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Topic : "Just many people draw and paint traditionally" |
u2art member
Member # Joined: 17 Nov 2000 Posts: 133 Location: FL, USA
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 9:49 pm |
I was just curious how many of you draw and paint traditionally on a regular basis, in order to enhance and supplement your digital art????
-Art |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 9:52 pm |
i hate pen and paper.
i hate ink.
i hate painting.
i hate crayons charcoal coal watercolor.
i did a painting once. it took a LONG time to finish. then the art teacher lost it.
i try to avoid pen and paper as much as possible.
but i can not draw either. or paint. digitally, that is.
i hate art. i hate design. tough, i can't do anything else.
that's my view on the subject.
'course there are a few weird psychos on this forum that like art and paint and draw and all that........... :|
sky high with a heartache of stone you never see me 'cos i'm always alone
[email protected] /
icq#35983387 |
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Matt Elder member
Member # Joined: 15 Jan 2000 Posts: 641 Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 10:00 pm |
For me I really like to draw in black and white, closely followed by inks. After this I like to do all the digi art type stuff. I guess I spend time on the digi art as this is an added level from pencil and paper and the images usually turn out a little more 'polished'. I think a friend said it best, drawing on pencil and paper is more "pure and honest" than having images massacred by PhotoShop (but in a good way).
See ya on da flip side
Matt |
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Guy member
Member # Joined: 29 Feb 2000 Posts: 602 Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 10:07 pm |
i think most of the people on here tend to draw with pencil and paper, then scan it in and colour it that way.. personaly i can not draw well with my tablet, just doesnt have the right feel. colouring is no problem |
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Mozeman member
Member # Joined: 07 May 2000 Posts: 217
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 10:13 pm |
I have no particular loyalty to pencil and paper, but for now they are the best tools for the job that we do. When easier ways of doing things come along, we try to adapt them. For example, all of our backgrounds are painted digitally. But the layouts are done on paper. Our animation is painted and composited digitally, but the drawings are done on paper.
Also, character design and storyboards are still paper and pencil.
It's a matter of practicality.
Moser Brothers Animation Forum |
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Matt Elder member
Member # Joined: 15 Jan 2000 Posts: 641 Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 10:26 pm |
yeah I think once they come up with an affordable LCD screen tablet (so you can see what you are doing by looking directly at the tablet) and have a way of miniching the 'randomness' of a pencil (rather than the consistently perfect pixel), pencil and paper might be under threat.
But I don't see pencil and paper disappearing until you can attach wires to your head that can scan the image you have in your mind directly onto a computer and allow you to edit it as desired.
See ya on da flip side
Matt |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 11:17 pm |
i dunno, provided you can draw a bit and know photoshop inside out, you can pretty much do what you want to do.
sadly it takes surprisingly alot of effort/skill/whatever to do so. i know *i* haven't reached it yet. BUT I WILL MUWHAHAHAHA I WILL RULE OVER THE WORLD EVNNEN MORE THEN BROOKE EMPYRE SHIELDZ!
er. sorry.
anyway. i think it's pretty interesting, i believe that the rule "if you want to draw something, draw it. if it didn't come out the way you wanted, you did it wrong." applies with Photoshop (provided you're an advanced user). people disagree with that.
i feed off of my computers, so my opinion is biased, but paper and pen is outdated. i think they are a limiting factor in "art" (or whatever..). it's much easier to learn to draw with computers than with pen and paper. note, i am making a difference between drawing with a computer and drawing with pen and paper. why be limited to one paper that wears out and breaks after so many eraser strokes and a pen that is only the little than it is while you can have the only two limits- technical software-individual skill and imagination?
this is the anti-artist speaking. i hold myself as an example, sincerely and honestly said, i am hopeless with pen and paper. and i can do at least half decent stuff with computers. if fred flick stone liked my self portrait drawing, i must have done SOMETHING right....
/ end pointless rambling that will not change the world.
sky high with a heartache of stone you never see me 'cos i'm always alone
[email protected] /
icq#35983387 |
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klaivu member
Member # Joined: 29 Jan 2000 Posts: 551 Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2000 11:42 pm |
I use traditional mediums more than digital ones .. trying to draw daily. Digital art is more flexible than anything, but i sort of like the danger of screwing up your work in traditional mediums. Anyway, i warmly recommend to get familiar with both methods. |
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Shadowman member
Member # Joined: 26 Oct 2000 Posts: 282 Location: Glen Ridge N.J. USA
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 12:30 am |
I just asked this same question about a week ago. |
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faustgfx member
Member # Joined: 15 Mar 2000 Posts: 4833 Location: unfortunately, very near you.
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 8:49 am |
and in one week from now it'll be asked again.
and again. and again.
it will not stop.
sky high with a heartache of stone you never see me 'cos i'm always alone
[email protected] /
icq#35983387 |
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RobT member
Member # Joined: 15 Oct 2000 Posts: 276 Location: Boston
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 11:58 am |
I draw everything with a pencil first then paint in Photoshop. Before I painted in Photoshop all my stuff was done in Prismacolor Pencils and acrylics.
Mindstorm Illustration |
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u2art member
Member # Joined: 17 Nov 2000 Posts: 133 Location: FL, USA
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 2:21 pm |
Sorry I just noticed that this has been posted before, but I am new...bad excuse I know...but hey we are getting different responses, and I am interested.
-Art |
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RobT member
Member # Joined: 15 Oct 2000 Posts: 276 Location: Boston
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 2:46 pm |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gecko:
<snip> Instead, computers tend to freeze and you might suddenly lose all stuff you worked hard on just because you forgot to save the progress.<snip>
Ouch. I had PS shutdown on me after working on an image 8 hours straight. I was almost done and I lost it. I have learned to save every 10 min or so since then.
Mindstorm Illustration
[This message has been edited by RobT (edited November 20, 2000).] |
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Darkmoon member
Member # Joined: 13 Jan 2000 Posts: 279 Location: Atlanta. GA.
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 3:32 pm |
hmm i sketch, colour... paint... everything with my wacom, unless i cant take it with me, then pencil and paper work too... i dunno i dont see the difference between sketching on the computer or sketching on paper... cept my head position.
i have painted, ... charcoal, conte... painted lead figures ...acrylics on my walls... hehe ill try anything... i probably would have tried alot more if i had gone to that art highschool, if they had accepted me... bastards... ill show them...
but yeah im mostly just painting in digital lately... less clean up i guess and cheaper...
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LordArioch member
Member # Joined: 14 Nov 2000 Posts: 173 Location: San Jose, CA USA
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2000 3:46 pm |
I love the control of pencil on paper... although I color almost exclusively with the Wacom (except for the odd real-media watercolor), I'm still not comfortable enough with the slippery surface to sketch with it. |
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Gecko member
Member # Joined: 07 Mar 2000 Posts: 876 Location: Finland
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 12:10 am |
I draw a lot on my free time. Pencils, ink, and some charcoal lately.
Bought some acrylics a couple of weeks ago and finished about 10 bigger paintings so far :).
Also paint a lot on computer but Photoshop is a bitch to sketch in compared to pen and paper. It's not like computers give ultimate freedom because the drawing surface doesn't wear out. That's happened maybe once in my lifetime.
Instead, computers tend to freeze and you might suddenly lose all stuff you worked hard on just because you forgot to save the progress.
Wacom and a couple hundred megs of RAM is not the heaven for all artists.
[email protected]
GeckoArt.Net |
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Lukias Guest
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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 12:23 am |
Pencil and pen, have painted using oils in the past, can't stand acrylics (cause they turn out exactly how they did when i was five).
Have just got PS (I know I know), though am thinking a tablet may really make it more enjoyable.
Curious: Do you guys create your pic on the tablet, just work it up or both? and how much time do you think it saves having one..........
Someone pretend their a salesman and try and sell me one. I need some insentive before I hand out the cash.
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Irulann member
Member # Joined: 20 Nov 2000 Posts: 66 Location: Dallas, TX
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 10:46 am |
I am mostly a traditional artist, I started with oil paint and charcoal/pastels, I'm still getting the hang of my tablet, so I'm to embarassed to post any of my digital stuff  |
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Anthony member
Member # Joined: 13 Apr 2000 Posts: 1577 Location: Winter Park, FLA
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 11:14 am |
I draw every day, in both pencil and marker(also pen), and sometimes I paint in water color.
Carpe Carpem |
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robotriot junior member
Member # Joined: 22 Oct 2000 Posts: 27 Location: Germany
Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2000 11:38 am |
i dunno how i could do this --> with photoshop - i like drawing with pencil more than digital, but painting with photoshop is cooler IMHO than on paper/canvas  |
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