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Author   Topic : "Help Wanted"
junior member

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 12:27 pm     Reply with quote
I started this one today, and I wanted some help with the sky and ground. I can't do those worth a sh|T and wanted some tips.

Is there anything else that you dont like/like?

Hopefully I can make it look a lot better.
Here is what I have when I got stuck:

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 12:36 pm     Reply with quote
That's a lion from Black and White, isn't it ?
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 12:55 pm     Reply with quote
I wish you guys would post the sketches before you start with the painting. And if you're not interested in feedback on drawing, but painting only, you should probably find someone else's pencil drawing and paint that. Otherwise, it's difficult to direct criticism. I usually ignore the painting if there are more serious problems with the drawing itself.

As for your pic specifically, you could more effectively portray this guy's size by lowering the angle to the ground. I would also work on the weight, since any dude that big is going to displace some serious tons. The ground should be depressed and his stance should more clearly show weight in his pose (legs bent, etc.)

What's he looking and pointing at? What's with the people down there? Are they attacking, gawking - they should be running away

If there's nothing off screen that the creature is addressing, you should think about making his pose more dramatic.

Hope this helps.

[email protected]

[This message has been edited by Mozeman (edited May 13, 2000).]
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junior member

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 1:06 pm     Reply with quote
Well.. that is the lion from Black and White game.
Actually, I think he is giving orders to his followers (the guys).
I didnt draw it, but I am painting it.
Thanks for the suggestions

[This message has been edited by Neo (edited May 13, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 1:38 pm     Reply with quote
No.. this is NOT the start over a new flame
thread or true anti ripping bull, but Neo:

Why do you use an orginal game concept SKETCH
drawn by Christian Bravery of Lionhead studios (a great artist, an overall nice guy,
and a friend of mine!), without giving him
any credit? Cuz I only see 1 small sentence
in your txt about YOU not beeing the orginal

The orginal picture is a +- 2 year old sketch
done with pencil in (how funny) black and

Here's the orginal production artwork sketch:

Next time be more clear, take care of the credits and respect orginal artwork!
Most important, you must know that all B&W
related pictures found on the Lionhead
website are fully (c)opyright of Lionhead
Studios ltd. You can not simply edit or
adjust those pictures without legal
permission (esp. removing the orginal
signature is not a pretty thing).

Just be more professional next time!

prof. artist/designer
media critic
dutch art student
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 2:16 pm     Reply with quote
I hope that penis isn't included in the final game.
And uh..who circumsized the lion?.......

(pardon my spelling, not a word I use every day)
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junior member

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 3:22 pm     Reply with quote
Sorry if I made anyone mad, but I am only trying to learn and didnt have any sketches to paint so I got one I found on a site.

It wasnt for anything but some practice and wouldnt be posted anywhere except here, just to get feedback on my painting style.

I did take his name off it, because it was in the way, just like the penis.
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 3:31 pm     Reply with quote
Hahahaha and I was just about to ask where his "lionhood" was in the painting, I rolled down and the sketch proved me right!
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 3:41 pm     Reply with quote
You know it is funny... When someone is "learning" how to draw or paint, that person should be allowed to use ANY media they can find. I understand that Neo should have been more professional about getting/taking the picture, however, the tone and attitude you took when striking at him was not very helpful to the artist.
I do believe that imitation is the most sicere form of flattery, I know that I would be fine with the fact that someone decided to "copy" and learn from my art. I may not be the best artist in the world, but I do know that one gets better by learning from the masters. For, one can not become a master without learning from the teacher.
I am not trying to come down on your response, I do find it incredibly snotty though. Just because you are a prof. artist/designer. Thank you!

Russ Berridge

p.s. I am going to get hell for this one! LOL!

"You must die... I alone am best!!!"
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junior member

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 3:56 pm     Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 4:02 pm     Reply with quote
Hmm in his first posting Neo did not even give a hint that the sketch was not done by him so I think it was okay to ask him to include the copyright marks.

Anyway.. Neo knows now, that was the point I guess, nothing more.

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 4:22 pm     Reply with quote
I agree Nex... It still helps to have someone elses voice in the matter.

"You must die... I alone am best!!!"
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 9:48 pm     Reply with quote
I don't see anything wrong with painting someone else sketch either, even if it is copywrited, as long as you don't take credit for the sketch of course. And as long as you don't profit from it. (duh) But as Nex said, Neo didn't mention anything about this in his first post. He just said that he started it today. If klaivu hadn't noticed this right away, then this could have really turned into a flame war later on.

It does say 'Junior Member' under Neo's name, so I don't think he did this on purpose. I'm giving him the benifit of the doubt, this is just a newbie mistake.
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 10:34 pm     Reply with quote
Not to past jugdement on anyone, but I've been coming here for maybe a little more than a week, and I have found more help here than in all my art classes I have ever taken... Neo was trying to teach himself (which I myself has had to do), but was lacking the first step (the drawing). So he found something that was interesting to him(cause we all know we don't really enjoy spending time stareing at something of no interest to us), and decided to paint it (not to make profit off it or claim as his own which he never does in his first post). He then comes here to ask for help on his painting not on copyright infrignment and I have only seen a few posts (if that) that helps his painting. Okay so he borrowed someone's drawing to help him better his artistic ability, just lay off the copyrighted stuff until they start selling the paintings they copy and call them their own. Take a moment and think back everyone of you must have drawing something that was similar to someone else work or even used someone else work to pratice how to do something (most of you had to have drawn a cartoon or something that was someone else idea.)
Assa I can see where you are coming from that it is your friend, but does he really mined someone using his stuff to learn from? I would be thrilled to learn that someone found my stuff that good to use. You have to admit it is a good drawing to learn shading of muscles from... I'm sure next time Neo will be a little more careful not to step on anyones toes.
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freddy flicks stones

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 10:58 pm     Reply with quote
I've been an art director for many a company, one in particular stands out, why I'll get to that. I worked as the art director for a company called lifes a beach, a surf wear co. As art director, I was always posting bulletin's at the locale colleges for freelance possibilities, especially since alot of these guys and gals surfed. Twice, while working there, I interviewed some guys who flat out stole some graphics I did and clain=med them as theirs. I worked in the skateboard industry for ten years and drew over 600 board graphics, and only signed about a third of them. And half of the other 2/3 my name was omitted from the graphics because the only name allowed on the deck was the riders name.
So these guys come in, on separate occassions. One guy only had one of my graphics and one of my logo designs. The other kid decided to claim that an entire skateboard line I did for Mr. Tony Hawk's Company was his. When I called him on it, he got red and bolted out the door and left his portfolio behind. I didn't care, well the first guy I did a little. But a month earlier I was skating around a school up in San Clemente, most of the school lockers were open. It was right after graduation day...In one of the lockers I happened to pass, some kid silk screened a sticker design I did all over sticker sheets and wall papered the locker with it. I tripped out. I was actually kinda flattered.
I guess in all this long windedness, using someone elses art to learn from is o.k. I paint sargent's paintings, and rockwell's for practice. But I call them a Rockwell Practice, or a study of a Sargent. If you use someone elses work to color, or copy to practice, claim it as such or it might come back to bite you. There are a heap load of people who get on this chat room, {it still amazes me how quickly that counter climbs,}
And someones going to know someone, or is going to be that someone who did the original. Rant rant rant, hadda release some nervous energy. I will shut up now...
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 11:29 pm     Reply with quote
Small world. You worked for Brian and Mark back in the old days, huh?
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freddy flicks stones

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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2000 11:38 pm     Reply with quote
you too? Very small world. I don't know if you remember Beaver, I still work with him...
I see you're in Florida now. You working at Disney, Fla???

[This message has been edited by freddy flicks stones (edited May 14, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2000 12:06 am     Reply with quote
Freddy, no I didn't work for Life's A Beach. I had a run in that industry about seven years ago (I was nineteen). It was fun doing less realistic, funky stuff. I guess I've been around the block, arworkwise.

I used to work for Disney, but I've been on my own for a while now. At D, the ladder is a slow, slow climb.

Right now I'm trying to get into story development and concept work. And background paintings. Story is where the exciting stuff happens, in my eyes. Plus, I've been interested in film (along with drawing) since I was a fetus.

So I've had to do an about face and start learning to paint. I've done a little of that work (poorly, I might add). Just trying to buckle down and train, in addition to my regular work. It's fun, though.

BTW, take a look under my post "sketches" and let me know what you think. You may think less of me after you see 'em (hahahaha). They're actually not bad. I've gone from mildly interested to obsessed with painting lately.

[This message has been edited by AliasMoze (edited May 14, 2000).]
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freddy flicks stones

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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2000 12:27 am     Reply with quote
I agree one hundred percent. Story is where it's at. While I was submerged with board graphics corelco, approached me to do some concepting for an animation. It was crude stuff, but that got me to change my focus. After that, I got absorbed in comics, and learning all I could about film. Comics never panned. I always had "someone Elses Style", not theirs. But they would ooh and aaahh for a while over the stuff. Got a little disallusioned.
Got really involved in my own stories. Concepted all the props and characters out for the pages, but find myself enjoying the concept work and story development. Now, working in conceptual, I am revisiting my stories. I have an approach tothe pages that I think will be very filmesque. Painted both in gouache, ink wash, and photoshop. Hopefully well blended. I have tried a few samples, I am getting closer. As soon as I feel rock solid with it, I will post some stuff.
Now, maybe after another game under my belt, I plan on going into film. And I am working on doing some book cover images. Storytelling in one panel is the hardest thing to pull off convincingly. I want that challenge.
I am also working with a couple of the animators here at presto on some animation short stuff. I am loving that.
That stuff seems up your field. You doing any animated shorts? And is there much work out there on the east coast for the type of artist that you are? Or do you find the west coast has more to offer? I am curious. I have never gone to pursue work out there but have thought about it from time to time. I am pretty much California spoiled, but I am adventurous. More to see, more to add to the story bible...
Have you ever messed with graphic novel story telling, er uhm, comics?
IGotta stop here for a brief. My dog needs to get outside for something...her bathroom fix...
good chatting with ya, yeah about the small world thing,crazy....
Gotta web page? i'd love to see some stuff...

[This message has been edited by freddy flicks stones (edited May 14, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2000 12:50 am     Reply with quote
Mozeman and I have gotten an offer to work on an animated short lately with some Disney guys. Not sure if we're gonna do it. I've done work on commercials and what-not. I recently even did some backgrounds for a spot. It was good, because the style was very cartoony, and the backgrounds go by really fast (ha). So, that was a good way to start painting. In the end, though the paintings were pretty good, I decided my skill in painting were not where I wanted them to be. Like I said, I'm making sort of a bold move going into painting. In a way, I'm getting away from what I know and am a learner again. But it's very exciting.

There isn't as much work out here than there is on the West Coast. It hasn't been a problem, because a: there is a lack of talent here, which means you get all the gigs if you're good b: I can deal electronically with people in other states and usually do. I've naturally toyed with the idea of moving to CA. I've actually been offered jobs out there, but circumstances have never allowed me to leave. Oh well. I'll probably end up out there eventually, like everyone else.

Good talking to you. Hopefully I'll have some good paintings to post shortly. I may call on you for tips, from time to time.
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