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Author   Topic : "Hey Admins why was my post locked?"

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Joined: 22 Jul 2002
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Location: Vancouver

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 12:56 am     Reply with quote
I was just curious as to why my post was locked "calling for concept designers" under the digital art discussion board was locked up?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:37 am     Reply with quote
so you could ask.
"hey, wanna dance?"
"do i look like kevin costner to you?
" you don't"
"i don't dance with wolves either."
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Joined: 09 Oct 2001
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Location: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 5:08 am     Reply with quote
Although I cannot recall the exact specifics, I do believe that this forum is for discussion purposes only - not solicitations. I could be wrong - dunno right off.
- Tom Carter

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" - Jack Kornfield
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Joined: 29 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:04 am     Reply with quote
Because it was spamming bullshit.

I'm so fucking sick of people (ANYONE) trying to take advantage of artists because they don't take our careers seriously. ART/DESIGN/ETC DOES NOT COME FOR FREE.

Would you create a thread ravenously searching for doctors and lawyers to offer their free services to your "team" of ultra-genius professionals? You wouldn't, because you know you wouldn't be taken seriously. Well, fuck you. Artists don't have some burning desire to work for free. Some undying flame in the heart to help better the world with pretty pictures done out of the kindness of their hearts so that others can prosper from their blood, sweat, and tears.

If you're looking for quality artists ready-and-willing to work hard for no compensation whatsoever and a bunch of empty promises, you're going to come up with a team of people exactly like yourself: clueless, naive, and severely lacking of talent. Oh, but you'll still have your "vision".
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:29 am     Reply with quote
that hits the spot.

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Location: Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:42 am     Reply with quote
Damn, Intuos - I couldn't agree with you more, but try to relax, man! Don't pop a blood vessel!
- Tom Carter

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" - Jack Kornfield
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Joined: 29 Oct 2000
Posts: 182

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 9:14 am     Reply with quote
Haha, sorry, but I'm just so sick of this crap. I (and my entire graduating class) experienced this all throughout school and our first years in the field. It frustrates me beyond belief when artists aren't afforded the respect of other professions. Even when it isn't directed at my specifically, I can't help but be personally insulted.


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Joined: 22 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 8:41 am     Reply with quote

Intuos for a lack of a better word "relax". You should learn to get the
entire story before you let your mouth start running.

We hate to break it to ya Intuos but we know a stunning amount of
professionals who do work for you want to know why? Because they share that little thing called VISION. Do you honestly believe that movies like the matrix, starwars, lord of the rings, blade runner, et, saving
private ryan, etc. Get made because of talent? It is vision which
seperates the mice from the men, talent is something we all have but it is
vision which allows us to stand out from the group.

It sounds like you at some point got really screwed over by either and
employer or collegue and for that I am sorry, but it still doesn't explain
to me the "fuck you" or "lack of talent". If you are so pissed off and
bitter then do us all a favor, stop working in this industry, if you are
working in it at all.

The reason I am appoaching the prospective visual team is because I know how much talent is on this board and just simply wanted to give people here an opportunity to find out more about it if they are interested. Nothing more, nothing less. We could have gone through the normal channels but a couple of us really wanted to allow this a chance.

As far as the "clueless, naive, and lacking of talent" I think holding a
team of twenty together for the past three years, producing two feature
scripts, owning a production company, while all of us are getting our film
and insutrial design degrees rules out the "clueless" part. Paying out the
ass for legal contracts and nda's that are specifically written to protect
the artists comming onto the project and the ones who have been on for years rules out the "naive". And as far as the "lacking of talent" goes, I wish I could see you face when we post what we already have.

Intuos the "artists affording the respect of other professions" part is a
total load, again I dont know who you think creates stories but they are
artists, directors are artists, editors are artists, composers are artists.
If you are speaking about production designers not getting the respect from other professions then this lack of vision you seem to embrace so tightly tells me why, no one gives respect because you simply have talent. But if they UNDERSTAND your vision and BELIEVE in it then respect is an automated response. Too bad you wont experience that, then again I dont think you deserve it. If you are talking about artists gettng respect outside of an artistic field then yes you are right but that does not apply to this
situation at all because we are all artists involved in this. That is why
we have put so much into the legalities right now because we understand that people outside of the artistic field want to get involved in this and we
want to protect the TEAM.

I know that YOU don't "have this undying flame in the heart" but ya know
what, alot of artists do, and you have no right to speak for them or anyone
else. Speaking for other people and flaming me gives us all more insight
into you and your level of professionalism, or lack there of. If I were you
staring into the mirror everyday I would be as pissed off as you too though
I guess. But then again look on the bright side it can't get any worse for
you...I hope.
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