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Topic : "Life drawings, update (NUDITY)" |
oDD member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2002 Posts: 1000 Location: Wroclaw Poland
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:27 am |
ok so i never posted my drawings from art classes i sarted in october last year(never done this kind of stuff befor). about 8 hours of drawing one day and 8 of painting next day during the weekend. Anyway here are sketches from drawing sessions. At the beggining they took my about 6 - 7 hours to complet, now its about 3 - 4 or maybe less. Anyway i'm loking for ANY comments. Drawing people is one of the coolest and most challening things for me. I'm looking for suggestions and ideas how to make my drawings more fresh and more intresting, how to "make them less calm". I tried to put them chronologically from the oldest in top. I hope you can see that there is some improvement and there are attempts at making something interesting. Oh and this are all A1 size.
 _________________ portfolio | art blog
Last edited by oDD on Mon Apr 28, 2003 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Po` junior member
Member # Joined: 12 Feb 2003 Posts: 41 Location: Finland
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:27 am |
Great drawings. |
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Capt. Fred member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 2002 Posts: 1425 Location: South England
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:53 am |
some great work in there.
I dunno what else to say. Maybe, I think it would be good to try and capture the pose with greater economy of time, and of line.
They're great dude. |
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Tzan member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2003 Posts: 755 Location: Boston MA
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:13 am |
You want to "make them less calm". This is mostly due to the pose, ( unless you really mean the line work). I had two semesters of life drawing each 3 hour class started with fast sketching 1 min, 5 min. 15 min. 30 min. then a longer pose. But the model cant hold an energetic pose for 60 min. I dont know if the class you have is structured this way or not. Maybe you can ask for 15 min worth of fast poses before the long one. Then later fill in the detail if you want. Getting 30 sketches of a model sitting helps in general, but getting some standing poses will help too. |
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Iliya Zilberter member
Member # Joined: 14 Mar 2003 Posts: 124 Location: Apex, NC
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 1:16 pm |
nice sketches. never been in a life drawing class so i dont really know much about anything. _________________ |
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UkiTakuMuki member
Member # Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Posts: 156
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:04 pm |
those are damn good..!!!! |
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william willette member
Member # Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Posts: 119
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:39 pm |
Please tell me that you thought about not drawing naked-chuby-old people befor you did? _________________ crazy guitar player william |
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AndyT member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2002 Posts: 1545 Location: Germany
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 2:06 pm |
Great stuff.
I don't think I can help ... I just write a comment because I have to
I definately think that you improved ... especially the hands and feet look better in the newer drawings.
I think the drawings with ... what is it called ... ? ...crosshatching? ... look a lot more interesting.
The others (like the last one) look kinda rushed and smudgy.
Maybe you should practise that ... and try to make it look more smooth.
(I think #6 is a step in the right direction)
Maybe light and shadow should be seperated more in some of the drawings even if you captured the values accurately.
I think I read somewhere that's it's a good idea to make the dark areas darker than they actually are sometimes.
I hope that makes sense.
And look at areas where you add detail ... hand and feet for example.
I'm just guessing that some of them look darker than they should just because you worked on them longer.
I like #7 and #10-12 most I think. _________________ |
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EviLToYLeT member
Member # Joined: 09 Aug 2000 Posts: 1216 Location: CA, USA
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 10:56 pm |
i wish they had hot models for life drawings...
teahcers always seem to emphasize the fat ones (and ewwwwww old ones).....cuz they have those folds that are .. *oh so wonderful to draw*
I like them all .. actually, i don't really like the ones where you put in the penciled black background.. it just looks too contrasting against this person just chilling there.
good stuff. _________________ AIM: EviLToYLeT |
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francmidi member
Member # Joined: 25 Feb 2002 Posts: 107 Location: Germany
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 3:10 am |
Nice work, very accurate, maybe sometimes too accurate. Please, show us some of your 3-minute-pieces. My personal favorites: no. 15, 06, 13 (in this order).
You are very hard (and successful) working on your art as everybody can see in the speedpainting thread - I wish I had your energy.
pozdrowenia (spelling o.k.?) _________________ *** Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature to help me spread! *** |
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oDD member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2002 Posts: 1000 Location: Wroclaw Poland
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 5:38 am |
Po`: thanks
Capt. Fred: thanks
Quote: |
I think it would be good to try and capture the pose with greater economy of time, and of line.
agree, i'm trying my best , the only way to achive it is throu practice me thinks
Tzan: No way I can change the pose, it's a course for people trying to get in to the school so every time the pose looks the same (siting, one leg higher than the other blehh..)
Iliya Zilberter: thanks, you should go to drawing class if you want to draw good, it changed alot about my drawing, not only i draw alot better but i got a completely different aproach to drawing/painting
UkiTakuMuki: thank you
william willette: Yeah i think i remember that Andrew Loomis wrote something like that its 10 times more important what you draw than how you draw, But seriously when i draw i don't care about how the model look, it's not my date but just a shape that i'm trying to capture on the paper
AndyT: Thanks dude, yes i should practice more hands and feets. And yes i'm trying to get more smooth look but i don't think that those first pices are too good. Lines are going in random directions, i just didn't think about them. Now when i'm "shading" i'm trying to figure out how to make that the direction and shape of the lines themselfs suggest the shape of drawn object. But i defenitly will try read about crosshatching as it may bring in something interesting.
Quote: |
Maybe light and shadow should be seperated more in some of the drawings even if you captured the values accurately.
I think I read somewhere that's it's a good idea to make the dark areas darker than they actually are sometimes.
I hope that makes sense |
Yes that makes sense, in fact i'm trying to do what you sugested all the time, look at the last pic the leg closer to us is darker and the leg in the background is lighter to make it look more 3demensional. BUT i'm aware i'm not doing it all too good, my art lacks contrast sometimes as well.
EviLToYLeT: thanks, yeah my backgounnd sometimes take too far attention from the model, still experimenting with this
francmidi: thanks. about working on detail, my teacher very often tells me to work more on a pice when i'm feeling it's done, but later i see he was right.
I think i don't work hard enought , still alot of time is wasted :/ If i would work 3 times more as i work now i could say i'm not lazy.
And you were pretty close to the good spelling of "pozdrowienia"
After the long 7 h session of drawing (which i start with few quick sketches) there is an hour session on different quick poses. They took me about 1-3 min each (the pages are too big for my scanner):
 _________________ portfolio | art blog |
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francmidi member
Member # Joined: 25 Feb 2002 Posts: 107 Location: Germany
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:19 am |
:thumbs up: Nice sketches (The first one I like most). Thanks for posting.
Obviously I spend more time in browsing sijun than in learning polish  _________________ *** Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature to help me spread! *** |
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Torstein Nordstrand member
Member # Joined: 18 Jan 2002 Posts: 487 Location: Norway
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 8:05 pm |
Hey Odd,
If you want wilder strokes, focal points and all the jazz you normally think about with paint, I suggest you pick up a jumbo piece of charcoal (biggest you can find!) and a decent putty rubber. Here's what I do - go for it the same way that you would using paint. Lay down a grey midtone with the broad side of the coal. Measure a little, then lay down large, loose shapes of the figure, again using the broad side of the charcoal. Then start using the eraser as white paint, erasing in the light, smoothing transitions, etc. Gradually go into more detail. Render more details into areas you think are interesting/vital. Leave the darkest darks for small focal points or areas nearer yourself(because of atmospheric perspective). Go wild with edges! I'd post an example, but my scanner only does A4, and my stuff is A1 like yours.
Can you tell that I can't wait till my course starts next thursday? keep posting! _________________ |
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oDD member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2002 Posts: 1000 Location: Wroclaw Poland
Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 7:07 am |
thanks Torstein. I will buy charcoal and will try to paint with it. thanks for tips on how to use it, i never even touched charcoal before, but it sounds great plus i love those drawings by fred flickstone made with charcoal  _________________ portfolio | art blog |
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Malachi Maloney member
Member # Joined: 16 Oct 2001 Posts: 942 Location: Arizona
Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 10:12 am |
Wow, they've really got some hot models in your figure studies class don't they?
Seriously though, I think these are pretty sweet. I feel you would benefit from using a pencil with softer/darker lead, or charcoal as Torstein suggested. It's just most of them look a little monotone at the moment. Still, you've got a nice handle on your anatomy for the most part. Your hands and feet need some work, but that will come in time...
Overall, good stuff.
Keep up the good work.
~M~ _________________ l i q u i d w e r x |
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oDD member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2002 Posts: 1000 Location: Wroclaw Poland
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Capt. Fred member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 2002 Posts: 1425 Location: South England
Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 3:57 am |
Shite! Your new quicker pics are really really good!
really good man, I reckon, and i exactly what I was thinking when i was tlaking about time and line economsing. Yeah, I think they are all superior to your first batch of pics. Great line work! I love to see those single thin lines everwhere, nice! great  |
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oDD member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2002 Posts: 1000 Location: Wroclaw Poland
Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 4:46 am |
Capt. Fred wrote: |
I love to see those single thin lines everwhere, nice! great  |
me too thanks _________________ portfolio | art blog |
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[666]Flat member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2001 Posts: 1545 Location: FRANKFURT, Germany
Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 5:28 am |
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