smalls member
Member # Joined: 20 Jan 2001 Posts: 108 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 9:21 pm |
have any of you ever heard the song "Lilith?" Its by Plaid and Bjork. it is such a cool song. i going to make a music video for it in 3ds max.. i am making the story board right now... but i only have a half to 5/8ths of the song mapped out in my head... if you could give me any ideas... that would be neat...
this is what i was thinking:
opening shot: is a woman looking down, concetrating. she is on a field... a huge one, trees, grass, birds.. etch in the background. the camera rotates to show a profile shot of the woman and now in the background there is a girl on a swing ,swinging, (whoda thunkit?)
next shot: goes to a woman, man, and little girl getting into some kind of transport shipthing.. it takes of and bolts out of the air feild. it flies through plains, over the field in the first shot, and then goes into a canyon.(all the while, explosions and things happening trying to destroy this transport thing) they get away..
next "scene": the girl and the woman and guy "get away" and start living in an isolated place.
NOW: i dont know what to have after the three "get away" .. i was thinking showing how the man and woman "get together" but yeah
next scene: after a little bit... all of the sudden explosions and things start to happen again. this time the three fight back.. the little girl does most of the fighting (she is special, thats why the man and woman have to get her away from bad people).
end scene: the "battle" is over. i was thinking of having the girl telepatheclly pick everyone up and in a flash they are all gone. and the video ends...
plz.. crits.. help... ideas...
i just realized this is going to take for ever.. even low rendered and modeled stuff... hopefully it will be good to put in my portfolio though.. you know?
well. thanks... |