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Author   Topic : "Star Wars Episode III; Revenge of the Sith Trailer"

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:15 pm     Reply with quote
Oops - somebody let it slip! Check the mirrors here:
- Tom Carter

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:24 pm     Reply with quote
holy poop.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:19 am     Reply with quote
Thanks for the links, Gort! I had refused to line George's pockets with my 40 bucks to see that thing on the official site.

Looks rocking, but I can't help but remember how good the trailers for both ep 1&2 looked, too.

Here's hoping!
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:03 am     Reply with quote
I hear ya Jimmy. I'm going to bank on this film as being the better of the first three. Lucas has made it clear that this one would be darker, moodier and not so happy (let's hope we never see Jar Jar or that if we do he meets a fiery death Razz). Seriously though it looks to be awesome but we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully there'll be another trailer release before the film hits the theaters.
- Tom Carter

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" - Jack Kornfield
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:59 am     Reply with quote
hmm, sounds intersting. I don't like trailers though cause they give away all the great impressions of a movie which I like to enjoy in a real theatre on a big screen.
anyway, i am really looking forward to Episode 3.
i wish could wait forever so the saga won't stop. I just can't believe there won't be 7, 8, 9...
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:00 pm     Reply with quote
I really didn't like episodes 1 & 2. and won't except anything from the episode 3.

Money talks...
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:13 pm     Reply with quote
Damn Tepox - lighten up, willya? Smile I wasn't too hip to the first one, but "Clones" was definitely a lot more fun. I'm sure the doom and gloom of "Sith" will be entertaining. Didn't you at least find any of them entertaining?

As for 7, 8 and 9, I wouldn't rule them out - ever.
- Tom Carter

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" - Jack Kornfield
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:25 pm     Reply with quote
hehe, gort Very Happy I actually found episode 1 more entertaining than ep 2. even that there were that annoying Jar Jar in main cast. It had more adventure feeling in it. The reason I didn't like ep 2 was that everything was so clinical and even actors like samuel (which I reall y do like otherwise) did very bad job about acting. I felt that the movie hadn't nothing to say.

Yeah, everyone has their taste. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:44 pm     Reply with quote
The reason I didn't like ep 2 was . . . even actors like samuel (which I reall y do like otherwise) did very bad job about acting

Oh yeah - I forgot about that; I couldn't agree more. Admittingly I was a bit surprised at Jackson's seemingly wooden performance.
- Tom Carter

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" - Jack Kornfield
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:01 am     Reply with quote
If I wouldn�t have seen episode 1 + 2 or know about Starwars at all I�d probably think "HOLY SHIT" when I watch this trailer. But all I think now is "Awesome effects and designs, too bad about the bad script and acting".

The only thing that really surprised me in ep 2 was Obi Wan, in Part one I wasn�t very happy about the awful hairstyle and stuff Ewan had, but with the beard and stuff he is awesome, probably the best guy in the movies.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:30 pm     Reply with quote
Wtf? I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Pod race? Awesome.

Ewan and Anakin chasing the assassin through Coruscant? Awesome.

Martial arts light saber duels? Awesome.

Droid vs. Clone battle on Geonosis? Awesome.

Yoda actually fighting? Awesome.

Jedis battling en masse? Awesome.

Purple light saber? Awesome.

Naboo swamp beasts? Awesome.

Imperial cruisers taking off at the end of the Ep. 2? Awesome.

Non-human sidekick actually talks? Lame.

Stiff, wooden acting? Lame.

No Harrison Ford? Lame.

Ewoks? Lame.

Incest? Lame.

Leia in the slave bikini? .. Okay, that was awesome.

My point? You just don't see this kind of stuff in other sci-fi movies, and that's what's important. It doesn't matter how the latest two (or three) compare to the first three; they're still WAY better than 95% of the other sci-fi movies out there.

Are the latest two movies as good as the first three? No, but then, you should take a long, critical look at your own opinion of the first three. Chances are pretty damn good that when you first saw Star Wars, you were either a) very young or b) crapping yourself over seeing space ship battles for the first time ever. Either way, a good degree of Star Wars' success hinges on initial context. It's easy to see why we weren't as blown away with the latest entries. We (the audience) had already seen space ship battles and light sabers and alien monsters and evil empires, and we entered the theatre a little less naive than we were 27 years ago. That doesn't mean that these latest movies were bad, it means that the first three just aren't as good as we remember them to be. Strip away your initial amazement, and the flaws will show. Only then will you use the Force and understand how awesome Attack of the Clones was.

P.S. gLit is right. Ewan McGregor is fantastic as Obi Wan. It's almost eerie to see him playing the character. It's almost like he's acting as Alec Guiness acting as Obi Wan Kenobi.
QED, sort of.
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Drunken Monkey

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:46 pm     Reply with quote
Compare ep 1&2 to other modern high-budget scifi. It doesn't stack up to anything... Minority Report? 5th Element? Even Aliens Resurrection... All just 'ok' movies but they all had characters in them that you were kind of compelled to care about. Last two starwars? All the characters might as well be manikins. Those actors who could act were never given the chance. Lucas is a rich rich man who has been disconnected from the real world for too long to actually write anything that anyone from the real world could relate to.

And i don't mean overdone overemotional estrogenic drama like in Hero or Crouching Tiger either..

Nice visual though.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:45 am     Reply with quote
I don�t think what you said applies to me at all Impaler. I wasn�t that young when I watched Starwars and also I can pretty much feel if I like something for nostalgia or because it�s really good.

The effects and stuff are surely good, but with the budget and the studio behind it no surprise. Thats exactly the point, if other movies would have the money and manpower and freedom behind them that george has, I�m sure there would actually be way better stuff coming our way. Stuff that does not make me cringe at the bad dialog acting and shit like that.

On another note about the effects, if you look at the new starwars, some of the effects and stuff have just been put in there "because we can". Like the one with Anakin on that beast, was totally useless, didnt�look good, nor even realistic motion, that totally made me go "wow bad cgi animation".
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:47 pm     Reply with quote
"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth."

- Tom Carter

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Capt. Fred

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:17 pm     Reply with quote
I like the first two star wars same reason I like the second to matrixs.

The visuals are jaw droppingly stunning! I feel like I'm getting high watching some of the fantasies they visualise, and the sound is usually amazing too.

It's not like i complain that a fiat punto is shit because it's won't go off-road, or write off a Porsche 911 because it doesn't have enough boot space. Equally I would never look unfavourably on starwars for having weak acting and script. It takes my breathaway.

You want acting and story to take your breath away, there are some really incredible foreign films out there.

I can't wait!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:57 am     Reply with quote
I can�t let that critisim on the audience that dislikes the new Starwars for it�s bad acting and script stand. Sure it has great visuals and jawdropping stuff, but if it�s only about that, they better make no attempt at a "touching" or "clever" story at all, but create something simple that still works.

There is no law that says that awesome looking movies have to be dumb or that clever movies need to be foreign films.

I dont�mind having a simple script and mediocre acting most of the time, plenty of movies out there, that prove it still can work. For most people it stops at the point where you cringe though, or can you honestly say that you did not mind the part in episode 1 where anakins mother talks about the godmother maria like birth? How about "Are you an angel?".

Would they have made it as simple as the Clone Wars animated series, I could say that it would be the best thing ever, but instead Mr. George chose to fuck it up. Not the Special Effects team, or any of the hard working people that make the parts of the movies which are awesome, but the guy who used to combine breathtaking effects(even more for back the days) with a lovely story and dialogues.
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Capt. Fred

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:15 am     Reply with quote
I suppose the only reason I watch the new star wars and so on is for the visuals and some of the cool characters.

It's just a difference of opinion I guess, but i couldn't care less about the acting in star wars! That in itself is criticism, I suppose. I guess I just accept it for what it is, as a peaceful alternative to criticising it for what it's not, or what it could be, that's just me!

hehe, for me, the playing out of the story is there only to carry the visuals, like my toast is only there to carry my peanut butter mmm!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:11 pm     Reply with quote
Good points all around, and thanks for the civil demeanor, fellas.

I watch the Star Wars stuff, because it's all about nostalgia. I'll never, ever forget the first time I saw that Star Destroyer roll over from above. That movie took a lot of us away, and it brought a senese of imaginary fulfillment unlike any movie had ever done before. It also ushered in an era of new special fx therefore raising the bar somewhat for visual storytelling.

Yeah there might be some dull wooden acting here and there, but sometimes you just gotta let go and suspend all seriousness. Get your popcorn on.

Tito, I need a tissue!
- Tom Carter

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" - Jack Kornfield
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:15 pm     Reply with quote
remember in clones, whatserface falls out of the troop transport, smacks against the sand dune, rolls down and upon stopping seems unconcious. then a trooper comes along and goes "are you ok?" and she easily gets up and goes "yes." omfg i laughed so hard at that. It was so bad they changed it around for the dvd version.

th story thats trying to be told in these new installments is the transition from good to evil. This is actually a pretty interesting premise, but unfortunately the script and acting (though it doesnt seem to be the actors faults, as most of them are very good in other films) kind of ruin it for me. The films have become soley about special effects, and thats not a good thing at all. Truly good films are about story and character, using the special effects only to compliment and enhance the story. not the other way around. a pretty good example of this is the lord of the rings trilogy, great story, great characters, great acting, and great cg. put all that together and u got an 11 academy award winner right there.
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