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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:42 am     Reply with quote
Hi! I'm new to the digital art world and I'm looking for some tutorials and some answers to my questions below.

My Background:
I was in the military for about 5 years and recently got out. Right before I joined the military, I purchased a Wacom Tablet 9x12 (Serial Connection). I thought I would have a lot more time to use it during my military experience, but I rarely used it at all. I probably have about 3 hours total time on it. Its brand new looking.

I'm a good artist, and I doodle all the time, when I don't have my official art pad in front of me. I have many sketches I have done, and I know that there is a process to scan the images into the computer, and then digitally colorize the image in Photoshop. I have Photoshop CS and Painter Classic. The scanner I purchased is a HP 6300C, which is a very professional scanner.

Information I need:
1.) I'd like to get some tutorials on how to sketch properly for digital coloring:
- Do I want to shade my sketches before I scan them?
- etc.

2.) Scanning sketch into Computer:
- What resolution do I want to use?
- Do I scan in grayscale?
- etc.

3.) Filling With color:
- I remember something about 'multiply' on the layers. Please refresh this process for me.
- I also remember something about making the lines on the sketch stand out better.
- etc.

4.) Shading sketch in Photoshop CS:
- Do I use burn / doge tool to do this after I fill with color? I remember something about this, but not everything. Please refresh this process for me.
- etc.

Five years ago I was just starting up in the digital world, but I basically forgot everything. So I'm starting from scratch again.

I'm asking you, the forum reader, to submit your tutorial links, and any other helpful information you may have so I can take the first steps in the right direction to save time and headaches. I'm looking forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you for your time!
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 1:54 am     Reply with quote
Hey Airnate, have you tried viewing some tips from Dhabih Engs Tips and Tutorials on his main page? You can view it here:

Just click on the link and then click on Tips and Tutorials. That should help you a bit Wink Or at least get you started
Why dont you clone yourself!
-- Why's that?--
So you can go and F*** yourself!!!
*Quote from Arnold Schwartzeneggars movie The 6th Day*
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:42 am     Reply with quote
Don't forget this link, with enough tutorials for a lifetime:

Well, maybe not a lifetime, but it sounded nice.

Airnate wrote:

1.) I'd like to get some tutorials on how to sketch properly for digital coloring:
- Do I want to shade my sketches before I scan them?

I guess it depends on what you want to do with the image. In 9/10 cases, shading the image beforehand is a bad idea. Lines tend to get a bit harder to see while shading becomes more prominent after scanning the image, at least for me. If you want to draw directly on, or keep the original lineart intact, absolutely DON'T shade the image beforehand, or it will look messy.

The only time I would shade the image beforehand is if I have performed some advanced perspective rendering for objects to find out exactly where the highlights/shadows should start, and I typically never do that. In the rare case that I WOULD do something like that, I would just leave the shaded, scanned image as a background layer and draw it all over again digitally.


2.) Scanning sketch into Computer:
- What resolution do I want to use?
- Do I scan in grayscale?
- etc.

There's nothing wrong with scanning a sketch in a relatively huge resolution (600+ dpi), as you can always resize it down later. Normally, a resolution around 100 dpi should be enough, although your sketch might look a little extra rough, especially if its height is a full A4 (9x12") page. Remember that the "pixels" in real life are atoms and quarks, and a smooth line will ALMOST remail smooth no matter how the high the resolution is we scan it in with today's technology.


4.) Shading sketch in Photoshop CS:
- Do I use burn / doge tool to do this after I fill with color? I remember something about this, but not everything. Please refresh this process for me.

No, no, SHOO, bad dog! You CAN use burn/dodge efficiently for shading an image, but it's VERY hard to do, and a cheap trick in eyes of beginners of the digitial art world. Burn/dodge is NOT a good shading resort in the first place. It doesn't look right, and the image easily screams "this was painted in Photoshop with an excessive amount of burn/dodge tool usage". It's almost as bad as using the render cloud and lens flare filter. Again, that's just my opinion.

Good luck to you and your attempts to get into the digital art world. I still remember how different my tablet felt at first, how hard it was to use. I still find mine a lot harder to use than a pencil or so, but it's really all about practice.

Last edited by Chruser on Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:43 am     Reply with quote
Ugh, delete this. Hideous quote button, DEATH UPON IT!
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junior member

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 5:20 am     Reply with quote
Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Chruser wrote:

Shocked Shocked Shocked
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 1:41 pm     Reply with quote
I would suggest the following, since you have Painter Classic (I am using 8 but that shouldn't matter). I usually scan my sketches into photoshop at like 150-300 resolution... then I save it as a photoshop file. Then open up the scanned image in painter (you might have to save the file in photoshop as a different file format other then PSD, unless you use Painter 8.) and set up my tracing paper, then I trace the scan image and add in shading and details... I can use any type of natural media from Conte Crayon to a 2B pencil... actually you are not limited these are just two I use. Its a little bit extra work, but I can color the image with any natural media I want after that and keep it all seperated on different layers and all sorts of neat things like that.

You might have guessed but I use Painter almost exclusively. PS is good for image tweaking, Painter is good for making the image in the first place. Oh, when you get the scan into painter you can resize the image with almost no resolution loss... same might be true for PS. Some people make PS do some amazing coloring... but you can do it in Painter if you want to have more flexibility.

As for tutorials... well, I know of no PS tutorials... but I guarantee they are out there, just google it.

I can't say that there is a specific "tutorial" book for painter, but there is a book called "Painter 7, Wow Book!" Check your local library, or do an interlibrary loan, thats my suggestion. In fact if there is something you want to know about... like oils, pastels, etc... if you are not familiar with these media then go checkout books at the library, I got like 10 right now and will most likely be able to keep renewing and hold onto them for like 3 months... lol

anyways... that is my suggestion, good luck.

P.S. You will most likely be familiar with Painter in a 3 days if you read the manual. And there are tons of tutorials online... you just got to look around for them. If you want them, PM me and I will send you a list of sites that you can checkout.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:29 am     Reply with quote
Alright I'll take all your suggestions. Thank you very much! I really do appreciate it. I'm actually thinking of selling my Wacom 9x12 for a smaller one if anyone is interested? PM ME. I'll buy Painter 8 as well.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:40 am     Reply with quote
Don't sell the 9x12, its an awesome tablet... I use one and couldn't live without it... but its your choice.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:43 am     Reply with quote
Your right, but my new computer isn't liking the Intuos1 tablet. I may have to resort to buying a new Intuos2. If anyone is looking for a basically brand new (3 hours total use time) 9x12 Wacom Tablet, give me a pm.
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