the screen from the other, or making one shape morph into another, I mean animation like trying to make a walking figure, or something like that. Even if it is a spur of the moment thing, learning flash will help me later on in the future when I wanna use it, I guess. Meh.... Please help! Thanks.  |