Socar MYLES member
Member # Joined: 27 Jan 2001 Posts: 1229 Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2001 7:22 am |
...WOO HOO! I've been in serious forum withdrawal all week. (Hey, that graemlin keeps rolling its eyes at me! I'm telling!) Now that the forums are back, I'm all happy and manic, and I've been up all night drawing horses (well, a horse and a half, and part of a rider, anyway). And I didn't sleep last night either, but I'm still awake, somehow.... How bizarre.
Actually, I probably shouldn't ramble on at too much length, due to the whole lack of sleep silliness thing.... But I'm really glad to see the forums back. Yeah, there are a few silly features, like the rating thing, but who cares? My ego isn't so fragile that I'll die if I get rated 1. (Hell, I'll be lucky if I even notice, knowing me.)
Anyway. I just wanted to point out my general happiness at the forums' return. Yeah. That. Heh.
I'm NOT dead! I'm HAPPY!
Okay. Time to stop. Heeee! |