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Topic : "bin Laden Assassin.. ?" |
Gandalf- member
Member # Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 237 Location: ONT
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 8:06 pm |
I guess most of you are aware of the 25-million dollar bounty on bin Laden's head? Obviously, that is a huge amount of money; especially to Afghans.
Wouldn't you think that SOMEWHERE on Earth, there is some kind of ex-commando type guy who has all the skills and tools to go about taking bin Laden out? I can just imagine some recently retired NAVY Seal packin' up his gear and weaponry to drop into Afghanistan and stick his big NAVY boot up bin Laden's mal-nourished ass.
Hmm.. apparently I live in a video game. :/ |
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Freddio Administrator
Member # Joined: 29 Dec 1999 Posts: 2078 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 9:30 pm |
Yea there are dudes like that,
but only in the movies
eg The Jackal |
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Shiro_tengu member
Member # Joined: 02 Aug 2001 Posts: 430 Location: W. Australia
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 9:53 pm |
gimme a gun, ammo and a map and airfare |
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Jezebel member
Member # Joined: 02 Nov 2000 Posts: 1940 Location: Mesquite, TX, US
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 10:01 pm |
Hands shiro a Super Soaker and a few jugs of water.
Yeah... that outta do the trick. |
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FireFry member
Member # Joined: 18 Jul 2001 Posts: 226 Location: California, USA
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 1:55 pm |
Just sick Rambo on him Why make a movie about it when you can do it for real. |
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Shiro_tengu member
Member # Joined: 02 Aug 2001 Posts: 430 Location: W. Australia
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 4:54 pm |
*Squirt! Squirt!*
"Take that Bin Laden!!"
*Squirt! Squirt!*
"..and that!!"
"...ummm...Can I have $25 million now?
[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: Shiro_tengu ] |
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Snyper member
Member # Joined: 08 Oct 2001 Posts: 54 Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 11:04 pm |
Solid Snake could do it!
I'll be his commanding officer and we can split the bounty 50/50.  |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 6:58 pm |
Didn't bin Laden get killed already? I heard on the radio that they thought they got him... but heck it was the same station that said Unforgiven II was sang by Dave Matthew's Band. |
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roundeye member
Member # Joined: 21 Mar 2001 Posts: 1059 Location: toronto
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:37 pm |
i get an unnerving feeling that you americans would feel safe again if you had his particular head on a pike. how long has it been? 8 years? 12? 1 guy? good luck and god speed.
im sure there will be much rejoicing in the streets. maybe Al-Jazeera will show a clip of the celebration? |
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Gandalf- member
Member # Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 237 Location: ONT
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:52 pm |
Heh, no Jabber they haven't killed him yet. You'd surely hear about it FOR SURE if they did. I think you may have heard that they THOUGHT they killed Mullah Omar (Taliban Spiritual Leader), but they didn't. Heh.
I agree with roundeye in that I don't think they'll ever find him.. at least, not alive. |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:56 pm |
I wouldn't say his head on a pike... maybe under glass.
Yes he's been after America for awhile now. We have been trying to get him for many years as well.
And when he is killed I'm sure people in America will rejoice much like those over seas did when our Twin Towers went down. |
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sacrelicious member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 2000 Posts: 1072 Location: Isla Vista, CA
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 11:19 pm |
I am a U.S. citizen and I will not cheer if and when they "get" bin Laden. The whole thing is such a sham and he's just a pawn in the game, of little real importance. Wheels within wheels, man. |
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Shiro_tengu member
Member # Joined: 02 Aug 2001 Posts: 430 Location: W. Australia
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 11:36 pm |
At last someone is thinking beyond the media and government hype!! |
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Darklighter member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 223 Location: L.A,CA
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 12:38 am |
right.... i must be the only one sickened by this "wild west" bounty type bullshit.... if you kill someone for money for whatever fuckin'reason, you deserve no respect from me or anyone else.... but since we live in this world that NEEDS "world peace at all cost," seems like that is the price to pay.... prepare for armageddon you blind fucktards |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 9:07 am |
I didn't say that I would be glad that he would be killed two wrongs don't make a right, and use bombing them is different from what they did to us how? And when I said I'm sure people in America will cheer... I didn't mean all... |
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FireFry member
Member # Joined: 18 Jul 2001 Posts: 226 Location: California, USA
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 9:29 am |
they kill some of our people, we kill more of their people. Then the cycle repeats. |
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sacrelicious member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 2000 Posts: 1072 Location: Isla Vista, CA
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:24 am |
Hey Jabber, I didn't mean to insinuate that I thought you thought everyone would cheer. I agree with you that many an American will be celebrating heartily. I'm just personally tired of all the bullshit the public is constantly spoon-fed. |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:46 am |
I'm getting sick of the commericalization of 9-11. All the God Bless America and Flags for sale. People are just trying to make money off of it now. Like the 9-11 quarter.
Corn Pops - no it was Bin Laden they said that was killed caus eI had to ask the person in the car with me if what I heard was right.
Darklighter- I believe in the Jewish religion when it comes to armageddon and how they see it armageddon isn't coming soon caus ethere isn't world peace for 7 years. |
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Jabberwocky member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 681 Location: Kansas
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 1:55 pm |
Corn Pops - in my first post I said...
Quote: |
Didn't bin Laden get killed already? I heard on the radio that they thought they got him... but heck it was the same station that said Unforgiven II was sang by Dave Matthew's Band. |
"...heck it was the same station that said Unforgiven II was sang by Dave Matthew's Band." Meaning I know that they don't get their info straight.
[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Jabberwocky ] |
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aquamire member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 466 Location: duluth, mn, usa
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 5:03 pm |
Im not sure assasinating Bin Laden would be a good thing. For one, it wouldn't solve much, there's plenty of other people to take his place. Secondly, killing Bin Laden would make him a martyr. Great. Just what we need. More fanatics joined by a symbol and cause for a 'holy war'. Hiring some other group that doesnt like him much, could work, but what happens after that? Who's to say they like us much either. Give them weopons, and they'll have nice little power trip party. It's happened before.
Of course even if Bin Laden was assasinated, the American sheeple would rejoice and party. I'd be a very nervous fbi, cia, or secret service agent that day, as it'd be a wonderful opportunity for another attack.
Sigh. I'm glad to be born in the United States, as I have many liberties that a lot of people are robbed of all over the world. But really, I wish we didn't have such a 'quick-fix' society with a heart of materialism. |
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Darklighter member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 223 Location: L.A,CA
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:30 pm |
"the American sheeple" baha, good one....
also, a lot of people here like to bitch about taxes, shitty schools, etc, where the fuck do you think the 25 million are coming from? and who is funding all this bullshit? your taxes are.... do you ever see a special CNN report stating "and another 19 million spent this week for military actions in afghanistan." fuck no, because *gasp* the people might start thinking that this is bad idea... can't have that |
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Gandalf- member
Member # Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 237 Location: ONT
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 12:26 am |
Hmm.. okey Jabber. I guess the person you heard say that was drastically misinformed. They can't even manage to find/kill al Qaeda leadership, let alone their big kahuna. :P |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 4:43 am |
Ayone thinks it's crazy how America always uses someone else to fight their wars?
WW1/2 (2 is most important however) they never entered until there was only a smaller pocket of Nazis left after Russian counter-attack. At the end sending some 300 thousand troops for a bloody mission to take the shore (hey i thought they'd just send bombers again like they always do but no) and after shore it was easy.. fighting Hitler's Youth etc. And now same thing. Used Afghans to fight Russians (and now saying how Russia lost in shame.. yeah the was was almost complete and over until they started sending up stingers to take down our helicopters, and when they tried to take stingers back, afghans wount give or sell them back). And now again Afghans used to fight back even though terrorists attacked pretty much USA directly. And now what happens again.. first a bunch of bombers, then again troops to get the fame and raise american flag.. ehh. Good thing Russia stayed pretty neutral not to be asociated with american crap later on.
That's what i think about america fighting wars. As you can see they wount do without bombers although now bombs are called Smart Bombs and its funny to hear "one of the Smart Bombs erroneously hit Afghan central hospital this weekend".
Now if you're American you probably didnt hear some of these facts due to media not telling, or maybe your view of history on world war is complete opposite (america went in and killed all the bad nazis, we win! hooray) but believe me most of it because you were taught at school and parents this way, or watched saving private ryan and you saw thousands white crosses.. well multiply by x10 or more and thats how many people died fighting nazs in Europe.
Situation is so sad.
[shields up im ready for flame] |
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Gandalf- member
Member # Joined: 07 Nov 2001 Posts: 237 Location: ONT
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 5:08 am |
Actually Darklighter, they appropriated 40 billion dollars for the war effort as well as other costs associated with September 11th. It seems to me like 40 billion dollars is a lot of money, and they certainly didn't keep it secret. |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 3:34 pm |
aquamire: But MOST of teachers are not like that, and most of American people are how i said there are. Cause i see it everywhere around me in real life |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 3:58 pm |
Hell, people know war is expensive. That's why so many proletariats are running out and spending all of their money, to support their country.
The funny thing is, the government that we're aiding (Northern Alliance) is about as power-hungry as the Taliban, although not as radical. Guess we'll have to overthrow them in 20 years. |
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aquamire member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 466 Location: duluth, mn, usa
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 12:21 am |
Dont generalize Americans to much, Shizo. My favorite history teacher of all time, Mr. Jenson, did not just leave it at the text books.. he about threw them out, and gave us as much of the truth he could. He didn't preach that the United States was the best place on earth to be, that we are invincible.. he taught that these were ideals, and any relatively new country likes to form these ideals to keep its people together. I'm not saying thats right.
World War II taught us a giant lesson. We waited to long, and refused to see the evidence of what was happening to the Jews. But hey, we werent the only ones. Jewish refugees who managed to flee onto boats went all over the world trying to find a place to accept them.. NO ONE DID. Not America, not Russia, not France, not even any place in the Middle East. Many were sent back to the Nazis.
So after WWII we finally see Auschwitz and the like. Since then, the United States has gone in the opposite direction and tried to pay attention to other world affairs and not ignore them as if the problem will go away on its own. This doesnt work either apparently. Damned if you dont, damned if you do, is about how everyone feels around here. Now were going back to the "we dont care about the rest of this stinking world" phase. MTV preaches that to our chilren quite well.. look how many stupid people are around here that dont even know where Afghanistan is, let alone Canada. Oy. Its sad. |
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Futura junior member
Member # Joined: 28 Nov 2001 Posts: 35 Location: over there
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 12:29 am |
It is surprising seeing how many people in the states do not realize that this war effort is taking billions of dollars each week. Smart bombs cost something like a million apiece. Are we really achieving what we want over there? On the other hand we have to ask ourselves what would happen without a war effort. Would attacks on the States just stop? It isn't so much that we are in a war that is fucked up, but the fact that our "beloved" government was able to take advantage of the situation and pass laws that directly violate the constitution. Like WW2 we are holding Arabs for indefinate periods of time without trial or lawyers. What is going to happen after this settles? An apoligy from the president? I flew to Europe and got back a week ago and security is no more secure than it was before 9-11. Okay, National Guard troops loiter around and do generally nothing, but that doesn't help. Our postal service can't figure out what to do about Anthrax in the mail and cross contamination. It still would not be hard to slip a nuclear device in and blow a whole city to the ground. The only people who really buy this whole security thing are the rednecks and there seems to be a lot of them. We are never going to learn though, our government will continue to involve itself in areas that it shouldn't and it will pay consequences for that. Everyone knows Bin Laden was funded by the US, but nobody seems realize that someone in the US funded Northern Alliance could very well be the next Bin Laden if they have the right assets. It is a very difficult time to live in, in the future we will look back at it but for now we are in the dark.
Futura |
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Darklighter member
Member # Joined: 21 Feb 2001 Posts: 223 Location: L.A,CA
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 12:32 am |
yeah, my history teacher was the same way, pretty much the only teacher i respected in my school....
Corn Pops: I wasn't saying that they're keeping it a secret, i'm just saying no major news program would ever run a special report showing pictures how money is wasted there, of the starving people in the shitty winter that's already set in, etc. That's how Vietnam ended after all, the press going in and showing all the shit for nothing that was going on there.... |
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aquamire member
Member # Joined: 25 Oct 1999 Posts: 466 Location: duluth, mn, usa
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 9:50 am |
Futura, you bring up a very good and downright scary point of the government passing laws that violate the constitution in a time of crisis. This is what I meant above by "quick fix" society. They keep passing laws that cant be upheld, that only limit the freedom we were originally guaranteed, and dont do squat against alleged terrorists. The new anti-terrorist bill is a perfect example of this. If your at work and using your computer for means other than doing work (ie surfing the net.. maybe even looking for another job) the government now has the right to spy on you without warrant, and suspect you of being a terrorist. Is that stupid or what? Thats just one of the smaller things in that bill.
I've heard several people say, and I'm with them on this, that the 9-11 attacks and all the stupid laws being passed, are going to be Macarthysm (sp?) part II. A very scary thought.
So my question to you and anyone else, what is the right thing to be done? Is there an answer? Its easy to point out whats wrong with the system, but what would actually work? |
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