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Topic : "America is better than everyone else, because my teacher sai" |
edible snowman member
Member # Joined: 12 Sep 2000 Posts: 998
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 11:08 am |
We had a class discussion today and I almost couldn't stop laughing at our arrogance. According to my teacher, Britain and Russia should no longer be in the security council bceause they are no longer world powers. They think they are, but they're not. This other kid said, and everyone agreed with him, that,"We have the rigth be conceited, because we won two world wars." I thought it was really funny, i would probably be a little outraged if I was from another country and hadn't learned to deal with the stupidity of americans. Had to you people from Britain feel about your impending kicking out of the security council, because my stupid teacher said so? |
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ceenda member
Member # Joined: 27 Jun 2000 Posts: 2030
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 11:24 am |
Britain sucks ass, it really has to be said. Sorry guys. |
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Frozen Consciousness member
Member # Joined: 24 Jan 2001 Posts: 91
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 1:51 pm |
Heh... even I believe Britain sucks and I live here.
Still... We still hold alot of power for a stupid cold, wet, grey island in the middle of nowhere.
Can I help it if some of you Americans act like a bunch of arrogant twats?
...I know, we can be arrogant twats no matter where we come from.
[This message has been edited by Frozen Consciousness (edited February 12, 2001).] |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 6:53 pm |
Thats what all americans think i guess, because i have the same thing in my class of History too.
Besides everybody except america knows that WW2 was won by russia with help of european and some euro-asian countries.
I dont listen to what teachers say, i listen to what my relatives told me who gathered together and told stories of how it was.
total american losses at WW2 - 500,000
total russian losses at WW2 - 250,000,000
[This message has been edited by [Shizo] (edited February 12, 2001).] |
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edible snowman member
Member # Joined: 12 Sep 2000 Posts: 998
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 7:03 pm |
im not saying i don't think don't have a right to say that we're not a powerful country, but these white trash kids think they're superior to people when they live in a better country and they're still retards. |
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FaithInChaos member
Member # Joined: 27 Aug 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 8:13 pm |
well, usa will have the star wars program up and running pretty soon. if the government gets it to work, america could fuck over the "first-strike" induced peace by being the first to nuke another country.
plus, who is going to fuck with a nation that has nukes with no fear in using them?
if things continue as they are, america will allways be a world power. |
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Trance-R member
Member # Joined: 03 Nov 1999 Posts: 360 Location: Burnaby, BC, Canada
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 8:14 pm |
I think no one wins in a war.
Anyone dumb enough to start/participate in a war is a sorry loser. Although sometimes it can't be helped to join a war, because the attacker has to be vanquished for 'world peace'. Haha. I say it just leads to even more blood debts and conflicts in the future. At least that's how Hitler decided to rule in supreme power. He was just a soldier who got kicked out of the Art Faculty (because he can't do abstract art) and survived in WWI. Did you also know that abstract art scared the hell outa that SOB? *Snickers.
[This message has been edited by Trance-R (edited February 12, 2001).] |
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Duckman2 member
Member # Joined: 09 Nov 2000 Posts: 232 Location: Savannah
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2001 10:27 pm |
Americans, I really can't classify them as a whole, I really dislike stereotypes. I happen to have alot of friends that think America should be isolationists again. And as far a WW2 goes all countries played a large role, but Russia lost over 20million people during the war. |
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Freddio Administrator
Member # Joined: 29 Dec 1999 Posts: 2078 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 12:30 am |
how can you say that America soley won the war..
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strata member
Member # Joined: 23 Jan 2001 Posts: 665 Location: stockholm, sweden
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 12:57 am |
In my experience Americans are pretty wrong informed about alot of things...
These comments are true:
-What are you talking about? America won the Vietnam war you dumbass!
-What moon do you have in Sweden?
-Sweden and Finland have polar bears walking around the streets and stuff right?
And of course all the misconceptions about america winning both world wars alone and so on.
Some americans are actually quite nice and unbiased, but those are few (in my experience)
I'm pretty happy that we have America tho... especially their DARPA thingy... imagine all the things we'd go without if it wasn't for them... plus they DO help the world alot...
My biggest 'wtf???' right now is that I heard that Bush is going to stop trying to establish peace in jerusalem, and is planning to go kill Saddam instead. Anyone know if this is true?
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? |
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Spitfire member
Member # Joined: 20 Mar 2000 Posts: 2009 Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 3:28 am |
Pff. Americans watch saving private ryan and think they won WWII. Bullshit, Shiz� is right, the russians are the ones that broke the nazi war machine with their utter refusal to give in. It�s amazing how strong the russian people were in their refusal to give in. Not afraid to burn their own cities down, not afraid to send their kids into the woods as partisans, i dont see America doing the same thing. Ever.
Americans simply dont know what it�s like to fight for your freedom, to them, war is a faraway thing you send your kids to to become heroes and "liberate" others. Look at Kosovo, all they did was bomb, bomb and bomb because that�s what you can sell to the people, not your kids dying for a cause they dont understand. If, for example, China was to attack America, they would be overrun and conquered in 2 months time. Why? because people that think smart bombs are warfare dont stand a chance against people that fight for ideals and believe in wht they do.
To America, war is business.
I am but a statue, impervious to love. |
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tayete member
Member # Joined: 03 Dec 2000 Posts: 656 Location: Madrid, Spain
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 9:06 am |
Hey hey, I think that we (the ones from out of USA) are acting the way we are criticing (sorry, but English is not my first language).
It is true that Americans have a *BIG BIG* lack of historical and geographical knowledge. Even the stupidest student from Spain knows that the USA have a capital called Washington, is divided in states, its form of Government, how they fought for freedom against England with the help of France, how the South fought the North, how the USA became a powerful country, and how bravely they fought in both WWs.
But even the stupidest student from Spain knows too where Australia is, where can Finland be found in the map, and that these last fought the russians at the WW2.
The questions a previous mate told are true, and I am really tired of hearing things like "How many bullfights do you participate in every year?" "Ah yes, a Spaniard, I have a friend that is from Puerto Rico" (yeah, it may have been a Spanish colony, but since a century ago it is no more), "Are you sure you, Spain, discovered America? I thought the Italians did (or the Irish, as someone asked me recently)"...my God! What do they teach at their schools? It is hard to believe I know that a special operation failed at Iran in 1979, under Carter�s govern, and no USA citizen knows what I am talking about...they do not even know who Jomeini was!!! (and I am not talking about the young ones only).
But it is true that USA did a big effort at the WW2 (their participation at the first one was just simbolic), and when the D-day happenned, Germany had lost the war.
We cannot forget that Japan was beaten by the USA (with the cooperation of England, Australia, NZ, etc...), and that they are a country that provides a market for the rest of the world. They are the ones who dedicate more money to investigation, and though their students are really under-educated (that�s what I�ve seen), they produce good specialists.
I cannot understand that you have to pay your own hospital, instead of paying it with your taxes as is used in Europe, but... |
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Frozen Consciousness member
Member # Joined: 24 Jan 2001 Posts: 91
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 9:16 am |
FaithInChaos - Oho... so you think having the capability of nuking anyone who bad-mouths you makes a good country? "Star Wars" (if it even works) will not just be allowed in America. Because of the balance of power. It'll go everywhere and for once we can feel safe from you war-mongering fools and start worrying about our REAL problems like 3rd World Debt, Fascism, Poverty and just about everything else.
Frozen mind, Frozen cause, Frozen Reality. |
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FaithInChaos member
Member # Joined: 27 Aug 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 10:20 am |
i never said it would make it a "good" country. but having the capability to use their nukes, will make it a powerfull country. no country so far has had the means of launching their nukes, doing so would sign away on their own destruction.
i feel having the ability to protect ones self against weapons of mass-destruction is a huge source of power and control.
if america will be the first to have a star wars like system, do you really believe they will allow other countries to develop their own? if a country decided to make a star wars like system, america could nuke them if nothing else prevented them constructing one.. america even today without the nukes plays the world like a puppet show; in the middle east- by keeping suddam in power, and slapping him on the wrist everytime he has a temper tantrum. the united states is in violation of countless global regulations, deals, and treaties but nothing is ever done about it, because fuck they are the usa. there is no balance of power... america makes the money, so america has the power; take the untited nations deal. our country shells out more money than anyother country,
and yet they have the same amount of power as the smallest country that doesnt hawk up shit when it comes to dues. how long do you think thats going to continue? i doubt it will be long till the u.s. owns the united nations. people here believe they deserve more control and power over the u.n. because they pay more, and i cant quite disagree cause in our world money does equal power.
i dont see how you can actually believe there is a balance of power, or that the u.s.a. would even work torwards such a goal. well as long as they are the ones on top, anyways...
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edible snowman member
Member # Joined: 12 Sep 2000 Posts: 998
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 10:54 am |
I just hate our education system because it always focuses solely on america. I feel gaps in my knowlege of other countries because we have never talked about them. Our maps have a big picture of the United States in the middle, with the all the other countries clustered on the sides. I took a world history class in hopes of learning more about it, but my teacher is seriously retarded and over pc. She always talks about the impact of women on history whether or not there was one, just because she is interested in it. She explained how america was the knight in shining armor in WWI and WWII. And while i think america was definately a contributing factor to winning both those wars, our own historians make us sound more important than we are. My favorite idiots are the ones that don't know what they're talking about, but still try to impose their opinions on other people, what about you guys? |
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Frozen Consciousness member
Member # Joined: 24 Jan 2001 Posts: 91
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 11:00 am |
FaithInChoas- I'd hate to let this turn into a personal flame war... but let's get this out of the way shall we.
You have just managed to prove conclusivly that your entire country is a populated by stupid, pig-headed bastards who are so far up thier own arses they can see thier own tonsils. (I appologise to anyone in America who isn't a Xenophobic, Capitalist, World-killing Psycho-Maniac. You're not that bad)
Without the rest of the world the ingenius "Capitalism" just wouldn't work and America would choak on it's own vomit.
There is always a Balance of Power because America is not the Be-all-and-end-all
Sorry Snowman- You posted while I was writing this.
Frozen mind, Frozen cause, Frozen Reality.
[This message has been edited by Frozen Consciousness (edited February 13, 2001).] |
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Lukias Guest
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Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 1:35 pm |
Uncle fuckers!
you will win all wars because you have bombs, lots of them. There is hardly any need for ground troupes when you can blow shit up!.
Vietnam...haha. My father reckons you guys were pretty much as you were portraid in TV such as 'Tour of duty'. Loud and cocky, thats why you all DIED!!!!!.
But seriously, he and his vet buddies wern't very fond of the loud mouth yanks who sang songs while walking through the jungle........BANG BANG Charlie kill you dead.
I have nothing against yanks though, we are all the same on the inside, can't we just hold hands and dance in circles?. |
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FaithInChaos member
Member # Joined: 27 Aug 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 4:41 pm |
im not trying to get into any flame scuffle.
i like the u.s.a. and its citizens as much as any other country and its inhabitants.
but you should realise that, the usa has a trigger happy president who now has the means to launch nuclear weapons of mass-destruction. the guy likes to kill, dont believe me? half of our nations executions last year were under his authority.
you may think people from the u.s.a. are loud and annoying, but that has nothing to do with anything. there is no way a country like new zealand could survive a one on one war with the u.s. they would sink the entire island before one bomb landed on american soil. |
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Ragnarok member
Member # Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 1085 Location: Navarra, Spain
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 10:48 pm |
Are you proud of that?
Of being capable of killing the whole world because of a stupid president?
Of having a president that likes killing whenever they are innocent?
What kind of person are you? |
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DirtyDigger member
Member # Joined: 09 Dec 2000 Posts: 115 Location: NutSac, California
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 10:54 pm |
Having lived in Japan for 2 years I can say this. You could hear us loud mouthed American fuckers coming from like 3 blocks away.
Arrogant? Hell yeah we are.
Stupid? Umm ONLY 90% of us.
Why are we like this and why did we get this way? Because we are capitalists. We capitalize on everything the first chance we get and don't care what the hell anyone else says. By doing this we have put ourselves in a position where noone else can REALLY tell us what to do. Whether this is a good thing who the hell knows. We do also do some good things (but only if we benefit in some way from it).
As far as China conquering the US in 2 months...haha I'd like to see them try and go through the south with Bubba and his 50 million sisters who are his wives and mother etc etc...
Most of us are stupid because they think the US IS the end all and be all of the world and don't go out and try to experience anything else that is so much 'less than what we are'. Why study something that is inferior to what you are?
*just a note: I am being sarcastic throughout most of this, I personally don't think this way, but unfortunately the majority of the US does*
"I Hear High Heels!" - DirtyDigger |
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dr . bang member
Member # Joined: 07 Apr 2000 Posts: 1245 Location: Den Haag, Holland
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 10:56 pm |
To what i know, if a genius live in India, he would sell glass bottle for a living. If he was to live in America, he would work for IBM, Microsoft...etc and make 200 k per year.
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Bradford Guest
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Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2001 11:03 pm |
[email protected]
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Giant Hamster member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 1782
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 12:04 am |
....not another one of these....
just drop it...no not the bomb...the subject. bolth views, american and non-american arent working.
plus, this has already lost focus even before the first post. your talking about the USA, not america.
*unenthusiastic(didnt think i could spell, did ya) blargh mode*
Now let me just settle the score here. We're all assholes, your're all assholes. lets be assholes and shit on eachother, wow what fun we will have.
Look. the USA isn't a bad place. the government here controls nearly everything we have, they even control your toilet. trust me on that one.
They control what we learn. I've had to go out and learn everything I know on my own because my school wouldn't teach it to me. they don't want to teach us, they hire people off the streets without credentials and slap an apple to their coat and call em a teacher. ive learned 400x more on my own and from my mother, who comes from holland and learned everything herself.
but that doesnt make it a bad place...yeah, the Schools are horrible, the food is spat in, the politicians are rampant and the shock value is high. sure, 60% of the people aren't too bright, but you cant blame them for it. If your so smart, why aren't you finding a "dumb american" and teaching them? why dont you make them listen? are you even trying? no? then silence yourself. shhhhh.
anways. i think everyone in the world has more issues than time magazine.
-JameZ the Giant Hamster-
The Hamster Alliance
AIM: Gianthmstr
Multimedia Producer/designer/all of the above.,overall guru :)...and music music music! weee!! |
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FaithInChaos member
Member # Joined: 27 Aug 2000 Posts: 183
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 12:35 am |
let me just say: respond to the statement and not the person
[[personally i dont like bush, i dont agree with bush, and i certainly didnt vote for bush. i believe murder and killing is wrong in every ethical and moral sense. war scares the shit out of me, i will have no part in it. this country i live in has no right to force me to fight, ask me to fight, let alone expect me to feel at ease with them killing and murdering other humans; this government is corupt and represents nothing i believe or support. i havnt corupted myself with their shit and i will continue to resist their shit no matter how much the 6% step all over my dick.]]
i was just posting what i know to be true or at least believe to be very possible.
which is combine a)nuclear weapons b)star wars program c)greed and d)current leadership...and you have makings of nuclear war
i am not proud of my country, for no other reason than my beliefe in nationalism being a pile of shit. i do not consider myself to be an "american," the fact that i was born in the u.s.a. means less to me than the fact that i was born in a hospital, in a room...in a bed. you might sit there and consider me to be a typical american, but i consider myself to be a fucking indavidual, a human being with the ability of free thought.
when people from other countries say they consider americans (from the u.s.) to be loud and obnoxious. it says more about their own intolerance and ignorance than it might say about any cultural differences between them. |
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Frozen Consciousness member
Member # Joined: 24 Jan 2001 Posts: 91
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 8:49 am |
Why don't we all buy an island...? All of us in the forum club together and buy a tropical island so we can get away from all this crap!
Frozen mind, Frozen cause, Frozen Reality. |
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elam member
Member # Joined: 27 Sep 2000 Posts: 456 Location: Motown
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 2:14 pm |
quote: Originally posted by Spitfire:
It�s amazing how strong the russian people were in their refusal to give in. Not afraid to burn their own cities down, not afraid to send their kids into the woods as partisans, i dont see America doing the same thing. Ever.
Americans simply dont know what it�s like to fight for your freedom,
And you do? What are you, 17? Did you fight in any wars? Dumbass. You don't "see America doing the same thing" cause your ignorant. Black Americans have fought and continue to fight for their freedoms. They've sacrificed as much as anyone.
The only enlightened person in this thread is....uh..edible snowman. See, your from Michigan. Home of a disproportionate number of white trash and The Nuge! Teenagers discussing world politics. Whata joke.
Shizo, methinks you got too many 0's. Wasn't it 2,500,000?
And in case you forgot, Americans invented the personal computer and the internet which is the purpose of this site and the reason your having this stupid ass conversation. So fuck ya'll.
I give the Europeans credit for one thing, Linux(and blender)! Well, two things. Wait. Syphilis. Three things.
"Name? Loc Dog. Age? 19. Sex? Hell yeah, nigga!"
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 3:00 pm |
WWII-- Russia kicked the Nazi ass when they tried to enter. The Nazis had no idea how to fight in the bitter Siberian winter. The Russians stayed in the cabins, drank vodka and hot cocoa, and generally shot them Nazis from the windows.
America came in after Japan bombed us. We built a nuke or two, tested them 100 miles south of here, decided they worked good, and attacked the Pacific. On the other side, we rushed in with our 30 year old subs and started fighting the U-Boats as best as we could. We blew up a lot of Nazi that year. We get to Britain, set up bases, send in reinforcements, and spread through Europe, first to France, then the other countries.
They were seesaw battles the whole way through. We weren't as successful as we were in the West, but we still kicked some ass.
We bombed Japan, killing 180,000 in two days. Suddenly, us rowdy stupid Sams were a huge force. Japan surrendered 5 days after, and the Nazis, already fairly-severely defeated by internal conflicts and the unrelenting Allied forces, decided that a nuke is too potentially risky, so they give up too.
America did not win the entire war, but we won the majority of it.
My signature is slightly better than yours. |
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Impaler member
Member # Joined: 02 Dec 1999 Posts: 1560 Location: Albuquerque.NewMexico.USA
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 3:07 pm |
And goddamnit. ANOTHER america-bashing thread?
Jesus Holy Christ.
It's like the skinny, pimple-faced kid picking on the fat, stupid kid.
and yes, you other countries are the skinny, pimple faced kid.
My signature is slightly better than yours. |
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Lukias Guest
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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 3:11 pm |
No where not.....I'm telling on you.
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 6:31 pm |
Elam and Impaler, im not gonna try to make you believe in the opposite of what your teachers have been feeding you. And yes, america - 500,000 russia - 250,000,000 lost in WW2. I hoped at least the numbers would make it obvious for you but they didn't.. |
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