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Author   Topic : "Long: short Essay written on Wacom when I was bored"
Wiked Ewok

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 9:00 pm     Reply with quote
These are my personal opinions on Wacom. If you don't like Wacom, that's your opinion. I don't know if goes into the Random Musings section or not, but since it has to do with art and how I feel about it, I'm posting this up here. Maybe share your feelings about it too.(excuse any typos or grammar mistakes. I did this on the spot)

The Wonders of Wacom

In today's Digital age, everything is done using the computer. From real estate to groceries to match-making. Technology has completely revolutionized the way our society works. Some of us no longer go to bookstores to buy books. Others even order groceris from online services such as Webvan. The economy has switched gears from a country full of blue collars to one saturated with white collars. People have been driven further and further away from manual labor and inched forward towards the new world of fast, cheap, efficient automatons. Ebay for example runs thousands of auctions simultaneously, allowing even teenagers to go online and make bids from their mom's credit cards. Stocks can now be purchased electronically, without a broker, and accounts can be checked and transfered with the click of a button. This sudden transition into a new culture type has left many people in a state of shock. Some ask, has individual talent gotten lost inside this new Digital Media? In art, having 3d renderers produce life-like photographs with a model download here, and a load and drag there, make it seem that this new age has eliminated the distinction and uniqueness that artists used to express. Until a while ago, most of art was not done on a computer. If it was, they would be of the 3d rendered type. Only until Wacom came out have artists begun to leap into the Digital pool. Wacom has reinvented the paintbrush, the pencil and the canvas.

The feeling of a Wacom is truely remarkable. One would think that anything having to do with computers would be completely mechanical, extremely logical. After all, the engine is based on processing 1's and 0's, unlike the complex DNA structuring of human beings, capable of unlimited imagination and creativity. Miraculously, however, Wacom has broken the barrier that seperated computers from the creative world. As artists, we can now freely express ourselves with every stroke onto glowing electron tube. Every gentle push into the plastic covering is a push using a brush of unlimited variety into a soft glowing canvas. The canvas reaches out to the brush and soaks in the everflowing paint. A point here and a tap there dips the Brush into another color of light. Another tap and drag changes the medium from oil to a translucent water color. Yet another tap flattens and broadens the brush for painting large areas of the brilliant canvas. After several well placed strokes, you gaze at the wonder brought to life by your hands.

The merging of our two seperate existances, the left and right of our mind, the Yin and the Yang, the tough canvas with the floating screen, is rendered as reality through Wacom.

hrmm be nice if someone drew a picture of the tablet to go along with this:P oh, no, I don't advertise for Wacom, seeing that it's such a great product anyways; there's no need.

Luck is preperation meeting opportunity

[This message has been edited by Wiked Ewok (edited March 03, 2001).]
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2001 10:11 pm     Reply with quote
Lay off the caffeine man...(JK)
A very interesting observation, one i have often thought of myself. But in the end, the Wacom (as badass as it is) is just a tool, like the computer, and the software. The talent still comes from the artist, only the medium has changed. We would still paint or draw if there wasn't Wacoms and computers..
you know that is true. Wacoms only broaden our scope of possibilities, and make the process that much easier.
I like mine too

[This message has been edited by Rhythmeen (edited March 03, 2001).]
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2001 10:46 pm     Reply with quote
Any medium that can help you express that which cannot be expressed through conventional means is good by my book. Including nude dancing.

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