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Author   Topic : "Whoo-boy, that was weird..."

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2000 1:47 pm     Reply with quote
I had a nightmare.
It's a bit fragmented, but...

I was going home with two guys, I don't know who they were. As we entered, one of them remarked that he'd heard rumours that there was an underground (illegal) supermarket that took up the whole 3rd floor in the building I live in. We got on the lift, and suddenly I and the guy that hadn't said anything found ourselves in the elevator shaft, behind the elevator, on the fifth floor. The second guy got off the elevator, and I don't know where he went after that. That was a problem, because I remembered that to get out of the elevator shaft, someone needs to make the lift go down, and then we could get on top of the lift and crawl through the door. (For some reason I've been in that elevator shaft a lot in my dreams recently.)

Before I could start to think of a solution to the problem, I found myself at home, suddenly. I was mildly intrigued, seeing as I had no idea how I'd gotten there, but I forgot about it soon. At that point, an old, fragile woman entered the dream. I met her on several occasions, probably in several places. She looked nice enough, a sophisticated, smiling old woman.I think she wanted me to do somethign for her, I don't remember much of that phase. The next clear part is that I'd gotten rid of the woman (I think I remember being relieved about it, so 'getting rid of her' is the right phrase), and was at home, when the doorbell rang. There was a pleasant-looking man in his 50's or 60's at the door with the old woman. The man was a bit gruffy in a fashionable way that somehow spoke of wealthiness, and for some reason he struck me as a chauffeur. He said he'd found the woman at the door downstairs, and that she'd had a heatstroke. She'd requested to be brought to my home. I let her in, and the man left.

The next thing I knew, the woman was wearing a huge red robe, sort of like the clothes people in high places in the Church wore in the middle ages. It was an elaborately cut, airy flowing robe that filled the space around her, seeming to live a life all it's own. She also had a red elongated headpiece that had a cross on the front, shaped kind of like a bishop's hat. The dress made her seem stronger and menacing, somehow not quite human. She wanted me to take her home, and she asked me if I was able to spell her address. I thought 'piece of cake', and asked what her address was. She started speaking in some language they speak in India (I was certain it was an Indian language. I don't know why, I didn't understand a thing...) and I noticed I had no hope of spelling what she was saying. I could hardly discern the sounds she was making, it was complete gibberish to me. My mother appeared, and the woman left or dissappeared. I was getting pretty shook up, but I was glad the old woman wasn't there anymore. Then I noticed my cell phone had received a message. It was from a teacher at my school, she was upset about somethinh and complained about 'reckless and irresponsible behaviour' or something. I couldn't really read the message, since my phone started acting up. Words began to appear and dissappear on the screen, one by one. The message they formed was a question: "Is your human companion ready to join the brotherhood?" It was the woman again, and I think by 'human companion' she meant my mother. I panicked and started screaming. I'd realized she was not going to leave me alone, and that she was up to no good.

Soon after that I woke up, feeling strangely frightened, and I considered not going to sleep again in case the dream would come back. I didn't want to see what would happen next. After about half an hour I'd calmed down and fell asleep again. It was a different dream, and involved me and some others being chased by some folks, but it wasn't a nightmare, nor was it particularly interesting, so I'll leave that be. I just hope the nightmare isn't one of those recurring dreams. There was something about it... It was too real, and it had the constant feeling of a hidden evil surroinding everything...

So, anyone else got any odd ones? I Once had one that didn't end when I woke up , but that's a different story...


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2000 1:54 pm     Reply with quote
When I was young....reeeeeal young...4 I think......I dreamt that I was a Fraggle and a Gorg (those big mongoloids) ate me! Scared the living Piss out of me!

-- Lemur-X
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2000 2:14 pm     Reply with quote
I dreampt that I pittled in my bed last night. Oh wait, that wasn't a dream ..

I can't control my bladder.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2000 2:53 pm     Reply with quote
Oh God, I want to analize that dream.... let me get my book out

If I knew you better and knew what was going on in your life, I could analize it more accurately but I will still give it a go...

I think you feel inferior to somebody or something. I'm trying to figure out what the elevator shaft symbolizes. The old woman and your mother is very odd. Does religion scare you? Are you struggling with morals, beliefs or someone somewhat of an authority figure? A fragile old woman has something to do with growing or changing I think. You have been thinking about getting old perhaps? It's all very creepy to me, especially the part about the old woman speaking in a different language in that outfit. Do you think she was human? Anyway, I'm having a hard time analizing this not knowing anything about you or what's going on etc. :/

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2000 2:59 pm     Reply with quote
I forgot to mention my dream. Oh, by the way, I have disturbing, long, realistic dreams like that all the time too. But I dreamt that I discovered I was Donald Trump's daughter and was staying in his house. I felt less than his other children. But I remember he gave me a big wad of money, and I carried it in my pocket and did not spend it. I didn't really want him to think I wanted his money.

This relates to when I met my real father I think.... I met him when I was 18. I got kicked out of the place I was staying in not long after I met him and was forced to ask if I could stay with him. It was very awquard. The first day I was there, he took me aside and handed me $500. I don't remember what I did with it... I think my boyfriend spent it on computer shit. Which made me angry........
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2000 10:29 pm     Reply with quote

I love dreams

Anyways... hehe, here is the wierdest one I have ever had... And I don't do drugs.

Where I used to live, there was a forest where bad ppl would look at pr0n magazines and drink and the like, and anyways, I dreamt, that Midgits, or Munchkins lived in that forest and my mom and dad had gotten kidnapped by them! So being the couragous dude I was me and my brother hopped in the car and drove to the woods and were driving through them, don't know how this is possible.... but anyways, we were, and then the car brokedown and all the munchkins were all around and then we picked up sticks and started hitting them, well these were super midgits, so they were strong, and then I hit mine with my stick, right on his head, and the stick broke! So he grins and me and we start fighting..... and I win, but then my brother is gone, most likely kidnapped by the midgits and I start running through the forest... And that is all I can remember....
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 4:51 am     Reply with quote
The only mildly disturbing thing that has happened recently is that I had an unhappy near-relationship with a girl.. :P
We were supposed to meet up, go to a caf� or whatnot, but she decided to disregard my calls and has done a very thorough job of avoiding me since. Nothing big, and I got over it quite easily. I don't think that has anything to do with this.

As for inferiority, I don't think so, at least I don't think I think I'm inferior... :P And aging hasn't been on my mind at all, really... The old woman was a prime example of how looks can deceive. She wasn't exactly human, not in that robe anyhow. She didn't really have to do anything but exist to be menacing.
I don't know if my dreams can be analyzed that much. It's like how I get the ideas for my pictures: out of thin air. An image simply appears in my head, that especially happens a lot when I'm trying to sleep.
It's a long shot, but maybe the woman was the source... Her question about whether 'my human companion was ready to join the brotherhood' seemed to imply that I was already a member...

Religion doesn't frighten me, it is simply not a part of my life. I sometimes find the church and people who preach their religion oppressive, but not frightening.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 6:11 am     Reply with quote
my freind has a recurring dream where she is trying to sleep when people wonder into her room and wonder about some one she knows (not always the same person) will guid them around and point at things and say things like "and this is her wardrobe and this is her carpet and this is her lavalamp" ect ect she is compleatly helpless groggy rubbing her eyes and with a ridiculous case of bed hair (she has very curly hair and it's mad at the best of times) she is only anoyed that they have woken her and she cannot get them to go away (though she never leaves her bed) she calls it the Guided tour dream can anyone figure out what thats all about?!?!

Phill 'More Waap than a Super Geneticly Modifyed Waap!' Tew
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 6:30 am     Reply with quote
Maybe she feels some people are too curious about her?


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Count Zero

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 7:21 am     Reply with quote
I could go all freudian on your asses, but I'd rather not.
Dreams, dreams...
The only one that comes to mind is a dream (nightmare actually) I had thrice (does that count as recurring?) several years ago...
It was really simple and short: I find myself in a high place, unable to hang on and I fall.
Woke me up everytime and scared the shit out of me.
Fun fact: I suffer from a mild case of acrophobia, but can't say wether it has been around before or only after the dream...
For a while I thought I'd gotten it totally under control, but was proven wrong when we went filming on a roof ( don't ask ). The dream came back really vividly, but I didn't have the dream again...
Enough ranting. Oh, btw. I personally don't believe in Freud's theories about dreams...

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 8:54 am     Reply with quote
Freud is a weird mother fucker. That's all I've got to say about him.... I got one of his books out of curiosity. Because I heard so much about his work. But he's got no idea what he's talking about!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 9:57 am     Reply with quote
Freud.. Didn't he also say men and women can never be 'just friends', that there is always a sexual undertone?
Then again, his experience with women was a bit limited, wasn't it...


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2000 10:33 am     Reply with quote
Freud also has a bunch of theories relating to sons wanting to bone their mothers. I minored in Pyschology a few years ago.. I know all the theories. I'm just bored of it all now.
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Count Zero

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2000 1:12 am     Reply with quote
Something tells me that it Freud himself who had issues with his mother and women in general... And I think it's safe to say he over-emphasized the meaning/significance of sex in everyday life. Oh, and everything he couldn't prove, he covered by saying "you've repressed it".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2000 3:33 am     Reply with quote
hes was jacked up on heroin 24/7
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2000 11:04 am     Reply with quote
yeah.. hahaha. I think the drug of choice then was opium too. Poe took opium, didn't he?
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