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Topic : "3D Wallpaper Gallery looking to expand - Your help is needed" |
InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2000 7:15 am |
My name is Eric Rainey and I run an online image gallery called "In Depth Arts." In Depth Arts started out as a 3D Wallpaper gallery and has grown considerably since 1998. Although the wallpaper gallery is still our largest (almost 600 images by over 100 artists) we have started two new galleries which I think will be as big if not bigger than the original. The two new galleries handle images that are not in wallpaper format. There is both a 2D and 3D gallery so we are kind of making a transition to being a digital art gallery as opposed to a 3D Wallpaper gallery. Some of the features that make our gallery stand out are:
1. Quick post time. Usually within hours of receiving an image it is posted into the gallery. This is due to the fact that the site is database driven and all I have to do is fill out a form and upload the images.
2. Artist email address and website address included with each image.
3. We store the images on our server so you do not have to worry about changing links or bandwidth issues.
4. The way in which the user views the gallery is completely customizable. You select whether you want to view the images by date, image name, or artist name. You can also choose how many images you want on a page.
5. We are currently tracking the downloads for all images in the gallery and if you would like to know how many times an image of yours has been downloaded all you have to do is email me and I will let you know.
6. I am currently working with several 3D and 2D software and hardware companies to offer special discounts to the artists who post their work with our site as well as several contests and competitions that you will be eligible to enter.
I look forward to hearing from some of you and I hope that soon I will be showcasing your work in our galleries. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and please check out the two URL's at the end of this email and let me know what you think of the site. If you would like to chat about anything concerning the site just drop me an email or post a message to this topic and it will be answered ASAP.
Eric Rainey - [email protected]
In Depth Arts - Showcasing Tomorrow's Masters Today!
In Depth Arts "Tomorrow's Masters" Worldwide 3D Competition
Over $15,000 in software and hardware prizes!!!
[This message has been edited by InDepthArts (edited April 21, 2000).] |
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InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2000 9:11 am |
If 3D artwork is your forte please be sure to check out the link to the Tomorrow's Masters 3D Competition I have put together. Over $15,000 in prizes including a copy of Maya Complete!
Eric |
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zapman member
Member # Joined: 26 Feb 2000 Posts: 354 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2000 12:51 pm |
Does the ARTWORK submited have to be 3D?
can we use just photoshop?
art, fart, and be smart. |
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InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2000 12:59 pm |
For the main website galleries they can be of any digital medium. For the competition it needs to be based in 3D although post production work in a paint program has been allowed. Hope this helps answer your questions zap! |
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Mr Weasel member
Member # Joined: 04 Apr 2000 Posts: 169 Location: Weaselville, Weaseland, Rep. of Weasels
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2000 9:27 pm |
Maya Complete, huh ? You gotta be kidding Rainman. Well, are you ? |
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InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2000 5:50 am |
Unfortunately no I am not kidding Mr. Weasel :-) I actually surprised myself with the calibre of prizes I was able to drum up.
Eric |
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CeRbErO member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 180 Location: Sweden
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Stolln member
Member # Joined: 24 Jan 2000 Posts: 140 Location: Connecticut - USA
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2000 1:12 pm |
*cough* solution for painters *cough*
1)Paint your absolutely amazing masterpiece.
2)Save it as a .tiff or a .jpg.
3)Download the cheapest 3d program you can find (freeware, of course) from a place such as
4)Make a cube, and apply your painting to the front face
5)Move the camera up so only the painting is showing.
6)Render it with one base, ambient light, with no shadows, reflection, refraction, etc.
7)Say you created it with a 3d program
note: the above was just a spoof. Please don't take it seriously
[This message has been edited by Stolln (edited April 22, 2000).] |
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coolmanhey junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2000 Posts: 5
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2000 7:43 pm |
Over reading through your post I would like to add my 2 cents, but actually my 3 cents.
1. When you say quick post time, do you really mean you are the only one. Damn man, I have to congratulate you on that one, I think you are the only site to use a database driven site( DAmn what bull)
2. Each image includes email address and website, man.. I have to sign up, MOM does this mean I am going to be popular.
3. Damn this must be the funniest, you store the images on your server? Is that possible man. This man should be given a freakin trophy or something, maybe the one you offer as one of the prizes for your contest
4. Hmm.. customizable pages, I don't think I've seen that anywhere.
5. So you mean to tell me that I should cry myself to sleep everynight because nonone wants to download my images.. boooohoooo oooh
6. See I don't think you are, because I don't see how companies, can appreciate your site.
I hope you looked forword to hearing from me.
An let me add just one more thing, youre damn unique. I think you should rephrase your posts next time, because you sound like a fool.
And also I am looking forword to winning this prize: $50 Gift Certificate to Unique Boutique That is if I ever get to 2nd place.
Ohh ohh. one more thing. Can you tell me who will I get the "Custom Award Graphic for your website or printed material" when I win the contest. Hehee.. actually please don't let me guess
Nice site.
Sorry for all the critizism guys, it did feel good to express myself though. Thank You for the chance.
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InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2000 1:07 pm |
Boy, Lot's of negative comments there! Let me handle them one at a time then:
Cerbero: I checked out your site and even though it is so "beautiful" I think I will have to decline. I mean, I don't know if my visitors could handle such drastic changes as a new background color and some new navigation buttons! Which, by the way, is about the only way your "new" design differs from your old one. You may want to disconnect from the internet now because I am sure Microsoft will be calling you soon to have them redesign their site using your radical ideas! :-)
Coolmanhey: Nowhere in my post did I say I was the ONLY site to use these features. I was merely pointing out features that people might be interested in. I guess it easy for you to criticize someone else's work when you leave no indication of anything you've created. As for companies not being interested in what I am doing I think that I prove you wrong there since I have received almost $20,000 in prize sponsorships for my competition... if you are so damn smart why don't you go out there and do better? I bet you have never done anything positive for the internet community and get your kicks off of putting down those who are trying. My message was merely an announcement letting the more mature audience out there know that there is a new gallery where they could post their images... I never said I was the best or the only gallery using said technologies. Maybe you should read the post before you reply so YOU don't look like a fool. :-)
Happy Easter and I used smiley faces so that means everything is supposed to be taken in a light-hearted manner... right?
Eric |
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immi member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 629 Location: vancouver
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2000 3:16 pm |
Coolmanhey...I'm assuming the 2 cents (or 3 cents) that u decided to throw in were zimbabwean cents or something being that they are absolutely useless, and not really wanted...
Seriously, the drivel that your spouting is ridiculous. I can personally attest to how hard it is to obtain prizes from companies. Man, we had trouble getting a friggin mouse as a prize! A copy of Maya is a suberb prize and I commend Eric for getting it. You wanna have a go at getting something like that? Go ahead...and see how far your lame ass takes you.
Aargh, stick your head back up your ass |
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Loki member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 1321 Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2000 3:50 pm |
Coolmanhey (what a stupid name!): show us a painting or s h u t i t !
[sorry, but stuff like this just gets me mad - back to business now ]
DigitalIllustrationOutpost - |
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coolmanhey junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Apr 2000 Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2000 5:07 am |
Hmm.. at last some feedback. Now to reposond to them. Why are you all assuming that I haven't done anything for the Internet Community, I just lack to mention it. And spread my gloating. I know how hard it is to get prizes for a contest, trust me. Especially Maya, so I congratulate you on that. On the note, I have done way more then any of you. Please stop assuming things, because you might be looking like a fool. All I did is decided to give my opinion on the site, and the description seemed a little weird to me. It looks like another Bryce 3D Site to me, like digitalblasphemy or something.. that's all.
Thanks.. my two "jamaican cents"
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InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2000 5:36 am |
Maybe I am assuming things but still you offer no proof. I can handle (and often enjoy) constuctive criticism but I do not like to be insulted and that was the tone of your message. I have spent alot of time and effort on this site and I do not make any money off of it as it is a labor of love... and to have someone just make wide sweeping insults concerning the site makes me angry.
Eric |
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immi member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 629 Location: vancouver
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2000 6:42 am |
Coolmanhey...please enlighten us more with your infinite wisdom...and while you're at it, do u think you could show us what exactly you have done that qualifies as more than any of us? Puh-lease...I'd really like to see. Since I'm asking, we won't consider it bragging or gloating when you tell us (just to settle any fears you may have had...obviously you're a very humble man) |
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Ronin Spoon junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 47 Location: Las Vegas NV, USA
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2000 8:27 am |
CMH - Your a jack ass.
Ronin Spoon |
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InDepthArts junior member
Member # Joined: 21 Apr 2000 Posts: 9
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2000 9:48 am |
Immi, Loki, and Ronin I would like to thank you for your support! I also wanted to let you know that I did research this forum before posting my topic to make sure that it fell into the general topic of conversation. (Felt I had to say that since these are my first posts to forum) I tread lightly when it comes to forums and newsgroups so I won't come off as a spammer. Anyways, thanks for your supporting replies.
Eric |
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