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Topic : "In your dreams...!" |
Christian + member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Posts: 76 Location: Lebanon; Bikfaya
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 5:00 pm |
I had a beautiful dream last night, I woke up in the morning and I couldn�t remember what it was exactly. All I knew is that it was great. I had bits and pieces of it but could not link them all together.
I wish some freakin� scientist could invent a device that would record your dreams while you are in your sleep. I wouldn�t have to draw anymore�heheh.
Have you ever had that thought before?
Does anyone of you people out there know a way to remember the dreams you�ve had? Like some sort of exercise that would help you write it down as soon as you wake up in the morning.
I think dreams are the best source of inspiration for us Artists. The images I get in my head are better (in quality and resolution ) than any other ones I�ve ever had when I get high.
Please if you have any suggestions, go ahead, they�ll help a lot. |
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Rat member
Member # Joined: 10 Feb 2002 Posts: 851 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 5:14 pm |
Well, I just sort of...remember some of my dreams. If it's a dream I have just as I'm waking up, I can just think of a part of it I want to remember and usually I do. There's one I remember that I had nearly a year ago. Ah, hell, helps me write.
Ever had a recurring dream? When I was young There was this one that I had whenever I was sick. It sent me into my parents room more than once. It was creepy. Don't remember most of it now, but...*shudder*
I also kinda have deja vu in dreams. I can actually tell the difference now between them and regular dreams. They're a lot clearer. |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 9:17 pm |
I took a class in dream interpretation back in college. We had to keep either a notepad and a small lamp, or a small handheld recorder by our bed so that when we wake up, we immediately reocrd our dreams before we forget.
I've gotten ideas for stories and paintings from my dreams. I wish that in the future(in my life time), video games can become dream-like. That'll make them way more fun. |
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Christian + member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Posts: 76 Location: Lebanon; Bikfaya
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 1:31 am |
Yeah I have recurring dreams too.
There's this dream that I don't have anymore but I used to when I was a kid. It's about me, up on the roof of our house and there are four floors, and somehow I'm standing on the edge and I fall, first 2floors, I go down fast like a rock, gradually, I slow down to land safe and sound in the garden. The first few times I had this dream, I was scared but then I got used to it and was happy when ever I had it.
Lunatique, I'll have to try your technique. I hope it'll work. But it would be easier if you could find me that device that records dreams, I sleep so little, I hardly get up even if I feel I wanna take a piss.
Oh and Luna, BTW, great stuff on your website. I still hadn�t checked it, sorry I'm kinda new here. |
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Christian + member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Posts: 76 Location: Lebanon; Bikfaya
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 1:32 am |
Yeah I have recurring dreams too.
There's this dream that I don't have anymore but I used to when I was a kid. It's about me, up on the roof of our house and there are four floors, and somehow I'm standing on the edge and I fall, first 2floors, I go down fast like a rock, gradually, I slow down to land safe and sound in the garden. The first few times I had this dream, I was scared but then I got used to it and was happy when ever I had it.
Lunatique, I'll have to try your technique. I hope it'll work. But it would be easier if you could find me that device that records dreams, I sleep so little, I hardly get up even if I feel I wanna take a piss.
Oh and Luna, BTW, great stuff on your website. I still hadn�t checked it, sorry I'm kinda new here. |
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wayfinder member
Member # Joined: 03 Jan 2001 Posts: 486 Location: Berlin, Germany
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 4:05 am |
keep your eyes closed when you wake up. gather what you still know of the dream. write it down. |
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travis travis member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2001 Posts: 437 Location: CT, USA
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 6:52 am |
standard technique is to write it down. this is good for developing lucid dreaming ability as well. |
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Jucas member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2001 Posts: 387 Location: Pasadena, CA
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 6:30 pm |
Well I feel like I'm missing out. I dont dream, hardly ever. And if/when I do it is always horribly lame;
I walk to my car and its been broken into, my radio is missing. That's it! No more, I just shrug and then I wake up.
OR, I walk to the fridge open it up and there is no mayonaise. I walk back to bed and wake up. That's it!
So sad *laughs*, |
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Spooky member
Member # Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 217 Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 11:43 pm |
Haha! That's amusing. I have been battling with the illusiveness of dreams myself the last year or so. So beginning this year, I started to keep a digital record of my dreams in the form of an AppleWorks document that I just add to each time I remember my dream from the previous night (or morning) or past months. If I don't have time, I'll write out in point form the points of the dream to type out later. I have found this to be helpful in remembering dreams from weeks past now and have even found dreams coming back to me from months ago now. Sure, some of the stuff is bizarre, lucid, sexual, nightmarish, and sometimes, plain simple, but I can remember some fantastic 'scenes' and as a young filmmaker and editor, dreams can be inspiring.
I chose my company name after wanting to make a device as a child that would record your dreams. I called this device the Digital Dream Machine. This also could be considered the modern day computer. A device that you can record your dreams with text, video and/or audio, a device that you can create them with and a device that can inspire them. After I chose my name, somebody told me Sony named their alarm clocks 'Dream Machines' but I don't compete with Sony and use their products daily with excellent results.
So in essence, I'm using my 'Digital Dream Machine' to record my dreams and create new ones. |
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Christian + member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Posts: 76 Location: Lebanon; Bikfaya
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 1:16 am |
Hey Jucas man Haha� you�re a funny guy . I can understand you, I�m a mayonnaise lover myself but not enough to dream about it. Mayonnaise is delicious but if you don�t work out enough to burn it all, you�ll be like those enormous cats (showing in one of the recent threads around this forum) in no time hehe.
For you people who don�t eat mayonnaise, you can�t understand how the guy is dreaming about it.
I know that if you eat too much before you sleep, you are most likely to have night mares instead of dreams. So try to go easy on the beers and don�t mix mayonnaise with peanut butter and jelly anymore .
As for Mr. Spooky�s �Digital Dream Machine� (DDM), it�s only a matter of time before someone invents it. Dreams are electrical impulses, and like any other electrical impulses, they can be controlled, contained and we will learn to changes them and boost them �.. I�ll leave you to figure the rest, imaging what a big business it�ll become once we�ll be able to sell them. It�s exiting and scary at the same time.
I only hope we will live to that day� |
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Briareos member
Member # Joined: 24 May 2001 Posts: 392 Location: CA
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 1:08 pm |
Im having the weirdest freakin dreams, im not sure I want to remember them, so freaking random and totaly obscure meaningless (as far as i know)... usually really long drawn out storys that are dull, boring, and i usually wake up thinking wtf was that all about.... lol |
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horstenpeter member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2001 Posts: 255 Location: Germany
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 1:41 pm |
I used to write down my dreams but I've been slacking, but today I decided to get back to it.
All of them.
No more filtering out what I consider crap, every dream is a good dream.
Briareos, I envy you, I wish my dreams were more freaky, most of them are pretty simple.
Freakiest I had over the last few months....wait a second...dated night of 31st of August to 1st of September last year - was about being chased by a killer who always turned on the showers in the houses of his victims. He chased me down the road and eventually we settled on a duel and I sliced of his head.
Now is that freaky or not ? |
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Briareos member
Member # Joined: 24 May 2001 Posts: 392 Location: CA
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 6:46 pm |
you might not man.. the last one i had was like sitting in a room listening to a bunch people that were supposed to be presidents but looked like really old people rambling about absolutly nothing for what seemed like countless hours... I was trying to figure out what was going on in my own dream LOL... sigh |
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Shadow-X- member
Member # Joined: 29 Oct 1999 Posts: 259 Location: Formerly Ontario,Canada, Now Vancouver, B.C, CANADA, where people hate the Toronto Maple Leafs
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 7:52 pm |
Everyone has atleast had the "being somewhere in their birthday suit" dream, haven't you?!? I've had tons of those for some reason, me being buck naked like a newborn, but I'm at school. And it feels like shit when I'm standing around and everyone is staring.
And I used to have recurring nightmares. On a small street, I'd go up a hill, and there would be this small dojo like place, with a small "moat", one you could step over, all traditionally japanese. I'd see pearl plates in the water, ad money, i'd always reach into it. I'd go into the dojo like building, and dick around with my friends. Then I'd have to go home and confront my murder dad. He has already killed my mom beforehand, but she isnt anywhere in sight. He own's a tirestore, and he starts chasing after me while throwing tires. I usually woke up crying. Scary. (Seriously) |
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Rat member
Member # Joined: 10 Feb 2002 Posts: 851 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 8:31 pm |
I now remember one of my two recurring nightmares: I walk down this infinitely long hall that keeps getting longer. There are jagged...structures all around me. I'm chasing the only sphere in the place. It's on a pedestal. Whenever I speed up, the sphere does too.
I don't know why, but it scares me. I've woken up sweating more than once from it.
There's also one I had the night after I was given a tour of a house down the street from me that had burned down. The inside was like something from a horror movie. *shudder* |
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Nilwort member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2002 Posts: 319
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 12:51 am |
Well, as long as we're on the subject of dreams, I'll share some of the more profound ones I've had recently. If your open to them, dreams are a great way to listen to your subconsious and gain new perspectives on problems you've been dealing with.
I had this one dream where I was sitting a desk in this dimly lit classroom with these other students my age, I remember the lighting was kind of greenish and it seemed like I was underwater. In front of the classroom was this big jellyfish man who's body was a sort of a human torso on this blobby under belly with this gaping eyeless skull with a middle-aged sort of crown on it's head. In the dream I never really got a good look at him though, I remember any movement of making eye contact with it would make me extremely terrified and I stared ahead with this determination, my back arched and barely blinking, like I was a damn marine or something, feeling this sense of duty, I can't really explain it. I remember other students sort of take glaces at it and the jelly fish man would instantly impale their heads with this spike-like tail thing, sort of like the mother alien in aliens. That's all I really remember about that one.
And this other dream I had recently, I don't remember much of it, but somehow, this really angry cat had it's claws dug into my arms deeply, and it was squirming and gnawing me. I remember myself thinking in the dream that if I squeezed the cat-thing back that it would let go. I kept squeezing harder and harder, trying to strangle it, and it did the same to me, and nothing really happened.
After talking about some of these dreams to some people I know and just thinking about them on my own I think I can see some symbolism with some personal stuff I've been dealing with. The jelly-fish man dream maybe has something to do with my father, he's not really the jelly-fish man himself, but more of a product of some of the things I've had to deal with realated to him. This underlying fear that is terrible and unimaginably horrifying, that can't be faced without having to look the jelly-fish man in the eyes. Yet that terror is subtle and barely noticeable. The cat dream I think, is symbolic of the defense mechanisms that I have in place to protect myself from this terror. That if I sort of mirror the fear and anger that this horror causes to the more natural and animal part of me, then I can be safe. Strangling this wild and un-thinking animal who's only thought is to escape, when I have the the thinking capacity to relax my hold of it and decide to pick the claws out of my arms or something...
I dunno, sorry if I freaked any of you out with my crazy-dream symbolism and stuff, sometimes it's just fun to get it out, be it online or verbally with other people.  |
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Christian + member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Posts: 76 Location: Lebanon; Bikfaya
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 1:23 am |
BOOOHOOHHHOOOOOOOO...... you freaks..
I've never had scary dreams like these before. My father a jelly fish !!! wtf.
But hey, Nilwort, these are fantastic stories, they should be a great inspiration for you work if you're an artist (which you are supposed to be if you hang around in Sijun, or else you'll be really a freak, lol)
But if I could have these scary dreams you guys have, fuuiiii.... this will spare me a lot of time. You know I follow Baz Luhrmann in his son **Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen)** where he says that you should "do one thing that scares you every day" ... which I have really hard time doing, and it's mostly very risky. I go try all these freakin back loops in ski and jumping really high off of rocky cliffs.
What a hard job. So imagine I could do it in my sleep, 100% safe scariness.
What about sex dreams �.. I had that dream once where I was making love to my brothers girlfriend, I know it�s my brother, but believe me, she is HOT. And it felt very real.
But how can I get inspired in my work from that ???? |
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edraket member
Member # Joined: 18 Sep 2001 Posts: 505 Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 3:36 am |
Here's some tips to remember dreams. I set myself to do all this at one point. But once you sleep in one bed with someone everything becomes a lot harder.
But here is some stuff I remember.
Try to fall asleep telling yourself to remember your dreams. I know this sounds silly. But it's that simple. Just repeat to yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Think about nothing else.
When you wake up don't open your eyes. But also don't move your body at all.
Try to remember them reverse chronological. So start with the end and slowly work to the beginning.
Think about dreams. Read about dreams. (Some books on lucid dreaming are really fascinating) Keep a record of your dreams. The more they are on your mind the more you will remember.
You dream at intervals of about 90 minutes. So if you figure out the times you can have some signal wake you up after every dream.
During the night your dream periods get longer. So the longer you sleep the more dream time you will have.
Having yourself wake up after the later dream periods would be most worthwile.
Now you guys understand why it was hard to do this with a partner in bed next you. |
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horstenpeter member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2001 Posts: 255 Location: Germany
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 4:24 am |
I remember someone posting about a site about dreams not too long ago (a few months). Anybody still got the URL ? The site was about collecting and sharing dreams IIRC. |
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jasonN member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 842 Location: Sydney Australia
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2002 12:12 am |
I have a lot of dreams. I can remember them if I just ask myself right when I wake up "What did I dream about?" but a lot of the time I don't bother with asking myself and I just continue one with life and by then it's too late to remember.
But over the past 2-3 months I keep having dreams of this girl I liked last year. Not in a sexual way mind you. A lot of the time I am looking for her or see her from a distance.
Sometimes in my dream I talk with her and we get along really great. I know this is going to sound corny, but sometimes I have this dream where she tells me she really likes me and it's like in the stupid romantic comedy movies where everything turns out great.
Anyway, the dreams with this girl in it are SO powerful that I can't not remember them. It feels so amazing, but then I wake up the next morning totally whipped and I mope around all day because I miss her  |
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Christian + member
Member # Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Posts: 76 Location: Lebanon; Bikfaya
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2002 1:17 am |
Hahaha.....that's great JasonN, I have that same feeling, that's why I was saying it feels so real.
I miss them too these girls. I told you, give me that Dream Machine and I'll be the happiest man alive. |
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jasonN member
Member # Joined: 12 Jan 2000 Posts: 842 Location: Sydney Australia
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2002 2:36 pm |
Hey Christian, that dream machine would be great
I know it sounds pathetic, but the dreams with that girl are better than real life. Everything just feels so amazing. They're the best type of dream.
But of course I have different dreams. I just woke up about an hour ago and I dreamt that I was buying a sandwich from a shop and they were trying to rip me off!!?? Totally useless and irrelevant but funny nonetheless. |
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horstenpeter member
Member # Joined: 05 Oct 2001 Posts: 255 Location: Germany
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 1:43 am |
Talk about weird... last night I dreamt that Lunatique was stopping by and we were discussing art and stuff. Now is that a weird dream ?
Of course I woke up before anything helpful was said Lunatique made a few interesting points about butterflies though, but I can't remember those
Oh yeah and jason, I love those girl dreams, but the problem is I don't even know the girl I dream of...I hope I'll meet her some day  |
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Freddio Administrator
Member # Joined: 29 Dec 1999 Posts: 2078 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 2:53 am |
I have had preminisions which have ocured the next day..
wierd! |
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Nilwort member
Member # Joined: 26 Jan 2002 Posts: 319
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 2:48 pm |
Usually my dreams aren't that vivid either, but those ones I described earlier were crystal clear, and screwed up too.
Anyways, I was feeling a little insane today, so I sketched up a picture of the jelly-fish blob man for my amusment and hopefully yours as well!
[ February 28, 2002: Message edited by: Nilwort ] |
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Glondus member
Member # Joined: 19 Jan 2001 Posts: 78 Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 9:28 am |
jasoN, I know the feeling. Or dream... I have exactly the same type.
Thought they often escalate into freakyness after a while...
My dreams also has a pretty strong effect on the mood I have when I wake up. The other day, I dreamt something about my parents (cant remember what..) and when I woke up, I was really angry with them for no real reason.
I tend to, if Ive got time, stay in bed and think dreams through for quite some time. Helps me remember them.
I remember my dad having his hand eaten by a white and orange glowing dog when I was 8. I think it evolved from a goldfish... |
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Pat member
Member # Joined: 06 Feb 2001 Posts: 947 Location: San Antonio
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 1:58 pm |
After giving it a bit of thought I've come to the conclusion that I'd hate for them to invent a dream recording machine. As useful as that would appear or be, so much of our lives are already recorded --captured for endless analysis and study. Dreams represent another side of us and it pleases me that technology finds it inaccessible. We've surrounded ourselves which convenient machines, but our reliance on their services robs us of something. Dreams are difficult to share, but most of us have had them. We're fascinated by them precisely because they are so intensely personal. The dreams themselves may be different, but the experience is similar --and in that small place between knowing and feeling for yourself and making it known and felt for others is something unique to the human condition. If that small place was laid bare, open for objective perusal, dreams would lose all their power. Without personal advocates who experienced them to interpret, dreams are poorly scripted dramas with little relevance. Science will record the data, of that I have no doubt. But science and our method of observation reserve both the right of critical thinking and the facility of judgment --two characteristics which are absent in dreamers. Therein lies their true value.
-Pat |
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