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Topic : "copy cat??? (not djabih..some other guy)" |
Metus junior member
Member # Joined: 30 Nov 1999 Posts: 2 Location: NY
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 6:16 pm |
hey check out
go to check out the pics on that page...a lot of them, if not all of them are in some way related or almost exact copys of djabih's drawings... maybe i missed somting where he got permission, but just seems kinda funny...
even signs name simalar... |
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pyco junior member
Member # Joined: 18 Nov 1999 Posts: 34
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 6:34 pm |
I don't see what your talking about, give some specific examples.
-pyco :) |
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pyco junior member
Member # Joined: 18 Nov 1999 Posts: 34
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 6:39 pm |
I found one that is kinda close to one of dhab's. The Darth Maul one is close....maybe he got the idea from it...dunno
-pyco :) |
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Metus junior member
Member # Joined: 30 Nov 1999 Posts: 2 Location: NY
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 6:43 pm |
ok, the alien gunner (quake2 inspired pic) is like dhabih's except fliped from right to left, and is more organic rather than mechanical. dhabih's "jenner" pic seems kinda like one of the other guys except theirs is female(dont remember the name of it). they are not exact, but just the feeling of them seems close...
maybe im just nuts (which is a possibility ) |
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Optical member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 331 Location: Edmonton, Alberta , Canada
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 7:42 pm |
how the hell is he copying him? they are both digital artists. |
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Anthony J member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 412 Location: Oakville
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 8:48 pm |
Hey what's goin oN
well i believe Metus is referring to
the images themselves looking like Dhabih's.
Not the MEDIA...yes they are both digital artists. Aren't the majority of members here?
He said he thought they looked similiar,
and he's open to his opinion.
So what the bloodclot! What do you have to say 'what the hell' for ?
Not trying to cause a ruckus here, and i suppose i'm coming off as 'mr.defend the other guy' but I think the man/woman has some good points!
I went to Marius' site a while back and noticed similiarities. The images look similiar to dhab's work...
not the detail/not the style, just the TOPIC's. Darth Maul/Alien gunner etc.
I think that Marius has every right to take a shot at the same topics though!
Either that ---> or Marius just likes the same kind of thing as Dhab, and does his/her own stuff...that might come off looking similiar.
yay !
and if you like to say hell alot...
well hell what can i say to that
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Jeezus member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 1999 Posts: 142 Location: St.albert, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 9:14 pm |
well, i think his site was kind of an issue before. like, when i first saw it i kinda laughed because really, marius seems to draw dhabs style step by step. he also draws pretty much all the same stuff. now, thats all cool, like, we cant critisize him for it. but it naturally comes off as kinda stupid because us artists like new and unique stuffs, right? so yeah, it's definitely copycatish. but he's got a good attitude and is improving artwise quite noticably. marius, experiment a little!  |
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Ephemeral junior member
Member # Joined: 10 Nov 1999 Posts: 6 Location: Les Etats Unis
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 1999 9:15 pm |
I can see where you'd find some of Dhab's ideas copied. Even so, Dhab's art work is much more advanced and well done. You're going to find people who will copy artist they know what I mean? |
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Wed Dec 01, 1999 12:41 am |
Dudez, chill... I hate to see this coming up once again, and thanx for all your remarks, I will surely consider them. As far as "copying," please open a dictionary and read the definition of the word, because you're tying your pants in a knot for nothing.
-marius-  |
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Chris member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 746 Location: Iowa
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 1999 5:36 am |
man, are you saying just because it is the same person it is copying...sounds like it....I mean did you expect to see only one darth maul picture out there????
Anyway, bluebrush is different...he has a totally different angle ( ) and A LOT more light then dhabih's. Sure the FACE is the same, but isn't that the point ?!?
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Brain member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 1999 Posts: 662 Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 1999 5:39 am |
People People People! Settle down. Marius is obviously setting his style. Sure, he's using some techniques the same as Dhabih, but that's kewl, cuz a) to set your style, you've gotta go through many other art forms and techniques to know what you wanna do, and b) Dhabih has a tutorial to teach people how he did his works, the prime word being teach. IMHO, Marius has some great stuff going. He isn't copying directly is he? I don't believe so. He's learning. @:-)
And by the way Marius, I luv your latest! Carmack kicks! Know if he's seen it?
Open your minds people.
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Dylon member
Member # Joined: 19 Nov 1999 Posts: 87 Location: Ontario, Canada
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 12:27 am |
How did I know this was going to be about Marius?
Guys, it's called inspiration, how can you not be inspired by Dhab's work? Anyways, if Marius was to copy Dhab's work, that would basicly mean he was just changing the signature. He's got a similar style, so what? Do you know how many people have copied spider man over the years?
Anyways, take it easy people:
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Giant Hamster member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1782
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 1:21 am |
open are minds!!!! are you crazy!!!, an open mind leaves a bad scar!...geez.....i thought you were a brain!!!...i tried to grow one of you but it guess seeds arent good enough.....would miricle grow work?
|) <--jordy from star trek happyface!
-JameZ the Giant Hamster-
the Hamster Alliance |
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jasonN member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 842 Location: Sydney Australia
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 2:50 am |
Well, like everyone else, I'm cool with Marius' work. Nice Carmack piccy!
-Jason :)
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Mongoose member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 363 Location: North
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 8:01 am |
I used to have a problem with Marius' work, but then I pulled my head outta my ass.
His work does bare some similarities to Dhab's, but that is by no way COPYING. He simply drew inspiration from Dhab's art. And why not? Dhabih is one of, if not THE best game/concept artist today. It's only natural that one looks to him for inspiration. Hell, I do. I give Marius props for standing up to all this shit and continuing to draw -- all these accusations would be enough to make a person lose all ambition to draw. Keep it up Marius.
Btw, I also really like that Carmack pic.
Mongoose |
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Affected member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1854 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 9:21 am |
Look, it's REALLY not as if Dhabih is th eonly one who's made a Darth Maul image, I remember a whole bunch of people making them around when Episode 1 came out, and the quake character-theme isn't exactly his invention, either...
The style obviously is influenced by Dhabih, but I wouldn't say he stole the ideas for the darth maul or alien gunner pics.
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ka0z member
Member # Joined: 10 Nov 1999 Posts: 68 Location: Forest Hills, NY, USA
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 9:59 am |
Oh guys, grow up please! I cant belive this is going on and on and on. I've seen like 2oo+ posts in the guestbook saying how Marius is ****COPYING**** from Dhabih. Lighten up guys, it's obvious that Dhabih is an inspirational source for Marius, and let's be senciere, its a inspiration for all of us. As Moongoose said before, I admire Marius for keeping it up, so many flames and insults against your own work and yourself would make anyone hostile and shit. So stop the flames war against Marius!
Marius, you make wonderful artwork, even though I dont like everything, most of your work looks awesome. Keep it up! Dont give up because of a few close minded suckas who are just envious. |
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Dazzler junior member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1 Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 3:15 pm |
Hi there! I'm new to the forums, and wanted to say that before I get accused of copying for my Darth Maul Gallery, in particular the fully rendered shot at <a href="" target="blank"></a>
Let me say that after seeing Dhabih's Maul pic, I was INSPIRED to do one of my illustrations in a similar style using Photoshop. That's not the same as copying.
Anyway, keep up the great work, and glad to meet you all.
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Dylon member
Member # Joined: 19 Nov 1999 Posts: 87 Location: Ontario, Canada
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 1999 6:40 pm |
Sorry, can't use HTML in here dude.
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n8 member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 791 Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 1999 6:42 am |
I dont get it....doesnt dhabi inspire us all??....isnt that y we're all here in the first place?? |
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Judas junior member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 1999 Posts: 11
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 1999 2:04 pm |
forget all the talk about inspiration,
even his signature looks like dhab's!!!
hahhaahha! |
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Jeezus member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 1999 Posts: 142 Location: St.albert, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 1999 4:38 pm |
tha's what i'm talking about, bro a touch of originality would be great! |
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Judas junior member
Member # Joined: 13 Nov 1999 Posts: 11
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 2:17 am |
You know what's bad, he didn't even put a link to this site on his link page.
Eventhough he comes here often! :-)
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Shrimpish Guest
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Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 6:38 am |
Are you trying to get on my nerves or something? Cuz it's not working.
Anyway, it's just sad to see ppl throw crap at hundreds of hours of work.
And check this out. I think I have magic powers. I predict that more crap will be thrown at me after I post this message.
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Guybrush member
Member # Joined: 29 Oct 1999 Posts: 176 Location: germany
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 7:55 am |
he marius...
your art kicks ass.. it's getting better
with every pic you do !
just forget the others.. i think they just envy you..
(... you'll never get rid of 'em all)
later, guybrush |
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Binke member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 1999 Posts: 1194 Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 8:41 am |
Well apparently Marius, has been inspiried by Dhabih, as you look at his first images, it uses kinda the same pose, idea. Like the Darth maul pic it has a whitish glow on the head, at his horns, as dhab has, and the Q2 gunner as almost the exact pose as Dhabs Q2 gunner, same with that midevil women (which looked very nice though!) same pose, and idea, and almost same "design" on the clothes. But still it looked good. But his latest art (Carmack) he is being very original, because i have not seen anyone draw that before, and the image looks great.
What I want to say is, yes he got inspiration in the beginning from Dhab, but he has started doing his own stuff now, which is good.
I remember, nop(gameart) from the now discontinued CO2, i was VERY inspired by his work, and i even used the same quake-guy texture for my quakeart.. but i used my own style later on...
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B member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 322 Location: Houston, Tx, USA
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 1999 10:47 am |
how many people here use a Wacom?
how many use a pencil?
if you're one of these people, then you're copying MY style, and i want you to cut it out,.
i was using a pencil before you all,. so, nyah.
the truth is when using the same medium it is not hard to have a duplicate type of work,. yes sometimes people copy other peoples work,. But thats how we learn,. i'm not saying that the lil shrimp is copying dhabs work, nor am i saying that he's not,. i'm saying if he were,.. who cares,. it looks cool either way.
my 2 cents
b |
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