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Author   Topic : "A new guy, a couple of comments and a pic, what a deal!"

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Joined: 02 Nov 2000
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Location: N.N. Virginia

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 11:26 am     Reply with quote
I would like to start by saying that I am not an artist. I have been in the U.S. Army for 14 years and will probably do a few more before it's over. However, I am also a father of two young boys and I can't tell all of you enough about how happy I am that people like Dhabih, Spooge Demon, Fred Flick Stone, Liquid!, Danny, Frost, Joachim, Micke and Pierre (who took such a thrashing but stood strong and turned his cheek when he was able to prove his worth)just to name a few are helping young men and women to follow their dreams and never give up. I would like to say Thank You from my boys because they will surely benefit from the future masters you are producing through your selfless efforts here.
My boys love to draw and I hope when they are older they are able to come to a site where professionals mix with novices and impart their wisdom of life's little experiences.
I have been coaching, teaching, and mentoring soldiers for many years and I can honestly say that all people really need is good role models and positive reinforcement to succeed.
Having said all of that here is my humble pic. I saw some Braveheart posts here the other day and they inspired me to try my own. I was going to color it but I don't know how and I'm not sure it is the kind to color. This is about my 10th drawing in 3 years (Hey, what can I say, I'm either busy or lazy I don't know which). Please, comments and crit's are more than welcome. I know the only thing Digital is the scanner and it's not even that good!

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Joined: 25 Mar 2000
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Location: Thousand Oaks, CA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 11:43 am     Reply with quote
Hey, welcome to the forums Your not an artist? I think your lying.. looks pretty damn good to me :P

I'll give a quick crit for what i see, his left ear looks pretty funky, and his eyebrows don't line up. Other then that, it looks damn fine to me. I can't tell wether it's your scanner or the picture but if it really is that light I'd darken it up some, highlights and shadows are our friends

Man, you definitely got the talent, why don't you draw that much? You should pick up a small sketch book and carry it around with you and sketch whenever you have a bit of free time, I dunno.. it's fun and stress releiving to me

Soo.. how old are you, or what is it you do in the army? you mentioned coaching soldiers? like one of them mean CO's? Anywho, take it easy


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 11:54 am     Reply with quote
I agree with Pyro, you're lying haha.

That really looks like Mel Gibson. Only someone who really has a good understanding of drawing and facial structure can produce a likeness. You did well.

One bit of wisdom I might impart is that realistic graphite drawings are kind of a layering process. Personally, I start with the lightest shadows and then slowly build up to the darker ones, saving the black for deep shadow areas like the corners of the mouth and pupils.

Keep at it until the line drawing dissappears. It's the difference in contrast between shadow and light that creates the lines we mentally impose on our subject.

Very good though, can't wait to see more stuff from you and your family.
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Fred Flick Stone

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 2:33 pm     Reply with quote
Fianchetto!-you say you are no artist, but I can say you have quite a hand and quite an eye. THere are some shapes in your image that are not quite right, but you placement and the other shapes you have placed in the image give a distinguishing resemblance to Mel in his Braveheart times. A beautiful image. It is quite calm, which sounds a bit contrasty to what you do for a living.

How old are your boys? I am glad to know that you are so open and receptive to their learning and their creative side. THis forum is actually quite an amazing place. I am rarely on these days because of the work load I have going on right now, but when I jump on here, I don't recognize but a few of the original forum memebers. THis place has exploded. I am very glad to see that this has become a source of inspiration. Wish I had this in my youth, but it is here now, and my part is giving back to those who need it. But I still learn just as much too. THis place is chalk full of valid info and generous people.

Thank you for your kind words also. It is quite rewarding to know that words aren't just written for no meaning. I would like to think that others are learning something from this stuff, as I am learning more about it as I write it. I have learned so much from this place in the last several months, I am glad for these stretches of opportunity, they are quite a blessing.
ANd did you say you fly Apache helicopters? I have some questions to ask you in your spare time if you wouldn't mind, sort of referencing helicopter jargon, lingo, etc. and trying to find a real life experience or two to attribute to my writing so my story has more validity from the pilots point of view. If you are allowed of course.
ANyhow, thank you for your comments,and hope to hear from you again. DOn't be a stranger to the forum with your art either, and enjoy...

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2000 3:20 pm     Reply with quote
Hi Fianchetto!

I have to agree with the others, only an artist can produce a drawing like that. You know, it reminds me of the drawings that the 16th century German artist Hans Holbein (the younger) produced. The lines (he often had clear lines in his drawings) witnessed of an experienced hand, very expressive yet very delicate and balanced. The shading was very subtle, reflecting the character of the lines. At a first glance one might think that the lines were too separated, but the more you look at his drawings, the more you see the elegant play between the shades and lines. Your drawing resemble much of his elegant techique. I wish I could draw like that, I am very sloppy at it.

Thanks for the warm words. Glad to have yet another talented artist to the boards. I agree with Fred that it is very nice to see that you are so supportive toward your youngster's dreams and goals. You can reach whatever goal you have as long as you believe in it, you believeing in your boy's goals also, will surely be another beacon of light for them.

Keep Posting!


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Location: N.N. Virginia

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 12:39 am     Reply with quote
Hey, Thanks for the nice comments. Well, I am a gracefull 32 and I work with Apache Helicopters. I am enroute to Virginia to be a Drill Sergeant (Yeah, fun times)...

-Capnpyro Yeah, your right the ear has got some issues and funny, but I never noticed the eyebrows but, your absolutley right. I'll have to pay more attention to that stuff on my next drawing. Yeah, I've been thinking of getting a sketchpad for walking about but the day is full and it's hard to make time. I guess I need to try.

-Skeezer Yeah I see what you mean, I think I kind of did what you said (sort of). It's a little hard I have never had any art classes at any level so I guess I draw what I think I see (make sense?). I can say that both portraits I have done are very light. The blacks are a dark grey and so the lights become almost white which when scanned get washed out. So, I definitley have to work on getting my stuff darker. I am going to concentrate next time and implement your idea.

Again, thanks for the crit's I appreciatte it.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2000 2:32 am     Reply with quote
-Fred Thanks for the comments. Yes I say that I am no artist. That is not to say that I don't wish that I were. I have read your posts before where you talk about shapes in pictures. I'm trying to see that kind of stuff but I'm not there yet.

Yes, I understand workload... but the true measure of a man is not in how long he spends engaging in useless drivel, but what he does with his valuable time and how much better people are after he's gone.

I think you are probably one of the top artists I have seen anywhere and I mean that. Unfortunatley I have no art experience so I don't know what Gouache is but your paintings on your site are outstanding.

My boys are 7 and a quickly approaching 4. I can't agree with you more in the fact that I wish I had this kind of information exchange when I was growing up. I will get my oldest a computer and Photoshop when I return from Kosovo and let him begin playing around with it.

No, I'm affraid that I've flown in, but do not fly the Apache. However, I have several hundred hours in other U.S. Army Rotary wing aircraft and have been with the Apache since the late 80's. So, I'm sure that I can answer any question you have and if not I'm positive I can find out (classification permitting of course). I have included my e-mail at the bottom of this message please feel free to use it at your convenience. Be advised however, I am moving from Europe to Virginia in a couple of months and will be without a computer for a bit.

-Pierre You're the man. It takes a strong person to do what you did, I'm very impressed by your form.

WOW! To be compared to an artist, I think we are stretching a bit but I appreciate the encouraging words.

Yes, I believe that support (among other things) is what people need, I am supportive of my children because they are an extension of me. I love art, so they love art, funny somethings really are "that simple". I have found that too many times people reach out for support and find that there is no one there. A good many of these outstanding artists are still teenagers and the support they receive from all of you can not be measured in words, but can be seen in their artwork. OBW, I thought you're Knight on Horseback was awesome!


[email protected]

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