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Author   Topic : "woman in jungle."

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 5:54 am     Reply with quote
Hi all.

This is something that was inspired by general confusion's jungle picture. ("step by step")

[photo reference used]

I am still not done with it and I think it will take pretty long till I am, but anyway I would be glad to hear some comments and critique on that one.

- Nex
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 6:15 am     Reply with quote
hey cant wait to see the finished product...
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General Confusion

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 6:45 am     Reply with quote
Hey, I inspired someone!!!!

Take a look at the composition threads=). Subjects centered in a painting tend to lack interest, unless some type of story is told through it's shapes. Considering that, if it is from a pic reference, was the pic used in a magagzine layout with type ragged around it, or was it purposefully centered to convey a message, ask yourself these questions, and try to see the picture compositionally, not just the subject matter, and realize what the reference was initially intended for. I saw a real tough teacher when I was in art school throw a makeshift dart at another students painting that had a figure centered in the composition, saying that it looked like a dartboard to him, now that was very extreme, and rude on his part, but it did drill the fact into my head that a good painting is not simply based on the rendering abilities of the artist.. Remember you don't have to be so literal as to copy a photo exactly, you could change the crop of it, or what is in focus and isn't. You have that luxury of taking someting further than it's original use. But be careful, if it still resembles the original (I don't recall what percentaged amount) you will run into copyright laws that protect the original artist, photgrapher, etc. if you try to sell it.

Unless you happened to be in a jungle with an attractive naked woman, and took the photo yourself, then you're fine.

Also keep in mind the depth of field factor, there is alot of environment in that pic which would cause the background to more than likely recede to a further visual plain.

Otherwise it is a great start, I like the looseness of it, post the original pic!!!!


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 6:59 am     Reply with quote

I read the post with composistion and there was this part that its possible to center something if the eye still has enough room to move around in the picture. I had the feeling that it did not look too boring even though it was centered.. on the other hand I don't see that probably because I painted it.

Maybe I will try around a bit by making the canvas bigger and moving the picture frame-

For posting the original photo.. I thought I would not because of the fact that you could easily get... distracted and would not bother to critrique any more

However if you feel its easier to judge and critique with it I will of course post it.

- Nex

[This message has been edited by Nex (edited June 22, 2000).]
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General Confusion

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2000 7:26 am     Reply with quote
maybe wait to post until you're ready to show a final, but I don't think "distraction" will be a factor from the worthwhile critiques out there.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 2:28 am     Reply with quote
This is the I reference used.

I would need some help finding additional reference for jungle.. mainly vegetation. If anyone has such pictures I would be very happy if you could post them or send them to me ( [email protected] ).

Btw I still would like to hear some feedback for the picture up there. (esp. composition tips, rendering, general yadda etc.)


- Nex

[This message has been edited by Nex (edited June 24, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 2:50 am     Reply with quote
Hey Nex-san

*listening to Bowie* "I'm only daancing... she turns me onnnn... dooon't get me wroong... I'm only daancing!"

heh heh

Anywho, it's tough to critique a direct reproduction of a photo - because anything to be done is already in the original. BUT! I like some of the things in your image more than the photo So, I'll proceed with your version... with some ideas to make it more "unique..."

Before I start with that, I think finding other reference is great - and combine it to make one picture... I think that form of copying is cooler - more of a mesh of ideas to make something new... know what I mean?

Okay... In the photo, since it's sort of a, uh, *cough* nudie pic - she's got her head back in a sort of "look at me I'm naked and wondering how long I have to stand here - could you please stop taking snapshots of me - I'm very cold and I have big knuckles..." heh heh Seriously, though, in your pic, even though when I compare the two it looks stiff, but the way you have her head and neck postured makes her look more she might have just come out of the water and is looking with some concern at something off-screen (as opposed to just standing there, gazing, naked ). Does this make sense? If you agree, you could do something like add a glistening to her skin like there is water on it... maybe a few subtle drips to accentuate that...

One thing I like very much with pictures like this is to add some part in the background lit - like the trees in the back allow some light through (as in the foreground)... this would add more depth to the scene and give more life to the bg (imho).

Every woman is different (which pisses me off about media - which portrays just about only 1 form of woman - making the 99.9% of the rest of population suffer from such a limited "ideal") as are proportions, but you might want to shorten her arms a bit. Right now, they're almost as long as her legs. Kind of gorilla theme. lol (just kidding!)

I think this really rough layout is nice, and it's now a matter of locking down more detailed blocks...

Good job, Nex, and I'm glad you didn't trace the photo

"aaaaah wham bam thank you mam!"

Ciao mi amigo,

[This message has been edited by kurisu (edited June 24, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 4:13 am     Reply with quote
arigato gozaimasu kurisu-san!

I somehow liked the original picture because it looked "natural" to me. It seemed to me that the nudity in this picture does not seem too "staged".

Its like mogli in the jungle

I thought about adding some tattoos to her body like in the bouty commercial. (if you know it)...

And of course I did not trace it.
Hunting fame is not my main target. I try to express something in most of the pictures that I spend more time on.. so just copying a picture does not make sense to me and gives me nothing (except practicing the use of the airbrush tool maybe). There are so many artists (musicans in my case) that just try to play the fastest solo so everyone would praise them gods.. but they pay no attention to what they want to express with their playing.
hmm, got carried away.. kinda long for "thanks". hehe

Well jungle reference anyone?

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 5:28 am     Reply with quote

Very well spoken, Nekusu-san
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