shahar2k member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 867 Location: Oak Park CA USA
Posted: Sat May 19, 2001 4:49 pm |
this is just to end that "who's going to E3" thread... so post here if you went, and what you thought...
crap, well, partially crap anyways... at the last moment, (last night) I'm talking to a friend who was at E3 (Capnpyro) and he tells me that I can have his pass for the last day of the show, so I went and in all the excitement forgot to look up the phone numbers, sorry to miss all'yall. maybe next year....
we should arrange an E3 "fund" where those with access can add those without so that anyone on Sijun can have fun and go if they want and can...
E3 was a hell of a lot of fun, played Halo, Unreal chanpionship, and most of the gamecube stuff, I'm VERY impressed with nintendo, but that's not something the show did anything to change
X-box seems to be a ragtag collection of ho-hum titles that'll be out for PC pretty soon, and I can wait... the PS2 seems to be faltering, but I think it'll be pretty successfull, and the PC.. well that's what X-box ports are for
and that's really what I came out of E3 feeling... so anyone else want to follow? |