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Topic : "Clay Model 2 Finished (Female)" |
[Optima] member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 58
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 8:46 pm |
I just finished my second clay model, first one was the gorilla posted a few weeks ago which got me a mark of 100% I dont have such high expectives of this one because it is not as good you can see for yourself.
What bugs me is that I had a time frame of two weeks which really puts a pain in creating art work. The detail of the face was the hardest to do because of the fact that it was extreamly small.. I still will be fixing some things.
You can find the in progress post here which was here about a week ago:
You will notice that the model is started to crack which is another pain in the a** .. because its so fragile...
Here are the pictures of the model:
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Matt Elder member
Member # Joined: 15 Jan 2000 Posts: 641 Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 9:23 pm |
Well I don't know a great deal about sculpting but this is looking kinda cool. The thing that bothers me is the right arm across the breasts. In the 3rd photo it looks fine but in the others (from different angles) it doesn't look right. Almost as if it is forced to be there.
See ya on da flip side
Matt |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 9:43 pm |
Yeah, yeah!
I'll be seeing you on da flip side Matt, say eh?
Chinese student do homework, AND they study real hard! |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 12:11 am |
you have a girl calendar?
what the hell are you, a hetero artist?!
sky high with a heartache of stone you never see me 'cos i'm always alone
[email protected] /
icq#35983387 |
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[Optima] member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 58
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 6:17 am |
I used the calendar for referance... I know that thearm looks very uncomfortable and am still plaining to work on that.. but its starting to crack on me and that will not happen. |
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[Shizo] member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 1999 Posts: 3938
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 10:49 am |
Optima, don't steal my brackets! Them [brackets] are a registered trademark of mine.
Chinese student do homework, AND they study real hard! |
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Tiger Eaten member
Member # Joined: 17 Nov 2000 Posts: 226 Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 10:58 am |
Looks really nice. I think I would have lost my mind keeping her non-folded arm together. You have some sort of support within it? Or are you just very, very careful? I particularly like her from behind. (insert crude joke here)
Which is to say that I think it shows the amount of care you put into your work, very smooth back transition to waist and then to the legs. Great job!
ROAR! CHOMP! MUNCH! (You've been tiger eaten!) |
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Brue Guest
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Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 11:04 am |
Her right shoulder looks a bit bendy. Well it isnt crisp like shoulders are. And her right arm as no really destinction. Like it needs an elbow cause right now i think it sorta looks like a clay snake wraped around her. I dunno. |
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egerie member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2000 Posts: 693 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 2:41 pm |
Looking nice optima !
I don't know if your frame has her attached to the ground but you may want to verify her point of balance (ref pic #1). Unless you're planning on making her lean on something
About the cracks. You may know this already but this is what I used to do when sculpting clay: Wrap the sculpture tightly (but not to squeeze or move the clay) with wet smooth cloth like a mummy and put a plastic bag on top of it all leaving as less air as possible in it.
To avoid any mold forming or if you don't plan on making penicilin cultures, I put a drop of bleach in my water. It has a little smell but it's always better than the stench of rot
Gotta keep that babe hydrated !
I really like the back view pic..
-ege |
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[Optima] member
Member # Joined: 08 May 2000 Posts: 58
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 3:28 pm |
[Shizo] : I never wanted to steal your brackets I tried getting just Optima but it was taken.. Please dont take me to court :-)
Tiger Eaten : Yes there is a wire backbone to her, the whole body was first done with metal wire and then put the clay on.. but it was still a pain in the a** .. thanks for the comments..
Brue: Your right about the shoulder but now I think its a little to late but I will see what I can do..
egerie: No that is it no leaning I did look at the frame of balance and didnt see anything wrong maybe you can explain what you mean.. I posted some more pictures to show you.. she is balancing on her right foot... at least she is suppose to...
Thanks for the clay wraping information, I used that technique when making her and that is how she stayed soft.. but the javex I did not hear about...
Right now I am leaving her to dry so I can transport her somehow to my class when its dry but I'm getting irritated because when clay dries it shrinks and everything is starting to crack after just 24 hours so I will have to fill in the cracks with more clay...Here are the latest pictures of what she looks like cracked
Got to love digital cameras.
Thanks again for all the ones to took the time to reply... I will be awaiting more criticism
[This message has been edited by [Optima] (edited November 20, 2000).] |
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egerie member
Member # Joined: 30 Jul 2000 Posts: 693 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 5:23 am |
I meant
But I'm just being picky.. It may just be the angle of the camera when you took the pic or somekind of perspective mumbojumbolia. All that to say I'd rather see your work with my own eyes !
One question ; why let your work dry ?.. ?
I know there's a type of clay that doesn't cracks if you don't want to empty your piece to avoid them. It's about the same price as red clay. I remember that lot of students in art class ran to get some because the cracking drove them crazy ehehehe
ok off to bed it's 8:21 am
Or maybe it was the therebentine vapors.... |
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Miconius junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 2000 Posts: 23 Location: Glen Ridge, NJ USA
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 8:43 am |
Hello Optima,
You have certainly have gotten a lot of feedback for your recent work, there. First I want to tip my hat to you for engaging in the 3D medium. It is a difficult task to master. For you are embarking on a journey which is plauged with trouble spotting from all 360 Degrees. What I am about to tell you may or may not want to hear, but I am going to share with you the same advise I was given when I first started sculpting seriously. When first being introduced to scuplting and and getting used to a 3D Medium you may not want to take on such an ambitious project to start with. there are to many factors that work against you! For one, you have a set idea of what your finished piece should look like. And that's just not good because you will scare yourself from being afraid of not making any mistakes! And art is like any other apect of life! And like it or not WE ALL make mistakes!!!!! So give yourself something a little less challenging to work on!!! Try doing more projects focused on specific parts of the body, this way you can study up with getting the anatomy!!! Just crank them out! they don't all have to be beauty queens!!! Just sculpt to learn! Don't worry about getting a perfect masterpeice!!! That will just hang you up on details, and your main focus right now should be on structure and form. All that other good stuff will come in time!!! Just keep at it!!! And don't worry if it isn't going the way you had planned!!!
Because your sculpture is not about the final destination, it's all for the journey of how you got there!!! |
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Miconius junior member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 2000 Posts: 23 Location: Glen Ridge, NJ USA
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2000 6:11 pm |
You and Das]-[ are brothers? I did not know that! |
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