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Author   Topic : "Is fred not continuing with the lessons?"

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 2:23 pm     Reply with quote
it's been years!
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Fred Flick Stone

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 3:26 pm     Reply with quote
Nori-lessons are coming. As of right now, I have place to live, and that is making things a bit frustrating. I also have two freelance jobs, my regular 40 hour and I teach at a private art school down here in San Diego 2 nights a week and the weekends. No house is just not helping right now. Don't mean to unwind here, just a bit frustrating. I have the second exercise written for the paint along, I just need the time to generate the art for it.

So please have a teeny bit of patience, I will get back to all this just as soon as I get a home to live in.
On another note,I am glad to see Spooge back and in his usual form with the beautiful egyptian image.

I will be back with more for you guys to dabble in...thanks for the concern...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 3:44 pm     Reply with quote
Where do you teach in San Diego?
What do you teach at night?
How much does the class cosst?
questions questions questions questions

[This message has been edited by WildMyth (edited June 27, 2000).]
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Fred Flick Stone

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 4:00 pm     Reply with quote
I teach at a school called the Jeff Watts Art Atelier.
THis semester I am teaching portrait drawing, head painting in Gouache, Figure Quick Sketch, and a Conceptual Design Class. THe classes vary, but most of them are around the $285 mark, and they run 11 to 12 weeks each semester. There is a URL for the school,
We have a duel teaching system, where two teachers at once are instructing, to better accomodate all the students. Most art schools pack in the classes, and there is very little one on one instruction. Our school is totally one on one oriented, so everyone can get the amount of critisism, instruction, and aid they really should be getting in a school setting. I love it. Makes me feel good that I am passing on real information, and not just doing it for the artsy fartsy thing to do. Fu@* that, I went to enough schools, including some of the art center courses at night, and I still haven't found a better place to REALLY LEARN. But again, I am biased cause I am speaking of where I have chosen to work, but I really haven't been across another school like ours.
Check out the URL, we don't cater to any specific field, because it doesn't matter which one you go into, if the basics aren't there in your repetoir, there is no sense in going into fineite detail concerning say, animation, or movie design, auto design, gallery work, comics, whatever.
THe other beauty of our school is a lot of the people taking the classes are already proffessioned in certain fields that everyone else would like to start in.
Thanks for inquiring, and go check out the site if your interested...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 4:58 pm     Reply with quote
sniff sniff...
I wish I knew about that a couple of years ago.
Oh well, If I ever make it over that way, I'll have to start taking classes!

That place must be flooded with people! I'm paying more than that for half the instruction!
Seriously, why is it so cheap to go there. 10 weeks for $325? wow!

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Fred Flick Stone

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2000 6:08 pm     Reply with quote
I never really thought it was that cheap, but if you compare it to a $25000 year at art center, you are saving some real money, and really learning.
Corporate America funds Art Center, Chicago Institute of Design, and even the Associates in Art, more specifically, the auto and movie industries. Around 1994-95 the government passed some law whereby the government would no longer support the Arts(thanks to the turbulent times in the 60's and 70's, when artists made crap, called it art, offended churches, religion, and everything else under the sun. )
Art schools, Libraries, and community arts and craft centers, and galleries all had to find their money's elsewhere, thus the private and corporate sectors. This all causes tuitions to go up, making it more difficult for anyone to realistically pay for. This also caused alot of doors to close, no cash in the pockets. It also steered many potentially great instructors away due to the lack of motivation and discouragement. With the increase in tuition,you pay as much money to be an artist as say a doctor pays to go to med school, but the doctor ends up with a job that can pay the school loans back, the artist though, good luck. Unless you had heap loads of talent to begin with, you may never find the job to pay back the useless education.
This is wandering a bit, but the fact of the matter is, schools like ours are buried into the wall because for a small private school to get big, it needs to advertise, which takes up quite a bit of the funds that come out of the school. We have created so much hype from just existing, Junior Colleges are telling their students not to attend our school. They know that we will take their revenue, which is really the only way schools look at the learning process. How many heads can we pack into a classroom to get X amount of dollars. We are simpliy looking to teach the right thing. Go figure...I hope that eventually we get truck loads of students, but till then, I like the small quaintness of the school.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2000 5:32 am     Reply with quote
Glad you finally found yourself a place Fred. =]
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2000 7:19 am     Reply with quote
I'm gobsmacked after reading Fred's post. No funding for the arts, art education, or even libraries! What a grim, awful situation. Is there any political lobbying for the arts going on to change that? Make things more equitable?

In Oz students pay for their degrees with a higher rate of tax once they're working. Its not a perfect system, but it still gives people from all different backgrounds a chance to go to Uni if they have the ability and motivation. (Of course, that can easily change, and there's a real chance that it might).

What's the art education system like in Europe, or Asia? Does anyone want to share some info?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2000 9:29 am     Reply with quote
As far as I know, the Finnish system seems to be thought of pretty highly elsewhere. I have a friend whose sister got straight into university in London with faily mediocre grades from High School in Finland. No admission tests, nothing, they admitted her straight off.

Anyhow, I think the funding situation varies. There's a school here in my city that's completely free, down to the meals, because the city pums such a lot of money into it. I don't think that's the case in everywhere, though, but the state seems to fund the school pretty nicely in comparison to many other countries.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2000 4:44 pm     Reply with quote
I like Foothill, $7 a course. $ 285 seems like a lot to me...

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Joe Dillingham

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2000 4:06 pm     Reply with quote
Sorry it took so long to reply. I've been having trouble getting into the forum. For some reason it wouldn't let me reply or get into it. O well I guess its all better now. Thanx for the information Fred. I checked out the site. The school sounds good. Is there a way to make payments monthly.
I wasn't aware of the 60's and 70's event. That was a very sad event. Boy you are just full of information.

[This message has been edited by WildMyth (edited July 01, 2000).]
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