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Topic : "girl - gonna be realism again (contains nudity)" |
Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 10:28 am |
first sketch, in the process of cleaning up - coloring's gonna follow. Any suggestions for the pose and proportions so far?
click here for the pic |
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Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 3:32 pm |
This is an updated version: cleaned up almost 100%. Still any suggestions for the pose? The hand kinds look funny and the foot is a bit odd. Crits+paintovers welcome.
Gonna be a colored, fairly realistic, picture. I hope.
click here for the pic |
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Drift Kid Runner junior member
Member # Joined: 31 May 2002 Posts: 48 Location: Charlotte NC
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 3:46 pm |
The face looks too much like a mans, sort of. The neck is too thick and the arms should be longer. Look at pictures of chics in different poses and youll get a better idea. Other than that it looks really good.
kerrigan |
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neff member
Member # Joined: 11 May 2002 Posts: 1444 Location: Germany
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 2:46 am |
I dont like that line on her stomache,
but the rest of the anatomy seems to me pretty well |
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AndyT member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2002 Posts: 1545 Location: Germany
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:37 am |
Just something I tried...
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Lolion member
Member # Joined: 24 Apr 2002 Posts: 94 Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 1:54 pm |
I think she's got a pretty big neck for a girl that slim
Looks promising otherwise though |
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Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 7:23 am |
Okely dokely...
I fixed her neck (I think ) and worked out her short arms and er.. funny hands. Plus I moved her foot a bit upwards, which gives a better pose and fixes her butt along with it. I thought it was fine, but now I got some deformation in there as well, if you look at it like AndyT does (or something... *g*). Added some more hair, too.
First, I wanna try to shade it b/w. This is a lot like my pencil drawings I did before, so I wanna try that before doing real colors, which are to follow.
Any suggestions for the shading? Looks a bit too rough/uneven to me. The blur tool doesn't seem to work for that at all times. Happened with pencil as well, I thought digital would fix that
Oh wait, maybe gaussian blur.... hmmmmmm *cheat* *cheat*
Anyway, click here for the new pic |
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FlashKid junior member
Member # Joined: 12 Jul 2002 Posts: 4
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:07 pm |
You need to fix the chin its too square and the face is not hmmmm soft just really looks like a man. |
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mitch member
Member # Joined: 16 Dec 2001 Posts: 68 Location: RI/NV
Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 11:58 pm |
the knucks on her right hand need some attention, you simplified with guesses instead of simplified with knowin. knuckles are different sizes, middle = widest and tallest, pinky = smallest and narrowest. the left hand is goofed too. look at your own hand for reference. make the foot and toes bare weight. right now they are floating. i think you got the head pretty well, and i dont think she looks too manish. watch the s curve from the hips to the neck. visualize where the spine would be and exactly what it would look like in that pose. add some weight to the breasts, make them sag like the lumps of fat they are. the over all picture looks great, and your shading so far is lookin blingblangin. |
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Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 12:31 pm |
It's coming... it's slowly coming, but it sure is.....
click here, would ya
comments? still working on it
[ July 20, 2002: Message edited by: Mag82 ] |
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AndyT member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2002 Posts: 1545 Location: Germany
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 12:40 pm |
quote: The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
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Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 2:21 am |
whoops, I guess the gremlins ate thatlink... fixed it though!  |
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AndyT member
Member # Joined: 24 Mar 2002 Posts: 1545 Location: Germany
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 3:36 am |
The face really looks better now without the lines! I can see now that it might eventually look photo-realistic to some extend!
Maybe her back looks sort of smudgy! |
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MarshallX member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 156 Location: Essex, ON
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 8:58 pm |
Just some thoughts here..
1. Her jawline is too mannish...anyone else think so?
It's not that big of a deal, just it looks to straight and muscular. Makes her look more like a bodybuilder than a hottie.
2. Also if she was in that pose her breasts would be falling to the sides, thus showing the full right hand side and the inside of the right, not as if she was standing up like you have it.
3. Her right hand is too wide, it also has a mannish look to it, instead of a delicate woman hand.
4. Work on the back of her neck a little bit, too much thickness.
Hope these helped you out, keep in mind they are IMO.
Just wondering here, but do you draw alot of fantasy art, or hero art?
Because it seems you have a mannish character which you are slowly fixing to a woman. Most fantasy characters have a very bold face, and crisp lines, so they are dynamic and "cool" looking. |
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Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 2:10 pm |
Thanks for the feedback, gimme more of that
I just tried some new shading technique and I think it's working alrighty. The face looks a bit TOO smooth now for my taste, so...
click here and see for yourself
I'll still be working on that hand in the foreground and the foot. Anyone got an idea on how to fix that foot? Putting some weight on there might be a good idea, but HOW? (*hint* paintover *hint*)
The t... erm breasts look fine now (one nipple missing), and the reference pic's much the same way. Greetz from silicone valley... I guess...
P.S.: that neck's still a bit weird, isn't it?
[ July 21, 2002: Message edited by: Mag82 ] |
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MarshallX member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 156 Location: Essex, ON
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 7:19 pm |
Okay, I did a drawover, its messy cuz my tablet was too sharp, (paintbrush instead of airbrush) but it gives you the idea...about your neck. At the front, it wouldnt be a straight line there, like a man, more curved or somethin, i dunno, just play around with it...anyways...:
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MarshallX member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2001 Posts: 156 Location: Essex, ON
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 4:53 pm |
Is that okay? |
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Mag82 member
Member # Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 56 Location: Germany, Europe
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 1:03 pm |
Dude, this is a great help! Seriously, that gives me a clear idea of how I want it to look like, just didn't have the time to fix it Thanks!
Actually I just met an exchange student from Finland who roamed this forum for quite some time (hi Nikita!) and helped me with the neck. Well, he wanted me to cut off her head to fix it, but I preferred to add a bit to her back and take from chin and thorat areas.
click here
I also did a set of the progress shots so far. Interesting to look at, although I've been working on it
click here
I'll definitely take a closer look at those hands now. Got some work waiting for me though  |
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JaVa-Original junior member
Member # Joined: 11 Jun 2002 Posts: 33 Location: USA
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 1:32 pm |
nice work man...somethings u should pay close attention to.."ops I totally forgot about the other hand..oh well"... >
[ July 24, 2002: Message edited by: JaVa-Original ] |
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Drew member
Member # Joined: 14 Jan 2002 Posts: 495 Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 7:11 pm |
Several people have mentioned problems with the jawline, and there is a problem, but it's not that it looks too much like a man's jawline. If you turn the pic 90 degrees CW, you might be able to see the problem better. Her jawline and ear do not match her face. Generally speaking, the top of an ear is level with the eyes. Yours is far too high. To make this fit with the face, you've extended the line of the jaw far too high as well, creating a very large jaw. That's what gives it the "man-ish" look.
All you have to do is move the ear so that the top is even with the eye, and the bottom is even with the bottom of the nose. That should take care of the jawline problem as well. Make sure that you don't tilt the ear back, either. The way you have it now looks a bit like an elf's ear.
Overall, a great effort and a big improvement from your original drawing. Good work.
-Drew |
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faeklone member
Member # Joined: 03 Apr 2002 Posts: 215 Location: Calgary
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 11:20 pm |
Alright, I tried to do an overpaint of your origional drawing, however, the pose in my overpaint changed due to a number of factors that I'll try to clarify for you to improve on your drawing.
First of all is the comment that I saw earlier (I haven't read the entire thread, so If I start repeating stuff, ignore it or read it to view my take on it). The jawline is very masculine due to being too rounded at the transition point where it starts to go up the face, and the fact that the jawline isn't even in the right place. The transition part of the jaw should be directly behind the mouth, the jaw should go up the face until you hit the nose, and then the ear should be from behind the eyebrow at the top, to the nose at the bottom. Currently yours starts at the eye and ends somewhere in the hair. Working our way down, the neck is at a nearly impossible angle, or at least one that would strain the neck of a live model. The entire head should be moved to the left a little bit more to make it more of a natural position for the body to be in. Also fully designate where the intersection between the collarbones and the neck muscles are so that you have an idea of where to place things on the chest.
Speaking of the chest, Her breasts seem a bit lopsided. The far one isn't curving nicely, however, seems to be falling towards gravity as it should. The closer one seems to be defying gravity by staying on her erect chest. Let it fall to the side a bit more. Also, the line of the fold of the breast is a bit too far up the body. Also, where's the nipple on the far one? The shoulder's current angle in the picture makes you want to see the other one on the otherside due to logic telling you it should be there, especially if we can see the far breast. The shoulder itself is fairly well rendered, but seems to have a couple of phantom lines that nees to be cleaned up. Also, the relationship between the shoulder muscles and the Pectoral muscles (Breast muscles) is one that makes you belive that they're just about one due to the interconnectivity of the two muscles over the joint, sot he armpit should be seen somewhere between the phantom mark and the definate one. It should bet he upper indicator of the breasts limits, but shouldn't touch the fold of the underside of the breast.
The arms seem a bit too big for a girl of her build and size. I would also try to lightly define the outer contours of the muscles on her arms. Also, dealing with the armpit area, the back can come down a little lower and curve into the hollow of the back as you have it now. Try to get rid of the straitness of the back when you're dealing with a curving spine. I feel the rib cage should be a bit higher, which should pull the stomach in more.(I can't really explain this one, Too instinctive) The odd thing I've been finding about women is that when their arms are strait, the forearm when they are palms up will be at an angle outwards from the main body(I don't know if it's all women, but there are quite a few out there). As suck, I think that angling the forearm into the body makes it not look quite right, and that angling it the other way about the same number of degrees would make it more believable.
The hips I find fine, although I'd Have more of a curve at the intersection between her leg closest to us and her pelvis. The feet and the hands are what is bothering me the most about this picture. If the closest hand is how you want the pose to be, fix it up in the area of persective. It looks like a view from an angle down at it while the reast of the body is roughly on it's side. Also figure out how far apart the hands are as their realtion to the main body and themsleves looks really off. The feet look like she's about to break her toes off. My rule for most body drawings is use yourself as a reference when you do these things. Try moving like you want to pose to be and look at yourself in a mirror and see how you're situated. In this case I'd remove the pointing toes and just fold the feet underneath her butt to make it look more natural.
And if I didn't mention it, I'm using the "Spread more" picture on this thread as reference for my crit.
The drawing below is the drawing I did over your drawing, and added the stuff that I thought needed to be addressed. The breasts become smaller, and I fucked up in a couple of places. The face and the foot in particular.
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