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Author   Topic : "Tsukai Sugasu, the witch hunter. WIP."
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:10 am     Reply with quote

Original resolution:

The tsukai sugasu, or witch hunters, are the immortal ennemies of demons and oni. From the burning sands to the coldest mountain, these almost-deific samurai seek to eliminate all of demonkin without hesitation, fear or rest. Serving no lord, these warriors are often shunned by the noble class. They are however admired by the common folk, seen as saviors and protectors from evil. But all that is trivial, the opinion of mortals matters very little to the tsukai sugasu.

The lineart for the was drawn on paper with a normal lead pencil, then colored in Paint Shop Pro 6.
It's still in progress, the background clearly needs serious work. (altough, i must admit that i am proud, since these are the first mountains i've ever done!)

The katana and wakizashi are simply placerholders, so i plan to redraw them. But before i change the drawing itself, i would appreciate having your advice on the piece, what you think of it or what should be changed.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:36 am     Reply with quote
Nice stuff. I'd give some depth to the red circle on his face though.
The Syn
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:34 am     Reply with quote
That's a nice start there. I like the colors that you're working with, and how you've shown the cool colors reflecting on his skin.

There are a few things you can do to really improve this drawing. First off, you seem to have several pencil marks that take away from the drawing. For instance, the sketchy lines on the torso and the random marks on the cloth covering his lower body. If any mark doesn't add to the drawing, it needs to be taken out.

Second, the anatomy in three areas is far enough off to take away from the work. His left forearm has muscle mass bulging from wrist to elbow. Grab some reference and fix that. His pectorals are undefined/defined incorrectly. Again, use reference.

Finally, his face wrong in a few areas. I won't comment any more on that because I feel that you'll say that anime is the style you're going for, but I will say that learning to draw realistic anatomy will significantly increase the quality of your anime drawing.

I'd like to see this finished, keep working on it!
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:36 pm     Reply with quote
Thanks a lot for the comments, i appreciate them greatly!

There are a few things you can do to really improve this drawing. First off, you seem to have several pencil marks that take away from the drawing. For instance, the sketchy lines on the torso and the random marks on the cloth covering his lower body. If any mark doesn't add to the drawing, it needs to be taken out.

Yes, i know, the pencil markings definitely aren't going to stay. I just didn't remove them yet for some reason...

Second, the anatomy in three areas is far enough off to take away from the work. His left forearm has muscle mass bulging from wrist to elbow. Grab some reference and fix that. His pectorals are undefined/defined incorrectly. Again, use reference.

Thanks, i'll see to fix the arm and when i'll be redrawing the katana and other things! The pectorals definitly do need work, i agree.

Finally, his face wrong in a few areas. I won't comment any more on that because I feel that you'll say that anime is the style you're going for, but I will say that learning to draw realistic anatomy will significantly increase the quality of your anime drawing.

In fact, i really wasn't going for an anime look, but i used to draw a lot of anime before so i guess the look stuck...
I'd be glad if you helped me out on the facial structure.

I'd like to see this finished, keep working on it.

Thanks! ^^
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 7:41 pm     Reply with quote
Nice concept, great background story. I really like feudal Japan stuff. Off to some suggestions.

For starters the head seems to be a bit too long and wide for the body, but just a bit. Then again if you fix the face as has been noted it might not look that way to me.

Next, the way you've drawn the abs (very cut) would suggest that the rest of the body would be more cut also such as the delt and the pectorials. The best reference I can suggest for those things is finding some image of Bruce Lee in a relaxed pose, his abs were cut and he wasn't some huge body builder so some images of him could help.

The most important thing that stood out for me though is the left arm. The forearm is too short in comparison to the right, even in such a pose at least half of his fist should have been visible.

Hope I helped, but to tell the truth I like it even as it is. It'll be cool this one...
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:57 am     Reply with quote
Thanks for the help, guys, it's been really useful up to now!

I fixed the problematic right arm, reshaded the pectorals and abs (they look better together and the pecks aren't flat as before) and a bunch of other small fixes and tweaks not worth mentionning. Wink

Here's what i have now:

Comments and critics always welcomed!
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