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Topic : "Scene from the movie Lolita" |
Dr. Bang member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 2001 Posts: 1425 Location: DENHAAG, HOLLAND
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:26 am |
This pic is inspired by a scene in the movie Lolita, i chose this scene cause i always wanted to do a perspective scene of a town. Did this from memories, many things are off from the original thing though, like there's no cars on the street, and the little girl is supposed to ride on a bicycle. Hopefully this pic reminds you of that scene.
Oh, this sets in the 50s on a rainy night.
C&C are superduper welcome!!!!! Thnx!
[ May 29, 2002: Message edited by: Dr. Bang ] |
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gArGOyLe^ member
Member # Joined: 11 Jan 2002 Posts: 454 Location: USA
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:32 am |
Very cool!!! I love the rain! |
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Svanur member
Member # Joined: 14 Aug 2000 Posts: 541 Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:33 am |
cool pic, the lighting is neat and I like how you get that rainy feeling. Just like rain hitting on the camera. |
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gLitterbug member
Member # Joined: 13 Feb 2001 Posts: 1340 Location: Austria
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:50 am |
Great Work Bang, you really improve every day it seems! I think this is your best picture so far, at least imo.  |
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Nyqvist junior member
Member # Joined: 25 Jan 2002 Posts: 37 Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 4:43 am |
Great work! The windows to the left really kicks ass!! |
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-HoodZ- member
Member # Joined: 28 Apr 2000 Posts: 905 Location: Jersey City, NJ, USA
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 5:48 am |
It's Bangin! |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 5:51 am |
Beautiful work, Bang. Can I kiss you?
No crits from me. Your piece is all about atmosphere, and you pulled it off very well. I'm not a real stickler for technical detail anyways. |
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jr member
Member # Joined: 17 Jun 2001 Posts: 1046 Location: nyc
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 6:56 am |
this looks great bang. my only little crit is that the light in the left corner cuts off too soon though i mean it suddenly ends right at the sidewalk. i'm nitpicking, this is a very strong image. |
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J-D Leon member
Member # Joined: 02 Jun 2001 Posts: 176 Location: canada
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 9:53 am |
hey.. i remember that i saw that movie from the tv afew nights ago. u like it aye...
but i didn't watch the whole thing. because my friends were always switching channle to look for porn movie. can you tell me basicly what the story is.
and the ending.. |
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gArGOyLe^ member
Member # Joined: 11 Jan 2002 Posts: 454 Location: USA
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 10:18 am |
Man.. I need to reply to this again..
AAAAAAACK!! Its awesome!! I just saw it again.. and eeek!! its woohooingly good!! |
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c member
Member # Joined: 23 Oct 2000 Posts: 230 Location: norwalk, ca
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 4:39 pm |
wow, that is truly a beautiful piece there!
to be honest bang, i've never felt compelled to reply to your other work, and i hope you don't take that as an insult! this, though, it seems so completely different. i didn't know you had in it you, and i think everyone is very impressed.
regards. |
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Lunatique member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 3303 Location: Lincoln, California
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:37 pm |
Here's the Lolita story for those of you that never finished watching the whole thing, or read the book:
Lolita is a novel written by Vladimir Nabokov half a century ago. It was very controversial when published, and banned in places. Now, it is considered one of the greatest novels of 20th century.
The plot:
Humbert, a well educated professor, falls in love with a girl that just turned teenager. He married Lolita's mother just to be closer to Lolita. When the mother died of a car accident, Humbert traveled the road with Lolita, and thus began a power struggle that is both sexual and emotional. In the end, Lolita runs off with a famous playwright that preys on young girls, and becomes pregnant. Humbert, upon learning the truth, tracks the playwright down and kills him.
Between the lines:
Lolita is both a drama and a comedy(a dark one, at that). Humbert is both a villain and a hero in the story. His perversion, while horrid to most, originated from the fact he had once loved deeply as a teenager, and the object of his affection had died--she was the same age as Lolita. Humbert never overcame his grief and longing for the young girl, and that sorrow manifested itself in his obsession with Lolita.
As a young man, his love was admirable, but as a middle-aged man, his obsession for Lolita was carried out with scrupleless cunning--and that is what taints his character; His heart is in the right place, but his morals are not.
When Humbert Murders the playwright, he was not only killing a rival who had taken Lolita away from him, but also ending the darkness that possessed himself--one that allowed him to have committed such unforgivable crimes against the one he loves.
There were two films made of Lolita, one by Stanley Kubrick in the 60's, and one by Adrian Lyne in the 90's.
Stanley Kubrick's version was too sterile for my taste. But then again, films were made to be a lot tammer in those days.
The Adrian Lyne version is much better IMO. Jeremy Irons was perfect as Humbert, and Dominique Swan was the perfect Lolita. The new version was both tragic and comedic--truth to the book's atmosphere, and it didn't pull any punches--which caused it to be banned in the U.S. for years after its realease.
It you never watched the whole thing, you really should go rent it and watch it from the beginning. It's a great movie.
And if literature is your thing, go buy the book instead and experience the original. |
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tek9z member
Member # Joined: 28 Nov 2001 Posts: 269 Location: bxl
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 11:07 pm |
man o man! excellent stuff! |
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pixelsoldier member
Member # Joined: 18 Dec 1999 Posts: 728 Location: Ontario
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 11:38 pm |
As Shizo would say..
I KISS YOU! BUM! VODKA! ... well, you get the idea. :/
This is sooooooooooooooo your best piece ever. I'm proud of you. *Sniff* |
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Hunago member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2002 Posts: 154 Location: New Zealand
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 11:43 pm |
I'm in love with this piece, beautiful work mr Bang.
The best thing I like it the contrast between warm window light and the cold rain.. it's so sweet. |
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-HoodZ- member
Member # Joined: 28 Apr 2000 Posts: 905 Location: Jersey City, NJ, USA
Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 11:48 pm |
i take it that you figured out the brush setting problem with PS7.....NOW SHARE CUZ I STILL HAVENT FIGURED IT OUT!! |
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sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 2:10 am |
Yep, as everyone said, it's absolutely beautiful! You pulled off the subtle values really well.
Saffron |
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landmaster member
Member # Joined: 04 Mar 2002 Posts: 76 Location: ?
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 3:45 am |
very very beautiful...
heh, you even got that widescreen thing going...  |
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Dr. Bang member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 2001 Posts: 1425 Location: DENHAAG, HOLLAND
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 8:26 am |
WOOOOOOOOAHjhhhhhhh! SO much responses from this piece!!! Me = happy!
Gargoyle: Thanks so much sir!!!!
Svanur: Glad you liked it! The first time ever, some one enjoyed my lighting! The rains plays a big role in this piece too! Without it, i dont think ppl will this the piece this much.
Glitterbug: Hey man!!! How are you doing? Nice to see you again! Am improving? HAHAHAAH, good to hear, never thought i could improve anything. I agree, this is my most liked picture too.
Nyqvist: Glad you noticed, i worked hard on that windows, no i'm serious. I'm struggling with its perspective as much as the entire street in the painting. I also tried to add more details to it but it doesnt seem to look right
Hoodz: : D THNX!!!!
Lunatique: I wanna SeX0r you up!!!! with your GF!!! Did you say my piece has atmosphere? Excellent!
Jr: Hey Jr! Yes, you're absolutely right about the light strength. It should have enough power to get onto the other side of the building, i originally give the guy a bit of the yellow light but i thought it would be bettter not too.
JD Leon: Yeah man! That movie was one of the best i've saw! Do you really want to know what the end was? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, if i said it, then would spoil it! I think you should rent it! My local library let me rent it for free.
Gargoyle: Thanks so much for the two replies hehehe!!! You must really like it!!
Tek9z: WOW, coming from you means alot to me tek9z, i'm serious!!!
Pixelsoldier: 1!!!!!!! Thank you again man!! You keep encouraging me to do good work! Without your encouragment, this piece woulnd go this far me sniff too
Hunago: Good to hear you loved it!! Thanks so much! Actually, that light contrast is what keep motivating me working on this piece
Hoodz: Guess what, i did figured it out!!!!! But I created this with PS6.
In PS7, you have to customize EVERY SINGLE brush and add in in the list, cant just apply a setting for every single brush
C: Thanks so much! I completely understand what you mean. All the pics i've done in the past are boring potraits, it even bored me I did them lots cause i'm not good at it yet. Thats why i chose to do this for a change.
Lunatique: Thanks for taking your time to type that up lovar! You sums it very well! I'm honst, i read them twice.
Sfr: Thanks so much!!!! SFR, long time no see! Where have you been lately?!!1 Your art pieces always remember of the old Sijun days
Landmaster: THNX, LOL, yeah, i just loooooooove the wide screen thingie. I learned that from Spooge in one of his repaint for Bg's painting. |
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[666]Flat member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2001 Posts: 1545 Location: FRANKFURT, Germany
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 9:02 am |
Not bad all, Doc Bang! |
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Gordillo member
Member # Joined: 18 May 2000 Posts: 308 Location: Guildford,UK
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:39 am |
Atmospheric and dramatic, likes a lot! |
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Rhomb member
Member # Joined: 30 Oct 2000 Posts: 286 Location: Finland
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:51 am |
You are full of surprises Doctor. This is excellent. Those rain drops on the camera lens are nice touch too.
Ville |
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sfr member
Member # Joined: 21 Dec 1999 Posts: 390 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 11:46 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Dr. Bang:
Sfr: Thanks so much!!!! SFR, long time no see! Where have you been lately?!!1 Your art pieces always remember of the old Sijun days
Thanks Doctor, it's cool (and sometimes surprising) that people remember me I spent a year or two doing something else than painting, now I'm trying to pick it up again... I've been posting in the gasmask and speedpainting threads, this forum is really great for getting some motivation, hopefully I can keep it up
...And did I mention your Lolita image is fabulous?
Saffron |
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Shai K. junior member
Member # Joined: 19 May 2002 Posts: 16 Location: Israel
Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 10:37 am |
absolutly amazing - thank you for inspiring! |
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Malachi Maloney member
Member # Joined: 16 Oct 2001 Posts: 942 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 4:09 pm |
Bang, this is hands down the best painting I've ever seen from you. I can't find anything to crit, I just think it's absolutely wonderful.
I'm at a loss for words man.......
Take it easy,
~M~ |
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Dr. Bang member
Member # Joined: 04 Dec 2001 Posts: 1425 Location: DENHAAG, HOLLAND
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:05 pm |
since this thread is bumped, i now can have a chance to reply
Flatmastar: Thanks!!
Gordillo: I'm glad to hear that my painting actually mean something for once! Thanks
Rhomb: Me? AHhaha, maybe sometimes, not all the time.
Sfr: Saw your speedy painting again, they're terrific, wonderful colors. I love every single one of them, and i mean it.
Shai K.: No, thank YOU
Malachi!!!!!: hey man, long time no see!!! You made me cry now!!!! Cry of happiness of course! |
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Sukhoi member
Member # Joined: 15 Jul 2001 Posts: 1074 Location: CPH / Denmark
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:36 am |
Yes Bang!!!!
Rock n' Roll!!
I have to agree with all of the above, it's marvellous! One thing though, since it is so good: I'd like to see some more blur in the window lights. A mass of tiny reflections in the water pellets creating sort of a cloud around the windows. Then the rain would certainly be as perfect as it is in the top middle (PERFECT!!)!!
Can I have some of your progress please?
Sukhoi |
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Godwin member
Member # Joined: 24 Apr 2002 Posts: 701 Location: Singapore
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 4:33 am |
man i love that rain, it was the first thing that hit me, plus the raindrops on the 'screen' and the reflection of the light on the rain
nice work |
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-Tepox- member
Member # Joined: 25 Mar 2001 Posts: 352 Location: Finland
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 4:53 am |
Wow! Dr.Bang! Definetly your best painting yet! I love the rain effect. Thumbs up!  |
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SplitSoul member
Member # Joined: 04 Nov 2000 Posts: 336 Location: Denmark
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 8:17 am |
Just magnificent. And the movie was very good as well. |
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