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Author   Topic : "Lucid Dreaming and other stuph............................"

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Joined: 04 Feb 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2000 7:17 am     Reply with quote
Alright dudes,
I did a little research on this lucid dreaming and it sounds pretty much like what is going on with me. I think its because of the way I think I constantly ask my self if I am dreaming and I believe that this is just a big dream on one day we will all wake up and realize reality. I also believe that the mind or brain is a very powerful that we have no idea on how to use I think that we are capable of achieving much greater things that just think and do thing. OK here is a theory that is kind stupid everybody looks at me like I am stupid when i tell them this one well i think that at night when we are resting that our brain kinda controls it self. as you know we are made up of 3 things the soul, the spirit, and the body. Well while the body is at rest i believe that the spirit which we have no control over what is so ever like Adam and eve did before when they could literally talk to GOD like we people talk each other. they broke that link that our brain had with out spirit. now there is other ways of getting this link many people say Indians and witches and other people found this link the devil or a demon can provide this link. by providing this link you can control your spirit. there fore leaving you body in the military the marines have something they call sweet dying where when they get shot they can leave their body and stay in the spirit to feel no pain. now in theory if you go to far you will remain a vegetable if you do not dye and your spirit will be lost. now witches use this to get into animals or to take over peoples bodies...have you ever seen those people who move things with their mind that is another way everybody is assigned a demon by Satan to make you or help you got hell just like God assigns you an angel well the demon can provide the link again this of course requires you sell your soul to the devil. no there is a change of command in the devils kingdom where some demons/people have a higher rank therefore being capable of ordering around other demons in theory a person.witch when they say or carry out a spell it is simply an order to another demon to do or carry out. so when you see them folk moving thing with their mind what i think happens is that they have linked their brain to their spirit therefore being able to see what is going on in the spiritual world and when the object that they are trying to move, moves then their spirit or one under their command moves the object and since we are not in the spiritual world we are not able to see this...I have asked god to let me peak into the spiritual world but i am kinda scared too to see angels and demons fighting and stuph would be cool but then scary because its new and something the bible there are some occurrences where God opens people eyes into the spiritual world such as when Elijah i believe(if i get some names or things wrong is because i know all of this in Spanish and I am trying my best to translate it) well a great army was coming for Elijah and he was alone with his servant well his servant was scared he was like master they are going to kill us and Elijah looked like he did not have a worry in the world and asked God to open his servants eyes into the spiritual world then the servant saw a great army of angels that defeated the other army the physical one the one in out we do not see the spiritual world but we are in it if a demon decided to hit you, you would feel that hit and be like wtf because you did not see anything but you are not seeing into the spiritual world not all these leads to my theory that we do not control out spirit because of that missing link but Jesus Christ brought the holy spirit which is able to come into our bodies and let us communicate with god like Adam and eve could proving a link all other links other than the holy spirit are bad evil or require you to have something to do with the once again i have typed all of this for a reason its is because all of this has lead me to believe that we have no control over our spirit but only of our soul and body, now i constantly believe that at night while our body is resting our spirit is free to do what he pleases and not letting us know that making it dreams but i think that our spirit actually leaves our body and goes to play with other spirit and what they do stays with them as a memory and when they come back into our body we receive that memory see it through the eyes of our spirit and wake up then we do not remember because we lost the link with the that is why i am very care full of what i say or wish or say because our spirit can hear us see us but we cant see them or hear them or control them but they can see us and touch us an hear us...i am afraid that one day my spirit will go out and do something stupid and i would be left with that memory in my mind of what he did remember the spirit can touch somebody hit, kill, all of this is pure theory i do not know if anybody has proven any of this it is mostly religious beliefs of mine
here is another story in Mexico when they see an owl which they call lechusas they believe that these birds are witches and come to steal little is what they believe that the with can change into or put their spirit into the bird and steal kids now do not go off and research this and leave your body because this i know is real in some legends about lechusas there are theories or ways to make them leave with out taking and then there is the shift changers with the Indians i believe that these shift changers can change but their body will remain where they left it, it is possible to leave your body and get into an animals body and control the animal even though this is very dangerous because you could loose your spirit and your body would die or remain a vegetable for the rest of your i am not going to tell you more of my feeling/beliefs because the DEVIL can hear us but he has no idea what goes on in our brain he uses what he knows about us to temp us and make us evil...
I probably sound like some crazy guy but i am not i am very normal i just listened to many people tell me real life stories and combined all of them to form my own beliefs...i had an uncle that his grandma was a witch my moms grandma was a spiritualist...

curses are for real and they can carry be carried for generations...if your family was ever cursed you might be cursed tooo......i do not know much about this so O well

here is a real life story that happened to me when i was a freshman in high school
it was December 19, 1996 at 11:54 exactly i remember looking at a clock and seeing 11:54 even though the only clock there is in my house is in my parents room i believe that my spirit saw i am lying in my bed at usual i used to sleep like you see vampires in the movies with my face up and my hands crossed on my chest well i would remain that way until morning but not on December 19 at 11:54 (O by the way the back door in my house is in my room) i see a dark figure resembling the reaper or the way they usually paint or view death come through that door i am scared i know i was even though i shouldn't of have, now it grabs be now i can see my self lying on the bed with this figure grabbing my hands i try to move because i was trying to kick its ass what ever it was but i could not move, i tried to scream but i could not scream, i tried everything to beat this thing with my body until i finally tried to battle it with my mind/spirit/soul so i prayed and asked god to rid be of this what ever it was-when i started to pray in my mind i hear this noise such as what you hear when you connect to the internet via modem but much more annoying or like when you do not have cable and you use an antenna to view at you TV and then you are trying to look at a channel and all you get is static..well that is was i heard so I was like this praying thing is working so i kept praying until it went away i kept trying to move until i final could i was relieved i got up and here is the funny part i ran to my parents room to tell them what happened and instead of getting the your crazy response they believed what had just happened and prayed with me. this happened to be on January 19 and February 19 at 11:54 too which is really weird i do not know what was the cause of this happening...but ever since then it has not happened again until a couple of months ago but this time i laughed at this thing what ever it is i tell him what are you going to do you cant do nothing blah blah i am protected with the blood of Jesus and then i pray and then it leaves...

now these dreams are weird lucid dreams i think once again its this thing that tried to get me 1996 trying a different strategy to drive me insane...

remember how i said everybody is assigned a demon well you can defeat this demon but it says in the Bible somewhere that he will come back but with 7 more demons to try and defeat you therefore you must remain loyal to GOD and pray so that he will guide you and protect you...

I have no idea why i wrote all of this i just did after affected told me about lucid dreams and researched it...
but anyways i truly believe most of what i wrote i usually make myself believe things...
that is probably is why i have lucid dreams because of my beliefs...
I am paranoid as hell...
I am NOT insane...
I am a Christian and strongly believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven you might have different beliefs...I did or do not mean to offend any of you just tell you what i think and believe...and if you do not have Christ in you heart i strongly recommend you ask for forgiveness soon you never know when the rapture is coming and you might be left behind....
Once again these are my beliefs not the beliefs of other Christians
eNd mEsSage....
xyz is out
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2000 9:02 am     Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2000 12:07 pm     Reply with quote
interesting. made sense to me

I vaguely have things like that happen to me but I have an imaginationthat gets the best of me I always think that my imagination is screwing with me - I had a lot of creepy stuff happen to me at night when I was younger. bah. imma stop typing now
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2000 11:12 pm     Reply with quote
Is it just me or didnt this make any sense at all?

No offense to you, btw, Xyz, i just didnt understand what you were getting at.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 3:07 am     Reply with quote
xyz, there is a "higher" beeing that i call the minister, he controll all the people and apeares when u least expect it, he has a side kick called somerthing with a b...Bob, Bobby...he takes childrens souls, but he newer attacks "YOU" but people u dream about (u dream about the person that gets killed by him) back to the minister. You described a similar experience that happens to me, but i kinda see it when im awake. i am not the only one that see him (the "minister" and that B guy) if some one has dreamt of those 2 guys PLEZ add a reply, cuz they must be defeated...

(i suck at writing, its a bit hard to understand, but...)

[This message has been edited by Hurri-cane (edited June 24, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2000 11:36 pm     Reply with quote
xyz- 90% of the people don't read your posts because they are like me- one 1600x1200 screen full of small letters gives a headache and is beyond irritating to read. and i mean it. reading 3 lines of that makes my eyes rather UNcomfortable and me myself feel like heads are going to roll.

ever hear of this cool thing called "paragraph" ? well, i think you should study the meaning of it, learn how to use it, then fucking USE it.

LEARN TO FUCKING WRITE. thank you i have a bad day.

and a certain finn idiot here can't spell.

the not so resident caustic bitch, and the owls turned back the way they are.. even the foos ain't trippin' no more. 35983387 / [email protected]

[This message has been edited by faustgfx (edited June 25, 2000).]
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2000 2:40 pm     Reply with quote
i have a personal opinion to share as well :
religion is opium for the masses.

i have no clue why i posted this.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2000 6:54 am     Reply with quote
LOL! Everyone no matter what religion, creed, race, or ethnicity; please take heed to the following advice.

If you belong to a religion, a sect that has certain opinions on subjects concerning our existence and cause of life, then just realise this.

No matter what your opinion is on the meaning of life, realise that it is an opinion. You should never "believe" in the ideals of your religion, because it is too strong. Instead think of such things as "ideas" because you "think" the following, fo rthe meaning of life.

Bloody wars have been fought and still being fought over these "beliefs", when the simple truth is that these beliefs are really your own "ideas".

I don't know why I posted this, maybe because xyz constantly went back to the fact in how "strongly he believed in christianity"

Dont be clouded by a religion, dont get mind fucked. When you believe in something so desperately you mind is capable of manifesting things. Live life to the fullest , dont question your existence because when you might find the answer you might just die.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2000 6:56 pm     Reply with quote
the people that don't understand what xyz is saying are the people who have not reached that part in there life where they have discovered somewhat the truth as I call it. I have expierced this sometimes scary and mystical journey, and believe me once you reach it your views on everything and everyone change. It's very amazing and I understand completly what xyz is talking about.

xyz contact me on icq and we'll talk: 10165174
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2000 9:50 pm     Reply with quote
Okay when I was younger I had a dream my finger got cut off and them I said I'm just dreaming... Is that the same as what you're talking about or like that time when you're really really tired and right before you go to sleep you are already dreaming?

What the Hell is bothering me?
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