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Author   Topic : "Your favorite moments in film."
J Bradford

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 4:39 pm     Reply with quote
Shawshank Redemption: The ending, on the beach. (Keeping it vague for those who haven't seen it)

Se7en: Kevin Spacey's speech about the people he murdered (why he did it).

Forest Gump: When that hippie activist punches jenny and forest sees it.

Saving Private Ryan: D-day intro.

Train Spotting: When the guy is playing pool and the guy is pissing him off with opening the bag of chips (that whole scene).

Braveheart: Gibson walking down on the horse after his wife throat is cut.

Well those are few off the tip of my head.
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dr . bang

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 4:46 pm     Reply with quote
ooops, talk about Halloween i forgot to mention

Exorcist 3 - The scene where the nurse got murdered by that giant scissor. Thats probably the most eerie scene of all time. I will never forget that one
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 5:17 pm     Reply with quote
Yes, Bradford. Excellent choices that continue in my mind to this day.

And dr. bang. Where are you getting all of these funny images you post. Too much time on your hands? My favorite of late is the wolf jumping over the sheep...

Have a nice evening and movie viewing all.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 5:31 pm     Reply with quote
I forgot the scene(s) in The Messenger where 'god' was talking to Joan. I especially liked the part where he shows her all the possibilities of how the sword got to the meadow "and of all these choices you picked this one..."

So many good movies, so little time....argh!
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Steven Stahlberg

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 8:36 pm     Reply with quote
I just remembered, Hayao Miyazaki - all his movies basically, but if I have to pick a moment, the end of Nausicaa - [sob]! And the end of Laputa! [sob again]! And Totoro, when Big Sister starts crying. And when they find Little Sister. etc

And I just want to say, since I forgot before, great choices everyone, and thanks to Lunatique. This thread can be used to make a great list of movies to rent, for that rainy day.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 9:15 pm     Reply with quote
nausicaa..... great....
any scene in any movie that mentions "singing in the rain"
from mathilda singing it to, alex singing it while kicking butt.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 10:50 pm     Reply with quote
One that comes to mind is the scene in predator 1 where arnie and "billy" are having an arm resel, and arnie says "whats wrong billy (because he's winning), the CIA got you pushing to many pens!" haha funny
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 12:39 am     Reply with quote
As you guys can tell, I LOVE film, and I would drop everything I've been doing creatively to make film when the chance comes. I feel that everything I've done up to this point(paiinting, music, writing, photography..etc) was to prepare me as a film director.

Steven Stahlberg- Heheh. Thanks. This is the kind of stuff I stay up late chatting with close friends about. I feel that Sijun's Randome Musings is like a digital version of someone's cozy livingroom.

Here are a few more:

Kamui No Ken(Dagger of Kamui)- When he reached for the map that was caught on the tree branch, and someone throws a row of ninja-stars that made him disappear back into the leaves, then suddenly--Fffftt--they both fly out to reach for the map! Every anime fan should see the complete version of this animated masterpiece(not the edited american version). Also the entire fighting sequence by the cliff was jaw-dropping.

Akira- when Tetsuo pulls out the wrench and bashes one of the clown's head in. SPLAT!

When the huge rocks were falling down, and Kaneda tries to dodge every one of them. I laughed so hard.

The Exorcist- When Linda Blair goes ape-shit and screams, "Let Jesus fuck you!" while stabbing herself in the *cough cough* repeadly. GodDAMN!

Fallen Angels- there's a shot of Michelle Reis walking in slow motion, and you only see her face. Can you say, SEXY?!

The Mission- When the four guys were kicking a scrunched piece of paper around like a ball. It's funny because they are such badass gansters, yet in that moment, the little boy inside showed through.

Ring- This Japanese horror film takes the cake for the most horrific scene ever. The ending, when the "thing" climbed out of the television into the guy's livingroom. Arghhhh!!!!!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 12:56 am     Reply with quote
Bullitt: a fairly good movie over all. the car chase was pretty good i thought. probably not as good to todays standerds though (it was made in the 60's)

American Beauty: i liked those sames scenes too luna. also when kevin's character is working at the fast food place and his wife drives up with that other guy (forgot his name) to get there food. i thought that was funny.

Gattaca: when ethan hawk's character and his brother race for the last time.

*warning* if you havn't seen the movie dont read this part!

at the end when ethan's character succeeds in getting to space and jude law's character kills himself.

The Ususal Suspects: the ending. thats all i'll say.
That cigarette flicking scene was cool too. it really hit stephens eye too and it wasn't supposed to, if i remember correctly.

Falling Down: the Wammy burger scene. also. when that kid is showing michael douglas' character how to shoot that rocket launcher and then accedently fires it down into that sewer (or whatever it was). then lastly. when robert duvall's character meets michael douglas'

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: the big shoot out. i thought that was good.

Snatch: the last boxing fight with those cool slow motion shots. the scene with the trailer burning with the pikies mom in it was good too.

2001: the whole opening part with the monkeys. the trippy sequence when the guy goes into the monolith. love that. plus the last scene when he keeps getting older. there are actually a lot of shots i like in that movie.

Fight Club: pick one. seriously. that movie is great. ok i'll pick one. the scene where pitt tells norton to punch him.

Pitt: "ow! you hit me in the ear! why the ear!?"

norton: "i'm sorry. i fucked it up"

Pitt: "no it was perfect!" *punches him in the gut*

loved that.

there are many other movies i liked, but i can't think of any specific scenes.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 12:56 am     Reply with quote
Some more!

Carrie: The end sequence. Anyone who saw that probably wet themselves.

Breakin' 2 - Electric Boogaloo: An all time goofy but funny movie. The scene where Ozone dances all over the room and on the ceiling is movie magic.

Tron: When Flynn jumps into the MCP and Tron throws the disc in. *cheer* The lightcycle sequence always had me hooked as a kid.

Creepshow 2: "Thanks for the ride lady!" If you saw it you know. That section of the movie scared me so much as a kid that I couldn't sleep for 2 days because of it.

Halloween: In the Halloween tradition I had to add one. Near the end when Jamie Lee thinks she killed Michael, you see her sitting in the doorframe and Michael sits up behind her. Watching that sequence you can't help but yell "Turn around!"

Thomas Crown Affair: The end sequence was masterful.

Transformers the Movie: When Optimus dies. *sniff*

When Harry Met Sally: Orgasm scene. Classic.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Phoebe Cates getting out of the pool.

Back to School: When Rodney Dangerfield does the Triple Lindy.

Die Hard: The end sequence. Great stuff.

Swingers: This movie is one of all my time faves.

[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Snyper ]

[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Snyper ]
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 1:16 am     Reply with quote
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - the final gunfight + about 50 others

Gary Oldman in True Romance

Romeo must die - The football game

Time and Tide - the scene in the apartment building

Hard Boiled - "The innocent must die" - I laugh every time I think of that line

Unforgiven - The final scenes

Dragon, the Bruce Lee Story - the fight scene at the resaurant

ok, I'll stop
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:08 am     Reply with quote
Guy- Yep, it did hit him in the eye, and it WAS an accident. That's why it's so cool!

Snyper- I used to be a big Phoebe Cates fan. She was such a cutie. Most people have no idea that she's half Chinese!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 3:07 am     Reply with quote
Just two I love:

BIRDIE: When Mathew Modine jumps at the end from the ceiling and Nicholas Cage believes he is still crazy and he has tried to fly again, and shouts: "Birdieeeee!!! Noooo!!!" find he is standing in a cornice, just a meter below, staring at him and asking: "What happens?": then the credits start WHAT AN END!!!

LEOLO: The whole movie. It's from a Canadian director that died with just a couple of movies made, but this one is awesome. Is the story of a little child. I couldn't get a single moment, as the whole film is grandious.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 9:13 am     Reply with quote
As soon as I read the topic I thought of this one directly...

Reservoir Dogs - Michael Madsen dancing around to Stuck in the Middle with you holding a razor blade and a can of gasoline...

that has to be one of the most fantastically odd scenes I have ever seen... that music with THAT violence.

and last of the mohicans where the guy is running towards the camera with the wooden blade when the english convoy is attacked (the usual trailer shot)
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 11:37 am     Reply with quote
Oooh boy, great thread...I'm big into movies

Falling Down: When Michael Douglas was talking to that nazi guy in the back of the shop, and the nazi guy kept showing him all that old WW2 stuff....hilarious.....

Braveheart: Bradford nailed it, that scene when Mel Gibson slowly trots down the road on his horse right after they slit his wife's throat, and everything is quiet except the music which builds the suspense up to the point where he hits the guy in the face with the mace.....such a powerful scene.
Basicly the "start" of all the intensity for the rest of the film

Memento: Hard to describe this scene. It's the one where that guy was tailing the Guy pearce in a car, honking his horn..and Guy finally pulls over and says "What the fuck?!" and the other guy pulls out the gun, and Guy just looks forward real quick and drives away.
I dunno why, but I couldn't stop laughing after that scene in the theatre.

Usual Suspects: Sort of typical for me to choose this, but I enjoyed the ending right when the cop finally realizes the truth behind Kaisar Soset. I don't want to say too much so I won't give it away.
I never guessed the truth up to that ending, so it really impacted me hardcore...and I enjoyed the movie a lot more because of that.

Fear and Loathing: When they were on the Ether, and were entering the circus casino, sniffing the old ladies and walking like drunks. Hilarious.

Bladerunner: The ending scene on the roof, with (forget the characters name AND the actors name) the lead Skinjob as he was dieing. His whole speech was just poetic and really made you think.

Alive: The ending scene...where they're all just standing there, hugging each other.
After seeing the movie up to that point, then finally seeing that ending? All I can say is that I was choked up.

Star Wars: The scene where Luke and Princess Leia are outside the door thats on a crack, and he finally has to use his grappling hook and swings across with her. The main reason I enjoy this scene, is because EVERY time I see it, it always gives me this feeling that from that point on he's actually *beginning* to become a jedi. Because the well-known music kicks in right after he pulls out his grappling hook and realizes what to do.

Shawshank Redemption: The whole scene from where the warden finally rips the poster off the wall and stares into the hole, up till after Morgan Freeman finishes explaining how "Andy" did it. Once I saw that warden's face look into that hole, a rush of adrenaline went through my was such an awesome part.

American History X: Where that (don't know his name/character) Black guy/teacher talks to Edward Norton after he got raped in jail, and he's sitting on that hospital bench.
And the black guy finall says to Norton "You just need to look in the mirror and ask yourself, has anything I've done so far, really helped my life?"(somethin along those lines) then Norton breaks down.
That was a real emotional scene, and made you think.

The Untouchables: The scene where Sean Connery is crawling through his apartment after getting shotup. The blood trails following him as he crawled across the floor.....ugh, what a scene. I loved that character in the movie, and then that scene was a huge punch in the gut for me.

(Don't Laugh)The Karate Kid:
The scene where daniel finally gets pissed off at Mr.Miyagi, and Mr.Miyagi tells him to do all the little motions that Daniel was doing while painting the fence, the house, waxing the car.
And then finally shows him that they are actually karate moves. The look on Daniel's face and the music, as he finally realizes that Mr.Miyagi is actually a really serious and skilled teacher...just one of those adrenaline scenes where its an uplifting feeling and was always memorable for me.

I have so many, but I'll put one more:
What about Bob?: The scene where Richard Dreyfus yells at his family "You think he's gone?! He's not gone...he's NEVER GONE!"
And he opens the door and bill murry is standing there - "Is this some new radical type of therapy?" "YA SEE!!!"
I laughed my ass off for 5 minutes...

THought of another one, this was a hilarious scene
Space Balls: Where they were "combing" the desert, and everyone has an enormous comb...then they ask the black guy if he's "found anything?" and you see the black guy with a normal sized comb and he's like "I aint' found shit!"

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:07 pm     Reply with quote
The Last Dragon: When Leroy realizes he has the "glow" then beats the crap out of Sho Nuf and catches the bullet in his teeth.

Vacation: When Clark punches the Moose statue right in the nose then goes berserk.

Fast and the Furious: Just about every single race scene in this movie. The 4 car race near the beginning really made me feel like I was in the car.

This next one isn't a movie, but it was a damn fine piece of video game cutscene. In Metal Gear Solid when Sniper Wolf bites the bullet. I was extremely moved in that sequence. More so than any other experience playing a video game.

BTW Luna I had no idea Phoebe Cates was part Chinese! That's a good little tidbit. I bet she's still fine as hell.

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Steven Stahlberg

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 9:16 pm     Reply with quote
Mulan, the end of "I'll make a man out of you".
and later, when they're singing "A girl worth fighting for", and the last chord is silenced, as they suddenly come upon the massacred village... goosebumps every time.

Matilda, when that evil principal gets her just desserts... man is that movie ever well-cast.
(You can tell I've got kids)

The Borrowers is great slapstick fun too, I just love the scene with John Goodman kind of squeeking through clenched teeth. looking like he's smiling: "Tuwn... off... the... electwicity..." He has to repeat it twice before he's understood, then as he falls with a thud, the camera holds on the hammer still hanging precariously from the lightbulb, cut to view of Goodman, staring straight up, unable to move, cut to the hammer as it falls - cut to the sidekick as we hear another thud and a groan, see him go "Oww..." Well done!

George of the Jungle:
Jane's fiancee has just stumbled face first into a steaming pile of green elephant shit, while saying something supercilious and snobby.
The leader of the black guys carrying all the equipment turns to the camera, with an earnest smile and a heavy African accent:
"Bad guy falls in poop - classical element of physical comedy. Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh." And they all throw their heads back and laugh. Priceless.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 12:18 am     Reply with quote
Shaolin Soccer - When Sing meets Mui for the first time. I enjoyed this film a lot. It will be hard to find though.

Princess Monononke - When Ashitaka is shot as he trys to leave the shogun village. The man has balls of steel.

Memento - The end of the film. Crazy.

Ninja Scroll - When Jubei fights Gemma at the end. Headbutt?

Jurassic Park 3 - Tyranosaurs Rex vs Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus. Crappy movie. Kickass scene.

Swordfish - The bullet-time-esque explosion at the beggining. Thumbs up to Body Shermis.

Bladerunner - When Deckard buys sushi from the Sushimaster, just before he's 'arrested'. I just love the ambiance of that scene (Roy's death as well no doubt, I'm just going for my more off beat memorable moments).

Moulin Rouge - Whenever you see Toulouse Le Trec (or anyone for that matter) drinking Absinthe. Love the colours.

Ghost in the Shell - When Section 9 agents are interviewing the ghost hacked trashman.

The Iron Giant - When Hogarth and the Iron Giant go swimming, and the Iron Giant jumps into the water. My buddy and I couldn't stop laughing for some reason.

The Road to El Dorado - When Tulio and Miguel get stuck in the barrels on the ship.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds - When Nausicaa finds the shed Ohmu shell. Otherworldy stuff.

The Great Dance (Documentary) - When they followed the bushman as he ran down a kudu. I almost felt as if I was in a trance. Incredible. Utterly incredible.

Thats enough for now. I feel the need to watch a movie.

- Steve

[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Speve-o-matic ]
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 12:26 am     Reply with quote
ok, here we go :

Deer Hunter: the wedding scene.

Michael "one shot"

City of lost children: the little kid burping

wings of homeannise(sp?): the whole ending is a masterpiece. great dialog!

Barry Lyndon: the little brother walking into the scene wearing those big shoes

big brother's rifle going off by accident missing the target

some Miyasaki moments: when totoro is standing next to the girl in the rain, and that bus thing comes. Creepy!

Shining: blood coming out of the elevator

also when jack's wife is looking through jack's novel : "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy"

Ghost in the shell: when the two Bots are talking in the boat.

hmm, thats it

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: greenmode ]
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 8:10 am     Reply with quote
far from a complete list, and many of my favourites are already listed, but I can't believe no one mentioned-

Monty Python's Holy Grail -

Artthur "riding" through the village, and a peasant looks up and says "Must be king.", his companion asks why, to which he replies - "He's the only one who hasn't got shit all over him" (of course, the whole movie is eminantly quotable )

Monty Python's Meaning of Life -

"Get that for me, would you Dierdre?"

Monty Python's Life of Brian

"Welease, WODEWICK!"
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 9:54 am     Reply with quote
I cant believe no ones mentioned 'the scent of green papaya' or 'cyclo' truly breathtaking movies. Those french cinematographers kick.

Also the scene in the fifth element where leeloo escapes the police and finds herself standing on the side of a skyscraper complete with air traffic.

Oh, and the last scene in Himalaya where the small kid is looking up at the giant tree (first tree hes ever seen).
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 10:05 am     Reply with quote
balistic: omg, I *hated* that "thumbs up". That movie was ruined for me because of all the things like that. ("I think I need a holiday" bah) Much prefered the serious badass "robot" in the first one.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 3:42 pm     Reply with quote
Blade Runner: The ending scene on the roof with Batty and Deckard.

Ran: The last scene where everything is made right between Hidetora and Saburo just moments before they die... a fantastic film.

Kagemusha: When the double is sitting in Takeda's room with his personal servants(or whatever they were) and he begins to stroke his moustache and they all 'sit to attention' so to speak. That scene gave me chills.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think anymore right now
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 5:19 pm     Reply with quote
Rushmore: All of Max's plays.

Empire Strikes Back: Luke's fight with the snow beast.

Return of the Jedi: Luke's fight with that monster in Jabba the Hutt's dungeon. (see the pattern here?)

Ghost World: The ending, and the first scene with that Indian music playing.

The Untouchables: The gunfight in the train station.

Cliffhanger: When one guy blew that Scottish guy off the cliff.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2001 5:34 pm     Reply with quote
-City of Lost children (the green smoke scene)
-Fist of Legend(The last fight)
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 1:34 am     Reply with quote
the princess bride - the sword fight between wes and inigo.

gattaca - the final scene + the water races + when ethan is just watching the ships launch.

AI - scenes with jiggalo joe were great! i also liked that arena scene where mecha's are destroyed.

man in the iron mask - when they muster up their muskateer courage in the little chamber that they're trapped in (at the end). + porthos (or athos?) tries to kill himself (haha!) .. and the bent penis comment

cheech and chong the corsican brothers - chong is sitting with a gal by a tree and they start talking about his 'sword'. the missinterpretation almost made me piss my damn pants the first time i saw it (i was rather young

i agree with tons of the scenes you guys have mentioned already. great job! i'll leave it at that, since i'm drawing my usual blanks.

edit- the 'almost' in the c&c corsican

[ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: Icannon ]
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pilgrim 54
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 10:42 am     Reply with quote
Ben-Hur: the racing sequence

The Game: the whole ending sequence. i won't spoil it, but it rocks.

se7ven: same as with 'The Game'. and well there are too many parts in this movie that i like to mention.

Fight Club: the way bob says "CORNELIUS!?" for the 2nd time in the street. the "you don't know where i've been" part. when tyler crashes with the bike. also when he gives the speech before project mayhem is gonna grow. and definitely the part with ed and brad arguing in the car. the first meeting with tyler and the ending.

yeah i'm a big david fincher fan.

Shaolin Soccer: EVERYTHING!

The Usual Suspects: the line up sequence and the cig flic (too funny). the ending.

Gladiator: patricide, the intro, the last battle. uhmm well i liked everything. even the music kicking in right from the dreamworks logo in gold.

Romeo and Juliet: the fight in the beginning.

Ghost in the Shell: puppet master talking about "life-forms."

Cast Away: "WILSON!!!!!!!!! I"M SORRY."
hahahhaa... i love that part.

12 Monkeys and Brazil: everything. especially the endings.

Stir of Echoes: the ending

Aliens: "game over man's game over!"

A Nightmare Before Christmas: everything

Akira: too many to say.

Any Given Sunday: the last speech, then ending, the intro, the talks between the main coaches.

Pulp Fiction: "Describe to me what Marcellus Wallus looks like?" hahaha.. i liked everything.

Citizen Kane: the ending

yeah i think i should stop already b/c i can go on and on.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 3:49 am     Reply with quote
just gonna look up at the movies i have within view

Shawshank Redemption : 1) the aerial view of the prison as everyone is going to see the new fish 2) the whole scene where brooks kills himself 3)when the music kicks in after warden Norton's realized how Andy escaped, and 4) "I'd like to think that hte last thing that went through his head .. other than that bullet .."

Speed : "Tell me again Harry, why did I take this job?"
"Because in 30 years you get a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch."

The Rock : the shower room shoot out, and the chase .. "i'm only borrowing your humvee!"

Titanic : the "real party", and the scene where the camera is panning around the front of the ship and it fades into the modern day sunken ship .. beautiful

Field of Dreams : when he goes to meet James Earl Jones for the first time

The Sixth Sense : the part when the kid's in the car with his mom and he finaly tells her, the first shot of that scene is a cop lighting a road flare. that was so sudden and loud it surprised the hell out of me and i jumped when i saw it in the theater. nothing else in the movie shocked me a bit, except that damn flare.

There's Something About Mary : the interrogation

Braveheart : their wedding

Three Kings : "I don't really have a day job, sir"

Scream : any of matthew lilards scenes

Jurassic Park : the first shot with all the dinosaurs, and being chased by the agalamipusses (or however you spell it)

Starship Troopers : movie was pretty lame, but it's still a really cool movie to look at

Shakespeare in Love : the ending

Pleasantville : the tree bursting into flame, the bowling alley, where's my dinner ... i could go on and on

Armageddon : the scene someone mentioned earlier that was cut, where the nasa guys are talking about how many ways this mission could fail. the final broadcast from bruce to liv .. one of the times where bruce willis does a really fantastic job, and the nasa tests part, "aww gee lady, i just came here to drill." "me too!"
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christian cox

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 8:37 am     Reply with quote
Heh, this is going to be very difficult to list. Let me give it a try.

Blade Runner - The Director's Cut ending, Deckard picks up the oragami and remember's Graff's words "It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?"

2001: A Space Odyssey - When HAL is reading Frank and Dave's lips, chilling scene.

The Hudsucker Proxy - When Norville holds up his piece of paper with a circle on it. He's asked what it is, and replies "You know, for kids!". He looks at the paper then turns it right side up (but... it's a circle)

Evil Dead 2 - When Ash's hand gets possesed and he has to 'lop' it off. Also the prior scene where his hand (still attached) is crawling for the knife.

Army of Darkness - The Director's Cut ending in S-Mart. "Yeah, I could have stayed in the past. I could have even been king, but in a way I am king." *dips attractive girl and looks in her eyes* "Hail to the king, baby." *kisses girl*

O Brother, Where Art Thou? - When Big Dan T. is talking to Delmar and Everett about how they can make gobs of money in service of God Almighty. He then proceeds to break a tree branch off, whacking Delmar in the face with it. Everett doesn't quite see what's goin on, stops eating his corn and asks "What's going on, Big Dan?". "It's all about the money, boys!" Dan roars as he wallops Everett in the face.

Those are just some I can think of... too tired to think up more
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 8:40 am     Reply with quote
the long part with the various people spotting dr.evil's rocket in austin powers 2:

"oh my god, it looks like a giant.."
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