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Author   Topic : "Hey guys, Do you really buy PhotoShop?"

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:10 pm     Reply with quote
I want to use PhotoShop, badly. But I can't seem to justify spending 600 greenbacks. I'm one of those moral software types.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:58 pm     Reply with quote
alltho i have some issues with the way some eula's are done and i do feel software companies should give or make afordable software for people who wish to learn. your question bothers me due to the fact that you nodoubt know photoshop and use it and seem to be looking for a justification to use it without paying the company. this sucks. people who use software on a profesional level have no excuse to rip off the company.
if everyone did what you are trying to do there would be no painter or photoshop or anything else we use.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 2:49 pm     Reply with quote
Buzz, think before you judge people. A lot of what you said about damp seems to simply be assumed by you. He never said he uses Photoshop, and even if he did have experience with it, there are trial version of it available. He also says he's a "moral software type" which to ME at least means that he doesn't endorse pirating. There are debates here about pirating and whatnot all the time, so don't blow up at people until you find your way around here a bit better. This guy said nothing about using the program, let alone using it professionally... remember many people here are new to digital art, not everyone who registers is a pro (no offense to you puppy, heh)

And my advice to you puppy is to firstly try the trail versions, I forget what adobe does, but they either put on a useage timelimit, or disable saving (either that or they enable saving for 30 days, than after you can use it, but not save). If you like it tons and you have the cash to spend, go buy it, it is a great piece of software. If you want the more affordable approach, Adobe also has Photoshop Elements. It's a bit over 100, but it still maintains a lot of useful functions from it's father-program Photoshop. Only big problem I face is the colour selector, in which elements only allows you to use swatches or to double click to open the entire pallet, no useful RGB sliders for convenience :/
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 9:31 am     Reply with quote
Well here is my opinion on the matter. Most artists starting out are pretty damn poor, trust me I know how it is. But on the other hand all the programmers and designers at lets say adobe spent a lot of hard work on designing this great product for all of us. This is my theory to the problem, Id say if your just starting out and want to start gettings some images together for lets say your portfolio, and you dont have the money to spend, then I would get an illegal copy, but I would only use it up until I start getting paid for my works, or if you get a job at a graphics firm. Because if people are paying you for your art you might as well do things the legal way so you dont get in trouble later on, plus I do believe in supporting those guys at adobe.

I hope this gives you some idea.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 9:34 am     Reply with quote
I also agree with Roadmaster's response, personally I would try and do things the most legal way possible first and foremost.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 1:19 pm     Reply with quote
Actually Buzz, I don't have Photoshop installed on my computer, although I've used it years before I got into digital painting. Right now I use Painter6, which I shelled out 200 bucks for. However I'm not yet satified with what it can do, and would rather use Photoshop if I could afford it. I'm just wondering if people here would buy photoshop for $600 or is everyone just using some PS alternative like Painter?

[ September 30, 2002: Message edited by: damppuppy ]
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Socar J. MYLES

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 1:10 am     Reply with quote
I bought it at full-price, and use it ALL the time. I felt a bit of an idiot, though, because you can get it new in the box for as little as half the money on eBay. (I THINK that's legal.)
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 1:56 am     Reply with quote
Allright, that the same situation for all of us...
But, why don't you try The Gimp.
It's freeware and powerfull (hu...)

You can download it there

Voili voilou !
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 8:44 am     Reply with quote
You can get Corel Photo-Paint 8 or 9 for cheap. It kicks ass.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:28 am     Reply with quote
the answer for me is this.
Photoshop is Awesome and yes worth 600 bucks. however 99% of people cant handle putting out 600 bucks to learn something.
If you plan on using it for profesional work by all means buy it.

I was at a meeting one nite with some people in the Graphics industry and the owner of a really big production company was telling me a story about a 17 year old kid who came into his shop and dropped his portfolio on the table. well the guy was astonished and just about crapped his pants. how can a 17 year old kid blow his artists out of the water?
he thougt the kid was full of shit so he asked him if he wanted to sit down at a maya box and show some skills. the kid was doing things that noone in the shop had ever seen this 17 year old kid knew more about maya then all of them. Why? he got himself a warez copy and learned. this kid spent morning noon and night learning maya. now he works for a production house on a legal copy.
he got a warez copy and learned and the end result was more business for maya.
Maya sems to get it as they have maya free for people who wish to learn it. more companies should adopt this practice.
here is a link to the maya info.

maya student information
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 12:39 pm     Reply with quote
I got my copy of Photoshop 5.5 off eBay (legit), because it's the only Photoshop I actually like (and by now it's probably really cheap). But yes I did use a pirated version first.

Frankly, I'm glad I did the same for version 6 and 7, because I just didn't like either and spending the money to upgrade to them and only be disappointed would have been pointless.
And one thing I HATE is paying money for an upgrade that simply should have been a patch (i.e. the .5 versions)

If you're a student I would recommend eBay or a student discount through student software catalogs. You'll more than likely never need the expensive professional license because you'll might likely end up working for a company that already has it.

btw how many times are people going to ask this question?

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: DarkVVulf ]
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:15 am     Reply with quote
I use photoshop 5 LE...

I got a pirated version to see if it would be worth the 600, or 400 on ebay, and I just wound up sticking with photoshop LE...

It's like.. Less than a hundred now... it usually comes free with some types of tablets...(so If you need a tablet....)

Anyway it's pretty damned good, and there only a few differences... there are a few less options...I don't think you can seperate rbg layers, there's a couple of filters missing, but who needs those?...

The biggest difference is that there's no image ready, and web stuff like that... So if your just going to get it to do artwork, Go with the le, and get it bundled with a tablet.
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