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Topic : "Help needed (drawing male features)" |
Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 3:46 am |
All right, here's the story. I am making a poster for a project at work... and I've started sketching on it (more than a sketch at this point though).
However, the guy I'm making it for wants me to make half the face male, and half of it female. Hm. Hmmm... *thinks*... it's difficult, demmit!
Now I thought to ask you people for advice I'm talking about the side with the fiery hair. How can I make it look like a male face?
(I know it's an unpolished picture, but it's in its early stages )
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Al_kgs member
Member # Joined: 10 Jan 2001 Posts: 82 Location: Nantes, France
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 3:55 am |
Not bad so far... it promises to be a really cool picture. I really like the transition hair-water hair-fire...
To make half the face more male i would:
Make his upper lip thinner,
Make is cheekbone more proeminent, you know more hard features,
Broaden his eyebrow
And maybe i would soften the jaw bone of the female part, but i'm not sure of that... |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 4:09 am |
Al_kgs: Thanks for the help!
Now, half an hour after he asked me to make half the face male, the guy has changed his mind. So I'm finding another way to show the masculinity in this picture (bah!)... so, that part of the picture can be ignored now. The entire face is going to look rather androgynous instead I can do that.
Any other useful comments on the picture are much appreciated
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SlightlyTwisted member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2000 Posts: 436 Location: Oslo, Norway
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 4:29 am |
Weeee! I love the hair/water!
Al_kgs pretty much had all the right ideas. A few other things you could have done would be to make his side of the nose a tad more angular, and her side a bit rounder, softer. Maybe a few hints of facial hair might have been cool, on his side. Other than that, I think you pretty much had it. If you cover up part of the pic, and look at the two halfs seperately, they do look look like individual male and female faces. It's only when you see them together that the differences seem a bit less apparent.
But that's all a bit of a moot point, now. I'm really looking forward to the final image, because if there's one thing I've seen you do well in the past, (apart from drop dead gorgeous women and furry, cuddley critters ) it's androgynous folk. Oh, and flame and cold/water.
(EDIT: Durn disjointed sentances :/)
[This message has been edited by SlightlyTwisted (edited January 11, 2001).] |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 8:25 am |
Work progressing...
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 8:56 am |
me like
sky high with a heartache of stone you never see me 'cos i'm always alone/ministry
the law of lead now reigns!@#!/earth crisis
[email protected]
icq#35983387 |
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SlightlyTwisted member
Member # Joined: 11 Dec 2000 Posts: 436 Location: Oslo, Norway
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 9:36 am |
Progessing nicely. I love the new pose, it's a lot more natural, less dramatic. And, of course, the fire and water is absolutely fantastico.  |
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Chapel member
Member # Joined: 18 Mar 2000 Posts: 1930
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 10:26 am |
For male features: Strengthen the jaw line and widen it a bit. Not so narrow. Sharpen the cheek bone and added a stronger shade to that area. Also around the eyes... male eyes tend to sit back a little, so the shading should be a little darker there. Make the eyebrow thicker. I would make the upper lip a little thinner also.
By the way, that is just if you want it to look more masculine on the left side. I think the pic looks pretty cool right now. |
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Guy member
Member # Joined: 29 Feb 2000 Posts: 602 Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 10:41 am |
WOW.. thats some wild hair looking really good |
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Messiah junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Nov 2000 Posts: 13 Location: San Jose, CA, USA
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 11:06 am |
Like the new version of the pic
From the standpoint of practice I thought I'd take a quick shot at the male side.
female half
male half
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shardik member
Member # Joined: 09 Apr 2000 Posts: 494 Location: Buffalo, NY
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 11:12 am |
hmm.. enayla, that looks hot, only thing i might suggest is maybe you could put a little bit of that "watery" lighting on the water side.. i forgot what they are called, im sure someone knows but its like the way the bottom of a swimming pool looks on a sunny windy day when the light separates
[This message has been edited by shardik (edited January 11, 2001).] |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 11:24 am |
Thanks for the help everyone! Maybe I'll do a picture like that for just fun later... but I kinda like the new version of it
faustgfx: Yay!
SlightlyTwisted: Glad you like how it's coming along I'm having lots of fun with it now.
Chapel: Thanks! I actually never thought about the eye bit - maybe that's why all the guys I draw look so feminine...
Guy: Thanks
Messiah: Heheh, that looks cool! What a pity that concept of it is out the door though Fun to see what you did with the picture.
Shardik: Hmmm... that could be cool... never tried doing that though :/ Besides, I don't know if that kind of light would come from an ocean on a cool winter day or something (meaning - I'll see if I can do it, but if I can't...heheh...I'll just claim it didn't fit in and ignore it )
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EviLToYLeT member
Member # Joined: 09 Aug 2000 Posts: 1216 Location: CA, USA
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 8:31 pm |
Really like the concept of your picture Enlaya. Hrmm.. the hairs great! But, I think that it may be to your benifit to make the water a bit more gentle and calm.. if your showing feminimity... but then again, femals can be just as harsh.  |
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Wyatt Turner member
Member # Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 501 Location: Everett, WA, USA
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2001 8:43 pm |
Crap.... I just about did, in my pants. Love the new variation, with the tilt of the face and the cool lighting effects. great job all together.
Me likes..
I had to use as my wallpaper. My art usually dominates my screen. A+
Now I want to play with fire..
[This message has been edited by Wyatt Turner (edited January 11, 2001).] |
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sacrelicious member
Member # Joined: 27 Oct 2000 Posts: 1072 Location: Isla Vista, CA
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 12:54 am |
Cripes... Enayla, I abase myself at your feet. You make me cringe with pain and shudder with delight in the same instant. I am a dog, a lowly son of a jackal.
As for the second picture, which I assume is closer to the final version, I would suggest making the female side more feminine in addition to the previous suggestions. Mainly by making that side of the jaw less wide (more vertical, less horizontal) and by making the eye more slanty/made up. Hope I've been of some help.
Edit: Argh, I tried making some changes to show what I mean but it felt and looked like blasphemy. I'm sure you'll work it out on your own and the results will be fantastic. Love ya, peace, out.
mmm... sacrelicious
[This message has been edited by sacrelicious (edited January 12, 2001).] |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 1:51 am |
Either my computer is messing with me, or something else is.
This post shouldn't contain anything now.
[This message has been edited by Enayla (edited January 12, 2001).] |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 1:55 am |
EviLToYLeT: Thanks! Heheh, I actually like the water wild and unpredictable like it is Anyone who's been around a girl a certain time of the month knows that this is a pretty accurate description of our gender
Wyatt Turner: *big grin* Glad to hear you like it!!
sacrelicious : Heeeeh *makes a curtsey* Well, the female/male side idea is scrapped... I'm now working to make the face look more androgynous The current version of the picture is slightly more advanced than the one in my second post... more use of colours and further asexuality in the face Too bad I'm not working at that job today
(Edit) Something reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally strange happened. My post suddenly contained all the posts in this thread. Hopefully fixed now!!
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[This message has been edited by Enayla (edited January 12, 2001).] |
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ZakatH member
Member # Joined: 15 Apr 2000 Posts: 97 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2001 6:54 am |
First: What's the poster made for?
Second: I really think that the face should look femaleish.. but still in to halves(spell check?) one bad bad grrl and one good girl.
Third: (in swedish :P) Du e sjukt bra p� det h�r med att m�la allts�... Vill du gifta dig med mig? ;p
Gillar dina bilder skarpt... synd bara att det inte e n�n id� att spara dom f�n din loth sida =/ |
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Enayla member
Member # Joined: 26 Nov 2000 Posts: 1217 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2001 8:39 am |
ZakatH: The poster is for a project at work... I won't go into the details of the project itself as it is research and I can't really talk about it... but I'm afraid that making half her face wicked doesn't really work with the idea
Trevligt att h�ra att du gillar mina bilder Heheh, aprop� giftem�l s� ...err... nej.
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