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Author   Topic : "Am I in the right course?....Aussie's help"

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Joined: 17 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 7:25 pm     Reply with quote
I've applied for a course called Diploma of Multimedia, at a place called Swinburne tafe in Melbourne (Australia) i was only going to complete 1 year of this so i can move into Electronic design and Interactive Meadia. but I'm not sure if this is whats right for me.

I want to get into game design/animation or into other fields such as dsigning 3D modeling for movies and such.

As the change of Preference date is in 4 days i wanted to know if anyone had any ideas of a better course more suitable to what i wan't to do?

these are some of the subjects for diploma of Multimedia, and they dont really seem relevent:

-Computerised Bookkeeping for small business
-Financial record keeping and job costing
-Workplace health & safety
-Introduction to small buisness

but there are subjects such as:

-Digital imaging
-2D animation for multimedia
-Multimedia design

these are apealing.

Electronic design and interactive media, is what i wan't to eventually go into, but this first year of diploma of Mutimedia sounds like it's more to do with the technical side of things rather then design.

Are there any Ausies, such as Highfive, Shiro_tengu or maceface who have maybe done stuff like this and can guide me in the right direction. PLEEEEEEEEEASE
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 7:52 am     Reply with quote
Hey there, SWANY,
That's a really good question. It seems strange that TAFE is teaching "computerised book-keeping" and "workplace health and safety" as part of a Multimedia course. In Curtin University over here in Perth, it's all Photoshop classes, design lecturers and submitting HTML websites and Macromedia Director movies.
Then again, that makes a lot of sense because TAFE is excellent for teaching you how to actually start a business properly in favour of letting you go off and play with photoshop. I'd say the first year of that TAFE course is teaching you the boring administrative stuff first, while leaving most the creative units until 2nd and 3rd year.
I only studied a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design in Curtin University myself, as well as doing an Honours year in Computer Animation to satisfy a deep curiousity in 3D Studio Max. University will lecture you for hours about design theory and will ask you go out and learn the creative skills yourself (but will allow you to use damn good computers and the expensive software that's on them - like the latest versions of 3D Studio Max and Softimage), but it teaches very little in how to step out and start your business. I've heard some people say that the only good thing you get out of doing a three-year BA is the little sheet of paper that's recognised as a legitimate degree overseas.

TAFE, on the other hand, is cheaper that uni and actually teaches you all the skills you REALLY need to know, both business and creative. The graduate TAFE exhibitions I've seen have some really nice work, that's just as good as the uni students, but you can tell all the graduates had their shit together because the exhibition itself looks very professional, with demo-CD's, business cards, wine and finger-food being handed out. The only bad side of TAFE is that the software is a more limited than uni, using 3D packages like Lightwave, Cinema 4D or perhaps Animation Master. You won't see these packages under the recommended software knowledge section of most game job ads out there. But once you're fluent in learning one 3D package, learning the others becomes much easier.
Your folio is always the biggest asset in getting a job as a game artist, as it shows off your traditional art skills and your technical knowledge. A tertiary degree or diploma always looks good as well. I'd find out what subjects are in the 2nd and 3rd years of that TAFE course. If they go into something non-creative related like JAVA-programming, it's probably not what you want. The keyword is "design" so look for courses with that name.

Hope that hasn't drifted off your topic, SWANY
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 9:44 am     Reply with quote
I'll just say that I wish that I had some formal training on the business side...

I'll also say that if you want to do 3d work then DO NOT get sidetracked doing multimedia design. It's good stuff to know and it helps pay the bills because there's always work but if you're always doing multimedia...then you're not doing 3d.

Having said that I'll ruin it and say:
It's good to know both.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 5:50 pm     Reply with quote
Quick thoughts:
The business and financial aspects of your life are incredibly important. Get to know small business, management, and safety and health as well. Trust me, will make you much more well-rounded in the 'real world'.
Also, if the 2D animation is geared toward 2D traditional, and not a euphamism for Flash or some such, then go for that too.
Would stress courses or a program where:
you draw a lot, period.
You get a good intro to 2D design concepts.
Same for 3D: understanding how to really animate, not let the stupid program do it, whichever program(s) you use.
Animation, traditional by hand if you can get it, best digital animators are ass-kicking traditional ones too.
Photography or even film. Get to know shot types, lens types, composition, lighting, etc.

I know these may not correspond to a set program, so go off and make your own! and if you can't then get as much of this under your belt in a good and solid set of basics, not just as hobbies: you have to have the discipline to do this, and really find mentors, teachers, people who share what you want to do, and do it.

Good luck...!

[ December 21, 2001: Message edited by: Derek Smith ]
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 6:07 pm     Reply with quote
Hey thanx guys, I didn't explain myself very well in the first post, so here it is in simple terms

I want to get into Electronic design & Interactive Multimedia, but to get into that i have to do at least 1 year of an approved post VCE, art, design or media course.

So i have chosen Diploma of Multimedia and am going to drop out after 1 year and transfer into Electronic design...ect

These are the main subject for Electronic design...ect

Electronic Design & Interactive Media focuses on the use of electronic imaging, computer graphics and interactive multimedia for the communication of visual, graphic and design concepts. The course provides specialist training in computer generated art and design, in an integrated program of electronic design, electronic publishing, digital imaging, video art, interactive multimedia, animation, 3D modelling and electronic art.

now that sounds cool, But this first year of Multimedia doesn't sound like it prepares me for Electronic design...ect(I'm sick of typing that!), But maybee I'm just complaining. I can see that the stuff like Health and safty would be usefull, but they sort of outway the design aspects. Well its only 1 year!
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 11:08 pm     Reply with quote
Most of these Multimedia courses have been thrown together in a hurry the last few years (*cough*as our education languishes under the reign of neo-liberal fu%#%@*cough*)
If you really want to do animation and so forth you'd be better to do film and art courses. 3d software is only going to get easier to use. But you need to know what you're making with it. (and, yes that does matter for employment. I believe pixar for one hire according to things like acting and drawing ability I believe. 3d experience is down the list somewheres).
I too would say go somewhere like Curtin, but there's sure to be some place like it over east. Since you're at tafe you should pick courses according to prerequisites for the Unis (they'll have some feeder arrangement, they always do). Check with MU and MIT. They'll surely have some swanky cgi/movie/animation oriented things going on.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 8:48 am     Reply with quote
Interesting, I'm studying Diploma of Interactive Multimedia at TAFE here in Perth. It's odd that you have such concentrated modules regarding the business side of things. I did just finish a couple of Modules slightly relevant, 'Multimedia Project Management' was one of them, and it seemed to cover a wide range of important issues.
I'm a very practical person, so I prefer the practice over the theory, and so far it's been cool. I've learned a massive amount about Multimedia and added many new multimedia applications to my list of skills.
Like highfive said, practical skills are what TAFE seems to be all about (to a point). I don't know if your other modules are similar to mine but if you are looking for the skills then I'd suggest going ahead with it.
I'm not really qualified to give you any more advice than that based on my experience here (What little it is) but I assume there's at least minumum similarities between the two courses.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 5:04 pm     Reply with quote
Hey Unit I just found out that I can do Interactive Multimedia, It was hidden away in the tafe courses book, Interactive multimedia is a first year course that leads into Electronic design and interactive media, what I'm enrolled in at the momment is just plain and simply Multimedia, I hope I still have time to change!!!

Thanx for all your comments
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