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Topic : "An Angels Love" |
Nulis junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 8 Location: Denmark
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:09 am |
Hi, just drawed this picture from a break from my other drawing. It would be nice to hear what you think and do give some critiques of any kind. What I had in mind to change; is the breasts, can't seem to get them right. More coloring at the hair, background and wings.
[img] [/img] |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:27 pm |
The breasts are a fix that's as easy as imagining them further away from the center fo the chest. right now you have them pushed together like they would be in a bra that creates cleavage. Hanging free they don't necessarily keep to that shape.
Other things that I'm noticing about your picture:
She apparently has no hips. the hip bone witht aht lighting should be somewhat indicated on the right hand side of the picture, and there should be a little more of the hip transitioning from the torso to the leg on the left hand side of the picture.
The part of her back that's in shadow seems a little too small to me. It really should be extended to roughly where the hair starts to make it look better and more realistic. when drawing this profile I like to view each side fo the torso as a single line that curves, and on the right hand side it would curve until it got to the hips/ribcage juncture at which point it would change direction.
The top of the piece is a little out af proportion with the rest of the picture. It's too big, and too high for it to really feel like it belongs with the rest of the picture. Plus if the head was in a downcast slightly position like you have it there, you wouldn't see much of the neck and the chin would be at the point where the collarbone meets the shoulder.
One last thing, a quick tip about hair is to treat it as an object unto itself ans shade it that way, and then add in individual hairs in places, and groups of hair in others to make it look realistic. Taking and making a whole bunch of thin lines to make your hair looks like a bunch of thin lines.
Lastly, be aware of the light sources that are hitting her body. on the torso itself I can't figure out where the lighting would be placed because the reflection on her breasts and her stomach are contradictory. Her face is half in shadow, and yet the arm in front of it is revealed all the way. and lastly you have a good secondary light coming from below her on her legs, but the yellow of it isn't giving me a firm idea of where that lihgt is coming from aside from those curious lighting Gnomes.
Anyway, keep going. what's really working for you is the the torso area and the legs and if you can get the rest of the picture to follow suit, it should look pretty good. _________________ "It's not the tools you use but how you use them that counts." |
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Nulis junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 8 Location: Denmark
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:40 pm |
To faeklone Thanks for all the good tips! Hope the new changes is what you had in mind )
[img] [/img] |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:26 am |
Changes I made to the last one to get this one:
- Added a shadow at the top part of her abs to define her abs and define the ribcage.
- Moved her breast a little farther apart, and more into the "correct" position anatomicially.
- Expanded her legs and hips. Her hips were missing, and if you give her better hips as you can see the curves seem to flow better.
- Changed the positioning of the left leg, IE brough it up a little.
- Moved the head to resting on the interior muscle of the shoulder (someone with more anatomy training is going to tell me I said that wrong) I also enlarged it a bit too.
- Removed shadow in her inner thigh.
Explaination of why:
First off I moved the breasts because they weren't occupying the correct space that they should be and still had that invisible miracle bra effect. I also added a bit of a shadow to the underside of the breasts.
Next I added the shadow to the abs below the ribcage for two reasons. First off is that the light is falling on the top side of the breasts, and therefore the top part of the abs should be in shadow. Same thing as her crotch. Secondly it helps define what's around it, namely the rest of the abs and the ribcage. If you look at your picture now there is more information telling you that there is a single bright light on her top left that's illumiinating the picture.
the hips were needed. If you look at the right hip I added some mass and brought it higher to actually connect better to the hipbone which you did put in. I added more of the hip muscle to the other side and just bulked the legs up because it looked right to me. SUper skinny legs freak me out a bit. It's a personal preference thing and nothing against what you had there. The shadow at her inner thigh and crothch was removed due to enough light bouncing around down there would illuminate that area past pitch black.
The position of the left leg I fixed just by eyeballing what is happening with the right leg. That one is just about coming down and at the viewer so if it was bent a ways it would be foreshortened. The way it looks now makes it look like it's heading downward more so than out. So basicially the bent one can't have it's knee at the sme level without being at a similar position, so I moved it up.
I changed the Head's orientation and put it on the shoulder where the head should be in that position. Didn't really touch the face though. At that point I think I'm taking over your Pic versus helping you to see what you can fix and how it will work.
What I didn't do and still needs to be done:
The head needs to be fixed. The lighting on it isn't totally correct. Add more mid values and it should work better.
I moved the leg, but now the foot is too long for the leg. Also see if you can fix the shadow that is the calf on the left leg a bit more. On the flip side of that the shadow under the breasts and on the top part of the abs could be darkened a bit.
You kinda have it going, but I would suggest thinking about where a backlight is to light the back portion of her body to make her look better. At the moment I would think a lower powered yellow or gold coloured light from roughly where her hips are but off camera to the right, and on the same plane as her body. (By contrast the lighting light seems to be to the left and above and closer to the viewer or camera) For a better explaination look up partrait lighting tutorials for cameras on the internet.
Lastly the hair. I start out making things look more "painterly" to let the values show through alot better. As I go along I refine stuff and make it sharper. Notice how painterly the hair is. To reiterate from my last post, treat the hair like an arm or a leg, make it look like a part of the body with large values first. Then go over it with a smaller brush, and then get progressively smaller. Remember, you don't need to go over the same patch with all of the brushes. Just make sure that you add a little bit of variation here and there.
Anyway, this is how to fix it, but remember to do it on your own and don't just paint over what I did. Remember to also not get bogged down by what you have. If this isn't wrking for you, start a new file and start again.
Best of luck to you _________________ "It's not the tools you use but how you use them that counts." |
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Nulis junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 8 Location: Denmark
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:49 am |
To faeklone Crash Bang Boom, and then I died, lol ) Sorry I am in a bit silly mood. Amazing help but feel a bit numb right now. . . . . 5 sec. later, hey I'm allright! Wow I really like the breast help that has bugging me alot.
I joined Sijun to get serious and good critiques and I can defendly not complain. Thanks again for taken time and effort to help me, that means a lot!
I visited you site and wondering is it your glass art (most be, right)? They are wonderfull and I like the photographs with the sun reflecting on them. I specially like the Wonky Vase.
Cheers! Now I will draw some more  |
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Nulis junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 8 Location: Denmark
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:28 pm |
New changes
[img] [/img] |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:18 pm |
Just a simple test for you to try. Take your image and squint at it. Squinting will allow you to see the values in the picture much better than your eye can distract you with them. If you still see volume while squinting, you're doing well. If it looks flat, then something needs to be done. Alternatively you could also try standing back from the monitor, depending on how big of a room you have.
The background of the piece seems too busy and overwhelming for the shear simplicity of the human form at the center. Instead of complimenting it the background seems to be competing for attention with it.
Lastly, when I was talking about a secondary light source from behind or below, I was talking about a light source that is less dominant than the one to the left and therefore more complimentary. Too many lights makes things look flat. Sometimes that's okay in photography, however, more times than not in a drawing or painting you're actually looking for a larger contrast that will make the figure stand out from the background.
The reference although not from an artistic site per se, can still show you a bit about lighting and it's effect on the body. In this picture, as in yours, the main source of light is from the left and it's fairly strong. The secondary light, which could be light from elsewhere or directed deliberately at the model, is from the right. However notice a change in the intensity and in the colour of the different light sources.
The main light source is strongest and it is also yellow in colour. The secondary light source isn't quite as strong but it is blue in colour. If you look between the influence of those two light sources you get other values which help flesh the figure out. Your picture at the moment has teh start of that, but it's ignoring the rest of the values between the two lights, which is what is flattening your picture out.
Depending on how comfortable you are with what I'm trying to get across you may want to stick to one light source for now until you start to understand how light works on the body. _________________ "It's not the tools you use but how you use them that counts." |
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Nilwort member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2002 Posts: 319
Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:36 pm |
faeklone wrote: |
The reference although not from an artistic site per se, can still show you a bit about lighting and it's effect on the body. |
Well, its title has the word art in it. |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:45 pm |
picky picky picky.
Met Art has some great photos in it, but is also a softcore porn site at times. That's the only reason why I said that. _________________ "It's not the tools you use but how you use them that counts." |
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Nilwort member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2002 Posts: 319
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:49 am |
faeklone: I know, just was being sarcastic.
Nulis: Looks good, but the body doesn't seem completed yet. Maybe it is the sort of lumpy shading? Personally, I think it would look better with some less blury transitions of value (like under the ribcage). |
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Nulis junior member
Member # Joined: 16 Feb 2006 Posts: 8 Location: Denmark
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:17 am |
To Nilwort Very nice to get a compliment at last... hehe. No it's not done yet. |
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