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Topic : "Stuff" |
DeathbyDuplicity member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 8:57 pm |
Okay this thread is dying, let it die! My views have not changed and they never will... so be it. Nex your posts was pointless, because you continue to try and stress the fact of this threads "childish" nature, but you continue to come back daily in response to what I've said! Niether one of us are acting like adults, moreover children! Sqaulling over something in which niether one can win, because niether one is right! Let it go. I don't care for you vice versa, ohwell...
[This message has been edited by DeathbyDuplicity (edited July 11, 2000).] |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 10:13 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Nex:
There is nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful body, but women are not vaginas on legs with breast attached to them!
I don't think Nex's posts were pointless. I found them rather comforting. As a woman, its nice to see men speaking out against exploitation. Takes strength.
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DeathbyDuplicity member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 10:28 pm |
One more time just for you thorn....
All of the women above, I never said or partrayed the as walking vaginas. The last girl yeah, but hell look at her! Would you do that? Prolly not because you have dignity, right? Okay! As far as the others sure I said this one has nice legs, this one is fine, wakka wakka... Is it wrong by saying that a female is attractive, and pointing out the factors that make her most? Not in my opinion! I love women of all shades. Women who carry themselves as women I treat as women, and I have no problem with doing so. Girls that carry themselves as sleazez deserve less no? Am I talking to you like your a slut or such? No.
I felt his post was pointless, because he continued to ignite the did I. One person cannot argue. Why part in something you don't believe in, when you know that niether on will give in? He posted his view fine....but if he was the bigger more "adult" he wouldn't have continued to the point that we forgot what the hell we were arguing about. Read the last few post....the targets became more person and not about women. |
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DeathbyDuplicity member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 11:59 pm |
Nah! I'm no cave man....just different people with different veiws on women! This is all in good fun, like I said non of these chicks are special! And as for respect...err? Last time I remember, I don't think it is manditory to respect anyone that doesn't respect you! Are y'allz respecting our opinions? No! Okay that means no respect tonight! |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 12:23 am |
Okay, one more time just for you, Mr.D
No, there is nothing wrong with finding women attractive and saying so. I think men are utterly beautiful, too. And I have nothing against erotica. I can see why a lot of people like it.
The trouble, though, is that sexual appreciation often becomes bound up with negative value judgements about women. You used the word "slut"-I never would about anyone, no matter how they behaved or portrayed themselves. That to me is a "control" word. It divides women into categories-nice girls and sluts, madonnas and whores etc. And just as importantly, it limits women behaviour and the healthy expression of our sexuality. Lets face it, we don't live in a perfect world and there's still a long way to go before women are truly valued as 'whole' individuals, rather than just judged on what we look like, and on what we do or don't do sexually.
But anyway, I don't see you as personally responsible for the social inequality between men and women. My earlier post was more a response to the position Nex took. I've become really interested lately in the views of 20something men towards male/female power dynamics. Been hearing some really good things lately from different male friends. Lot of questioning of societal ideas around male sexuality etc. Great stuff. |
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DeathbyDuplicity member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 1:14 am |
quote: Originally posted by DeathbyDuplicity:
First off you don't know me, so your no better than me if you assume to know me or my views based on some internet thread! Not once did I call any of these girls "bitches", "slut" or such!
Ahem! As you can see by my prior post Thorn, I never once called anyone a "slut"...rather I used it as an illustration to get my point across, that I never did in the beginning.
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 1:32 am |
As i stated already I have no problem with this thread, I have no problem with posting beautiful women, i have no problem with postin women in bikinis, and I have no problem with posting naked women, erotica, whatever.
As long as it is on a certain level .. a level that does not include talking about how this pictures stimulate your sex organs.
Your little conversation with humalclay was not better. It was quite "sad" too.
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DeathbyDuplicity member
Member # Joined: 29 Jun 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 1:48 am |
Maybe it was the milk you told me to drink...hehehe. Now that was a joke. C'mon? heheheh! |
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 2:27 am |
Yep, maybe it was the milk. |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 6:31 am |
quote: Originally posted by DeathbyDuplicity:
Women who carry themselves as women I treat as women, and I have no problem with doing so. Girls that carry themselves as sleazez deserve less no? Am I talking to you like your a slut or such? No.
This was what I was making my point about, Mr. D. I thought about what you said, but it still reads to me like a nice girl/slut distinction which as I talked about before, puts a social chocker chain on women. For myself, I treat people according to what's in their hearts and minds, not what they do sexually (usually I get a bit of a laugh out of that part).
I don't want to waffle on too much longer, so I'll just say this. I don't think your a big baddy or anything, that's not why I wrote this. I'm just pointing out a few key issues that I care about (for obvious reasons). Its good to talk about our sexual protocols etc., give 'em a bit of a shake. Its makes us stop and think about *why* we believe what we believe.
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 6:44 am |
Okay, now...I can't be serious for even one second longer...its too much of a strain.
Where's my boyfriend gone. Spitfire's post has inspired me!
*hits her chest*
uh uh. ough. aroooooga.
man, come to cave.
ugh ugh. uh. aroooga.
ugh ugh. Oooh, no! (Man runs away at sight of bold woman)!!
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Nex member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2000 Posts: 2086 Location: Austria
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 7:14 am |
lol |
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el tigre member
Member # Joined: 27 May 2000 Posts: 463 Location: scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 7:24 am |
ugh agh uh ugguh
*picks up piece of slate and a twig*
ughh arghga uhjgha wacu acco
acum waaca acomm
wacom, WACOM
*neanderthal women's knickers drop*
Does anyone know the secret formula? :� |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 7:52 am |
Oooh, deep ancient secret mystical connection between WACOM and foreplay is revealed.
(Thorn pulls out wacom pen, runs off in hot pursuit of speedy boyfriend)... |
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el tigre member
Member # Joined: 27 May 2000 Posts: 463 Location: scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 8:05 am |
*neanderthal newbie looks confused*
ugh ughha gurgd huggh ughh
ujhg juhu graphire or intuos?
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 8:17 am |
Neanderthal woman pauses...ponders...
Graphire-pretty colours matter.
Neanderthal woman rugby tackles boyfriend...waves magic wacom wand over face...arooga!!! eh,eh,eh
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 8:53 am |
*Spitfire the tribe-elder looks down from his mountaintop*
Man - give woman wacom and hunt big hairy animal. Woman - go make cave-art of man hunting big hairy animal.
Spitfuah the elder has spoken. Awoog. Urgh. w00t!
*Spitfire the Elder goes off to smoke some herb in his cave*
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psi burn member
Member # Joined: 14 May 2000 Posts: 420 Location: nj
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 8:59 am |
thorn i think you're reading too much into female exploitation.
first off, most of these women know they are sexually attractive. the primary reason they are taking these photos are because they know men out there will be excercising their hormones while looking at them. they want money. the money comes from sexually orientated men (whatever level they may be at) who will buy the magazines with these photos. if they wanted to be respected like a normal hard-working woman, they wouldnt be using their body to obtain money.
im sure they're nice women and we shouldnt be calling them names, but most of the people on this forum are just teenagers who are joking around and throwing harmless comments about them. im sure we're not offending them, as they dont read this forum. and im sure they dont call them names in real life.
now, you said you would never use "slut" against a woman, no matter what she did? a slut isnt just one dominating insult used to classify women these days. its a slang word too. im sure you've experienced people calling things "gay". 50% of the time, they dont mean homosexual. the slang for gay now, is "stupid" or "idiotic", etc. slut is just another slang way to insult a woman. now, if you had a wife who, you had found out had slept with 5 other men during your marriage, then broke it off only to marry some sick rich man, you wouldn't be thinking "shes a slut" in your mind? you're saying "well shes a woman and i have to respect that". if im hitting the nail on the head, please respond to me, otherwise correct me where i'm wrong.
thats all. |
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el tigre member
Member # Joined: 27 May 2000 Posts: 463 Location: scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 9:03 am |
*el sabre-tooth tigre finds shiny thing with "bic" inscribed*
ugh for women armpits and ughgh bikini line
ughd ghdahh hjfu spiky legs too
ukkh guggh ekke more important than fire
Does anyone know the secret formula? :� |
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el tigre member
Member # Joined: 27 May 2000 Posts: 463 Location: scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 9:09 am |
absolutley NO offence meant Thorn, we's be just havin a laff
Does anyone know the secret formula? :� |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 9:53 am |
*Spitfire the Elder lies in his cave and sees pretty colors & stuff*
Arooga. Ugh ugh. Ook-ook-ook.
Man Good. Woman Good. Love & Respect. w00t!
Aroogah. Awoog-woog-wah. w00t! |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 3:12 pm |
Neanderthal woman is not sayin' nothin. Too busy making next missing link, arooooga, followed by satisfying aftersex session of cave-art with magic wacom wand, eh,eh. |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 3:32 pm |
Woman takes time out...
El Tigre, Neanderthal Shaman, Keeper of Sacred Wacom Pen/Tablet Relic,...I know, its cool, I'm not offended in any way.
PSI, that a silly argument. And it would take too long to correct.
Spitfire the Elder, pass the herb.
Man good, woman good, love and respect good, altered reality pretty colours good too. ook, ook, wOOT |
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el tigre member
Member # Joined: 27 May 2000 Posts: 463 Location: scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 3:51 pm |
*passes the doobie (stolen from spitfire) to thorn*
anybody hungry? hunt mammoth
Does anyone know the secret formula? :� |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 4:24 pm |
mmmmm...12-foot mammoth ribs in sweet chillie sauce, my favourite. |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 5:52 pm |
nex- want the same treat?
the not so resident caustic bitch, and the owls turned back the way they are.. even the foos ain't trippin' no more. 35983387 / [email protected] |
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Thorn member
Member # Joined: 10 May 2000 Posts: 187 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 6:57 pm |
Ook? Did someone speak?
*clutches mammoth rib bone defensively in classic Neanderthal warrior woman position*
Oh, well...on to the next course, a week's worth of mammoth chops grilled in a delicate tomato sauce with basil, garlic and a touch of lime...
[This message has been edited by Thorn (edited July 12, 2000).] |
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