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Topic : "A new girl with a pic..." |
L99Relm member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 2000 Posts: 123 Location: VA, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:08 pm |
Hi, I finally decided to join after lurking around here for a couple months, looking at all of the awesome artwork. You people are very inspiring. It also seems that you give some of the most helpful crits I've seen on any message board. I would really appreciate any comments of that nature that you could give me on this picture I finished yesterday. I did this completely in Photoshop (v 5.0) using a digital art pad, and I spent a bunch of time on it.
Here's a link to a larger version
The guy in this picture is an original character, one of the first I've done, so any advice you can give in character design would be helpful. I found that the lighting (I'm used to doing things like this in white light, not yellow) presented the biggest challenge when I was coloring this so comments regarding that would be helpful too. Please tell me what you think...Thanks for you time ^_^ and help.
[This message has been edited by L99Relm (edited October 23, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by L99Relm (edited October 23, 2000).] |
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:28 pm |
Thats looks really nice-
your other pictures on your hp too btw.
welcome to the forum.
edit: browsed your site some more.. damn, you've got talent and that at 17 already.
- Nex
[This message has been edited by Nex (edited October 23, 2000).] |
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Tinusch member
Member # Joined: 25 Dec 1999 Posts: 2757 Location: Rhode Island, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:40 pm |
That's an awesome pic. Nice colors and shading. I'd suggest a more natural pose, though. He looks a bit stiff. Lossen him up.
*glares at Nex*
Age discrimination! 17-year-olds are just as capable...
*chases Nex with knife* |
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Zenzuke member
Member # Joined: 11 Oct 2000 Posts: 54 Location: Madrid, Spain. Know where it is?
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:44 pm |
Wonderfully rendered, although it looks "planar" in some way. I don't know how to explain it. It looks like the figure has no volume, but it gives the image a very cool strange feeling. I like it very much. If you didn't made it on purpose, try to think about how the man's face is shaded and try to give him a more natural pose. It reminds me of some medieval paintings. Very nice. |
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Visigoth Guest
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Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:47 pm |
Nice image! I like the coloring style...The only thing I can see that doesn't quite look right, is the feet...His left foot doesn't appear to have any curvature, or heel to it...Other than that, it seems pretty solid! Keep up the good work!
Your car is a fiberglass penis extension. |
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]Aratex[ member
Member # Joined: 19 Oct 2000 Posts: 121 Location: Central IL
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:53 pm |
Beautiful image... My only crit is that his head appears to be the tiniest bit too small for his body.... but otherwise, it's very nice... It has a very unique feel to it, I really like your style... Keep it up!  |
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 2:58 pm |
aieeeeh! *runs around in circles* |
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Chapel member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2000 Posts: 1930
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 4:03 pm |
Nice design! Reminds me of Jericho from Teen Titans. (think I just dated myself) It is a great start. I think the thing that stands out most is the perspective of the hallway. Need to work on that a little bit and the other things that everyone is pointing out wouldn't stand out so much. Welcome to the forum. |
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EviLToYLeT member
Member # Joined: 09 Aug 2000 Posts: 1216 Location: CA, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 6:32 pm |
Think his arms are a bit long. His pose is indeed a bit awkward. Perhaps you can fix that up later. Btw, I really like your coloring style. Like the crispiness and welldefined lines. Great work  |
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Seph|roth member
Member # Joined: 07 Sep 2000 Posts: 261 Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 10:16 pm |
I really like it as well, I agree with pretty much all the crits posted so far and id like to add my own. The character looks very well rendered and smooth, however, your backround seems to be in a different style where we could still see the strokes. I dont know if it was intended like that or not, or if its a finished piece or not, but maybe smooth out the backround a bit..
Just my 2 cents, great work though, keep it up
- Seph -
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Anthony member
Member # Joined: 13 Apr 2000 Posts: 1577 Location: Winter Park, FLA
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 10:31 pm |
Interesting image-not going for realism-that's OK, not everyone has to. One thing-he's making his fist like a girl would-the thumb should go over his first two fingers' second digit.
Carpe Carpem |
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shahar2k member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 867 Location: Oak Park CA USA
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 11:14 pm |
Jenn's rule seems to be in effect here... oh well, no reason it shouldn't be
I went to your site, and poked around (read: saw everything on there) it seems that you draw your faces all similarly, I think you'll find that it will cause you a few problems down the road (muscle memory builds up, making you able to draw these faces easily, but they become more and more similar) you should try somethings like drawing faces upside down, or just drawing them with diffrent expressions, that could really help you out with understanding the actual form rather than the symbol
allso, come on, the guy's lost in a cave, lets have more of that "I'm lost in a cave" look in his eyes |
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shahar2k member
Member # Joined: 01 Jun 2000 Posts: 867 Location: Oak Park CA USA
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 11:20 pm |
btw, I'm betting you have problems similar to mine... being a guy I find that guy features creep into my girl drawings...
same thing with yours, the fist, and the face (too round, unless he's pre puberty, it wouldn't look that way) other than that, ... try making the shading more extreme (darker darks, lighter lights) I'm repeating Fred flick stone advice, but it seems to apply.
any more experienced blokes feel free to correct me |
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Freddio Administrator
Member # Joined: 29 Dec 1999 Posts: 2078 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2000 12:35 am |
quote: Originally posted by Nex:
edit: browsed your site some more.. damn, you've got talent and that at 17 already.
I agree with tinusch... there are some absolutely AWESOME 17 year old artists out there... they would be competeing with the best this forum has to offer....
Many young people think that they can't be as good as professionals just because they are young...
Well all those professionals were producing awesome stuff at our ages to so it can be done
there are a fair few of us younger artists around here...
Jason Ng he produces some pretty neat stuff along with a few others....
anyway I just finished uploading some pics to my site
hmm I think I may make a new thread about my site heh
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AKIRA_x member
Member # Joined: 15 Jun 2000 Posts: 174 Location: NORWAY
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2000 1:14 am |
Very cool, love the color use...just TWO things.
1. The "cape" or thing he has over his have worked in ALOT of texture into it..and it looks a bit to me like dough, compare it to the rest of you clothes that have nice rounde folds with the correct size compared to what the fabirc would be made of..but the thing he has over his shoulders have ALOT of small tiny folds...that to me resembels something my mother makes in a bowl. So..try and clean it up..make a few large folds..and not som many small ones.
2. His right forearm seems a bit shorter then the left...even if you consider the perspective.
But yes..VERY good image..very impressed.
Whos ya dady!! |
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L99Relm member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 2000 Posts: 123 Location: VA, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2000 1:42 pm |
Thanks for the comments. The thing is that I was going for realism (or as real as I could make it seem), I'm just not sure what needs to be done to it to give it more of a 3D appearance...Is the "flat look" due to the shading and pose combined? I'd also like to mention that this is the first image that I did using the technique where you start with areas of color (which I have observed that many of you do) as opposed to a sketch. I really think that helps me with getting comparative values and colors right. Here is a list I compiled from your crits of things to work on (in this pic and others like it that I do):
- needs more natural pose
- planar / no volume
- foot curvature / heel
- head a bit to small
- arms too long
- needs smoother background
- 7. more guyish - less round face / thumb over first two fingers
- shadows / highlights not extreme enough
- needs bigger folds in the cape thingy
- right forearm short compared to left
Again, thankee kindly for the help guys =).
[This message has been edited by L99Relm (edited October 24, 2000).] |
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MaLoRuM member
Member # Joined: 05 Aug 2000 Posts: 208 Location: Okazaki, Japan
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2000 7:55 pm |
i know who he looks like!
ryan phellipe or however you spell his last name! lol!
either that or justin from N'sync...
*wonders if your an n'sync fan* lol
im just playing! thats an awesome pic! i love the colors! it gives it a real fantasy like feel too it. i must concurr with my colleagues on this one on anatomy and a more natural figure pose etc... awesome pic tho! cant wait to see more artwork from you!
The Correct Procedure in The Art of the B*tch Slap: *Extend arm* *reel back* *twist torso* *stare opponent in eye* *twist back and release* :) *follow up with something cool to say* |
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