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Author   Topic : "List of things I hate, whats yours"
dr . bang

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 8:10 pm     Reply with quote

- Yes, if I'm muscular and strong enough, I would kick whovever wearing this in the face. And then I would poop on that cap!

- AZN pRiDe MoRon who act like a bunch of fagot and type lIkE tHiS. WAZZZZZZZZUP YOOOOO SUP SUP SUP, WUTCHUA DAING? I'm Asian myself but I can't stand it when i see they act like this.

- Rapper Sidekick, There are about 20 of them for every famous Rapper. They do nothing but get so got damn angry on stage, flex their muscle and most importantly, scream out words like "YO YO, NOW EVERY BODY SCREAM, EVERY BODY SAY SAY LALALALA LLOOOLLA HAHAKKUUKUKU KKUAKAK!!!!!!!!YEA, UHUH, WHAT " At the most inappropiate time.

- AzN Pride's Homepage , here's two examples

You see, almost all of the AzN pages i see are like this, horrible streetfighter/dragonballz animated gif, ugly Java Applet that only run on a dual 2GHZ Pentium, hOriBle tYpiNg and stupid pictures of themselves doing various ugly poses.

and more to come, DAMN, I'm mad now!!!!!!

[ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: dr . bang ]
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 9:11 pm     Reply with quote
Ok release the anger time...


-that are cocky/arrogant (no explanation needed)

-Older people that assume either because you are a teen or because of some physical attribute you are obviously up to no good. people that jump to conclusions in general

-racists, homophobes, etc.

-Business people. The guys always in a suit rushing here and there. STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES PEOPLE!!!


-being tired. I hate with a passion the feeling of being tired. It kills motivation, puts you in a bad mode and makes everything just worse

-intimidation I always feel intimidated. I wish I could be totally not intimidated by people and situations.

just a few things that I hate due to the fact that I had run ins with all of these today.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 9:42 pm     Reply with quote
Arrogant people who, even faced with many people voicing the same argument against them, don't listen to the advice of others. you know, the ones who expect the whole world to change just for them.

homophobic people

umm...I can pretty much sum the rest up as 'ignorant people'

Fads, especially that reach national or international scales, that people don't even know WHY they like them for.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 9:59 pm     Reply with quote
i wear a white visor like that everyday... cause i cant do anything with my hair atm, i need a haircut. but i dont wear it like that...

what do i hate...
everything drbang said that shit is terrible!
computers, wasting my time on these damn things.
mike hoffmans additude blahah!
bad drivers..
cigarette smoke.
other stupid stuff.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:01 pm     Reply with quote
As copied off my website:

RANTS: Pop music, "reality" tv, leather interior in a black car in the middle of the summer, raspberries, cheesecake, bad drivers, meat, people that get pets only to throw them in the pound when they grow up and aren't "cute" anymore, country music, cleaning my apartment, sunburns, PT Cruisers, smoking, broken pencil lead.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:09 pm     Reply with quote
From my website:

People that don't calibrate their monitor or televesion-- Do they ENJOY looking at a screen that is obviously too dark, too light, or with funny colors? WHY don't these people want to see movies/TV shows/websites/games in the colors and contrast that are accurate and aesthetically pleasing?

Drivers that tailgate or cuts in front of you, while you are observing safe following distance-- What the fuck is that all about? Get off of my ass and keep a safe following distance! The space between my car and the car in front of me is SUPPOSED to be there.

People that are fake and manipulative-- Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Spare me the bullshit. If you don't like getting used, then don't use other people. If you walk around with two faces, then be prepared when I rip off one of them.

People that just don't "get it"-- They are the ones that yawn during a brilliant film because "it didn't have any explosions." Or, they are fans of current pop sensations created by the greedy record companies. It would even be ok if these people showed some preference for works of substance every once a while, but sadly, most of them are shallow from head to toe, 24/7. Because of the shallow taste of the mass public, many excellent creative works are obscure, and their creators can barely make a living while undeserving hacks are making millions.

People with bad tempers or are belligerent-- Do we really need these assholes and bitches in our lives? I say we round these unpleasant folks up, and put them on a continent together so they can lash out at each other, leaving the rest of us alone.

People without a sense of humor-- I say we put them out of their misery and laugh about it. Hahahahaha.

People that don't floss or shower regularly-- Now, really, that's just disgusting. Beside, it's the rest of us that suffer from it, and it's unfair. These people should be made to smell their own bad breath and look at their own oily hair all day.

People that don't shower at night-- It's really none of my business, but I just don't understand why these people choose to climb into an unclean bed after accumulating a day's worth of dirt, grime, and sweat.

People that are irrational and unreasonable-- These people truely are scary. You can't reason with them, and you can't help them. They live in a world that doesn't make sense to the rest of us. They make decisions that benefits no one and only causes harm, and then they don't learn from mistakes.

People that are calculating and petty-- These folks count every penny, every favor, and would never go out of their way to help anyone unless they can benefit from it. Makes me sad when I meet people like that.

People that abuse their own children, spouse, or other half-- There are no excuses anyone can make to justify abusing their own flesh and blood or loved ones.

Materialistic people-- These folks care more about what you drive, wear, live in, and the amount in your bank account than they would ever care about you. Stay away from them.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:15 pm     Reply with quote
Ditto on arrogant people and pop music. Plus these:
-Romantic comedies
-Dyed brown hair
-Record store clerks who questions your ability to learn what is new and what is old. (For example, I went to a record store to buy a CD from 1998, and the clerk just said to me: "You know, there's a new album by this band, ARE YOU SURE you didn't pick up the wrong one?")
-Teenage donut shop employee. They say "like" too much.
-Churches. Unless the ceiling was beautifully painted, of course.
-People who pretend to be against racists, but does not realize they actually are racists themselves.
-High school.
-Oil paint in my nails and acrylic on my pants.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:21 pm     Reply with quote

I remember getting acrylics all over my school sweatshirt a few years back...thankfully the sink was a few feet away. spent 20 minutes making sure it was all out.

which leads me to another one:

people so messy that the mess extends to YOUR stuff (because it was yellow paint. I wasn't using yellow paint at the time)
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dr . bang

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:31 pm     Reply with quote
- I forgot to mention, people, no let me rephrase that, teenagers who go around, poop in the middle of the street and then say stuff like "I don't give a fuck what you think man, fuck you, I don't care"

- Oh yea, and ppl like St.Neil, Gabe Reiser ...etc
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:32 pm     Reply with quote
Oh, I can't recall how many pants I've ruined in high school art class. It was either I got the paint on myself, or someone else accidently dripped paint on me. That's why I bought a smock so I'm now safe from all of this.

It's one of those "mad doctor" smock.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:35 pm     Reply with quote
Mullets infuriate me.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:57 pm     Reply with quote
i couldn't afford a smock. I couldn't even afford a poor, homemade equivalent to a smock
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dr . bang

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 11:33 pm     Reply with quote
Originally posted by Pat:
Mullets infuriate me.


but Solid Snake has a mullet
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 12:35 am     Reply with quote
Hey people I love paint on my clothes. It's what makes art fun !

The thing I hate the most are people who think they've found the absolute truth and that everyone who is not of their opinion is either stupid or under the influence of some bad force, other bad people or whatever.
You'll find that attitude amongst extremist religious people a lot.

[edit] How could I forget this one ?
Stupid fucking ADVERTISING. If there's one thing that I hate, it is those millions of billboards, TV and radio spots that imply that they know what I need, what I think and what will make me happy. They are the epitome of stupidity. And what's even worse, 90 % of all people fall for that shit, because they never think about themselves or the world. I can just say, as someone else on this board already did, "stop and smell the roses", it will make you happier than your new car or the latest CD you bought. [/edit]

[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: horstenpeter ]
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 2:02 am     Reply with quote
I hAtE ThIs ToO...�u† | h4†3 †h|$ 34v3n m0r3....
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christian cox

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 6:04 am     Reply with quote
I'm just gonna snag the Likes/Dislikes from my site:

I like in-line skating, mosh pits, loud music, science fiction, fantasy, computers, art, fluorescent light bulbs, Linux, thinkgeek, the color black, the color blue, this emoticon: =), this slang word: meh, cool people, vans shoes, chained wallets, dr. pepper, caffeine, coke, frappuchino, coffee, kickin' arse in Q3, mindless chat, thoughtful chat, surfing forums. I don't like annoying people, people on power trips, people that emulate others just so they can be 'cool', getting MY arse kicked in Q3, Microsoft (who does?), windows, thinkprep, and I am sure a lot of other really annoying things. That was fun.

And yes, Dr. Bang... those aZn PrYdE kids can be rather annoying -- as well as the 'white chocolate' kids
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 7:42 am     Reply with quote
pictures with too much compression, digital movies on bad quality, actually everything with bad quality.
coffee, sigarettes, computers, the internet, milk and the way i�m addicted to them.
Discrimination in all forms, certain types of mainstream music, hypocrits, arrogants, posers, people thinking they can tell me what to do or how to act, lame schools you pay tons for to go to, then turn out to be really fucked over and out(like pretty much all schools i been to).

[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: Probus ]
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 9:04 am     Reply with quote
Ok I'll Bite.

-I hate people who say "Dont stereo type people" and then turn around and stereotype Christians.

-I hate when people call me Naive just because I believe in God.

-I hate slow drivers. If they drive the speed limit, fine but I mean the ones who drive 40 in a 50....

-I hate it when the traffic is spaced enough that you cant quite get in but it almost looks like you could.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 10:50 am     Reply with quote
-I hate it when people drive below the speed limit
-I hate it when people speed up when your trying to pass them
-Adults who assume teens (aka the younger generation) don't know shit because they haven't lived as long as them
-Cigarette smoke in a room without a window open
-I hate manipulative people
-spending all that time studying for a test, and get less than satisfying results...
-people who contradict themselves :/
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 11:45 am     Reply with quote
hippies and all extreme liberals.
ugly typography.
american beer.
poorly concieved industrial design.

thats all i can think of.

oh and 'the view' and shows of that ilk. allthough i heard in one show they all drank cups of warm piss, so thats cool.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 11:52 am     Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 3:52 pm     Reply with quote
and people who think that saying that they hate themselves makes them cool (especially in eyes of womens)

so i'll change it to just 'poo'
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pilgrim 54
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 6:04 pm     Reply with quote
-my dumbass for hitting the "back" button by mistake after writing a bunch of crap just now.
-people who over use the phrase "o...k.."
-people who feel a need to use any new dumbass phrase that rappers come out with.
-people sticking their feet out of a car.
-florida weather.
-dry chicken.
-people in the theater with cells. i don't care if it won't go off. don't f'n bring them period.
-talking in the theater. also the people behind me kicking my chair.
-when great flics like 'spy game' get the small screen while crappy flics get the bigger screens b/c they are expected to generate a greater amount of sales thanks to people with poor taste.
-people who think they are good at being smartasses but are not.
-people who insist i should trust them.
-chics that mark every guy for their potential in a romantic relationship as if romanticism is the sole purpose in male-female relationships.
-guys that insist in telling me all of their sex stories like i give a damn.
-people that avoid education even though it's at their disposal.
-people that think they understand the terms individualism and religion, but don't know didley squat about them.
-not knowing whether or not i mispelled didley squat.
-stubborn people.
-being stuck in poverty.
-the bullshit optimistic attitude past on in america about achieving dreams via "believing in yourself and working hard." not everyone can make it reguardless of faith and effort.
-when people ask for my "sign" as if it might be insightful.
-being acccused of being negative.
-being pulled over by a cop and asked "hey, how are you doing buddy?"
-people mocking my voice(not that i have a funny one, otherwise i'd understand). especially when they are adults. that crap is so immature.
-myself at times.
-playing metal gear solid 2 without dolby 5.1 and hitting the crouch button instead of the shoot or punch button.
-people that think that being "open-minded" frees them when in reality they are an easily manipulated bunch.
-people attacking the statement i just made without understanding it.
-john woo flics.
-people who think fight club sucked b/c it wasn't about an underground fighting circuit.
-jason x being made for the theater while a movie like final fantasy flopped.
-people assuming they know me.
-suicide bombers. they are just a bunch of horny morons using religious fanaticism as a facade. why else do they feel a need to mention they'll be rewarded with a bunch of virgins in whatever ascention follows their death? about desperate.
yeah i know that was a stupid explanation, but i just felt like writing it.
-talking too much about things i hate.
-when bums asks me for money. i say this because i'm in debt and i weigh less than any of them that have ever asked me.
-being judged by my youthful appearance even though i'm 24.
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pilgrim 54
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 6:10 pm     Reply with quote
-sometimes its annoying being neurotic. lol
ascenion* not ascention
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 8:37 pm     Reply with quote
Here we go...

-People that sarcastically cough as they walk by me when I'm smoking a cigarette.
-People that try to impose their beliefs on you.
-When the WALK sign goes on and then turns back to DONT WALK after taking 3 steps into the intersection.
-65MPH speed limit on a CA freeway makes zero sense, especially in L.A.
-Bandwagon jumpers. Insta-patriotic people.
-Mashed potatoes.
-Being caught in the middle of nowhere with no more cigarettes.
-Angry drunks. You all know what I'm talking about.
-On that note... Overly silly drunks.
-Video games costing so damn much. Also, the ammount of bad games exceeding the number of good games.
-The XBOX controller being designed for Andre the Giant hands.
-People that always talk about how much their life sucks. You can change if you want to.
-People that say they can't get a job. Go out and find one.
-People that put other people down to make themselves feel better.
-Pessimistic and paranoid people.
-To all you people out there that think violent video games promote violent children... *finger*
-Parents that don't control their own children.
-Warm beer.
-Ergonamic keyboards.
-When my cell phone cuts out at the worst possible time.
-Not being inspired to draw.
-Being extremely tired at work and not being able to do anything about it.
-When your coworker comes to work deathly ill and doesn't have the courtesy to cover their mouth.
-People that type in all caps.
-Surgically enhanced women.
-Cover charge for a club costing $20.
-Not being able to smoke anywhere in California.
-Credit cards.
-Overly ambitious people that will step over anyone to get what they want.

Phew... got more where that came from, but no time to type it.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 9:54 pm     Reply with quote
--Employers who suddenly start treating me with less respect when they find out I'm a woman
--Commercials on the telly with babies in them, especially when said babies are naked
--People who go to my website and send me e-mails asking questions that are covered in the FAQ
--People on e-bay who don't read the "Seller ships within the United States ONLY" line, and still expect to have the items they bid on sent halfway across the world (but are reluctant to pay for the shipping
--People who put their hands in their mouths/armpits/nose, then try to shake your hand moments later
--Strangers who send random ICQ messages that say "Hi, wanna chat?", and then get mad when I won't add them to my contact list/visible list
--Unrealistic deadlines that have to be met anyway
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 11:30 am     Reply with quote
-jerry brukhimer and michael bay.
-the movies that they've made.
-when you pay 10 dollars to see their movies.
-the actors that have been in their movies.
-when you realize that jerry brukhimer and michael bay are retards and you should have never gone to see their movie.

-i dont like pineapple either.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 11:37 am     Reply with quote
Ahh.. I was just going to add those two "directors" to my list. And speaking of movies, I absolutely hate those Hollywood cinematic music. If you want to see a movie that's loaded with that crap, rent Poltergeist. The movie itself is so-so, but the music is just terrible.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 8:42 pm     Reply with quote
People that are ignorant and like it that way.

People that think they have a 'right to an opinion' even if they have no knowledge of the subject at hand.

People who can't spell or use proper English grammar. Especially apostrophes, ye gods that pisses me off.

Close-minded people; you know, the folks that won't even try to see your side because it's not the one they've been told. Not that I have all the answers, but hey, what does it hurt to listen; I might be more right than you, at least. Or not. But if we don't think about it, we'll never know, will we?

Arrogant jocks. You know, the ones who insist "Life is a sport!" Sports are games.

Anyone who insults other people to make them feel bigger.

Not being able to bring my vision to the paper. I really hate that one. Not to mention the screen.

Ignorant people in positions of power.

I hate jealousy, and people that think jealousy and posessiveness are signs of a good relationship. Jealousy and posessiveness are not healthy. They are tough to get rid of, I admit, but too many people (IMHO) think you need to be posessive and jealous or you don't really care about someone. How twisted is that?

Most of all, I absolutely hate the practice of making love and/or sex out to be something animal and dirty. The most beautiful thing about being a human being (IMHO) should not be viewed this way in our world.

And I hate it when people agree that more love in the world is a great idea, but they sure as hell aren't going to do anything about it.

Ah, well, that's enough hate for tonight, I think.

I love beauty. In all its form and splendor.

I love beef.

I also love animals.

I love being able to create something I think is cool, at least some of the time. But the process can be damn fun.

I love people that actually bring themselves to think.

And I love myself, for one cannot truly love anything without loving oneself. And trust me, I had to do some nasty shit to people I cared about to learn that. Think about it.

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edible snowman

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 9:49 pm     Reply with quote
failed attemps at sarcasm.
fat girls in spandex.
morons who blame their failed athletic careers on being white.
people who think they are being picked on for some other reason than that they are really annoying and or dirty.
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