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Topic : "Vector Bruce Lee drawing only 3 colors" |
Gavin Greaves member
Member # Joined: 04 May 2001 Posts: 96 Location: UK
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 4:07 pm |
Dont be so freakin' harsh, what if he is Dyslexic?????????? THINK before you flame.
Some things may not be his fault.
-Gav |
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Akolyte member
Member # Joined: 12 Sep 2000 Posts: 722 Location: NY/RSAD
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 4:14 pm |
Null and Void Postage |
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Snake Grunger member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2000 Posts: 584 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:48 pm |
Stneil777 - You said if others have similar work, that we should feel free to post it. Welp here goes:
For those who keep it real, Shalom. Joseph [23:54] |
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Mordecai member
Member # Joined: 23 May 2001 Posts: 75 Location: New York
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:59 pm |
.........retard |
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Dthind member
Member # Joined: 12 Dec 2000 Posts: 436
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 11:01 pm |
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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 11:30 pm |
To Group: For those of you that don't know..I think the " Is photo manipulation art? " was aimed at me. His last few posts I have actually been talking to stencil in a language he can understand and I think it is freaking him out a bit. Observe below...
To Dr Bang and Toast!: Thank you it needed to be done.
(ahem, and now to talk so Stencil can understand)
To Stencil: Dont listan to dem. Dey all wrung! Dey just jeolous of u cause u druw so complecated. Mesa kno u druw real guud. Da oroginal is nothing like yurs. Da colurs r all wrung. Moriators!! stup dem from making phun of da Stencil.
Dank u four da tuturial in Flash. Now I can druw just like u.
Somedey I wille give u a tuturial on sucking turd oute of my azz. Maybee u can den whipe it on a piecey of papor and calle it arte. Dey will stille say u trace it doe....dey r mormons! |
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stneil777 member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2001 Posts: 418 Location: san jose california usa
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 12:27 pm |
agian you guys do not understand the difference between trace bitmap and putting the photo on another layer. sigh, O well. At least you think you understand things.
Hey like in my other thread, i stated all those that think they are so much smarter than me. Come to yahoo chat we will have a voice debate. Evil-lution VS creation. IN front of an intire croud i will smash you down and make you look stupid. When ever you are ready just let me know. O unless you are worried about looking stupid.
grunger i forgot to say, that rocks man.
[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: stneil777 ] |
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Tinusch member
Member # Joined: 25 Dec 1999 Posts: 2757 Location: Rhode Island, USA
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 2:33 pm |
I've tried to be patient with you, but you're really pushing it too far. Just knock it off. Stop being such a moron. I've really tried to tolerate you, as I'm sure many others have as well, but you just keep going further and further.
There is absolutely no way you are an adult. You are not over the age of 18. You do not have any kids. You have made it blatantly clear that you are a child. And not even a smart one at that. And you are not mature enough to partake in a civilized forum such as this. |
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bld member
Member # Joined: 15 Dec 2000 Posts: 235 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 10:09 pm |
Ok... I don't post much but fuck it... I don't wanna hear bad language is bad, because they presence of stencil is far more offensive to most of you on this forum than bad language could ever be. So many artists on this forum are pooring sweat blood and a piece of their soul's into their artwork, and it shows, then I see this little fuck come and show us his l33t skillz and it make me wanna gag myself till i spew. StNeil777 please, if you have any humanity in you, give up this pointless parade, a few years from now, when you are the age you claim to be, you'll look back on this and think, "god what the hell was I on." Everyone thinks they know everything when they are young, then you grow up and realize you know nothing, but right now you are pissing in your neighbors yard by continually testing our patience. Most the people here would give you real comments and critisizms if you drop the silly game.
I now step down from the soapbox. |
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stneil777 member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2001 Posts: 418 Location: san jose california usa
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 11:59 pm |
well i guess that means non of you will face me in a debate. I did not think so. SO site down and shut up.
Next time you try to act smart becuase you can spell just remember you turned away from a debate. |
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dr . bang member
Member # Joined: 07 Apr 2000 Posts: 1245 Location: Den Haag, Holland
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 12:26 am |
[ June 13, 2001: Message edited by: dr . bang ] |
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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 1:32 am |
What is a shame is how your mind works. Why are we debating evolution? That argument is way out of left field and illustrates yet again how truly off topic you are at Sijun.
This is an art board....where artists come from all walks in life. We appreciate all beliefs here...and I have no wish to talk with you about something that is irrelevant to the board.
Instead of debate...I have a better about a trial? I hope the moderators read this and make this the straw that broke the camels back and agree with me. Maybe we could have a vote...all in favor of keeping Stneil type 0 all in favor of kicking him type 1.
All over the internet, chatrooms have that option to kick people who don't quite fit the board...why don't we have that same option on a message board? If the moderators care about this board they would care about our opinions. Or maybe it could be voluntary banishment Stneil777??? If you truly are a real artist and a real person you should respect a majority vote. If we have a trial post and if you are voted off the board...will you leave? If you won the vote...I promise never to flame you again...I think alot of us would make that promise...what do you say? What do the moderators say? Sumaleth?
I leave it in your court stneil777.
[ June 13, 2001: Message edited by: nickmarksdotcom ] |
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dr . bang member
Member # Joined: 07 Apr 2000 Posts: 1245 Location: Den Haag, Holland
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 2:05 am |
71 Votes for being the worst, thats enough to ban Neil permanently. |
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Daeos junior member
Member # Joined: 14 Feb 2001 Posts: 8 Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 3:17 am |
Guys the best thing to do when you come across a person such as stneil777 is simply ignore them. By replying you are giving him attention, which is obviously what he craves....I am guilty of it with this thread but it had to be said.
Stneil777 is not hurting anyone, he is only hurting himself. If he believes that by using a few filters on a photo is art, then so be it. He will never develop the artistic skills you need by producing these scam artworks, or by plagerising others like he has done in the past.
So guys just forget about him, we will all move ahead while stneil777 finds a new way to produce "art" within the shortest amount of time possible with the least amount of effort possilbe on his behalf.
You have no passion for art stneil777.....find something you are good at and focus on it, the rewards will be much greater in the long term. |
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Dan3d member
Member # Joined: 05 Jun 2001 Posts: 62 Location: Voorhees, New Jersey
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 5:21 am |
I replied to you once before and you never answered me. This will certainly be the last time I bother to reply. Your actions and speach are not appropriate in any sense of the matter. You have, in past posts, made reference to the Bible, you have attempted to draw images from the Bible (Sampson), and you have a signature about God. Yet, for all this, your actions are NOTHING like that of one that follows the teachings of the Scriptures. You actions and conduct are almost the exact OPPOSITE of what is taught in the Scirptures (both Old Testiment and New).
As to the debate concerning creationism, though I do not believe in evolution, I was half tempted to come and debate you TAKING THE SIDE OF EVOLUTION. Why? Because you act like such a know it all (can we say "PRIDE"?). I was ALMOST currious to see if you knew ANYTHING at all .
In any case, I would highly recommend you become more civil, quit bashing people, etc.
To everyone else:
I am not (nor will I ever) "push" my religion on anyone here, but I hope you do not mind me quoting a verse from the Bible (the book of Proverbs). Whatever your beliefs are, I think there is wisdom in these passages:
Proverbs 23:9 - Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.
Proverbs 26:4 - Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
The first verse tells us that a fool (which stniel is proving himself to be) will never learn from whatever wisdom you impart from him, so why bother even trying! The second verse explains that people who engage in conversation with a fool IN LIKE MANNER are actually like the fool! In other words, to respond to stneils foolishness in a similar manner (bashing, flaming, etc., as he does) makes the other person seem LIKE him.
Why do I bring this up? Simply for this reason:
Let's all stop responding to him, stop making movies about him, etc. It only makes matters worse, clogs up what would be an otherwise great forum with garbage, and gives stneil the attention he wants. By responding to him in the manner many of you have, you have given stneil what he wants. In a way, I suppose I have also.
As for me, I will no longer respond to his foolishness. |
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wayfinder_at_work junior member
Member # Joined: 12 Jun 2001 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 7:00 am |
"never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience" |
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gowansy member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2001 Posts: 114 Location: UK
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 7:22 am |
Stneil i would like to say :
Your a motherf***ing, c**licking, arse raping, chocolate stabbing, masturbating sloth.
other words come to mind :
Gh3y Fr4ud |
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gowansy member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2001 Posts: 114 Location: UK
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 7:32 am |
also, you suck big donkey dick.
sorry for the terrible language to those of you who are sensible, respectable and great guys (no not you Stneil777), but seen as he is always calling people immature 15yr olds, i'm 15, so in Stneils book this is normal.
Another thing...i'm so pissed off with Stneil; because of him, i'm not getting any replies in my posts (i'm new to Digital Art, just got my wacom a week ago.) i posted a pic of a guy; never got a single reply at all, and to be honest i think i need as much help as possible.  |
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micke member
Member # Joined: 19 Jan 2000 Posts: 1666 Location: Oslo/Norway
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 7:44 am |
Are you a retard or something?
Why the hell should anybody here wanna face you in a debate? Nobody wants to have anything to do with you anyway! |
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gowansy member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2001 Posts: 114 Location: UK
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 7:51 am |
No lets go to his stupid debate......every1 of us, and make him cry. |
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wayfinder member
Member # Joined: 03 Jan 2001 Posts: 486 Location: Berlin, Germany
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 1:15 pm |
snake grunger, uhh... think about what you just wrote for a moment  |
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Cicinimo member
Member # Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 705 Location: Seattle
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 2:18 pm |
lol |
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gowansy member
Member # Joined: 29 Apr 2001 Posts: 114 Location: UK
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 2:21 pm |
This weeks lame word : Yahoo Chat
oops  |
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Gavin Greaves member
Member # Joined: 04 May 2001 Posts: 96 Location: UK
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 2:32 pm |
"let god sort him out" - D. Nukem |
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Awetopsy member
Member # Joined: 04 Oct 2000 Posts: 3028 Location: Kelowna
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 2:34 pm |
please let this thread die
dont post here anymore. |
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 4:48 pm |
ok |
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Snake Grunger member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2000 Posts: 584 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 11:16 pm |
Since this thread is already back on top, I won't feel gulity writing this here again. As I wrote in another thread,
"You cannot be taken seriously if 'Yahoo Chat' is anywhere in your sentence." |
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stneil777 member
Member # Joined: 02 Apr 2001 Posts: 418 Location: san jose california usa
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2001 2:59 pm |
wow, you guys have alot to say.
What do i do. I cannot seem to help you love. Instead some how you turn it around and say i do not love, hmm. Well all the haters are an interesting bunch of people.
Nick what happened. You accually let some stupid forum get to you. Nick you should not let a art furom get you down man.
i don't know what to tell everyone. I guess just let this go and move on. I have been moved on. I am only defending my self now from all your attacks. Stop attacking and I will not have to defend myself.
My hope lies in this, that i can one day post with out you stuck up people flaming me. I pray and hope you grow up, and find what it take with in your self to hide the hate you have for me. I understand it is to much to ask that you do not hate at all. I can see you love to hate. So instead i ask that you hide your hate. BE men and woman and stop flaming my threads, thank you. |
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nickmarksdotcom member
Member # Joined: 17 Feb 2001 Posts: 244
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2001 3:24 pm |
You didn't answer my question.
Will you accept a vote? If a majority of the board votes you out will you leave? If you win the vote you can stay and post and none of us will flame you. Address this question. And I wish the moderators would also address this question.
Better yet the people of this board should address it.
Type 1 for YES LETS VOTE
Type 2 for NO I DON't CARE |
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burn0ut member
Member # Joined: 18 Apr 2000 Posts: 1645 Location: california
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2001 3:28 pm |
well, sence this is at the top,
dont you see what hes doing? just dont reply to his threads and it will be all good.
hes just trying to get you peeps riled up again.
ps. dont reply like my dumbass did harhar |
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