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Author   Topic : "Counter-Strike Render Comic !!1"

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Location: FRANKFURT, Germany

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 8:24 am     Reply with quote
Originally posted by Vesuvius:
if you want the right to make shit posts, you have to give him the right to say he doesn't like it, or it's a double standard of freedoms.

READ AGAIN, kind Sir. I don't mind if peeps dunn like it and tell me how much I suck, but I mind if some witty guy comes along and proclaims "posts like that should be deleted immediately in order to assure a high quality standard" (or smth similiar). In other words: kill every single pic that doesn't match in his little narrow-minded grid, consisting of whatever kinda stuff he arbitrary prefers, considering it "high quality work". And I say: no way, fella! Maybe I suck at what I'm doing, but I do it with style and a free mind, homie!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 8:38 am     Reply with quote
Originally posted by [666]Flat:
You're not in the position to decide what's art and what's not or what's worth being presented on this forum or not.

You are very correct. I do not have the right to decide what is art. I am not arrogant enough to think that I do. And no, I can not decide what is allowed on this forum. This is not my forum, nor do I have any staff privelages here. I do however reserve the right to my own perception of what is art. I am free to express my opinions here as well (kind of what forums are for...).

My definition of art is very simple. Many may not agree with me and I am fine with that. To me, simple reproduction of something you can see is not art. This includes figure drawings, anything done with reference objects, and so on. This types of duplications are something most of us do. They are great ways to develop skill, however, I do not consider them art. I would even be willing to argue that the great Michelangelo was not an artist. Sure, he was an excellent sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. Being any of these things does not automatically make you an artist though. True art comes from inside of you. It is nothing you can see. It requires the creativity and imagination which is lacking from simple reproductions. You'll know real art when you see it. It will move you.

I see a few excellent artists here. I see a great number of skilled individuals here as well. And I know my view of art may offend some as very little of what we see here would fall under my definition of true art. However, let me say that even though I would not call much of this art, I do see a tremendous display of talent and skill here and I appreciate it all.

I may be rambling here, but I am very compassionate about art. This is why Flat's post bothered me. His juvenille display of immaturity is a scar on this forum. He has no artistic talent. He is an inbesile who appears to post garbage like this for his own entertainment.

To Mr. Flat, I know my words are harsh and you are likely to be offended. For that I am sorry. However, you appear to seek this type of response. Hopefully some day you will grow up and appreciate the fact that art is important to a few of us enough to not pollute it with your garbage.

I will not continue in this thread. It serves as no benefit to myself. Instead, I will know now to avoid threads started by Mr. Flat.

- dos
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