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Author   Topic : "The Copyright issue."

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 4:22 pm     Reply with quote
Since there has been some talk about this in several threads I thought I should bring this up here.

Some of us here have the goal to become a professional (digital) artist or are already professionals.

If noone would care about your rights you have over your artwork, you could not earn money. It happens often enough that artists get ripped of and noone cares because they are unknown or just naive.


Those include for instance: that his name is included in a modified or "inspired" picture, that he is contacted and asked for permission if the picture is put at public display.

Someone thats new to art is maybe not aware that "Copyright" is a thing that an artist depends on and gets his money from. If you draw the best pic in the world but you don't have the copyrights for it you cant get money for it.

Maybe for posting a pic here for critique you won't need to ask the artist for permission.

- Nex
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 4:28 pm     Reply with quote
Who are you so angry at?
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 4:36 pm     Reply with quote
My point on the issue was the fact that Neo was more than likely using the piece as a learning experience. Which, I think, is perfectly OK! Besides, have you ever heard of a little program called Napster?!? The program is a great idea... Yet, the main question that arrises from it is this: Does it promote stealing? Or, Is it stealing to use this program?

I say it is Ok to use this program (or download MP3's) as long as it is for home use only.

I still remember when an artist did his work for the sake of art and the community. Since when did making money become the issue for producing art??? I make art for my self and others to enjoy... Not to make money off of!

I have spoken!

Russ Berridge

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 7:41 pm     Reply with quote
yeah.. ever heard of making a living though?

i personally discourage the use of any previously existing artwork of others, and always will. I take a doo on those who infringe the rights of other artists. its things like that that make us where we get today - in america, the 60s, 70s, and 80s had their own little touches. Things that you could relate the era to. Now, you cannot relate it to anything inparticular. This is a good and a bad thing, in my opinion. We can't relate it to anything since people are supposively doing things different. But if you look around, you'll see all these "different" things are being snagged straight and diliberately from the previous eras, causing the society to plummet into a bunch of regurgitated filth. Although each decade had its own distinct overall taste and look to it, it was at least different from the next.

This same thing is happening to a larger portion than I'd enjoy of the art community. And why did i post such a huge thing.


ps. I am not pointing fingers at anyone posting on this forum (i love the majority of the work here) - just speaking in general, plus i'm retarded sometimes when copyrights are discussed.

[This message has been edited by synj (edited May 13, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2000 1:17 am     Reply with quote

I am not "angry" at anyone because of that. I just think that if you spend weeks on research, making reference pictures, textures,.. and finally drawing your work it has to be protected ( "intellectual property" as it is called ) and this protection has to be respected.


This is nothing against Neo.. he did not know I guess. Anyway most artists that work in the buisiness ARE very sensitive about this matter.
Napster: Didn't your hear that Metallica sued them? Why do you think is that when its perfectly ok to use it (Mp3's ) for home purpouse? After all most of the CD's that people buy are for "home listening".

"I still remember when an artist did his work for the sake of art and the community"

I remember that many artists died of hunger because the community didn't give a sh** about their art in terms of giving them money for it (longer time ago..). You can still make pictures for the community, but don't expect everyone to give up his rights on his work because of that.

I covered this "practicing already", so I think its sure ok to practice. When you want to post it somewhere: show the copyright.

synj: i agree.

- Nex
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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2000 4:26 pm     Reply with quote
First Issue: MP3

- First off METALLICA are a bunch of idiots for suing the company!!! That software is one of the greatest inventions for computers. It has so many different applications for daily use. The program does not have to be used strictly for mp3's!!! It is just set up that way.
- Second, I think it is OK to download individual songs... NOT whole albums. I am one of the biggest advacators of actually buying my music. The only thing I like about napster is finding some hot song, that does not exist on record, downloading it, and being able to use it when I am DJ'ing! That is cool. Sure that makes me a hypocrite by saying that I use the song while DJ'ing (which is breaking the public performance copyright). OH WELL! That is life...

Second issue: art

- Art defines a culture! Without art we are all lost! Lost in a worthless abyss!!! Ok so I went overboard. I am done.
- An artist should not rely on just art for his/her way of living. I am sure that all of you artists are talented in many other ways. Some of you program web pages, make music, etc.

What it all comes down to is the fact that this topic went to far.
Thank you! I have spoken!

"You must die... I alone am best!!!"
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